Certain stores have shut down or are only offering partial services, therefore certain things are getting harder to obtain and I'm not just talking about toilet paper, am I right fellow American panic buyers? 

My wife and I did order a piece of furniture that we'd been saving up for, a big new kitchen table with chairs. That was back in early March, though. I haven't been ordering games or doing any boredom-shopping. The table was the last big purchase. Do you have enough stuff in your house to keep your attention occupied, or have you splurged a bit on N O N - E S S E N T I A L S while locked inside?

My wife and I did order a piece of furniture that we'd been saving up for, a big new kitchen table with chairs. That was back in early March, though. I haven't been ordering games or doing any boredom-shopping. The table was the last big purchase. Do you have enough stuff in your house to keep your attention occupied, or have you splurged a bit on N O N - E S S E N T I A L S while locked inside?