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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Watched the pre match interview of this IEM thing and turned it off. So awful.

The Seatstory Cup was way better.
Saw the finals just now, Artosis playing vs Gnimsh and Frodan commentating, looked like every big Hearthstone tournament recently? :p esports interviews are 99% cringeworthy, so that's nothing new.

Anyone know where one can watch the semifinals? The Twitch account doesn't look to be archiving the stream.


I don't get a chance to play this game very often so I'm still not very good but do you guys feel like you need a deck made up (at least partially) of non-basic cards? I beat the practice AI and can do so fairly consistently but the advanced AI gives me troubles, I've only managed to beat it twice. Haven't tried out play mode or arena yet.
Gheddon is much better than I initially thought.

I think he is great. I want to put him in a druid deck for some reason. I think being able to deal 3 damage a turn (with hero power) while only taking 1 damage a turn from geddon will be awesome.

Not sure what kind of deck I'd put him in though, probably a late game deck and not the current token heavy deck I am using atm. Definitely more of a late game deck though.


Dropped down 7 stars because of Hunters. Great. I switch to the anti-hunter deck and I get heavy control matchups, I switch back and I FREAKING ALWAYS get hunters. Fix this broken shit.


Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
I don't get a chance to play this game very often so I'm still not very good but do you guys feel like you need a deck made up (at least partially) of non-basic cards? I beat the practice AI and can do so fairly consistently but the advanced AI gives me troubles, I've only managed to beat it twice. Haven't tried out play mode or arena yet.

I've been having trouble with the Expert AI as well.
Previously I used a custom warrior deck I made and was able to win pretty consistently against AI and players, but I already have all the cards for that so I started branching out into the other decks.

That hasn't been so productive.
I think they actually made the expert AI better with the last patch IIRC. I think I actually lost to them once when I was just messing around with decks. Good improvement if they made it tougher.

Now I remember I came SOOO close to losing, but pulled ahead in the end.


Rank 1 5 stars is a terrible place.

Legendary alludes me today ;__; 3 more wins so I guess it'll be until tomorrow.


Newest highlights:

Turn 4 Cairne Bloodhoof

Opponent just did Leeroy, Force of Nature, Innervate, Innervate, Savage Roar... welp


I think they actually made the expert AI better with the last patch IIRC. I think I actually lost to them once when I was just messing around with decks. Good improvement if they made it tougher.

Now I remember I came SOOO close to losing, but pulled ahead in the end.

I tried playing a Warlock murloc deck against them. The Priest had 7 health.. I had two 2/2 minions and a 3/2. He used Shadow Madness, took the 3/2 and smacked me in the face with it. It's still pretty dumb.


I just played an opponent that had this card:


When he played the card, I thought I was playing Rock Band. Shit was amazing.


I just played an opponent that had this card:


When he played the card, I thought I was playing Rock Band. Shit was amazing.
Not even the golden version? Lame. :p

Played against that card a couple times directly after Blizzcon (but never since then).

HIlarious that Gnimsh played the card (and won) against Artosis in the grand finals.


Not even the golden version? Lame. :p

Played against that card a couple times directly after Blizzcon (but never since then).

HIlarious that Gnimsh played the card (and won) against Artosis in the grand finals.
I got a cairne bloodhoof from it. lol


Multishot? I honestly have no idea what Hunter decks you guys must be facing then :x

My experience with them as Control Warrior is basically Charge-heavy Hunters which you just play card negative / Health positive against (e.g., Slam to kill a random charger for no draw, Hero Power + Shield Slam to kill a Leper Gnome) or the Trap heavy Hunter where I stall out and net as much card advantage as I can with a limited board (e.g., suicide stuff into Explosive Trap procs to remove a minion but have Armorsmith / Acolyte played to gain +2 HP / +1 card, keep my board to 1 minion as often as possible). A lot of the former comes down to how much Health I can keep up before I force them to an empty hand while the latter is can I sneak damage in early enough to rely on Ragnaros / Grommash to pull the win out in 2-3 turns late game.

Of course, I'm playing what's probably the most expensive deck in the format (+3200 Dust if I added Sylvanas and Geddon to it) so pay2win scrub I guess.

