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Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd |OT| I'll Miku-Miku GAF (For Reals)

Go back to normal, put your right hand (I'm under the assumption you're right handed) behind your back and play with only your left. Work your way up to basic hard with this. Then go back to normal with only alternating every note of every song. You'll pick it up much faster than you would expect.

When you do this, do you just have to deal with the misses you'll get on the arrows?


When you do this, do you just have to deal with the misses you'll get on the arrows?

I guess you can if you want, I think I may have come across as to litteral for my own good. My point is play every note you can with your non dominant hand so that you learn to use it efficiently.

I wish I could give some advice for streams but I think that just comes with practice.
So while we're waiting for the DLC rollout to start (next week!) an interesting question came up in the SEGA forum. I'll just repost the entirety of the question here just to get some more feedback going:

NullPointer said:
This is a topic I was having an internal discussion about just the other day so I want to pop in and get some feedback from you guys.

People say this game is harder. I'd like your opinions on WHY you think it's harder? Chart layout? Speed? The songs themselves? Mismatch between user skill base and the 'Miku market' (ie non-gamers buying a game that requires game skills)? From a game design point of view, we've made Help Items more flexible than ever, so while some manual work is necessary, the game can objectively be made easier than ever before. I'd love your opinions on what you personally think is happening here.

Radik said:
The Help items are also something that's easily forgotten by people, there are probably ways to make these more visible. For example: if the game notices you're failing on Easy, let it suggest Help items. And perhaps they could make them free on Easy mode.
This is an interesting proposal. Do you think that is the issue? People just don't know about Help Items? I seem to get the impression is that people don't want to feel like they are being helped so they opt to not use them. On the same front, for experienced users wanting to skip normal, I think the design intent is that those players are supposed to be stacking on those Challenge Items to level up those easier songs, and give them a DP payout as well.

So from a design perspective, the intent is that all the issues are being accounted for, but I still seems to me like the users don't feel like they are being serviced so I want to understand why that is.

Hit me guys!


I'll have to try that then thanks.

Turns out the "get at least one Extreme clear" song is Packaged. The victory actually seems really hollow though since it's a piece of piss lol


edit: holy shit, i was so close to getting my first perfect on that as well. the pain.
GO FOR IT!!! Seriously, Packaged EX has a whopping 5 more notes to hit than Hard, and 20 more than Normal or something. The charting for that song is super wack.

So while we're waiting for the DLC rollout to start (next week!) an interesting question came up in the SEGA forum. I'll just repost the entirety of the question here just to get some more feedback going:
I'll preface this by saying the difficulty change only applies to Normal (I don't think Hard or Extreme are any more difficult than they were in Project Diva F). With that said, I think the difficulty bump comes from a few things:

  • Rhythm sequences are more difficult. In PDF, most of the Normal charts stuck to the beat of the song, whereas the charting for Normal charts in PDF2 can introduce some more involved rhythms.
  • Denser charts. Kagerou Days N has what, 620 notes to it? There's a few other songs that have 550+ notes in them as well, and that is way more than anything that was on Normal in PDF. Hell, I think something like Kagerou Days or 2D Dream Fever on Normal are harder than some of the easier Extreme songs.
  • Star patterns being added, which are hard to read and generally can burn in a tire fire.

As for something to get more experienced players to where they want without scaring new players straight away: introduce a rank-based course mode, like the qualification courses in Beatmania IIDX or Sound Voltex. Those modes typically have songs grouped by difficulty with an added stipulation (usually a harsher life bar that carries over between stages), and passing the course awards you a rank -- and also raises the difficulty cap on songs during normal play. They could make it unlock higher difficulties for songs earlier after passing certain courses, which would take less time than playing every song in the game twice.


Another add they made to normal difficulty (a feature that I see basically only in extreme on F) is the alternate sequence of buttons. Moments ago was fighting against Miracle Paint - normal, especially in the second challenge section. I've repeated so many time the song that I was fearing to going crazy. The problem was that I've builded muscle memory (using both hands) with the wrong pattern (XOXOXO instead of XXOXOX) and was stuck in hell repeating the same error dozen of times, even if I already knew how to correct the problem. Eventually I've manged to pass it removing the sound for the buttons, something that helped me to break the psychological trap I was in. I don't remember F frustrating me this way, even with me being a total novice at the time. Not that I complaining anyway. I like these kind of challenges.

