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HD-DVD comes out fighting, launch in 2005


Chili Con Carnage!
Arent MS a HD-DVD partner? maybe they could cut a good deal on the drives. I worry if they go with regular DVD because a lot of games are already pushing them as a single disc media, id expect games to be reaching 8 gig next gen with ease. Plus arent they gonna be left in a similar position to some of their Xbox hardware (like the processor) where they end up paying more than the chip(drive in this case) should be worth because its outdated tech?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
yeah, they're working pretty closely with the DVD Forum on the HD-DVD spec. They've submitted VC9 as the video codec and, like cja mentioned earlier, have announced that Longhorn will support HD-DVD.

But with launch of HD-DVD players first expected sometime in 2005 now and with Xbox2 expected in the same timeframe, it just doesn't leave much room for cost savings. I'd be surprised to see an HD-DVD drive appear for less than $1000 in 2005. DVD will continue to be around for awhile yet and the cost over time for these drives has continued to trend downward, so MS wouldn't taking a bath on the cost of using those drives instead of HD-DVD drives.

So, unless the Xbox2 launch date is in 2006 rather than 2005. I don't think there'll be enough time for HD-DVD to become an affordable inclusion.


And even i am moderately surprised
"I'd be surprised to see an HD-DVD drive appear for less than $1000 in 2005"

um - i'll dig out the article from the Japanese archive, but this is where i think HD-DVD is trying to steal BluRays thunder. They were talking about sub $500 players in Japan by the end of THIS year a month or so ago (it wasn't clearer as to whether it was just a player or a player recorder (i assumed just a player).

BluRay recorders here are still in the 2-3000$ range , with the media still costing close to 30$ a pop. :(


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Please do, that'd change the dynamics of the situation dramatically. I'm working off of estimates Toshiba themselves gave in an article that Klee posted months back when they were still aiming for late 2004 release.


And even i am moderately surprised
well, the thing is they still need the support. The article pointed to this as well. It could be the have the cheapest (for consumer and for pressing plants (apparently)) tech especially when compared to Bluray, but what does that matter if all the large movie houses are throwing their combined weight against Bluray?

will dig for article once work issue is resolved.


Heh, I doubt HD-DVD will ever become a "mainstream standard". Laserdisc, Part II, is what i would call it. :p


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
DCharlie said:
well, the thing is they still need the support. The article pointed to this as well. It could be the have the cheapest (for consumer and for pressing plants (apparently)) tech especially when compared to Bluray, but what does that matter if all the large movie houses are throwing their combined weight against Bluray?

From my understanding Time Warner is putting there weight behind HD-DVD. That is quite a bit of support, especially if they end of buying MGM.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Screaming_Gremlin said:
From my understanding Time Warner is putting there weight behind HD-DVD. That is quite a bit of support, especially if they end of buying MGM.

Maybe Sony might have few words to say about MGM ;).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
DCharlie said:
well, the thing is they still need the support.
Both do - I don't think either format is really ahead in this regard, from what I've read. AOD and BRD are both still jumping through hoops for content providers.

It could be the have the cheapest (for consumer and for pressing plants (apparently)) tech especially when compared to Bluray, but what does that matter if all the large movie houses are throwing their combined weight against Bluray?
I think the bigger concern that's gaming related is whether there will be a next gen optical media format that has higher capacity than DVD and will reasonably priced for inclusion in a next gen console like the Xbox2 in 2005. If your article is right, then AOD/HD-DVD tech just sprang back on radar as possibility for inclusion in Xenon.


A HD-DVD drive doesn't have to be much more expensive than a normal DVD. The drive is the same AFAIK, the difference is the video codec and I'm sure the XBox2 can included some dedicated hardware to do this.

EDIT: OK, there seem to be a few differences, but my point stands, there isn't that much of a change. That is nice.

BluRay OTOH....


And even i am moderately surprised
"I think the bigger concern that's gaming related is whether there will be a next gen optical media format that has higher capacity than DVD and will reasonably priced for inclusion in a next gen console like the Xbox2 in 2005. If your article is right, then AOD/HD-DVD tech just sprang back on radar as possibility for inclusion in Xenon."

Well, i don't know what we'd be seeing in the XB2 .

Scanning now - finding lots of interesting Nikkei articles on the whole battle. Sounds fantastically interesting.


