Mr. Enigma
Taking a vacation day from work for this Tuesday.
Hell yeah!
What the.....
Was she tripping on acid or meth or something?
We're down the rabbit hole people.
Was pretty sure. Your avatar was like seeing a 2 legged horse.
On topic, I am too pumped to head to bed right now. I have been lurking a lot, but haven't read through all the pages. Any general idea on how long the physical install is?
So tomorrow I will embark on the halo adventure for the first time, I am incredibly excited.
I am rather confused about all this skull talk though, what are they? My understanding is they are collectibles which you can activate to make the game harder/easier depending on the skull? Can you collect them and not activate them so that achievements aren't affected?
Skulls are game modifiers. Basically they change a small aspect of the game in some way. For example, one removes your HUD entirely, another makes it so when you kill a certain enemy (grunt) with a headshot they explode into confetti. There's a bunch of them and their effects vary wildly. The ones which make the game more difficult usually have a score multiplier attached to them. Scoring is an optional mode in campaign where you get points for kills, headshots, sticks etc.
In the older Halos (2 and 3 I believe) you could find these skulls lying around the levels and if you picked them up you unlocked whatever modifier was attached to that skull. In the MCC I think they're all unlocked from the start.
She's tripping on Doritos-Flavored Mountain Dew.
Is there anybody on the east coast who wants to run through all four campaigns (on Normal, not Legendary) at the release mark? I'm getting physical so I won't have MP access for a long while.
Just PM me. Might not reply until tomorrow though. I'll probably pull an all-nighter like I did GTA V.
UK Gaf - anyone's shopto order turned up today?
You can't play online co-op without downloading the update IIRC. As I understand it any and all online multiplayer (whether pvp or coop) is part of the update. So unless you have someone nearby who can play split-screen, you'll be lone wolfing it till the patch downloads.
Unless I'm wrong and this was a misunderstanding when they were talking about the update being for multiplayer. Maybe it's PvP only.
(Theater mode is back baby! So far my understanding is that it's limited to Halo 3 and MP games)
Please someone say they got it today from shopto.
Give me hope the postman will turn up with mine.
Become Scarface.Couple more days. :'( Saving money has never been this hard.
Become Scarface.
P.S. Don't get high on your own supply.
This is why I miss small mom and pop shops, they don't give a crap about that. Shame all the good ones near to me closedMeh, made sure to call the store where I was supposed to pick it up, and even though their website says it's available they can't sell it yet. Since tomorrow's a public holiday, they can only sell it on Wednesday too, so might as well wait for my copy to arrive in the mail and cancel this pre-order now.
I'd completely forgotten I had that pre-order still going.
This is my dilemma. Plus I'm still playing Sunset Overdrive. I don't have time for three games.
my work colleague called in sick.
I am so worried as I have the rest of the week booked off....
Wow, first the thing with the disabled achievements with Bandana skull on, now this. You're just laying all the bad news on me tonight aren't you?
Seriously though, that's really unfortunate. I'll have to confirm this later with someone who has the game though just to be sure.
Skulls can either be scoring or non-scoring. Non-scoring skulls can either be neutral, such as GBP, or in cases of cheat-like skulls (aka Bandanna, Scarab), have a score multiplier of zero. Zero multiplier skulls like Scarab disable achievements
Ok that is just vile. Forget gamer fuel, that right there is vomit in a cup.
Any sane person that can stomach DRINKING Doritos... I don't even... I can't.
28 more hours to unlock? Oh, and how you all are going to approach SP? For me, it's going to be 2, 4, 1, 3.
This is why I miss small mom and pop shops, they don't give a crap about that. Shame all the good ones near to me closed![]()
Mines from Shopto, but my postman is always late, about 3pm onwards usually. If I get my copy, I'll post in here.
Has the terrible co-op lag in CE Anniversary been fixed for the XB1 version? (on 360 host was fine, co-op partner had horrible lag)
Right now it's 12pm where I live, do I have to wait 12 hours till I can play my digital version of this game?
It's unlocked for me. I'm in!
Will be starting a stream soon.
Hope yours arrives mate, mine has literally just been posted through the letterbox!
Right now it's 12pm where I live, do I have to wait 12 hours till I can play my digital version of this game?
Bought it in the USA store btw, is that a factor?
And the game crashed on the stream for all 4 players in a custom game, apparently.
This was after the new update yesterday. Let's hope this issue is not anything major... but I've seen it before.
Has anyone heard about a release date for the Halo Channel?
I was wondering this as well. I've heard so little about it at this point. I thought everything launched at the exact same time MCC launches.
Damn it, my friend was right (bought it from the Japan store).It unlocks based on the time in the region from whose marketplace you purchased it.
So since you bought it on the US marketplace, it will not unlock for another 18 hours for you (aka Midnight Easter Time in the states).
I live in the US but bought the Hong Kong version, which unlocks in about 5 hours from now IIRC.
I was wondering this as well. I've heard so little about it at this point. I thought everything launched at the exact same time MCC launches.