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Hawken |OT| Why would you put legs on a tank?


From what I've seen, it's for damn good reason.
Ya, I've read his entire Wikipedia article a while back to understand what the whole thing was about.
He pretty much deserves the hate.

On the point of the comic, though, the other mech should just pick up the little guy and place him on his head. TWICE THE FIREPOWER, TWICE THE DEATH.


May as well turn it into a TF2 hat joke.

Makes about as much sense.

Some random thoughts from playing it today. I really don't play FPS games, and haven't played a competitive FPS since COD4:MW, so here are some impressions from a genre newbie...

The art style is fantastic. Yes, it is brown and grey, but, like Gears of War, it nails the look in a way that other similar looking games don't.

The movement feels really good.

There seems to be a turning speed restriction, regardless of your mouse speed. The game forces you to use the quick 180 turn (shift+D) and I think that's kinda neat. Strafing away from rockets feels good too.

The minimap is really good and helps keep things moving and tactical, instead of turning into a camping game, or a sneak up from behind game like so many other FPS games.

The game reminds me a lot of games like Quake 3.


Some random thoughts from playing it today. I really don't play FPS games, and haven't played a competitive FPS since COD4:MW, so here are some impressions from a genre newbie...

The art style is fantastic. Yes, it is brown and grey, but, like Gears of War, it nails the look in a way that other similar looking games don't.

The movement feels really good.

There seems to be a turning speed restriction, regardless of your mouse speed. The game forces you to use the quick 180 turn (shift+D) and I think that's kinda neat. Strafing away from rockets feels good too.

The minimap is really good and helps keep things moving and tactical, instead of turning into a camping game, or a sneak up from behind game like so many other FPS games.

The game reminds me a lot of games like Quake 3.

And it plays extremely well as a free for all deathmatch game! Feels refreshing when FFA has been so neglected in recent years.


I agree with the Quake 3 comparison, in that Hawken is really a game as much about movement as it is about shooting.

I had a moment of Quake-zen earlier today when I saw two guys awkwardly air-jousting and managed to catch both of them in a single TOW blast and mop up the double kill with my submachine cannon after they landed. I believe may face looked something like this afterwards: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Not sure if the Friend Lists are working right yet, but I'm on there as AdmiralSnackbar. I'd love to roll with some GAFers once it's running properly.


I just want to fucking rant about how horseshit trying to join a friend's game is. I see a fucking open slot in this game but my friend can't join, vice versa.

There's a lot that bugs me about this fucking game, and I leave infuriated after every match but keep forcing myself to play because I love mechs.


I was about to drop $100 on MC until I stumbled on that Vanguard Initiative thing. Then I got sad and changed my mind :(
To be fair, you still get about 2000 more points to start with, and I never use the Cupcake because it sucks. 14440 points is enough to buy almost everything for every currently released mech, and a bunch of HC/XP boosters. I still have almost 10000 unspent points that I'm not sure what to do with.

There's a lot that bugs me about this fucking game, and I leave infuriated after every match but keep forcing myself to play because I love mechs.
If really bothers you that much, just don't play. Don't force yourself to like something you don't.

Eventually there's going to be bots, so I'd wager that at some point you'll be able to come back if you enjoy the mechs and not be frustrated by online bullshit.

It's still in beta right now, there are bound to be bugs. It's better than before, when there wasn't any friend capability at all! They've said that major improvements to the friend list, adding stuff like parties, and the return of the server browser are all set to happen sooner rather than later.


If you go to the Hawken website, go to ADD CREDITS, then go to REDEEM CODE, you can type in MACHINIMECH for a bonus 6000~ credits. Gogogo!
If you go to the Hawken website, go to ADD CREDITS, then go to REDEEM CODE, you can type in MACHINIMECH for a bonus 6000~ credits. Gogogo!

Thanks for this!

Also, I've been playing more matches earlier today. I feel like I have a grip on what's going on in the match, I'm doing well, and I'm having a good time. I'm really enjoying the game now! Hopefully they'll be updating and adding more maps and whatnot within a reasonable span of time because I'm hooked right now.


