They sell Colt 45s there. That's pretty cool. The quadruple bypass burger is fuckin insane though.
I might have to try this place out sometime.
Not recommended. Friends took me there for my 21st birthday before we hit the bars and it made my stomach churn all night long.
I just wonder if this woman was already morbidly obese. Could one of these kill a just moderately sickly person or only someone already near death's door?
They sell Colt 45s there. That's pretty cool. The quadruple bypass burger is fuckin insane though.
Wow an ambulance right outside the door, I would maybe walk in to see what the burgers looked like but would never try them.
Haha what did you get?
Did all of your friends stomach get fucked or just you?
I just wonder if this woman was already morbidly obese. Could one of these kill a just moderately sickly person or only someone already near death's door?
It makes people happy
Believe it or not lard is actually a healthier alternative than vegetable oil, at least concerning frying french fries in it.
Believe it or not lard is actually a healthier alternative than vegetable oil, at least concerning frying french fries in it.
Well yeah, I bet the food there tastes great. I'd try it once.Funny that with two cases of death, people still go there. Their reputation (unless the food is bad) can't be shattered.
8000 calories??? Fuck that's almost over 9000. So you basically well gain nearly 3 lbs of fat eating that?
Crazy... you American's and your restaurants. It's either people are getting into fights at them, being run over by other patrons or dying from eating at them!
Oh look another coincidence.
The act of getting up and going to the restaurant and subsequently having a blood clot come loose is more likely to be the cause than any relationship to the food they are eating that day.
Oh, shit, there's one in Dallas?
I'm gonna be down there the first weekend of May.
Anyone up for a GAF adventure?
Oh, shit, there's one in Dallas?
I'm gonna be down there the first weekend of May.
Anyone up for a GAF adventure?
Well yeah, I bet the food there tastes great. I'd try it once.
Except for what you're "eating that day" is 8000+ calories of thick crap which is a horrible horrible strain on the body and thus, person with weak clogged arteries gets a heart attack and dies.
That would never happen.
Oh, shit, there's one in Dallas?
I'm gonna be down there the first weekend of May.
Anyone up for a GAF adventure?
It wouldn't. It takes time for food to pass the stomach and start absorption in the intestines. It doesn't matter how many calories is in it at that moment.
Any effect would likely be indirect, such as eating it too fast and losing your breath because you can't breath as well whilst you are chewing. Or overexpanding your stomach increasing pressure on the lungs. These would causes your heart rate and blood pressure to rise and increase the risk of damage to athersclerosis and the breakaway of clots.
I'll prepare the funeral arrangements
May I have your PS3?
Hmmm, I'm in Fort Worth until May 12th...
amusing, but also disgusting. this whole 'look what I ate' idea is fucking stupid. 8000 calories?! that shouldn't be legal to serve that, it's dangerous and people are pretty stupid already in vegas.
at least she's not dead. Maybe she'll learn from her mistake.