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Hannibal S3 |OT| Man Destroys God. Hannibal Eats Man. Hannibal Inherits The Earth.


I'd be happy with a movie over nothing, but I'd prefer more actual seasons -- even if we have to wait a few years for them.

Maybe an Arrested Development style resurrection after things completely settle in the future. It wouldn't be bad for the story, honestly (older Hannibal, plenty of time to work out SOTL rights, etc.). And they only really need Mads and possibly Hugh, who both seem like they'll always be enthusiastic.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
The blu balls when this show ends for now... I... I don't know what I'll do. How will I fill this Hannibal sized hole in my heart?


Damn near perfect episode, Joe Anderson's portrayal as Verger has definitely passed Pitt's in my eyes.

I thinking I've turned into a shipper or whatever they are called cause I was expecting Hannibal and Will to kiss when they were in the art gallery.


Oh yeah. Chiyoh is a terrible character and I have no clue what her role is in this or why she was even needed.

Also it's Chiyoh and not Chiyo? Odd that.
Just caught up. Um, so how did they end up back at Verger's place, how is Will not dead, why is Will in Verger's place and what the fuck are Chiyoh's motives and finally what drug did Bedelia take?


My only two issues with S3 so far is that Will has turned into some kind of impossible-to-care-for zombie (prior to this last episode; he turned into a completely different, and more likeable person, in ep. 6) and Chiyoh is totally pointless and makes no sense as a character. Like, I have no idea what she wants or why.

But other than that, I've been enjoying the Hannibal, Jack, and Verger sides of things.


Just caught up. Um, so how did they end up back at Verger's place, how is Will not dead, why is Will in Verger's place and what the fuck are Chiyoh's motives and finally what drug did Bedelia take?

I'm guessing they'll explain how gap next episode.
Will is survived because of reasons. Maybe Hannibal has the exact surgical precision with a bonesaw to prevent him from bleeding while being upside down and survive a trip across the Atlantic because he's magic.
Will also let Hannibal free when he was tied up, ready to be eaten by the pigs. He's partly to blame for his face.
I could have read the scene wrong, I honestly have a hard time making out what they say when they are speaking in the stilted whispers but Chiyoh said she wants to cage Hannibal and Will was about to kill him.
Jack says in the episode that, Bedelia is taking the same drug that Hannibal used on Miriam. She's trying to give herself an out, that Hannibal drugged/brainwashed her instead of being a willing accomplice.


Joe Anderson is killing it. Every scene with him is gold.

I think just as impressive is how well they handled the actor transition; I knew about the casting change but I think if I didn't it might have been a long time until I'd have noticed it.


I think just as impressive is how well they handled the actor transition; I knew about the casting change but I think if I didn't it might have been a long time until I'd have noticed it.
Completely agreed. I was nervous about the casting change but it worked out beautifully.


I think just as impressive is how well they handled the actor transition; I knew about the casting change but I think if I didn't it might have been a long time until I'd have noticed it.
Yeah, the Mason Verger re-casting is one of the best I've seen. Had I not known it beforehand I may not have suspected it. Like I said, they had the best opportunity to do it with how things ended up last season with Mason being mutilated, so any inconsistencies in both the physical appearance and the voice can be set aside as due to that and it'd make sense.

Sure I will always be curious how Michael Pitt would have continued his part in his own way, but Joe Anderson is definitely a great successor, even if he's drawn upon great inspiration from both Pitt and Oldman for the role.

This looks incredible, but I'm really worried it's going to be rushed and the ending won't be satisfying at all. We've only 7 episode left and at least one or two of those will be focused on Verger.

They wasted too many episodes in Italy, should have wrapped both Italy and Verger in three/four episodes max. Shouldn't have taken seven/eight episodes by any stretch of the imagination.
This looks incredible, but I'm really worried it's going to be rushed and the ending won't be satisfying at all. We've only 7 episode left and at least one or two of those will be focused on Verger.