And even i am moderately surprised
on the subject of cost and people actually finding something that will exceed 9gigs in size, both drives are backwards compatible right ? I'd assume we'd have the situation like with the PS2 where some games are on CD, some on DVD, some on Bluray. But i'd assume the vast majority of games wouldn't go beyond the 9gig for some time (but it certainly provides lots of room to manuveur through the next gen).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
CrunchyB said:
EDIT: OK, there seem to be a few differences, but my point stands, there isn't that much of a change. That is nice.
The biggest change that AOD (now HD-DVD) and BRD bring to the table is basically the same - blue laser optical media. They'll both need to have a dual laser implementation to support backward compatability with red laser DVDs and CDs, for example. Regardless of which format you buy, you still need to buy a new player and new media to take full advantage of it.

DCharlie said:
Well, i don't know what we'd be seeing in the XB2 .
Well, that's what we were talking about when you chimed in - I assumed that's what you offering the info on HD-DVD for :p

both drives are backwards compatible right ?
Yes, most of the manufacturers on both sides seem to be committing to that.


And even i am moderately surprised
"Well, that's what we were talking about when you chimed in - I assumed that's what you offering the info on HD-DVD for "

nope - actually just interested in what the outcome will be. Beyond the obvious tech excitement, BluRay vs HD-DVD is an interesting one. It'll be interesting to see how it all pans out (plus i was shocked at how much a difference there was in the reputed price of HDDVD given the timing).

"Yes, most of the manufacturers on both sides seem to be committing to that."



kaching said:
The biggest change that AOD (now HD-DVD) and BRD bring to the table is basically the same - blue laser optical media. They'll both need to have a dual laser implementation to support backward compatability with red laser DVDs and CDs, for example. Regardless of which format you buy, you still need to buy a new player and new media to take full advantage of it.

Hmpf, that's too bad. I think I was confused with MS's original(?) plan, which was an off-the-shelf DVD but with MPEG4 video compression to replace tired old MPEG2. I guess that is off the table now.
I doubt Sony is locked into Blu Ray. Especially if PS3 launch is 2006. They'll probably choose whichever format becomes a standard.


And even i am moderately surprised
i thought Sony were the major player (with Matsushita) and had pumped quite a bit of cash into BR???

or have i been at the happy cakes again?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
CrunchyB said:
Hmpf, that's too bad. I think I was confused with MS's original(?) plan, which was an off-the-shelf DVD but with MPEG4 video compression to replace tired old MPEG2. I guess that is off the table now.
I think it is. Warner Bros. was initially pushing for standard DVD media with better compression, and MS did work with studios on a couple of films to get them encoded in High Def with WM9 video, like Terminator 2 (I've also heard that they did a little more with this in Europe). Not that the outcome would have been much different - you *still* would have had to buy a new player (that could decode WM9/VC9 video) and of course new HD editions of prerecorded content.

But I think they're both behind HD DVD at this point.

DCharlie said:
plus i was shocked at how much a difference there was in the reputed price of HDDVD given the timing
If that info is accurate it's highly likely to be a knockout blow for BRD. Unless they manage to pack it in the PS3 for less.


Straight from the article...

While Toshiba and NEC wouldn't comment Monday on the likely price of their first products, Hisashi Yamada, chief fellow of technology at Toshiba and also a chairman at the DVD Forum, said at an event in Los Angeles earlier this year that he expects the first players to cost around ¥100,000 (US$910), according to the company. Panasonic's Blu-ray Disc recorder due on sale this week will cost around ¥300,000.
So a $900 HD-DVD player in early 2005 I'd expect... not sure if they could trim costs in time for a Xenon launch at the year's end. Then again, I'm not sure if Sony can really get BRD costs down enough for a $299 PS3 in 2006 even given the things sell for $2700+ currently...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
*smacks head* Shoulda just read the linked article...

Edit: now that I've actually read the maccentral article, I was able to track down Yamada's earlier statements that were made in a New York Times article, reproduced here:


Mr. Yamada said Toshiba wanted to introduce DVD recorders in 2005 that cost less than $2,000 and players priced below $1,000. They would be much cheaper than machines using the competing format, but would still be aimed mostly at the early adopters, who are the first to try new technologies. As in the past, the new formats are not expected to take off in the mass market until the price falls sharply.

My recollection that they were aiming for 2004 was based on what I remembered of this article, which turns out to be wrong (my memory, that is): they were aiming for 2005 all along.

Also, by "DVD recorders", he does in fact mean AOD/HD-DVD recorders.

This is from the very end of 2003, so the Nikkei article that DCharlie recalls may in fact have updated info on pricing expectations.