You can call that pay2win, but I must have gotten lucky with my pulls.. I've spent a grand total of $40 on cards, which I think is more than worth it given the amount of play time I've gotten, and all I'm missing out of that deck is the Shield Slams and Ysera. And I can just put in 2x Cleave and Malygos for acceptable substitutes. Malygos + Whirlwind is a mean board clear.
Sooo im still new to this but loving it so far.

Question about tactics regarding gold though.

It seems to me it best to always save your gold and test your luck in the arena?

This LINK states that even if you dont win at all, you still get a card pack, and you would ''gamble'' the other 50 on higher return?


Rank 1 5 stars is a terrible place.

Legendary alludes me today ;__; 3 more wins so I guess it'll be until tomorrow.

I just went back up from 20ish to 15 by fixing together a very good rogue deck.

I'll have to share it. Lemme see if I remember

The 2 dmg 0 mana x2
Evisecrate x2
2 wolf riders
2 leper gnomes
2 charge pirates (2/1)
2 +atck for weapon
1 perdition blade (the do 1 dmg or 2 if combo)
2 destroy minion (15)
2 argent champions
2 acidic oozes(too many hunters/warriors/paladins with weapons)
2 SI commandos
The one card to destroy a blade and deal dmg to all enemies
The 3/4 weapon (5 mana) (23)
2 dwarf rifles (the 1 damage) (maybe 2 or 1 idk)
2 pirates of +dmg equal to weapon

I'm not on my laptop ATM, so I'm insure of my last 3 cards

O, the +2-4 combo attack for units, good plus charge
That's 29 cards. Missing a card. Hmm
So I felt like starting an EU run today. Free account. No arena runs, at least yet. No packs opened except those earned from playing constructed. I didn't even dust useless cards. I played 1 casual match just to get a feel of my deck.

Also to note. I did not play a single AI match, so needless to say but I am playing mage since that is the starting class and one I have barely played on NA so I figured it would be refreshing. All leveling done on the ladder except that first casual match. Only got a harvest golem and amani berserker that fit into my deck.

I actually lost my first match against a mage mirror. I think I lost to a paladin some 5-8 matches later. And I lost to another mage rank 15 (damn guy had ice block up forever) dropped antonidas, coin, missiles on turn 9. Pyroblast turn 10. Maybe I should have gone to face more. I don't think it mattered. I popped the ice block a turn too late (the turn before pyro). So 20 wins, 3 losses so far. OH yeah, the paladin I lost to won cause of deathwing, lol... I had no poly over 2 turns so oh well... shit happens.

All basics except the 2 aforementioned cards (amani berserker and a harvest golem) plus an argent squire I opened up just now.


This has been fun. I think I'll keep trying to rank up further. I'm 14 atm or 1 star short.


I just played an opponent that had this card:


When he played the card, I thought I was playing Rock Band. Shit was amazing.

I got a cairne bloodhoof from it. lol

Fuck, that shit happened to me a while back. Was doing ok mid game against an Assassin, probably had the edge, when she played the card. I don't have a singe legendary at this point, so even that rather measly card is better than any 5mana monster I could put out, giving a big swing in the favour.

Then she gets a Cairne, I get some useless warrior. Pissed me right off, game was just lost then and there. Honestly it's kind of shitty early on in Hearthstone, there have been quite a few situations where an opponent playing a legendary has just won the game for them. I suppose that's what they are supposed to do, but I'm often left with no counter whatsoever.


Gold Member
Fuck, that shit happened to me a while back. Was doing ok mid game against an Assassin, probably had the edge, when she played the card. I don't have a singe legendary at this point, so even that rather measly card is better than any 5mana monster I could put out, giving a big swing in the favour.

It pretty much dies to almost every 5-drop. It's really not a good card in the sense it's stats are overpowered or hard to combat.


So, I obviously need to play more Warrior when I draft Gorehowl in Arena, go for face so he has 1 hp left, and then wonder where my weapon went.

I lost.


Does anyone else notice the same trend in Arena. You play a variety of players for the first few wins then see 90% mages after that? The class seems downright OP in arena, just really sick of facing them and hardly getting a chance to pick them. When I do it's almost a guaranteed 8 wins.