Changing argument entirely
I've discovered that using both sticks in the final star in chance time activate the bad ending! That's cool. I wonder if it works on F also..


Platinum, get!

Geez, that was annoying. The other bit of good news that comes with this is that I won't have to touch the goddamned Diva Room again for F 2nd. Now to focus on getting all the Perfects I can.

Nyoro SF

The game is definitely harder. I'm a fairly good player, so Normal and Hard don't really pose a challenge to me, but I struggle somewhat on Extreme and have a really hard time passing the hardest Extreme songs overall from the first game. I'll try and explain why the second game is definitely harder and why I can see players that aren't rhythm gurus are struggling.

1. PDF2 has way more notes with less forgiving note spacing and sequences over the course of the entire game. Even on Normal there are more challenging Technical Zones and Arrow -> Button beats and reverse beats compared to the first. Some of the Technical Zones you would see in Hard on this game would only go on Extreme in the last game. I almost dropped my Vita when I saw the last Technical Zone pattern for Musunde Hiraite on Hard. Even the slow songs in PDF2nd have some unbelievable patterns on Extreme. tl;dr songs are faster, sequences are tougher to hit, there are more notes to hit overall.

2. The fact that you can fail star notes with a SAFE now is a giant jump in difficulty. I have no idea what they were thinking with this idea because with the addition of more "surprise stars" among regular symbol beats they became much more challenging. Add in the Double Star to the mix and you've just added a real new challenging element to the game that wasn't there before. Also add in the fact that the sequences of this game are a lot harder overall which applies to the stars too and you've just created more nightmares.

3. Link stars. These by themselves are a really stupid challenging addition to the game, because the only way you'll know the beat is if you memorize after missing them the first time; and if the song contains multiple link stars, you have to memorize non-visual timing and song location for all of them on repeated tries. This idea should have been chucked into the trash on first thought but it mysteriously got past the planning phase....? It makes things annoying for practiced players and is a tremendous pain for your novice player.

4. Challenge Items: This is for the higher level players, but they made the challenge items way tougher in this game, so getting Diva points is much harder = harder to get rewarded outside of the highest skill ranges. All of the challenge items are only for the True Hardcore players of this game that are real masters of the genre. In PDF1 if you were good but not expert you could rely on Survival and Mega Survival to challenge yourself. In PDF2 you have to hope you're a real perfectionist or just really, really good (Chaos Stooooorm!)

Now I don't want to hear "but we made the Help Items more useful!" How on earth is that good? Imagine a game where you're struggling to pass a difficulty called NORMAL and you're told that if you just use the cute little item with hearts on them that everything will just be nice and easy because you can't pass NORMAL... how do you think that makes an end user struggling feel? For most of them it makes them feel like trash.

Now there are players that will use help items and not care and just want to pass the songs because Miku is a music goddess/enigma that is really fun to listen to and watch; however this post isn't for those players, and I respect those players because they're here just to chill and listen to the best song (Two-Faced Lovers). However for the users that want positive feedback from passing songs on NORMAL difficulty of all things without help, I feel like they're being left out. I have plenty of friends that aren't good at music and rhythm games and I know these attitudes pretty well especially since I've shared Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan and the first Project Diva game with them.

All right now feel free to destroy my opinion and thoughts. lol


The game is definitely harder. I'm a fairly good player, so Normal and Hard don't really pose a challenge to me, but I struggle somewhat on Extreme and have a really hard time passing the hardest Extreme songs overall from the first game. I'll try and explain why the second game is definitely harder and why I can see players that aren't rhythm gurus are struggling.

1. PDF2 has way more notes with less forgiving note spacing and sequences over the course of the entire game. Even on Normal there are more challenging Technical Zones and Arrow -> Button beats and reverse beats compared to the first. Some of the Technical Zones you would see in Hard on this game would only go on Extreme in the last game. I almost dropped my Vita when I saw the last Technical Zone pattern for Musunde Hiraite on Hard. Even the slow songs in PDF2nd have some unbelievable patterns on Extreme. tl;dr songs are faster, sequences are tougher to hit, there are more notes to hit overall.

