Hooooooooly shit. Wow out of no where. Damn what a way to start the day off, Ghostbusters is my favorite movie of all time, probably seen it well over 100 times. He and the other 3 guys are like my idols.
Well this sucks. If he had been in that bad of shape for the last few years he never would have been in GB 3 anyway. Murray not liking the script is one thing, but now that one of them is gone, no sale.
Wow, fuck . Ghostbusters, Groundhog Day, Caddyshack. All movies I watched with my dad growing up. Movies that helped shape my sense of humor for years to come. RIP.
If you read the original drafts of the Groundhog Day screenplay (by Danny Rubin) and compare them to what finally wound up onscreen (after several Ramis/Rubin rewrites), you can see just how amazing Ramis was. The original script was okay, but the final version is damn near perfect movie construction, at least to me.
Damn. If I listed my top movies of all time Harold Ramis would be responsible for more of them than any other person. His credits are amazing. Groundhog Day alone is God Tier.
I'll be forever thankful to Harold Ramis. The first time I ever got some serious action with a chick was when we were watching Bedazzled on her couch late at night (This was sometime in 2001). One thing lead to another and, well I'm sure you can figure out the rest. Thanks buddy and RIP.