I cannot for the life of me log in to the site to even download the BETA. Every time I enter my info and press sign in the page just reloads to the same place, nothing happens. Any help?


May I have a cookie?
Something that has really struck me about Hawken compared to most other F2P "arena" shooters (hell, even compared to many retail AAA FPS) is the amazing map design. The verticality of the maps adds a lot. I think the game has a great future ahead of it if they can keep pushing out maps like the ones we have. I look forward to seeing the Missile Assault map from the Alpha return.
Man I LOVED that map during alpha!
Can't wait to get back to a normal internet connection and join you guys.


If you go to the Hawken website, go to ADD CREDITS, then go to REDEEM CODE, you can type in MACHINIMECH for a bonus 6000~ credits. Gogogo!

Are there any more of these? There have been several of these sorts of code redemptions with Tribes: Ascend. They are great in encouraging more people to stick around, as are double XP weekends and such (I notice that Hawken is doing just that the next two weekends, which is great).

Saw that there's another promotion here. Grab the free comic and after Jan 1 they'll e-mail you a code for 2000 credits.


The definition of front-butt.
If you go to the Hawken website, go to ADD CREDITS, then go to REDEEM CODE, you can type in MACHINIMECH for a bonus 6000~ credits. Gogogo!

Good news! Sounds like they're adding a snow map soon.

Also, double HC weekends for the rest of the month.

Are there any more of these? There have been several of these sorts of code redemptions with Tribes: Ascend. They are great in encouraging more people to stick around, as are double XP weekends and such (I notice that Hawken is doing just that the next two weekends, which is great).

Saw that there's another promotion here. Grab the free comic and after Jan 1 they'll e-mail you a code for 2000 credits.

It's great that they're doing these promotions. I already earned enough to unlock the scout so I'll use this 6000 to try one of those heavy mechs.

On another note, after unlocking the scout I discovered that the prices for everything were different for light mechs. Maybe every mech has different prices, I don't know. So the price breakdown in the OP is relevant for medium mechs only.


I've only been on since open beta, but every TDM match for me is the same.

1. Load up a cool looking mech (c-class or bruiser or something nifty looking), start match.

2. Begin getting killed over and over by TOWs

3. Glance at the scoreboard at the 10 minute mark and see that I am something like 3k:10-12d

4. Load up the stupid CR-T and catch up my K:D ratio before the match ends...

seriously, there ARE other mechs in the game. You wouldn't know it, because compared to the idiotic tv with legs everything else is horrible for these tiny phone booth maps with tons of cover.


The definition of front-butt.
I've only been on since open beta, but every TDM match for me is the same.

1. Load up a cool looking mech (c-class or bruiser or something nifty looking), start match.

2. Begin getting killed over and over by TOWs

3. Glance at the scoreboard at the 10 minute mark and see that I am something like 3k:10-12d

4. Load up the stupid CR-T and catch up my K:D ratio before the match ends...

seriously, there ARE other mechs in the game. You wouldn't know it, because compared to the idiotic tv with legs everything else is horrible for these tiny phone booth maps with tons of cover.

For C-class you need to know where the other team is and let your quicker teammates go ahead. While they duke it out you support with missiles from a safe distance. I've racked up tons of kills this way. There is a lot of cover, you're right on that. It's a slower playstyle. I've had a lot of success with the scout though it does have the TOW. It's not the C-RT TV at least.

edit: I've accepted fried requests but no one shows up on my list. Guess it's still wonky.


I've only been on since open beta, but every TDM match for me is the same.

1. Load up a cool looking mech (c-class or bruiser or something nifty looking), start match.

2. Begin getting killed over and over by TOWs

3. Glance at the scoreboard at the 10 minute mark and see that I am something like 3k:10-12d

4. Load up the stupid CR-T and catch up my K:D ratio before the match ends...

seriously, there ARE other mechs in the game. You wouldn't know it, because compared to the idiotic tv with legs everything else is horrible for these tiny phone booth maps with tons of cover.