2. The fact that you can fail star notes with a SAFE now is a giant jump in difficulty. I have no idea what they were thinking with this idea because with the addition of more "surprise stars" among regular symbol beats they became much more challenging. Add in the Double Star to the mix and you've just added a real new challenging element to the game that wasn't there before. Also add in the fact that the sequences of this game are a lot harder overall which applies to the stars too and you've just created more nightmares.

3. Link stars. These by themselves are a really stupid challenging addition to the game, because the only way you'll know the beat is if you memorize after missing them the first time; and if the song contains multiple link stars, you have to memorize non-visual timing and song location for all of them on repeated tries. This idea should have been chucked into the trash on first thought but it mysteriously got past the planning phase....? It makes things annoying for practiced players and is a tremendous pain for your novice player.

4. Challenge Items: This is for the higher level players, but they made the challenge items way tougher in this game, so getting Diva points is much harder = harder to get rewarded outside of the highest skill ranges. All of the challenge items are only for the True Hardcore players of this game that are real masters of the genre. In PDF1 if you were good but not expert you could rely on Survival and Mega Survival to challenge yourself. In PDF2 you have to hope you're a real perfectionist or just really, really good (Chaos Stooooorm!)

Now I don't want to hear "but we made the Help Items more useful!" How on earth is that good? Imagine a game where you're struggling to pass a difficulty called NORMAL and you're told that if you just use the cute little item with hearts on them that everything will just be nice and easy because you can't pass NORMAL... how do you think that makes an end user struggling feel? For most of them it makes them feel like trash.

Now there are players that will use help items and not care and just want to pass the songs because Miku is a music goddess/enigma that is really fun to listen to and watch; however this post isn't for those players, and I respect those players because they're here just to chill and listen to the best song (Two-Faced Lovers). However for the users that want positive feedback from passing songs on NORMAL difficulty of all things without help, I feel like they're being left out. I have plenty of friends that aren't good at music and rhythm games and I know these attitudes pretty well especially since I've shared Elite Beat Agents and Ouendan and the first Project Diva game with them.

All right now feel free to destroy my opinion and thoughts. lol
As one of the more casual/novice rhythm game players you refer to I can't agree more. The difficulty in F was perfect for me. I started on Easy, mastered Normal and even Hard after that (Could never get that great at Extreme) and it felt really satisfying. Challenge items like Survival and Mega Survival also helped me farm DP and felt really useful.

The challenge items on F 2nd are crazy, I tried a few and they're just too difficult for me especially with how hard the game is on Normal now. Kind of disappointing because I really liked the level of difficulty F posed.
I can't really offer a particularly balanced perspective because I was on a total Project Diva kick right as F 2nd released. Literally the day I received the game, I finished my Extreme playthough of f on Vita (had already done it on PS3, though that was months back).

For what it's worth, my 2nd playthrough of F on Extreme generally had worse rankings than my first playthrough of F 2nd on Extreme (more Standards, fewer Excellents, failed 2 or 3 songs in F, only failed 2D Dream Fever in 2nd). I'd likely attribute this to being much more practiced, though. If people claim 2nd is harder, I'm inclined to take their word for it.

Nyoro SF

As one of the more casual/novice rhythm game players you refer to I can't agree more. The difficulty in F was perfect for me. I started on Easy, mastered Normal and even Hard after that (Could never get that great at Extreme) and it felt really satisfying. Challenge items like Survival and Mega Survival also helped me farm DP and felt really useful.

The challenge items on F 2nd are crazy, I tried a few and they're just too difficult for me especially with how hard the game is on Normal now. Kind of disappointing because I really liked the level of difficulty F posed.

I agree that the balance in the first game was about as close as you can get to perfect. It was easy to improve and there was lots of positive feedback. Great progression of difficulty on the songlist too.

Also it looks like Nullpointer didn't realize that the Challenge Items are much tougher, leaving your above-average-but-not-pro players out in the dust. As much as I like to brag about my skills (cough) I simply cannot pass any songs on Hard or higher with a challenge item, which was not the case in the 1st game at all. :(


So while we're waiting for the DLC rollout to start (next week!) an interesting question came up in the SEGA forum. I'll just repost the entirety of the question here just to get some more feedback going:

To answer his questions, it feels much faster than normal last time, like the notes fly in later but quicker regardless of the tempo. There are more places where it's quickly alternating and mixing double and single button presses up, for example DoubleGanger I simply can't beat. Really good players are going to jump to harder modes anyway, but those of us who found Diva F challenging enough on normal are kind of left in the cold now because normal is too difficult, and easy is way, way too easy.