Hmm, I wonder if all of this is getting Nintendo's attention.

Anyway, what format is better? I really have no clue.


I really don't see Nintendo adopting either standard. Most likely I'd expect a Matsushita developed full sized custom GOD2 (GOD1 + DVD movie compatible) or something along that line...


CrimsonSkies said:
I hope Xenon has HD-DVD.

me too... I would go apeshit if they announced something like this.

Toshiba abd NEC are 2 of the biggest optical drive manufactures around. If HD-DVD can get some US studio support, then BR will become the next betamax.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jedimike said:
me too... I would go apeshit if they announced something like this.

I feel similarly when people talk about Blu-Ray ROM and PlayStation 3 ;).

Toshiba abd NEC are 2 of the biggest optical drive manufactures around. If HD-DVD can get some US studio support, then BR will become the next betamax.

Calm down, calm down.

Toshiba and NEC sure are big in the Consumer Electronics arena, but are they bigger than Sony, Matsushita/Panasonic, Philips, LG, Mitsubishi, Samsung, HP, DELL and more ( the Blu-Ray main backers ) ?

You seem to think that we have Toshiba and NEC going full strength on one side and Sony alone battling on the other.

That is a mistake: both technologies are good enough to stand on their own.

Now that it seems that MPEG4 AVC is inside Blu-Ray ROM specs and VC-9 might follow shortly, Blu-Ray would have the absolute space advantage.

25-27 GB for single layer Blu-Ray discs vs 15-20 GB HD-DVD discs: I would already go for the highest amount of raw data storage available, but if you also add a more space efficient codec to it, I have no idea why I should choose HD-DVD as the best future-proof next-generation optical format for Consumer Electronics devices.

Also, it seems that Blu-Ray will be able to go Quad-Layer while HD-DVD will not and that going from one layer to two layers will be cheaper with Blu-Ray than HD-DVD and that will matter.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Yeah, I'd really like to see beyond DVD storage capacities for all next-gen console optical media.

Not me. Most games don't use (efficiently) the space they're currently afforded. I don't see storage as a limitation this gen, unless you're a Pirate!


GAF's Pleasant Genius
DCB, space is not only a concern for pirates.

Another reason, maybe easier for everyone to understand, for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 2 to go after respectively Blu-Ray and HD-DVD is the higher transfer rate.

Even with Blu-Ray 1x, 36 Mbps or 4.5 MB/s, you take 56 seconds to fill 256 MB of main RAM.

You would need something like a 32x DVD reader to have a similar performance.

Also it is hard to say wether dual layer DVD discs will cost less than single layer Blu-Ray ROM discs.

Space can be used by developers: much bigger worlds (they need data for models, textures, etc...), higher quality music (same or bigger giant soundtracks as GTA: Vice City, but higher quality bitrate), higher quality FMVs (they are not going to disappear), etc...

Still, developers will be able to choose between CD-ROMs, DVD-ROMs and Blu-Ray ROMs for their games according to their needs and resources while Sony will still be able to introduce Blu-Ray in the houses of millions of people around the world.


Queen of Denmark
Given the estimated costs of the HD-DVD drives, it seems really unlikely that they'll make it into Xenon, especially if Microsoft is looking to make a trimmer, leaner machine this time around. It seems like it'll either be standard DVD or proprietary media.


Panajev2001a said:
You seem to think that we have Toshiba and NEC going full strength on one side and Sony alone battling on the other.

That is a mistake: both technologies are good enough to stand on their own.
And you seem to imply that it's the entirety of the BRD Forum against NEC/Toshiba, which is also a mistake. ;)

Really on the BRD side it's been chiefly Matsushitsa & Pioneer giving tangible support, with everyone else remaining more or less on the sidelines. Implying the BRD forum as a whole is 100% pushing the format is just as misleading as saying the DVD forum as a whole is backing the forum approved HD-DVD.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Sony, Matsushita and Pioneer > NEC and Toshiba :p.

Still the other members in the Blu-Ray group have provided two very important things: technology and cash.

TDK is providing, for example, the hard-coating technology for Blu-Ray.

$65 Billions for over-all R&D were not put by Sony, Matsushita and Pioneer alone as that would still be over $21 Billions each.

With Blu-Ray ROM specs not yet finalized, it is not that unclear whiy other CE players have not released Blu-Ray products to the market.

Insinuating that the other Blu-Ray players are just signing the list, not providing technology, money and preparing prototypes is not fair to the Blu-Ray group.