I understand that this isn't going to change and it's the limitation of the format. I just needed to vent a bit and wish there was some other way to earn gold like in Arena. Hopefully the make a similar constructed format.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
does arathi weaponsmith need a nerf? the value you get is a little unreal.
Enough with the "this card I've been getting handed by needs a nerf". It's a 3/3 for 4 which puts it at a deficit. That's made up for by giving the warrior a 2/2 weapon which is the weakest weapon in the warrior deck and can be gotten rid of all of the normal ways (slime, jones, etc). So basically weaponsmith is a poor value card that at worst gives an immediate 2 damage strike obeying taunt/targeting. I would like to hear your reasoning for this being op. And please don't bring up synergies as those generally are never taken into consideration for a single card being op.

edit - not that I'm saying it's a bad card.. it is a very strong card in any warrior deck, BECAUSE of those synergies.. but synergies, especially in this game, can't be accounted for when saying a card is OP.. you have to get the card draws to support the synergy, you have to build the mana pool to play the synergy, all during which time you have to fight off your opponent who is putting pressure on you, possibly including playing some of those cards off-synergy to relieve some of that pressure. if you are frequently getting dominated by 2, 3, or 4 card synergies, you have to ask yourself "what am I doing that I could be doing better? am I applying pressure? am I trading well? am I using my removals well?"

So, I obviously need to play more Warrior when I draft Gorehowl in Arena, go for face so he has 1 hp left, and then wonder where my weapon went.

I lost.
Ya. Gorehowl is either an awesome minion demolisher or lethal. If you use it to the face and don't get lethal you leave yourself in a rough place especially at round 7 or later when you can use it.

Anyway, finally got my iPad Air and now I see they're saying it's release should be "a couple weeks". So friggin ready.


For people looking for a hunter build that doesn't include UTH, I've had some success with this build:


It's kinda funny because you can see them anticipating UTH but it never comes. Just keep loading up your hunter with secrets and keep their side clear. Steady shot as much as possible.

I went 9-1 yesterday with the rogue deck I made. It's a lot of fun and super abusive. And I smash my face into people because I also have 1 giant(the one that costs less per damage). I don't have him in the deck because I think he will survive, I have him for when I'm low on health and need a combo to win :)

The loss came from someone who got every perfect card for his deck, I couldn't actually win with how his deck played


So went ahead and started playing on the Euro and Asian servers. My plan is to only play on one server a day, so each one has 3 quests and can be finished up quickly.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I don't get a chance to play this game very often so I'm still not very good but do you guys feel like you need a deck made up (at least partially) of non-basic cards? I beat the practice AI and can do so fairly consistently but the advanced AI gives me troubles, I've only managed to beat it twice. Haven't tried out play mode or arena yet.

I took a two month break from Hearthstone but just started playing again this weekend. I have all of the classes up to level 10 or higher, all of the basic sets and a couple of rares and a few legendaries. But man, I'm at level 25 Angry Chicken and I'm finding it hard to get to level 24. I played a bit of ranked last night trying to complete my dailies and I went 1-9, couldn't even complete a single daily, let alone get up to two stars at lvl 25. Didn't earn any gold at all. It just seemed like every deck I played against was really stacked and powerful.

Is that common? Or are my decks just that incredibly bad? I feel like I'm a decent player, two months ago I could pretty much win about 50% of the time. I feel like it shouldn't be that difficult to get out of the bottom, let alone complete a daily or two.


Oooh, got my Chicken Dinner! I have like 400 gold I don't know what to do with all thiiiiiiis! Are there any more "hidden quests" like that?


I'm trying to get a set of well-rounded legendaries that are useful across different classes and builds.

Right now I've got:

Black Knight
Van Cleef
Gelbin (golden)

It seems like all of these (except for Gelbin, but he's soulbound) are worth keeping and are not automatic DEs. Rag and Ysera have been game changers, for sure.

I have about 1,100 dust left over, so if I were to DE some other stuff I could probably scrape together enough for one more legendary.