Additionally the next title if there is one, needs to be 60fps. 30fps makes timing hard to judge especially when the notes move quickly on the screen.
1. PDF2 has way more notes with less forgiving note spacing and sequences over the course of the entire game. Even on Normal there are more challenging Technical Zones and Arrow -> Button beats and reverse beats compared to the first. Some of the Technical Zones you would see in Hard on this game would only go on Extreme in the last game. I almost dropped my Vita when I saw the last Technical Zone pattern for Musunde Hiraite on Hard. Even the slow songs in PDF2nd have some unbelievable patterns on Extreme. tl;dr songs are faster, sequences are tougher to hit, there are more notes to hit overall.

This sums up the problem in 90% of the instances. I would also add that there are more sections that include things like "X" - "X" - "Down+X" in the triple taps which are insanely hard to keep track of when you're in a fast and long set of triple taps.

2. The fact that you can fail star notes with a SAFE now is a giant jump in difficulty. I have no idea what they were thinking with this idea because with the addition of more "surprise stars" among regular symbol beats they became much more challenging. Add in the Double Star to the mix and you've just added a real new challenging element to the game that wasn't there before. Also add in the fact that the sequences of this game are a lot harder overall which applies to the stars too and you've just created more nightmares.

I actually had this opinion previously but upon reflection, I think the star sets in this game are no more challenging than project diva F. There are a few fast and rapid star sets but overall in most songs it just requires a bit of adaptation. On the whole though it does increase the difficulty. [/quote]

3. Link stars. These by themselves are a really stupid challenging addition to the game, because the only way you'll know the beat is if you memorize after missing them the first time; and if the song contains multiple link stars, you have to memorize non-visual timing and song location for all of them on repeated tries. This idea should have been chucked into the trash on first thought but it mysteriously got past the planning phase....? It makes things annoying for practiced players and is a tremendous pain for your novice player.
I think every song should be able to have a sight read 100% on every difficulty. Not that it means the song will be easy, but it is at least possible. Link stars eliminate this and often the length between stars has no rhyme or reason, thereby making it more difficult

4. Challenge Items: This is for the higher level players, but they made the challenge items way tougher in this game, so getting Diva points is much harder = harder to get rewarded outside of the highest skill ranges. All of the challenge items are only for the True Hardcore players of this game that are real masters of the genre. In PDF1 if you were good but not expert you could rely on Survival and Mega Survival to challenge yourself. In PDF2 you have to hope you're a real perfectionist or just really, really good (Chaos Stooooorm!)

Having experimented with Cool Perfectionist + and smaller notes, I think this combination is fair enough that it gets you close to the point totals from the original game. Most expert players will get far more cools than they will greats, so I would notice that while my meter would bob down for one hit of a great, it would get brought back up by 3 cools. This is like the non-missable stars in that it doesn't make much of a difference, but it does make it very slightly harder, thereby raising the difficulty on the aggregate

Now I don't want to hear "but we made the Help Items more useful!" How on earth is that good? Imagine a game where you're struggling to pass a difficulty called NORMAL and you're told that if you just use the cute little item with hearts on them that everything will just be nice and easy because you can't pass NORMAL... how do you think that makes an end user struggling feel? For most of them it makes them feel like trash.
I refuse to use help items and never have. Thankfully I'm a top calibre player, but making songs easier to pass doesn't mean people are actually getting better at the game. The game must develop the skills, not crutches.

All right now feel free to destroy my opinion and thoughts. lol

As I pointed out, after some serious thought, the real problem is that so many small things have added up to make a larger problem. When I am looking at my track list now, I've started laying down quite a few extreme perfects and they are roughly the same difficulty as project diva F. But lets call a spade a spade, songs like 2d Dream Fever and The intense voice of Hatsune Miku are just way fucking harder than negaposi continues or the industrial song from Diva F.

Dear Miku creators, just admit to yourselves that youve made songs artificially hard and change accordingly. Make the songs go on beat, stop adding arbitrary double notes inside normal strings of notes and stop saying help items are the solution because they are not.