Yeah... I love the Sharpshooter but most of the maps you have to work really, really hard to get in a good position with them. It's just so easy to take cover and make your way towards the SS with those goddamn Recruit mechs, and TOWs do crazy damage.


seriously, there ARE other mechs in the game. You wouldn't know it, because compared to the idiotic tv with legs everything else is horrible for these tiny phone booth maps with tons of cover.
I've started using mechs of other classes, and I agree that C-class are a bit too clunky for my liking. In the right hands, though, they can be deadly. Just like anything in the game, it seems. I capped my Assault and started on a Berserker, and to be honest, I think it's a little too frail for my taste. That doesn't mean you still can't do well with it, I just can't seem to do as well as I could with the Assault (about 2-5 more deaths per round).

The balance now is much better than it was before, however, and I'm sure that it will be tweaked in the future. It is still in beta, after all.

I went to do this, and I noticed my 4800 credits for being a beta tester are gone. Not only that, while the code 'Redeemed' I'm still at 0 credits.
4800HC or MC? If it's MC, everyone got all of their MC cleared for open beta, and only people with the Vanguard initiative had any to start.


Yeah... I love the Sharpshooter but most of the maps you have to work really, really hard to get in a good position with them. It's just so easy to take cover and make your way towards the SS with those goddamn Recruit mechs, and TOWs do crazy damage.
The Sharpshooter could definitely use a buff. Maybe not as powerful as it was in the closed betas, but right now it seems a little weak. I've got mine to 12, but I'm not sure I want to keep leveling it. I'm probably going to try the Brawler after I finish Berserker.


For C-class you need to know where the other team is and let your quicker teammates go ahead. While they duke it out you support with missiles from a safe distance.

Oh, I get the concept of what the mech should be. But it's just impossible to do it. You can walk from one end of the map to the other in seconds. If you set up behind your team, get a couple kills, then they find you and flank you, then you die, get a random spawn and you're miles away from anyone else on your team, you end up dying trying to get to them, repeat, over and over. There is no safe spot on any of these maps for a distance fight.

All of these maps (maybe excluding the desert one) seem to be made for A class run and gun fights. Not that that is a bad thing, it just gets old after a while TOW TOW TOW TOW.


Oh, I get the concept of what the mech should be. But it's just impossible to do it. You can walk from one end of the map to the other in seconds. If you set up behind your team, get a couple kills, then they find you and flank you, then you die, get a random spawn and you're miles away from anyone else on your team, you end up dying trying to get to them, repeat, over and over. There is no safe spot on any of these maps for a distance fight.

All of these maps (maybe excluding the desert one) seem to be made for A class run and gun fights. Not that that is a bad thing, it just gets old after a while TOW TOW TOW TOW.
It sounds like you're playing Team Deathmatch. The C-class mechs are more meant for objective gametypes. They're awesome at defending silos in Missile Assault, and the AA in Siege. I would try a few rounds of those before writing them off completely.


It sounds like you're playing Team Deathmatch. The C-class mechs are more meant for objective gametypes. They're awesome at defending silos in Missile Assault, and the AA in Siege. I would try a few rounds of those before writing them off completely.

Tis true, all I've played is TDM. Figured it was the place to start, since I lone wolf it.


I am quite enjoying this, it seems fairly unconvoluted in its controls, which is nice.
I have never used kbm controls before in my life, and I am coming 3rd in score in most of my TDM games.
I am a complete PC noob,l and only built this rig a few months ago so I need the practice, but damn I'm having fun.


I had a 24-3 game today.

Some players are just fodder.

I guess the learning curve is too much for some. I see far more player sitting at scores of like 0-12 or 2-10 in this game than other shooters. Or even 0-18 like the post above me. O _ O


To be fair, you still get about 2000 more points to start with, and I never use the Cupcake because it sucks. 14440 points is enough to buy almost everything for every currently released mech, and a bunch of HC/XP boosters. I still have almost 10000 unspent points that I'm not sure what to do with.

