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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Oh man, Miracle/Token Druid is pretty gross. It's pretty hilarious seeing 4-5 2/2 violet teachers pop out in a single turn.


it's nice to come out of arena with 350 extra gold

on the other hand, no legendaries in 26 packs now since I started counting, and many more packs in the months before


Man I just can't seem to get good hands with my Paladin deck haha, and when I play Warlock to switch it up, I get people who have godhands


Finally got off the fence about crafting one of the Legendaries I need.. I dusted a Patient Assassin, golden Doomguard, golden Gladiator's Longbow, and a Hungry Crab. Made myself a Bloodmage Thalnos. Only the second legendary I've crafted since open beta, and I did it so I could start playing Tempo Rogue. It suuucks if you are missing that extra point to get rid of a Tazdingo.

Still missing Leeroy but I don't often find myself needing the reach with the decks that use him. Depending on the draws, either I win, or I'm not even close. I just put in an Assassinate instead, but I might replace it with a Boulderfist or Cairne to keep with the tempo theme.


And a Lorewalker Cho in the 27th pack, oh well

had a really fun arena run with rogue, gonna craft Leeroy and try out a mid-range deck. I love poisoned daggers. No preparation or VanCleef yet, though :(
guess I'll start with face hunter
In my midrange/tempo rogue deck I decided to replace loot hoarders with gnomish inventors and I think it is really working out so far. At least I am liking the change.

My underlying thought process was... many removal is around 3 damage. This in a way makes gnomish inventor work out like novice engineer used to. And you might think that it is a bad card because the current meta with emphasis on aggro decks, but this will help me cycle to backstabs, and it is a great target for cold blood because many don't remove it (if they do they take a card count hit) and you'd have to spend generally 4 mana to remove it afterwards, making it (I think at least) a pretty worthwhile way to keep board control due to the tempo loss the other player may take.

I honestly don't think my deck has any bad match ups atm, at least in the decks we see right now. I guess watcher druid could be pretty tough if I don't draw into my tempo cards. That deck is very consistent too.

And a Lorewalker Cho in the 27th pack, oh well

had a really fun arena run with rogue, gonna craft Leeroy and try out a mid-range deck. I love poisoned daggers. No preparation or VanCleef yet, though :(
guess I'll start with face hunter

Unless miracle, most decks don't use preparation. It tends to be a dead card, sometimes combo'd with sprint just to cycle but even then you spent 4 mana to net 2 cards, which is 1 more card for only 1 more mana than arcane intellect I guess.
Opened 4 packs, got 20 cards i had, only 4 rares.

Ill never save up for naxx cause i just need to buy packs.

I only just started. But at least the first win is free and you have a week til the next wing. And tbh it wouldn't be that bad to spend money on the wings if you want the cards they provide since you for once know exactly what you are getting in a card game(!).


I'm saving up gold by doing arenas

dat 7-win average

I used to do this as well, but now I think I have started to suck and am glad if I reach 7 wins. All of my decks yesterday were garbage not counting one hunter deck. Played a Paladin and got offered nothing but secrets as spells. The deck was godawful.


Neo Member
Finally crafted some ancient of lores, now I can play druid decks. Trying out Kolento's charge deck at the moment. I like it.
Crafted a Big Game Hunter to play the same deck after opening a few of the other epics recently. It is indeed fun after playing a lot of Shaman. The dudes are way bigger!


I used to do this as well, but now I think I have started to suck and am glad if I reach 7 wins. All of my decks yesterday were garbage not counting one hunter deck. Played a Paladin and got offered nothing but secrets as spells. The deck was godawful.

I've started to keep track of my arena runs now

1-3 Pa
9-3 Ma
7-3 Pr
9-3 Sh
8-3 Pr
7-3 Pa
5-3 Ma
2-3 Pr
10-3 Dr
6-3 Ma
10-3 Pa
9-3 Rog

not bad really, I haven't played arena in months


Finally I found my god pack T_T

And it contains the best legendary that I didn't have yet T_T

*many tears*


Because it's a bullshit perfect draw that's a nigh un-losable position. Even the fastest aggro decks can't win by turn 5 in 99% of cases. Even if you hex one, or some shit, he's still got a Rag out 3 turns earlier than is normally possible. Besides the fact that if you do somehow manage to deal with them, he's ramped up so fast that he can drop every giant legendary/ancient/tree/taunt/etc. that he top decks. It's not recoverable.

I mean it's not like it's gonna happen every game, but still. Give me that opener any day of the week and I'd be legend in less than a day.

This game really pisses me off sometimes.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
That opener happens once every 100 games, which is why the guy you played isn't legend either lol. You get perfect draws sometimes too, we all do. Still, he gave you 4 turns for board presence and to draw removal. It wasn't unwinnable, it just felt like it if your mulligan/draws weren't perfect too. Also, you have to realize some decks just lose to other decks. If your deck doesn't have any answers for a possible early big drop, you never had a chance anyway. Pretend it was a handlock who just dropped a giant on turn 4 and then turn 5 facelessed it - a very standard handlock play. Could your deck have handled that? It's most like the way he ramped that made the loss feel rough, because turn 4/5 big creature can happen for a variety of classes. A perfect Edwin draw for example, or an inner fired berserker, or whatever.

I get blown out at least once a day to "the perfect draw" by a variety of decks. Just hit play and onto the next one.