The one way that I truly know that diva f2 is harder than diva f is that I am actually able to go back to the original game and lay down extreme perfects where I was not able to before. I had 27 Extreme perfects in Diva F and I hit a road block. Now due to the increase in difficulty, my power level is increased and I was able to extreme perfect a few songs that had eluded me. I also raised my score on the industrial song which was the only song I had lower than an excellent. You can only do that kind of work if the power creep is real
i disagree that the help item in F2nd are more usefull than in F .
In F , i had an item that transformed 30 notes from SAFE, SAD into FINE.
30 !!
The number of times this item helped me was ridiculous. So sad to see it disapeared.


I don't use help items because I don't want the mark of shame showing up on my song list.

Also Hello, Worker is my current jam.
I'll preface this by saying I don't like the link stars either, but they don't actually require memorization. Remember that each note has that little clock hand that spins around, and when it points up, that's the exact moment to hit the note. With link stars, you can use this to figure out how soon the next note comes. This is insanely hard because there is literally nothing else in the game that requires this, but it is, technically, possible.

That said, I generally agree with all the thoughts here, especially that the rhythms in Normal are far more difficult. Patterns show up that were reserved for Hard and a Extreme in F, and the patterns tend to follow the more complex rhythm of the lyrics rather than the underlying beat.


Maan, Two-sided Lovers on Extreme is killing me.

I am really not that bad at this game and managed to beat most songs on Extreme on the first try and alternating hands is also okay until a certain degree of speed. But once there is a fast song with long sequences of triplets coming up, I can't keep up. Had the same problem in F with notes which were so fast that you have to alternate hands after each note to hit them. I try to keep a steady rhythm but in the end it always ends up in button mashing with both hands ;< Any way to practice this? I am closer to clearing Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku than Two-sided lovers (since the latter almost only includes those sequences), which I felt was kinda ridiculous.
Maan, Two-sided Lovers on Extreme is killing me.

I am really not that bad at this game and managed to beat most songs on Extreme on the first try and alternating hands is also okay until a certain degree of speed. But once there is a fast song with long sequences of triplets coming up, I can't keep up. Had the same problem in F with notes which were so fast that you have to alternate hands after each note to hit them. I try to keep a steady rhythm but in the end it always ends up in button mashing with both hands ;< Any way to practice this? I am closer to clearing Intense Voice of Hatsune Miku than Two-sided lovers (since the latter almost only includes those sequences), which I felt was kinda ridiculous.

I used to have the same problem in f because for the triplets I always alternated right-left-right, right-left-right, right-left-right, etc. So I tried training myself to do right-left-right, left-right-left, right-left-right, and that worked a whole lot better for me.


The previous responses covered a lot of what I wanted to mention, but I'll delve into some more detail on what I consider to be the bigger offenders.

- The rhythms used on Normal could get surprisingly tricky, and could be difficult for beginners unfamiliar with playing music: off-beat entrances, longer eighth-note strings (> 3 notes), syncopation, triplets, etc. Look at all the hate for Clockwork Clown!

- The note patterns used are relatively more complex for that stage of the game, in terms of positional arrangement and repeated use of notes on the screen.

For example, the following would be straightforward with 3 notes, going from left to right:
X X   X
But if it were six notes, going from left to right, then right to left, it'd be difficult to react to without knowing / remembering that it's coming.

Another example:
&#9632; O
Without knowing that the notes will come in at a clockwise order and without catching what the starting note is, this pattern can be a struggle for novices, particularly if they are on an eighth note rhythm.

I've also missed entrances fairly often when the start of a sequence appears far from where the previous one ended, particularly when the MV is rather colorful / bright. This may be more a personal problem though, playing on the PS3 version and sitting somewhat close to a larger screen. It would be great if there were an option to dim the MV though.

While these play to the unique presentation of Project Diva's notes, they are also relatively more dishonest for rhythm gaming in that they can make easy rhythms harder to parse.

- Link notes. There are typically four cues to catch the correct timing for a note: the music, the note flying in from off-screen to overlap with the receptacle, the timer on the receptacle, and the relative spacing of the receptacle with the ones around it. Depending on the player, they rely on a combination of those to varying degrees. I feel like link notes get particular flak since it robs people of two of those.
I've also missed entrances fairly often when the start of a sequence appears far from where the previous one ended, particularly when the MV is rather colorful / bright. This may be more a personal problem though, playing on the PS3 version and sitting somewhat close to a larger screen. It would be great if there were an option to dim the MV though.