They wasted too many episodes in Italy, should have wrapped both Italy and Verger in three/four episodes max. Shouldn't have taken seven/eight episodes by any stretch of the imagination.

I agree. I think the original seven season plan, or a shorter six season plan is what the show should have stuck to, even if it meant that we wouldn't get an adaptation of all of the material.

Season 1 as what we got.
Season 2 as what we got with the exception that at the end, Hannibal gets caught in the carnage.
Season 3 as the Red Dragon.
Season 4 as The Silence of the Lambs
Season 5 as what the first half of season 3 has been so far except stretched out over a longer time period adapting Hannibal to a degree.
Season 6 as a conclusion to the show.

Alternatively, they should have kept it as:
Season 1 as what we got.
Season 2 as what we got.
Season 3 as what we have been getting so far except a full-season's worth. This provides a greater leniency to be more relaxed and manage the pace better.
Season 4 as Red Dragon.
Season 5 as The Silence of the Lambs.
Season 6 as a unique ending to the show.

In the current state (spoilers for this season's structure)
having Hannibal on the run, and Red Dragon, in the exact same season simply does not work with the standard of pacing that the show has utilised to date, both in previous seasons, and in season 3. There has been very little momentum the entire season, and while it's the show taking on a new form, in many respects, it's something that could have been easily resolved by taking this half of the season and having it be an entire season. Likewise, Mason and the Italy arc are going to be resolved in the next episode, with Red Dragon being a six part miniseries, and I'm almost certain that it's going to have great difficulty gaining momentum while still avoiding the sensation that it's being rushed. A season of Hannibal in Italy, and a season of Red Dragon is the structure that seem as if they would have most benefited both arcs. While I've no doubt Red Dragon will be fantastic, there seems to me as if there's an entire season's worth of content and I'm very concerned at the pacing.

Honestly, they kind of tripped themselves up with the season two final, magnificent though it was. After that, there was no possible scenario in which they could avoid dealing with the consequences of what had happened, and it had to be done in a substantial way. Simultaneously, however, the show's fate seemed to be on the wall. We were incredibly lucky to get a third season, and a fourth even before the ratings' decline, was beyond reason. Fuller's love of the series has always seemed to lie in Red Dragon, and he wanted to adapt that before the show's end, necessitating that either it be done in the third season, or most likely not at all. That leaves him in a tricky position. He can't go straight to Red Dragon after the season two final, as that's a gigantic cheat and avoids the consequences of season two, but he can't abandon it for the entire season or he loses the opportunity to tackle it, resulting in the choice to have both stories in the same season. Personally, I don't think it was of benefit to the show to take this structure. It worked in the second season to have a split, but that was only because of the insanity which was occurring, and how the show's narrative momentum began to spiral out of control. Season 3 was a story which required a much more relaxed and measured pace that gradually picked up until its conclusion, and I don't think wrapping it up in another episode before any sort of momentum or tension was allowed to develop is to its benefit.


This looks incredible, but I'm really worried it's going to be rushed and the ending won't be satisfying at all. We've only 7 episode left and at least one or two of those will be focused on Verger.

They wasted too many episodes in Italy, should have wrapped both Italy and Verger in three/four episodes max. Shouldn't have taken seven/eight episodes by any stretch of the imagination.
One episode of current story left, then Red Dragon begins. They have almost three times the amount of time to adapt Red Dragon than either Manhunter or the Red Dragon movie, both of which managed to successfully tell the story in around two hours. Should be plenty of time.
The comic-con trailer looks absolutely incredible.

I'd give vital organs to see what Fuller could do with Silence of the Lambs if this were continuing and they could get the rights to Clarice.:(


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.

this is my dollars to donuts prediction:
the first episode will be all about Dolarhyde and him fully realizing what he is becoming and things will wrap right back around to the first episode of the series and then leave off with the first family murder (the Jacobis, which we will see the full murder take place in the next episode)

Insanely pumped for the back half. The red dragon was one of the first adult novels I read as a kid and was entranced by it completely.
Finally got it! Now time to frame and mount it!