40 packs weren't such a bad deal as I feared they could be. Pulled a golden Illidan and four other dustbuckets (Greenskin, Gruul, Beast, second copy of Antonidas). Time to craft. I want to have access to a bunch of top-tier decks, the trickier to play the better.

Got no legs other than the above. Mage, warlock, rogue and warrior cards are pretty well stocked and those are also the classes I most want to play. Druid would be nice, but I have basically none of the epics there so I think that should wait until I open some. I already have the giants for handlock.

I'll obviously need Leeroy. Thalnos is kinda vanilla and doesn't open a different playstyle/deck, but I want to play complete decks rather than half-assed ones. Then I guess either Alex to enable some mage decks and to start building up warrior, or VanCleef to fill out standard miracle.


40 packs weren't such a bad deal as I feared they could be. Pulled a golden Illidan and four other dustbuckets (Greenskin, Gruul, Beast, second copy of Antonidas). Time to craft. I want to have access to a bunch of top-tier decks, the trickier to play the better.

Got no legs other than the above. Mage, warlock, rogue and warrior cards are pretty well stocked and those are also the classes I most want to play. Druid would be nice, but I have basically none of the epics there so I think that should wait until I open some. I already have the giants for handlock.

I'll obviously need Leeroy. Thalnos is kinda vanilla and doesn't open a different playstyle/deck, but I want to play complete decks rather than half-assed ones. Then I guess either Alex to enable some mage decks and to start building up warrior, or VanCleef to fill out standard miracle.

Congrats on paying and enjoy your wins. :p

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I don't think anyone understands your position lol. I'm not even calling you out, just you've been pushing this point for days and then.. you buy packs. Something you called anemic and bad game design.

I wouldn't actually mind spending some money, but I haven't done it so far since what you get for the money seems anemic.

But considering you pulled 5 legendaries in 40 packs..

Then you went on and on about how the game is the pinnacle of pay to win, and that you would never play a pay to win game.

I have played HS regardless since it has the Arena subgame that is not pay-to-win, and I can see on the horizon the possibility of eventually building some decent decks - but had they shipped this game without Arena, I would never have touched it with a stick, which is precisely what I do with every other pay-to-win game.

And yet.. now..

I ain't mad you spent money. Great. I guess you must really enjoy the game, even though your previous posts made it seem like you didn't.
argh, I always lose motivation to play as soon as I hit Rank 1.
Those last 4 stars man ..just too much pressure to perform ;)

Edit: And now I know again why it is just not fun. Ran into murloc skill rushdeck and of course drew none of my AoE or removal. well played.


Getting 5 legs in 40 packs is almost triple the average ffs and that to a whiner like that smh

And a golden one too

Straight up trolling yo


Managed to do the cairne+ancestral spirit dream combo against a priest. He faceless' it and then uses a hex he thoughtstole. IMPOSSIBLE GAME


Water's position was pretty clear to me and doesn't really contradict him buying packs now. The game apparently appeals enough to him that he can overlook the aspects he was criticizing (and as was argued before, they just come with the territory of a CCG).

His first posts weren't the best way to start a discussion though, I agree with that.


I don't think anyone understands your position lol. I'm not even calling you out, just you've been pushing this point for days and then.. you buy packs. Something you called anemic and bad game design.
Not giving all players access to all the tools is extremely bad design in a competetive game, yes. I'm not going to sugarcoat that just because I like Hearthstone.

As a separate matter, I said what you get for the money or for your grinding time seems kinda anemic, but that's just a question of degree. As long as packs and RNG is the only option, I'd like to at least see a bit more packs for the money. I happened to get a bit lucky (although 4 unusable legs = just 1 usable leg...) but that doesn't change that the expected value is stingy.

Why I chose to roll the dice on packs now is because I have finally accumulated enough cards from arena to be confident that the 40 packs will let me build at least two decks I want even in the worst case. I hate open-ended F2P RNG spending and this way it's just a flat sum.
Then you went on and on about how the game is the pinnacle of pay to win, and that you would never play a pay to win game.
I have never said the game is the pinnacle of pay-to-win, just that it is pay-to-win / grind-to-win for most of its players since they don't have the cards yet, and stops being so after you do have the cards.

Up to now I have been playing arena precisely so that I wouldn't have to play a pay-to-win game and lose because of card disadvantage. And now I'll be set with high end decks that do not improve with money or grinding, hopefully playing well enough that I'll be matched with people who also have the cards they need, so from here on out constructed won't be P2W/G2W either. Technically there's still a small degree of it because I won't have access to many significant decks, but it's close enough that I don't care much, will wait to get the rest from free packs.

This is not unlike buying the game up front; something I would have done if it was an option.


Water's position was pretty clear to me and doesn't really contradict him buying packs now. The game apparently appeals enough to him that he can overlook the aspects he was criticizing (and as was argued before, they just come with the territory of a CCG).

His first posts weren't the best way to start a discussion though, I agree with that.

And yeah, I have a bad habit of getting frustrated and then snippy and acidic especially when I feel like my argument isn't being understood and we're just talking past each other; sorry about that guys. I may care a lot about game design in the abstract, but I'm definitely here to play some concrete (digital) cards.


I finally made a control warrior deck! missing Brawl and a legend or two, but at last I will try ranked mode alongside arena :)
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