It's worth noting that the Dreamy Theater releases for the three titles prior to F actually implement a drop shadow on the notes and note targets. That, and the 60fps presentation, made the old releases much easier to play without feeling like the player must fight to read the game.

- Link notes. There are typically four cues to catch the correct timing for a note: the music, the note flying in from off-screen to overlap with the receptacle, the timer on the receptacle, and the relative spacing of the receptacle with the ones around it. Depending on the player, they rely on a combination of those to varying degrees. I feel like link notes get particular flak since it robs people of two of those.

And even then, the music tends to not be a cue players can rely on, seeing as the majority of players in the US have likely not been exposed to the majority of the song's set list prior to playing the game. Thus, being reduced to one cue of timing is simply too much, especially with the other cue the link scratches subvert - the positional spacing - actively works to trick the player in so many cases. I can think of ways to make them a little easier to read (like a collapsing outline around the targets within a link, similar to Project mirai 2/DX) but that would do little but disguise just how awful the mechanic is at its core.
So I don't really understand what "combo notes for this song challenge" is about, what am I supposed to do?

At the end of every song you get a max combo number on the results screen for the highest number of cools and goods you got in a row. The sum of all of those max combo numbers over every time you cleared the song is the number you're looking for for the unlock. In other words, just play the song over and over. Not sure if uncleared songs count toward your total.


At the end of every song you get a max combo number on the results screen for the highest number of cools and goods you got in a row. The sum of all of those max combo numbers over every time you cleared the song is the number you're looking for for the unlock. In other words, just play the song over and over. Not sure if uncleared songs count toward your total.

Uncleared songs do not count. Only cleared songs will contribute to unlock conditions.


Yeah, this game is clearly more difficult than the previous I get it, but actually I'm having a blast with it. I'm almost afraid to finish it too soon. I really can't see the problem if I can manage to get perfects on normal as the same of the previous version. I can adapt to the difficulty. For example, if I use the overclocker item, I'm ok with getting only a standard rank. I f a song is more difficult, that could simply means that the damn song needs some more tries to beat it. I'm even thinking that normal on F was too easy. So, as mediocre as I can be, I really don't have much to bark against this game, the songs are good and I could play this forever.
Just my two cents please don't beat me
...but I still can't pass Ura-omote Lovers XD And 2D Dream Fever.
I've had the game since the Japanese release.


I love PDF 2nd and I do like the fact they bumped up the difficulty. I have no idea how the developers are wondering why people are finding it difficult. It was obvious to me how they made everything trickier from the first time I played the game. There were even more distractions than before, plus more disparate button presses required. One big hint was that I needed to dual-wield on NORMAL, which I normally didn't do. On one hand, I think the bump in difficulty would coerce people who didn't learn to dual-wield to learn to use both hands (and thus opening up the game). But on the other hand, the difficulty bump makes it hard for me to recommend this game to Project Diva novices.

But as I said, I love this game and the difficulty bump is Just Right for people who have invested a lot of time and honed skill playing the previous games. PDF2nd makes it more challenging for those who thought they could do it all --- you can't rest on your laurels. I learned so many new skills and strategies while playing the game-- the 1st PDF is almost a piece of cake now. Add to that the various other challenge items you can use to make the game even more challenging (if Extreme isn't hardcore enough for you) and you've got a game that has very long legs.

EDIT: I passed Ura-omote (Two-faced Lovers)!!! Now only 2D Dream Fever left.


At the end of every song you get a max combo number on the results screen for the highest number of cools and goods you got in a row. The sum of all of those max combo numbers over every time you cleared the song is the number you're looking for for the unlock. In other words, just play the song over and over. Not sure if uncleared songs count toward your total.

Oh I see, thanks for explaining it to me..


Does anyone know if anyone has ported Tokyo Teddy Bear's PDF1 Extreme pattern to PDF2's live version on Edit mode? (or any of the other PDf1 songs that got a AR version in PDF2)

If not, I wonder how difficult it would be to do... I have no experience with Edits.


30/40 Extreme perfects so far. Almost there! Already got anything that could be challenging out of the way, so it's pretty much smooth sailing at this point.

I think Kaito's little space cat costume is adorable, and now I'll never let him wear anything but that. Makes me wish Len had a similar costume.


Got the game. Enjoying the clear shift up in difficulty. Haven't had a chance to play much more.

