nvidiot wtf are you on
i thought you were a smart guy at one point. but do you not realize that you started going ham when you quoted me HERE and didn't even respond to shit that I wrote?
I asked you question, because you appear to be a police officer... I asked you the question based on the facts presented in the article.
How is that in any way crazy, or "off the ham"?? What I asked you clearly wasn't in relation to what you actually wrote.. it was just a reply to show you are a cop.. in case anyone else was wondering why I was asking you a question about Police Procedure in the first person.
You sound crazy, and possibly emotionally attached to this story bro. I think you should stop posting and talk a walk or have some kool-aid.
And you are repeatedly being condescending, and in no way answered my original question.. which was asked of you because you are a Police Officer.
You deferred to the other facts.. like that the guy had allegedly threatened his neighboor.
THAT is why 6 cops showed up with guns drawn.. but I still attempted to ask you some questions based on the facts.
He was shot in the back of the head for turning around.. even if he did clearly have a weapon in his hand, is that Police procedure?
Why am I CRAZY for asking a POLICE OFFICER basic questions?
You could.. I dunno.. answer them? Tell me yes or no?
Obviously there could be other facts.. things left out.. I'm asking questions based on what was presented, and being told I'm insane for doing so, and in a highly condescending manner. Where did I deserve any of that?