It seems like Bloodmage Thalnos is another widely used card, would it be worth pursuing in the current meta? Outside of legendaries how about epics? I currently don't have a Faceless Manipulator. I did get a golden Molten Giant so I could always DE that one, too. Doesn't seem useful to anyone but Warriors.
I decided to craft a Pagle yesterday on a whim to play him for a bit, since he's 100% refundable through disenchant. Then today I disenchanted him and made Cairne Bloodhoof.... then opened a Cairne Bloodhoof in my next pack.


I don't get a chance to play this game very often so I'm still not very good but do you guys feel like you need a deck made up (at least partially) of non-basic cards? I beat the practice AI and can do so fairly consistently but the advanced AI gives me troubles, I've only managed to beat it twice. Haven't tried out play mode or arena yet.
I can beat the expert AI with my Mage and Priest decks. They are mostly basic cards. I don't even think I lost with my Mage deck to the expert AI.

What class do you play?


I don't get a chance to play this game very often so I'm still not very good but do you guys feel like you need a deck made up (at least partially) of non-basic cards? I beat the practice AI and can do so fairly consistently but the advanced AI gives me troubles, I've only managed to beat it twice. Haven't tried out play mode or arena yet.

What class do you play?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I'm trying to get a set of well-rounded legendaries that are useful across different classes and builds.

Right now I've got:

Black Knight
Van Cleef
Gelbin (golden)

It seems like all of these (except for Gelbin, but he's soulbound) are worth keeping and are not automatic DEs. Rag and Ysera have been game changers, for sure.

I have about 1,100 dust left over, so if I were to DE some other stuff I could probably scrape together enough for one more legendary.

It seems like Bloodmage Thalnos is another widely used card, would it be worth pursuing in the current meta? Outside of legendaries how about epics? I currently don't have a Faceless Manipulator. I did get a golden Molten Giant so I could always DE that one, too. Doesn't seem useful to anyone but Warriors.
bloodmage is definitely VERY useful and probably the only must have left. alexstraza as an alternate late game finisher (or lifeline depending on the situation). Baron Geddon is a great control card, though obviously very situational on the type of deck build. I don't have much place for him in my warrior control deck, but in a druid control deck he is outstanding. nat pagle is still a great card, just not as must have as he used to be. you basically lose half a card draw.

you have van cleef in there who is obviously awesome. IMHO the two other class must-haves are Gromm (probably second best class leg in the game) and tirion (best class leg in the game)
It seems like Bloodmage Thalnos is another widely used card, would it be worth pursuing in the current meta? Outside of legendaries how about epics? I currently don't have a Faceless Manipulator. I did get a golden Molten Giant so I could always DE that one, too. Doesn't seem useful to anyone but Warriors.

You could add Cairne to your list of useful all-around legendaries. I would say that, yes, Thalnos is good too, especially if running a deck with a decent amount of damage spells. Faceless Manipulator and Big Game Hunter both have their place as far as epics, especially BGH now that Tinkmaster has been needed.


Thalnos is a good Legendary but ... it always feels weird crafting him. Like, he lacks the Legendary feel even though he's such a great card for many decks. Cairne fits well and is probably the best all-rounder Legendary missing from that list.

Geddon is at his best in Warrior Control as it gives them a 7cc drop worth playing on curve, though it's probably one of the few lists he's good in (Druid Control is the other but they're usually better off just going midrange). But, Alexstraza is more important to that list as Geddon is more just a robust anti-Shaman card and helps clean-up the late-game of various aggro match-ups.

Started playing paladin this seeker . Finding it a lot of fun

What is the first legendary to craft ?

Also any good streams to watch ?

Paladin specific? Koyuki for that. If you just mean in general, Trump and Hafu do Arena really well (along with general playing advice) though they've been splitting their recent time between Hearthstone and HotS I think.


So far my mage deck has been my main deck. Should I keep it as my main deck or use something else for rank? I enjoy using it but I don't see anyone else use the deck


user-friendly man-cashews
So far my mage deck has been my main deck. Should I keep it as my main deck or use something else for rank? I enjoy using it but I don't see anyone else use the deck
You left out the most important information in your post : are you winning with it? :p


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I wish I had bothered to record how many packs I've opened, because I've been playing (albietly sparasely) for months and still have 0 legendary cards.
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