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Has there ever been a good Terminator game?


In the right hands, it could be fucking awesome. Weren't some of the old Bethesda PC games supposed to have been good? The Robocop vs Terminator games for SNES and Genesis (they were different) were decent, but hardly great.

And is there any chance that T3 Redemption will actually turn out well?
The super old Terminator game from Bethesda was good, you played Kyle Reese. Then there was another one where you played a Master Chief wannabe fighting HKs and T-800s in the future. Bethesda did a decent job for the time. Since then, the only good Terminator game was T2: The Arcade Game.
DJ Demon J said:
The super old Terminator game from Bethesda was good, you played Kyle Reese. Then there was another one where you played a Master Chief wannabe fighting HKs and T-800s in the future. Bethesda did a decent job for the time. Since then, the only good Terminator game was T2: The Arcade Game.

Future Shock and SkyNET

SkyNET was pretty damn good for the time. It had vehicles and lots of weapons, a full 3D engine and a special filter and motion tracker for Terminator players. Most of the single player maps were very wide open and it really felt like you were exploring large areas.

The box art as badass too.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
I've had some fun with Terminator 2 and the Menacer light gun for the Genesis in two-player mode with a friend.



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