Twilight Gap
|OT2| If you're not firth you're lath
|OT2| If you're not firth you're lath
Apparently 16 players wasn't working to the quality standardof the rest of the playlists, so they temporarily reduced it to
I've been getting into game for H2 and H3 relatively quickly (1-3 min waiting) constantly for the last 2 hour or so... yooo this is so GOOOOD! I forgot how fun H3 is, I'm gonna live in this game for the rest of the year.
Yeah they will get it going, Microsoft and 343 will be into this one... It's freaking halo, it'll be a priority.
As frustrating as it is now I anticipate it'll be sorted fairly swiftly and we will forget about these issues.
Not so sure about the PvP stuff though, played halo CE battle creek last night and it was very laggy.
|OT2| If you're not firth you're lath
Are you solo?
It seems to take long(er) when you're in a party. Think I played a total of 7 or 8 matches over the course of 24 hours.
Its abysmal.
Got one game, been waiting 30 minutes for another. Seriously 343?
So I've played parts of all 4 campaigns and I love everything about them.
I attempted H2a co-op legendary with my brother, but for some reason when one of us dies we restart at the last checkpoint. It's making it really hard to beat the part in the first level where you fight in the hangar with the pelican. Is this something new for legendary mode? When we played Halo 4, it took two of us to die to restart at the checkpoint. I hope its a glitch or something because legendary mode is going to be almost impossible to beat.
As for multiplayer, I've been sticking to Halo 3 and have had very few problems.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning PST, we plan to roll out a number of updates to help improve matchmaking. More details:
Finger cross this fix the busted MM.
you have a skull on, i forget which on it is.
Yeah they will get it going, Microsoft and 343 will be into this one... It's freaking halo, it'll be a priority.
As frustrating as it is now I anticipate it'll be sorted fairly swiftly and we will forget about these issues.
Not so sure about the PvP stuff though, played halo CE battle creek last night and it was very laggy.
Hopefully it works by the time you get it.
Tomorrow (Wednesday) morning PST, we plan to roll out a number of updates to help improve matchmaking. More details:
Finger cross this fix the busted MM.
you have a skull on, i forget which on it is.
Nope, Halo 2 does that by default on legendary co-op in it's original release, so H2A is going to be the same way
In Halo 2:A if you're not firth, your lath!
Yeah, it was my biggest problem with Halo 2 back in the day, really annoyed it wasn't changed.Oh your shitting me. We couldn't get halfway through the first level and we already had enough.
Nope, Halo 2 does that by default on legendary co-op in it's original release, so H2A is going to be the same way
They released a server side update a day ago. Not confident this will bring much improvement. There is enough servers. The problem is the game is riddled with bugs and weird software issues. A patch is needed and looks like there targeting this weekend.
I'm curious how you reached this conclusion
Tomorrow morning (Wednesday morning Pacific Time) we plan to roll out a number of server updates to help improve matchmaking. Again, these are server-side fixes, so you won't need to take a content update or reboot your console; you should see the effects right away.
In addition, we are targeting another release for this weekend, which will address a number of other community priorities.
Are you already in the campaign?So a friend and I could never join each other's game session to play the campaigns. Is that a common issue? I've see people talk about issues with the matchmaking and MP stuff, but not the campaigns. Like whether I would invite him or he would invite me, we didn't show up in each other's game.
I'm curious how you reached this conclusion
In addition, we are targeting another release for this weekend, which will address a number of other community priorities. An unrelated issue with services is also causing achievements to not unlock correctly, and we realize this just makes it all feel a bit worse.
I'm curious how you reached this conclusion
So a friend and I could never join each other's game session to play the campaigns. Is that a common issue? I've see people talk about issues with the matchmaking and MP stuff, but not the campaigns. Like whether I would invite him or he would invite me, we didn't show up in each other's game.
Read the update. There targeting "another release to address issues this weekend". They already have done 2 server upgrades. Waiting an hour or 30 minutes for a match is software related in this case.
Just woke up... It's still broken isn't it?
I still have this sealed on my desk. Should I return it to Amazon, and try again in a couple of months?
Yes. They are doing a series of server updates and a patch this weekend to try to help.
Nah not joking. The system is aesthically unpleasing to look at, the user interface is confusing as hell, I have had nothing but bad luck with the party chat and invites, install times are ridiculous, double A batteries in 2014???
I know this is all personal opinion and your Driveclub comment is true too and there's no excuse for that, but I am not impressed with this console so far. Shit even the mic is going out on me and I haven't had the thing for more than 24 hours.
I do however love the SHIT out of Halo and Gears. Only reason I shelled out 350 for one game. And I'm gonna stick it through till they bring back the trilogy to its rightful spot. But man, bad first impressions.
Just woke up... It's still broken isn't it?
I still have this sealed on my desk. Should I return it to Amazon, and try again in a couple of months?