When you include the DVD forum, you also have to include Sony ;) ( they are members ) and all the Blu-Ray licensees ;).


"GAF's biggest wanker"
I'm curious where we keep getting this $65 Billion for BRD R&D figure from - and is that yen or dollars? Because, if its dollars, I don't think the current DVD market is even valued that high. Is it? That figure just seems like its completely out in left field and makes no sense at all.


Panajev2001a said:
Sony, Matsushita and Pioneer > NEC and Toshiba :p.
Possibly. How about Sony, Matsushitsa & Pioneer Vs NEC, Toshiba & Microsoft? :p

Panajev2001a said:
Still the other members in the Blu-Ray group have provided two very important things: technology and cash.

TDK is providing, for example, the hard-coating technology for Blu-Ray.

$65 Billions for over-all R&D were not put by Sony, Matsushita and Pioneer alone as that would still be over $21 Billions each.

With Blu-Ray ROM specs not yet finalized, it is not that unclear whiy other CE players have not released Blu-Ray products to the market.

Insinuating that the other Blu-Ray players are just signing the list, not providing technology, money and preparing prototypes is not fair to the Blu-Ray group.

When you include the DVD forum, you also have to include Sony ;) ( they are members ) and all the Blu-Ray licensees ;).
Understood but at the same time insuating the BRD forum is behind the technology full force is misleading. Most critical articles cite both standards really being pushed by a few companies with the majority of firms in the BRD/DVD forums taking a wait and see approach before choosing a "side".

Saying BRD forum memebers must have contributed something because of their forum membership seems a bit of a stretch. Voiced support alone doesn't amount to much, after all I doubt NEC & Toshiba were the only DVD forum members who voted yes on HD-DVD...


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Milhouse: I would tend to think $65 million USD is a tad low. However, if that $65 Billion is in yen, then that'd be about $500 million USD, which seems more reasonable.

Anyway, Here's a couple more articles talking more about the 3 day event referenced in the Maccentral article:



I found this part interesting in the second article:

Toshiba and NEC said they intend to introduce HD DVD products with both player and recorder functions during 2005. The launch date depends on completion of the format by next year. "To achieve high picture quality, Toshiba wants to introduce an HD DVD player and recorder together" with surface-conduction electron-emitter display (SED) TV sets, said Yoshihide Fujii, president and CEO of Toshiba Digital Media Network Co.
Ambitious. Don't ever say that Toshiba isn't trying to corner the CE market in their own way... ;)




Here is a picture of a VC9 encoded 1080p videostream running at 12Mb/sec

NEC HD-DVD drive for PCs

HD DVD Copyprotection




HD DVD explanation meeting opening. The pony canyon enters into the HD DVD market
- Toshiba throwing the player/the recorder during 2005

July 26th release

The NEC(NEC),3 corporationsof the memoryTEX corporationand corporation Toshiba on the 26th, holding the explanatory meeting of the next generation DVD "HD DVD". Besides the fact that Toshiba and NEC you explained concerning the HD DVD strategy and the road map of the respective company, the corporation pony canyon it made that for the first time it enters into the HD DVD market as a contents folder clear.

Toshiba throwing the HD DVD player/the recorder in 2005

The Fujii beauty England of senior routine work digital media network President the Toshiba execution part, explained the match of present condition and Toshiba which surround HD DVD. The effect to which the pony canyon for HD DVD introduces that the software is sold in 2005, obtains the support of contents industry was introduced.

As for Fujii, image life style has changed "with the spread of domestic digital broadcast and the spread of the HDD/DVD recorder. Videotaping steadily in ‡€hdd, ", the style that has become generally", it retains just the image which would like to leave in DVD that it does, what is expected to the next generation DVD Takasina rank "such as movie" "manages in regard to package distribution of the contents and HDD" becomes the archive 2 points which ", retains program at the title unit" that it explained

In addition, contents industry requests the loose movement to of the next generation DVD from DVD, "the movement to of HD DVD does not think advances with quickly. That in the future it is estimated "that 10 years or more, DVD and the next generation DVD coexist, you say. Because of that, "DVD business of present condition it becomes important to hold down cost increase to the basis. While with HD DVD coexisting with contents industry, we assumed, that リーズナブル which utilizes existing equipment it can develop at price "we appealed the height of the compatibility which it can correspond to the market coexistence with the bulk and existence DVD for the HD contents.