Yeah, but seeing them doing something like that for closed beta makes me think they'll do something cool for the end of open beta. So waitin'!


Yeah, but seeing them doing something like that for closed beta makes me think they'll do something cool for the end of open beta. So waitin'!
I played in the Alpha, but never got around to messing with the Closed Beta.

I feel like I made the wrong decision.

I thought I was doing rather badly, especially with my inexperience...what are those guys playing at?
The guy who is 0-18 in that picture has almost a 500 ping. That's practically unplayable in any online game, so his score can be attributed to that rather than skill.

For comparison when I played Counter-Strike in high school on a 56k modem my ping was around 250-300 and that was insanely difficult.
I personally cannot stand TDM. It's incredibly irritating how lopsided matches can be in that mode.

Meanwhile, in FFA DM I can't be brought down by sub-par teammates or roll over a team of completely hapless noobs (though I still roll over a lot of noobs regardless), so I know it's just me doing well. Plus, y'know, more killing = more XP, which is something I can get behind.


I personally cannot stand TDM. It's incredibly irritating how lopsided matches can be in that mode.

Meanwhile, in FFA DM I can't be brought down by sub-par teammates or roll over a team of completely hapless noobs (though I still roll over a lot of noobs regardless), so I know it's just me doing well. Plus, y'know, more killing = more XP, which is something I can get behind.
I've had like a 6:1 K/D ratio in every TDM game I've played today. Far more profitable for EXP than FFA. With a 2x EXP boost I was getting like ~3.5-4k EXP per match.
Not really. K:D ratio alone doesn't count for much. (I wonder if anyone's broken 3800 XP in one match in here?)

Either way, I just can't stand TDM, so I won't touch it.


Not really. K:D ratio alone doesn't count for much. (I wonder if anyone's broken 3800 XP in one match in here?)

Either way, I just can't stand TDM, so I won't touch it.
Is EXP based upon how much %dmg a player did towards the kill?

I haven't quite figured out how it all works. All I know is that if you go on a fucking rampage game after game after game you level up very quickly.


lol zerker

I guess the learning curve is too much for some. I see far more player sitting at scores of like 0-12 or 2-10 in this game than other shooters. Or even 0-18 like the post above me. O _ O
I don't feel like the learning curve is that steep. The skill cap is a lot higher than many modern shooters, but it can't have that huge of an impact, right? Maybe people don't go through training like they should be. It teaches you everything you need to know!

Yeah, but seeing them doing something like that for closed beta makes me think they'll do something cool for the end of open beta. So waitin'!
I didn't even think about that, good idea.

The guy who is 0-18 in that picture has almost a 500 ping. That's practically unplayable in any online game, so his score can be attributed to that rather than skill.
Yeah, playing on UK servers late at night is a chore.

(I wonder if anyone's broken 3800 XP in one match in here?)
Easily possible in Siege and Missile Assault matches. I've broken 5000 before.

Is EXP based upon how much %dmg a player did towards the kill?
Kind of. It's not a direct %->EXP conversion, but some kind of combination of % total and total damage done.


relies on auto-aim
Biggest accomplishment on Day 1 was winning a TDM (1st game I lost by 100 points). Second game I won by 100 points in my Lvl13 C-RT bot against a level 24 guy. 33-13-12

I'm not finding that much incentive to keep playing past the first 3 hours right now. Might hop on for a bit.

*3525 EXP for that DM run


I don't feel like the learning curve is that steep. The skill cap is a lot higher than many modern shooters, but it can't have that huge of an impact, right? Maybe people don't go through training like they should be. It teaches you everything you need to know!
I feel like it's a combination of not playing the tutorial and not spending 30 seconds looking at the keyboard configuration in the options menu.

I see questions in chat like "How do you heal?" "How do you drop turret?" "How do you turn around faster?" ALL THE TIME.
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