Well, I'm willing to let you try the code if you win, but I can't guarantee that the code will work outside US/Canada.
Cool, thanks. Now to start playing and improving my score
Well, I'm willing to let you try the code if you win, but I can't guarantee that the code will work outside US/Canada.
Man what is it about overlapping notes that makes them look so much faster than they really are? Whenever I persistently fail a particular section I usually find later that I was simply trying to input it too quick.
I can still only clear the Akatsuki Arrival Chance Time about one time out of ten but I feel like I'm slowly getting a better grasp of it. I feel I could manage an Excellent if I could only get both the 2nd technical zone and the chance time within the same attempt, ugh!
I can't get better than a standard on Clockwork Clown normal difficulty, so I won't be taking part!
- Start on Easy mode. For real. F 2nd is the harder of the two games that are on Vita; I was getting Standard on Normal songs, and I'm a veteran to this series.So I ordered this game yesterday and it should be arriving tomorrow if everything goes well. Any tips for someone new to these type of games?
So I ordered this game yesterday and it should be arriving tomorrow if everything goes well. Any tips for someone new to these type of games?
So I ordered this game yesterday and it should be arriving tomorrow if everything goes well. Any tips for someone new to these type of games?
I can't get better than a standard on Clockwork Clown normal difficulty, so I won't be taking part!
After too many attempts, finally got a perfect on 2D Dream Fever!
And I just want to say that I really dislike link scratches even more now that I'm trying to play for a good score. It's dumb how getting a good near the beginning of a chain of link scratches just kills the amount of points you get.
After too many attempts, finally got a perfect on 2D Dream Fever!
A Perfect on a 10 star song with 3 challenge items??
Are you even human?
The thing with the challenge items is that they generally only affect the visual cues of the notes and don't mess with the timing at all. If you know a song well enough to know the rhythm by audio cues and receptacle spacing, then items that affect the appearance of the notes flying in wouldn't strongly affect your play at all.
I would argue the challenge items serve as an aide to experienced rhythm game players. It is relatively common for high level players to intentionally speed up visual cues as a means to declutter it; once reaction times are sufficiently built for a given game, it is considered favorable for the visual cues to be faster in order for there to be fewer cues shown at once. You see this a lot in players of Konami's Bemani series of games where it is not unusual for players to triple or quadruple the normal scrolling speed of notes. What we're seeing here is likely the same principle - combining High Speed and Micro Notes (or whatever they're called in the localization) is an effective quadruple speed increase.
Of course everyone must get Mikudayo now.
Time for Mikudayo to break into everyone's PS3's and Vita's.Of course everyone must get Mikudayo now.
Gonna snag Rolling Girl for sure.
Mikudayo is creepy as fuck to me, so nope. :TNo Mikudayo?
If you dig it I can't recommend Trilogy highly enough. It's far easier to play on keyboard than it is using the PSP, which generally gets to be a pain on 6k/8k mode.
New DLC today.
Rolling Girl
Chinese Debut
Rolling Girl
Kaito (Flower)
Crimson Leaf
Guessing today = America? I can't find anything on the EU store on my Vita.
EU updates lag behind NA by one day, so you should be seeing this stuff tomorrow.
Mikudayo is creepy as fuck to me, so nope. :T
Easily.How can you say no to this face!
How can you say no to this face!
Isn't that Sadistic Music Factory, though? The costumes are only usable on F 2nd, right?
The new stuff is up on the EU store already and the song club is working. Downloading Rolling Girl right now.
That's just the Mikudayo mask. That screenshot happened right when the DLC pack for f came out in Japan.
This, however, is all F 2nd: http://www.hitbox.tv/video/397970?t=49m
Not like I can look anywhere else >.>How utterly terrifying.