In addition, at Toshiba throwing the HD DVD player/the recorder during 2005. "Adjusting to the SED television of sale schedule in 2005[EDIT: Note Toshiba states their SED Flatscreens are due in 2005!!!], we would like to keep offering dream and impression", that you say. Furthermore, the recorder with the possibility that it becomes the hybrid of HDD and HD DVD, in addition prepares also the playback private machine. Concerning price "we would like us to have decided enterprise secret," that is.

Pony canyon contents industry first HD DVD entry statement

Corporation pony canyon image business headquarters image production 1 section large willow English tree department manager, "adjusting to the sale of of hard 2005, that it starts the sale preparation of the original contents of HD DVD", stating market entry. Movie it introduced the "moonlight ジェリー fish" of release schedule in August, throwing the HD DVD contents with "ヴァーチャル trip" of the same work and environmental image it made clear.

As for moonlight ジェリー fish, movie of Fujiwara Tatuya starring. It has become the HD digital movie of all the compilation hi-vision photographing which are by the variable camber. In addition, environmental image label with "ヴァーチャル trip" of the same company, making use of the HD-D5 master which the HD telecine is done from the 35mm film, the large natural scenery natural sound developing "the large nature FASCINATING of the environmental movie the virtual trip THE MOVIE earth which is shown with music NATURE". Furthermore "the virtual trip HD series" of HD-CAM recording it sells plans.

As for virtual trip HD, to become the disk of HD recording which bodily sensation it is possible the scenery/the unique scenery where the inside of the world is beautiful, as for title of sale schedule, virtual trip MALDIVES (モルディブ) the /THE BEACH MALDIVES/MALDIVES diving vew/Great Barrier Reef diving view/FULL MOON ON TOKYO/ sky 撮 TOKYO and the like. Concerning price, "almost about equality to former DVD. It becomes high "with you say somewhat with completeness and the like of benefit.

As for large willow department manager, "as for our first image software it was open-reel, but adjusting to the evolution of hard, it has made the software. The leadership dispute unfolded even with video, but the format which remains was user friendly ones. "Either one of HD DVD and the blue ray winning?" it is observed, but if it becomes the circumstance that, better ones survive for the user we that you welcome ", stating the expectation to the next generation disk.

In addition, as for demand for high picture quality is very high "it makes and from the hand. High picture quality image is suitable for viewing in the large picture, you think that new large picture image culture is born. With HD DVD, we would like to keep searching new possibility ", that you talked aspiration.

* With HD DVD adopting AACS for copyright protective function

The NEC first storage division generalization manager quickly Tsu Akikazu, as trend of the standard of HD DVD is explained, explained the blue ray and the difference of HD DVD on the center.

It is quick, as for Tsu, "as for the blue ray with the type which makes prime object the record of HDTV, as for HD DVD HD Video (the ROM contents) putting in place prime object, you start development", that it does, pointing out the difference of position of both standards. The feature of HD DVD such as adopting the up-to-date codec of H.264 and VC-9 etc. in HD DVD-ROM standard and following the disk structure of existence DVD was introduced, toward "it was smooth from SD and seamless the merit of HD DVD which aims movement" was explained.

In addition, introducing the advantage of HD DVD where already ROM standard is decided, has established the technology of stamper compilation. Copyright protective function, IBM and Intel, Toshiba, Matsushita, SONY, it depends on MS, ディズニー and Warner and others, you say that "AACS (Advanced Access Content System)" you adopt. Concerning the specifications of AACS it was not referred. Furthermore, you say that the adoption of AACS is planned even with the blue ray.

It is quick, Tsu, introduces also the standardization road map "of HD DVD-ARW" of transfer type, and "HD DVD-R" of ライトワンス and "HD DVD-File" etc. introducing that standardization is advanced favorably. In addition, "in next term DVD video standard, image quality, production cost, with all points of the copy protection HD DVD the best" expressed, appealed the charm of HD as a medium for the ROM contents DVD.

Furthermore, also HD contents output demonstration of the PC connection which utilizes the HD DVD drive of the same company make was done. For PC of the same company make sale time of drive has anticipated 2005, slim drive and the like for the note you call actualization possibility after that 1 year.

"As for BDROM it does not ride in LongHorn as it is now", that Microsoft

The Yajima interest Isamu senior executive adviser of the Microsoft corporation, while comparing the match of DVD of SD age and HD DVD of HD age, introducing the blue ray and the difference of the development idea of HD DVD. As for the blue ray with the technology which adhered to analog extremely "engineering development inclination. It expressed plastic/optical technology inclination, "" in electronics technical inclination, business oriented "collected on the one hand HD DVD.

