ohboyohboyohboyohboy, Hannibal T-Shirt Thursdays ramping [back] up, can't wait. Snuck up on me, guess that's apropos.
Great TV can come from anywhere. However, as weve already seen this week through UnREAL and Mr. Robot, there are some sources its more expected from than others, and its through this prism how many view NBCs Hannibal. The world at large (at least in regard to those that watch it based on the current ratings) seems to be in agreement that Hannibal is great television despite calling NBC home, and the reasons for this are rather clear. Hannibal is interesting, dynamic, complex and, most of all, bold. Heading into season three, its that last quality that can best describe the first three new episodes of 2015 for they are indeed the boldest pieces of storytelling the show has produced in its time since beginning in 2013.
Hannibal is in the prime of its creativity, and that statement comes through no clearer than it does this season. Nothing about the show feels cheap, and every new reveal is completely earned. Often, the show goes to places that take the audience right to the brink of their expectation before shattering their assumptions into more pieces than the psychopaths tea glass. If anyone was waiting for Hannibal to be let off the leash NBC may or may not have had it on, the wait is over. Season three is a Hannibal unhinged. Season three is the Hannibal everyone has been waiting to see.
"Season three is the Hannibal everyone has been waiting to see."
But you know what's great, is the return of Lecterings!
If anyone was waiting for Hannibal to be let off the leash NBC may or may not have had it on, the wait is over. Season three is a Hannibal unhinged. Season three is the Hannibal everyone has been waiting to see.
Edit: From the review.
Somebody hold me.
Ugh tumblr would it be so hard to make that one gif or just 4 static images? Anyway more moreBut you know what's great, is the return of Lecterings!
Is this season getting an iTunes subscription? Hulu?
Ugh tumblr would it be so hard to make that one gif or just 4 static images? Anyway more more
I like that (Season 3 spoilers)Kacey Rohl is back as WIll's hallucinations, at least that's the most likely outcome
embrace the HannigramHannibal is the best series about male bonding and friendship ever.
Hannibal is the best series about male bonding and friendship ever.
Hannibal is in the prime of its creativity, and that statement comes through no clearer than it does this season. Nothing about the show feels cheap, and every new reveal is completely earned. Often, the show goes to places that take the audience right to the brink of their expectation before shattering their assumptions into more pieces than the psychopath’s tea glass. If anyone was waiting for Hannibal to be let off the leash NBC may or may not have had it on, the wait is over. Season three is a Hannibal unhinged. Season three is the Hannibal everyone has been waiting to see.
yooooooooooooOften, the episode switches from a 16:9 to 2:21 aspect ratio and shifts in color palette at times to signify specific narrative tools are being used. Just on a purely visual level, the premiere episode is, quite possibly, the most avant-garde hour of small screen media to ever exist.
- EW Review.As much as Hannibals second season worked to redefine the narrative season three elevates it in pretty much every way possible. Its a revelation for the character, plot progression, and visual insanity. It firmly re-establishes Hannibal as the best horror show on television, and simply cannot be missed.
Now in its third season, Hannibal remains the most engrossing (and gross) serial-killer drama on television, and the most beautiful. Here, the acid never stops kicking in.
I love it as is. Right amount of impact!
13 more weeks of dreading that this isnt renewed
The moment NBC drops the show is the moment a volcanic bidding war erupts among the cable and streaming giants.13 more weeks of dreading that this isnt renewed
The moment NBC drops the show is the moment a volcanic bidding war erupts among the cable and streaming giants.
Which is to say, it's probably never going to be canceled - it's minimal risk to NBC because of its unique production structure, and unlike miscellany like Constantine, the franchise itself actually carries some weight (even if the ratings haven't borne that out yet).