Is Firefight missing from this collection?
EDIT: already answered. disregard!
Is Firefight missing from this collection?
That's the default behaviour of the Halo 2 campaign on legendary. It would be nice if they had a skull that disabled this for Halo 2. At least it would be a lot better for people trying to play with less skilled players on the legendary difficulty.
They just disable the achievements related to scoring.Is there a guide that shows which skulls disable achievements? I want to use some skulls and just need to know which ones disable what.
Halo The Master Chief Collection |OT| Halo Never Died, It's Just Missing In Action
They just disable the achievements related to scoring.
They just disable the achievements related to scoring.
My buzz on this game has been totally killed at this point. If MP was fully functional at launch I would have logged countless hours into all of the MPs, but now with FC4 and DA:I having dropped I don't feel much desire to go back to this game until its totally fixed.
The campaigns, at least the Halo 2 Anniversary campaign, doesn't even save checkpoints, I've had to totally restart a few levels. Playing the campaigns isn't even fully functional.
I guess I'll come back to this once the patches are out, but honestly I'm not sure. We will have Halo 5 beta in December, and all of the November games to play. Sigh.
Has it been brought up that the Phantom is flying backwards?
Check if you have the iron skull activated.
Honestly, I prefer a couple of days of a delay that actually fix the problem, than get it now and see that matchmaking is still broken... that would just torn appart any hope that I have for a fix.
That said, they better fix it. Thats a lot more important then some days of delay... Fix the issue is extremely necessary.
Has it been brought up that the Phantom is flying backwards?
Problem is I doubt the patch will fix all the problems the game has, lets face it they put out an unfinished product and people who bought it are rightly annoyed about that.
Check if you have the iron skull activated.
Skip to around 52 minutes. I watched it. Looked fine/normal.
Problem is I doubt the patch will fix all the problems the game has, lets face it they put out an unfinished product and people who bought it are rightly annoyed about that.
Patch is delayed. I tried once and couldn't get a match. Seems about the same.Hey how's it looking today? I was planning on getting on after work if it's improved at all since Saturday.
Do they disable the achievement for beating the game on legendary? ex. if I were to use the scarab gun for Halo 2, would it disable the legendary achievement?
That's what I'd like to know as well.
Play it at 0,25x speed. It's definitely flying backwards.
Not that it's game-breaking or anything, it's funny. :lol
Skulls with x0 multipliers like Envy and the Scarab skulls disable all progression related achievements, including campaign difficulty completion. You can earn other achievements though I think. Only the 1x multiplier non-scoring skulls can be used.
Whaaa, I've heard otherwise. Which is a bummer because HaloCEA didn't have these restrictions. :/Skulls with x0 multipliers like Envy and the Scarab skulls disable all progression related achievements, including campaign difficulty completion. You can earn other achievements though I think. Only the 1x multiplier non-scoring skulls can be used.
yea so the patch delay pushed me over the edge.
just got my refund. i'll buy again when it's on sale
I was still not able to get into one mp game. single player was a torture. played halo 3 and master chief just exploded two times in a row without reason.
I was so happy to buy the game in a week/time like this (my stepmother is in the hospital because they found cancer) where I just want to get my mind of everything and play halo, a franchise that helped me through other hard times..
that really sucks. maybe some of you do not understand that, but halo as a franchise is important to me.
Nothing ridiculous about them at all. Everybody runs out of patience at some point, even you. That exact point is different for different people.These posts are just ridiculous. Not even sure if it is trolling or not. How does an extra day push you over the edge?
These posts are just ridiculous. Not even sure if it is trolling or not. How does an extra day push you over the edge?
Nothing ridiculous about them at all. Everybody runs out of patience at some point, even you. That exact point is different for different people.
Lol. No...I get the impression that the delay on this patch is mostly a means for Microsoft to try and keep some of their cash. Think about it, if the patch is released and it doesn't offer an amicable fix, people might come in numbers looking for a refund. If they delay the patch as a precaution, they can tell people to fuck off when they come looking for their money back, arguing that too much time has elapsed.
I get the impression that the delay on this patch is mostly a means for Microsoft to try and keep some of their cash. Think about it, if the patch is released and it doesn't offer an amicable fix, people might come in numbers looking for a refund. If they delay the patch as a precaution, they can tell people to fuck off when they come looking for their money back, arguing that too much time has elapsed.
Refusing refunds for a broken game would push customers away from digital xbone purchases and possibly send customers to Sony. Cost benefit wouldn't seem to make it worth it IMO.I get the impression that the delay on this patch is mostly a means for Microsoft to try and keep some of their cash. Think about it, if the patch is released and it doesn't offer an amicable fix, people might come in numbers looking for a refund. If they delay the patch as a precaution, they can tell people to fuck off when they come looking for their money back, arguing that too much time has elapsed.
As much as its frustrating, its better to get as much as they can into one update rather than spread it out which takes longer due to certification etc
"later in the week" also means "if we pass cert"
They won't tell us whats in the patch and we don't know if it'll even work.
The responsibility is on the dev to keep users. If people want a refund they should be more than entitled to one.