I'm gonna put it side-by-side with my Mondo poster:

Wow, I've been gone all weekend and missed much of the "Hannibal sucks now" doom and gloom fun.

I get the criticism. The first four episodes too often indulge in themselves and their form, even at the expense of character. Chiyoh's storyline has been one of the weakest in a while--I'm still not completely sure what her motives are and I don't know if that's a good thing, when we already have several characters (Will, Bedelia) whose motives were already unclear.

I think Will, for the most part, has been handled...maybe not poorly, but I just don't get him or what he wants anymore (well, his reunion with Hannibal helped clear that up). Maybe it was just because he was paired with Chiyoh for too long, but they basically mirrored each other in some way and it hasn't been that successful.

And even though I they are visually beautiful, slow motion has been used too much, for even mundane tasks. Can't remember anything specific ATM, but I've thought "this is not having the effect they want" a few times this season.

The season premiere is fantastic (in fact, I think it's the most successful of the hyperstylized episodes this season) and this last episode was straight S2 quality.

But really, Season 1 had a lot of imperfections, too. That season has a handful of average/middling episodes, and even S2 had a "we're spinning our wheels here" section in the middle of the season.

I also don't think that "well, this is what Fuller wanted, so Season 4 would be like this and that's bad" holds water. Fuller's not an idiot. He has an ear to the ground of his fanbase and he knows that the season has started slow (he's even said as much, which makes me think he's not entirely happy with it, to a degree).

The last three episodes have gotten better in terms of actually progressing the plot a bit. I'm really looking forward to the next episode and can't wait for Red Dragon, which looks to be a step back on track.
I just watched the latest episode and have a couple of questions.
Why isn't Will Graham dead after Hannibal went to town on his skull/brain? How would Mason catch Hannibal and Will and transport them all the way back to the US with no suspicion being raised?

Sorry if they have already been answered. A lot to read through with all the Comic Con stuff.


I just watched the latest episode and have a couple of questions.
Why isn't Will Graham dead after Hannibal went to town on his skull/brain? How would Mason catch Hannibal and Will and transport them all the way back to the US with no suspicion being raised?

Sorry if they have already been answered. A lot to read through with all the Comic Con stuff.

He only cut will's head before he was presumably interrupted by whoever is working for Verger. And we don't know, that was the point of the sudden cut to them being captured. They'll probably explain that next episode. Or not, this show isnt exactly realistic.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
So that last episode sucked, just so many unexplained jumps.

Regarding the spoilers that have been posted.
I haven't watched the comic con video, does Red Dragon story start this season? The time jump that is about to take place...is that the start of it?


Season 2 premiere sucked. Why are Jack and Hannibal fighting?!

What's even worse is they somehow meet up again and do like the exact same fight in the last episode of that season. How lazy is that?

I'm getting close to drugging and force feeding a soupy mixture of parsley and thyme to some of the thread.


What's even worse is they somehow meet up again and do like the exact same fight in the last episode of that season. How lazy is that?
Not as lazy as Fuller constantly forgetting Abigail is dead and killing her off like three times. Dude needs an editor.


Chill guys... Jeez.


EDIT: Here's the Comic Con panel. EDIT 2: Doh, didn't even notice it was posted farther up the page already:
The full Hannibal Panel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dmi1ubZQtZo

Love those guys. And the fannibals.

Love this bit from Fuller on Red Dragon: "Will Graham is looking at Francis Dolarhyde as a version of Hannibal that he might be able to save, and Hannibal is looking at Francis Dolarhyde as a version of Will Graham that he could corrupt."

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
That Red Dragon preview actually gave me nightmares last night. Imagine a more gruesome version of the "do you see?" scene.
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