But Vita version is still a horrific experience for me and I'm kicking myself for not getting the PS3 version. Sticks are a minor improvement over scratching at least.
Does anyone know if anyone has ported Tokyo Teddy Bear's PDF1 Extreme pattern to PDF2's live version on Edit mode? (or any of the other PDf1 songs that got a AR version in PDF2)

If not, I wonder how difficult it would be to do... I have no experience with Edits.

It might be one of the easier ones - the live arrangement of the song wasn't changed very much. You'd need to make a background video yourself, though, unless you just want to use one of the background pictures.
But Vita version is still a horrific experience for me and I'm kicking myself for not getting the PS3 version. Sticks are a minor improvement over scratching at least.

Just curious, what's so horrific about the Vita version? I have both and I prefer playing on the Vita more. The even, clicky buttons are amazing for rhythm games.


Anyone got any tips for the I'll Miku Miku You (For Reals) unlockables?

It's kind of difficult to really give tips for that. At the end of the day, even if you perfect the song on extreme, you would have to do the song a minimum of 20 times just for the unlockable that requires 39 technical zone clears. All you can really do is just keep at it. Maybe just make sure to play it between other songs so that you don't burn out on it?
It's kind of difficult to really give tips for that. At the end of the day, even if you perfect the song on extreme, you would have to do the song a minimum of 20 times just for the unlockable that requires 39 technical zone clears. All you can really do is just keep at it. Maybe just make sure to play it between other songs so that you don't burn out on it?
That's gonna be tedious, but thanks!

What does it mean when it says get 3.93?
I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to. Could you specify which condition you're talking about?
I can't see it since I've only unlocked 2 of them for I'll Miku Miku You. :/
The trophy guide I was looking at says

Achieve a total score of 3.93 in the song.
(Apparently it's the last unlockable for that song)


I can't see it since I've only unlocked 2 of them for I'll Miku Miku You. :/
The trophy guide I was looking at says

Achieve a total score of 3.93 in the song.

Oh, that one is probably the unlockable for getting 3,930,000 points throughout all playthroughs. So just keep playing the song until the scores you've gotten add up to that value.

(Apparently it's the last unlockable for that song)

Yeah, the condition should be "Get a total of 3,930,000 points througout all playthroughs".
Oh, that one is probably the unlockable for getting 3,930,000 points throughout all playthroughs. So just keep playing the song until the scores you've gotten add up to that value.

Yeah, the condition should be "Get a total of 3,930,000 points througout all playthroughs".
Oh that makes sense, I can't believe I didn't notice the pattern. :/

Thanks for your help! I'll try to get the Technical and total score unlocked!


That feel when you miss one note in the last five seconds.

First comes the WHAT
Then the laughs
Then the sad


Diva F2nd get!


Better late than never. It's the first (non-digital) game I've bought this year, can't wait to play it tonight after work. :)
Changing argument entirely
I've discovered that using both sticks in the final star in chance time activate the bad ending! That's cool. I wonder if it works on F also..

Oh my god, thank you for posting this. I was kind of getting weirded out at how I wasn't getting the good ending sometimes after hitting the chance time. I never would have noticed the correlation.

I tested it and it doesn't seem to work on F 1st, so I guess it's a nice little improvement they've added.


Oh my god, thank you for posting this. I was kind of getting weirded out at how I wasn't getting the good ending sometimes after hitting the chance time. I never would have noticed the correlation.

I tested it and it doesn't seem to work on F 1st, so I guess it's a nice little improvement they've added.
Discovered completely at random
going to the help guide in the select song screen. Because, who will ever go to see that lol. Seems like an easter egg to me.

Here's everything I found just now:

Hatsune Miku Christmas Costume Module (PS Vita)
Kagamine Rin Christmas Costume Module (PS Vita)
Kaito Christmas Costume Module (PS Vita)
Megurine Luka Christmas Costume Module (PS Vita)
Meiko Christmas Costume Module (PS Vita)

Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA F 2nd Kitty Cape (Concept) UI Skin (PS Vita)

I don't think the update is complete yet; no PS3 versions are up yet and some characters' Christmas modules are missing. Also, it's worth noting that this was a bundle in Japan, so you might want to hold off on purchasing Christmas modules a la carte until we know if there will be bundles beyond the Costume Club here.
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