In addition, the commutation point estimating 2006 is expected that enlargement of the illegal copy and DVD conversion of the movie library of each contents folder pause. Because excess supply of spread and LCD and PDP of the recorder and the read rate limit etc. of PC drive also the top limit of the business of DVD is anticipated in around 2006, you say that expectation to the next generation format increases.

On the one hand, "as for HD image unless it is the television of 32 types or more, the value is difficult to know, price transformation of prime cost rise is difficult. "Therefore making the disk cheap," the Hollywood truth. (Like the blue ray it is not) as for making new technology being pleasant, as for the ginger and the user to buy the movie, to buy the optical disk. In addition, when SD broadcast from VHS changes to DVD as a user experience, the big change the way cannot be desired, "that it did, unless it is accepted to the user, it explained the cost increase which accompanies HD conversion.

In addition, you have heard that "VC-9 (WMV9) you adopt also the blue ray, it plans also the adoption of AACS and, (as a copyright protective function that), because you say, there is an impression that it gets near gradually. But as for the present blue ray with the inscriber, ROM which supplies the software anew is not standardized yet. () With LongHorn of the next generation OS it can support HD DVD, but when this way is, it cannot load the blue ray, "that you expressed.

As for production speed of HD DVD disk 3.5 seconds

It announced that engineering development Department Manager Masato Otsuka of the memory TEX corporation cooperates with Toshiba, releases the engineering data concerning the production line of the disk for HD DVD playback late from August.

Concerning the charm of HD DVD, introduction e.g., it can actualize production process and the quality control which were proven in 8 annual market and stabilize. In addition, it has started the production process development which can be combined to DVD and HD DVD mass production from 2 years ago, but it is the modulator and the lens and beam pass LBR which cannot be shared to DVD (Laser Beam Recorder) vis-a-vis that aim was raised to stability production of the stamper which satisfies individual improvement and HD DVD 1 layer /2 layer.

In addition, it experimented produced approximately 800 stampers, established the stability production of the stamper. In May the HD DVD/DVD common production line of 2 lines completed in the Tsukuba factory, started work. Furthermore, you call the production change of DVD and HD DVD that it can do in approximately 5 minutes.

With cycle time 3.5 seconds of 2 layer 30GB disks actualization (as for DVD 3 seconds). As for yield rate 93 - 95% you say. In August the HD DVD/DVD production line of 2 lines is started even at the Kofu factory. As for HD DVD productivity of 4 line total 280 ten thousand (as for DVD 330 ten thousand).

In addition, you say that the authoring of HD DVD, it is advancing also the test of encoding technology. Because with HD image of the 1,920×1,080 dot it can play back almost in master picture quality, you could verify noise and the hue gap you put away remarkably. Because of that, you say that also technology such as color collection and film scratch removal is advancing the test at the Akasaka studio, in addition, you say that it does also the test of authoring environment and the like of the extended navigation which used HTML, is advancing the walking to utilization.


damn that was painful to read klee... what's your take on it? You think HD-DVD is gaining any real momentum or is it all just smoke and mirrors.


If/when the BRD group accomplishes 2 things....its all over, IMO

1-Incorporate VC9 and/or H.264 encoding on pre-recorded BRD-ROM disks

2-Announce PlayStation 3 will play BDR-ROM games and movies

If both of these come to pass...it is over for HD-DVD


Gold Member
Kleegamefan said:
If/when the BRD group accomplishes 2 things....its all over, IMO

1-Incorporate VC9 and/or H.264 encoding on pre-recorded BRD-ROM disks

2-Announce PlayStation 3 will play BDR-ROM games and movies

If both of these come to pass...it is over for HD-DVD

Didn't they already announced H.264 support?

And PS3 with BRD is pretty much official.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
jarrod said:
Possibly. How about Sony, Matsushitsa & Pioneer Vs NEC, Toshiba & Microsoft? :p

How about Sony, Matsushita, Pioneer, TDK and DELL ? ( you are counting Microsoft which is providing the codec and OS support )

Understood but at the same time insuating the BRD forum is behind the technology full force is misleading. Most critical articles cite both standards really being pushed by a few companies with the majority of firms in the BRD/DVD forums taking a wait and see approach before choosing a "side".

What I said is not a stretch: they have contributed IPs and money and technologies.

Some of thsoe "critical" reports minimize the issue as basically Sony being the only active member and ALL the others just writing their name on the dotted line, which as even you pointed out is not fair nor right to say.
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