Domino Theory said:The pistol's range is just outside of the AR's range and the accuracy for it blows really quickly (indicated by the reticule bloom). It also comes with a 2x zoom.
The DMR's range is significantly longer (think Sniper range), but with a slower rate of fire and the accuracy doesn't blow out as fast as the Pistol's. It also comes with a 3x zoom.
The pistol is HARDLY overpowered. It's now the perfect side-arm to use in combat. <3
Oh, ok, I must have missed some of those details. I guess that's the risk you take when you listen while you're putting together a pitch for an emarketing campaign
Ok, that sounds good. New question: At what range does the AR have an advantage over the pistol. Because if the pistol can beat the AR at any range within its max range, then doesnt that render the AR worthless?