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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Druid is pretty impossible to beat when they go first, and can Innervate on turn 3 into a Nourish then cast Wild Growth then finally pass the turn. Fourth turn starts with 7 mana vs the other players' 3 crystals lol... Pretty much a lost cause for a hunter, as I had a choice between playing a Druid of the Claw + hero power or a Ancient of War. Didn't help I had a Rag to play the following turn at 8 crystals either. Ended the game like 33 to 0, despite him getting that 4/2 charge beast from animal companion (back up to 30+ thanks to a Healing Touch).


Most recent Arena draft. Honestly thought this would go like 2 - 3 or something, but I'm somehow 5 - 0. 3 of them were grindy and come back wins. Patient assassin actually won me a game, so I put more worth behind it now, especially paired with Champion. Probably can't get much more luck out of this. The draft seemed relatively weak.



I mean, the minion count looks like it curves well enough to not get stuck on drops and it has Backstabs and Deadly Poison. That's usually enough to go 5+ or so on it's own. Looks like a really solid Rogue deck to me.


I was looking at it and thinking it's really weak in the 4's and way too many 2's. I didn't think I'd be able to have board control mid game due to not having any meaty 4's available. But surprisingly, it does have decent synergy. I haven't had much use for some cards, particularly Betrayal and Questing, Have only run into 1 mage, but this deck looks particularly weak to Flamestrike and other AOE, haha.


I was looking at it and thinking it's really weak in the 4's and way too many 2's. I didn't think I'd be able to have board control mid game due to not having any meaty 4's available. But surprisingly, it does have decent synergy. I haven't had much use for some cards, particularly Betrayal and Questing,

Well, you need to separate out the spells from the minions for the 2 drops. You have 6cc minions and one of them (Patient Assassin) doesn't really count so 5x 2cc isn't really too bad, especially when 4 of them are pretty good. With the Backstabs and Deadly Poison it allows for the Rogue strength to kind of come through: Early board control and setting the tempo of the game. You don't have Yetis for 4 drops, sure, but you still have some so it'll usually be a case of having the advantage on board going into those turns.

But, yeah, Betrayal is usually not that great in Arena since most people play around it anyway and it's not that good to begin with. Questing is fairly binary: He either just dies doing nothing or wins the game outright. And, yeah, there's a good chance that a mid-to-late game deck with a bunch of Yetis, Fen Creeper, Boulderfist, etc. will probably ruin your day but, hey, you can't win everything :x


Well, you need to separate out the spells from the minions for the 2 drops. You have 6cc minions and one of them (Patient Assassin) doesn't really count so 5x 2cc isn't really too bad, especially when 4 of them are pretty good. With the Backstabs and Deadly Poison it allows for the Rogue strength to kind of come through: Early board control and setting the tempo of the game. You don't have Yetis for 4 drops, sure, but you still have some so it'll usually be a case of having the advantage on board going into those turns.

But, yeah, Betrayal is usually not that great in Arena since most people play around it anyway and it's not that good to begin with. Questing is fairly binary: He either just dies doing nothing or wins the game outright. And, yeah, there's a good chance that a mid-to-late game deck with a bunch of Yetis, Fen Creeper, Boulderfist, etc. will probably ruin your day but, hey, you can't win everything :x

I think that's where the Cult Masters have been saving me. I'm able to get refunds on the bad trades turn 5 or 6 when they do pop out something like a Fen Creeper or Ogre


Yup. Cult Master really saves decks that tend to control the board early and have a board that can be sacrificed inefficiently for card draws.


I'm not trying to harass you. I'm legitimately curious: why did you pick up the CE? To me, it looked liked a terrible value, especially the digital version.

I'm confused, there is some sort of paid Hearthstone version with stuff like extra character slots? I had not heard of this before.


Hunter has the best methods of dealing with stealth minions with Flare or Deadly Shot. If targeted abilities could focus stealth units then stealth would be almost worthless as a mechanic.

There's even a third one that Hunters have - Multi-Shot. They have crazy amounts of removal and it's pretty cheaply priced.
Was it any good?

I thought it was great, cool to see all the ideas they went through before what they had now. Looked nothing like what it does now. Long story short, they went through countless iterations until they had what they have now. That being said, some card art has been the same since the early alpha and some will probably never see ever.

I also liked how the game's art was revolved around these four ideas;
-Real and Physical
-Charm and Whimsy
-Simple and Clean
-The Feeling of Value

Only thing I can say is I wouldn't be surprised if the next / new board is Iron Forge. They had an old one they canned because it was too busy. I thought it was cool but the bottom board was iron bars over lava instead of just sand.
-1x Windfury for Al'Akir eventually.
-1x Acolyte of Pain for +1x Argent Squire
-2x Senjin for +2x Defender of Argus

And the Doomhammer builds (which look basically like that deck with the above changes) is pretty popular so no reason to take it out. It's part of the reason that Harrison Jones is suddenly super viable, though, so worth keeping that in mind.

Thanks, I've just noticed that a lot of people don't use Doomhammer at all, when I absolutely love it.

I'll do those changes, I do want an Al'Akir but I have not given a cent to Blizzard yet so I don't have much dust for that. :p

I'm honestly surprised at how effective my deck is so far, now all I need are those Defender of Argus.
I thought it was great, cool to see all the ideas they went through before what they had now. Looked nothing like what it does now. Long story short, they went through countless iterations until they had what they have now. That being said, some card art has been the same since the early alpha and some will probably never see ever.

I also liked how the game's art was revolved around these four ideas;
-Real and Physical
-Charm and Whimsy
-Simple and Clean
-The Feeling of Value

Only thing I can say is I wouldn't be surprised if the next / new board is Iron Forge. They had an old one they canned because it was too busy. I thought it was cool but the bottom board was iron bars over lava instead of just sand.

That does sound interesting! Ironforge board would be cool. When it started, was the art style more realistic or something?


Novice Engineer is pretty bad, swap them out for Loot Hoarders/Mana Tide Totems/Bloodmage Thalnos.

I do want Bloodmage Thalnos but cannot afford him currently.

I have access to both Mana Tide and Loot Hoarders so I will play around with both of them and see which one I prefer.

Thank you.
How can I improve both of these decks? I don't have enough dust for more legendaries really.

Deck 1 - Shaman Control

Deck 2 - Murlock Warlock

Personally, I'd drop one Stormforged Axe for an extra Rockbiter. This allows you to have an extra spell to use with your Wild Pyromancer, but also, I find as a Shaman if I hit too many minions I just lose too much health. Even with the Farseers I'd be concerned, personally.

I also don't like Forked Lightning and would swap it out for some minions, either some 4-drops (Yeti maybe) or Unbound Elementals. I agree with swapping the Engineers for Loot Hoarders.


Personally, I'd drop one Stormforged Axe for an extra Rockbiter. This allows you to have an extra spell to use with your Wild Pyromancer, but also, I find as a Shaman if I hit too many minions I just lose too much health. Even with the Farseers I'd be concerned, personally.

I also don't like Forked Lightning and would swap it out for some minions, either some 4-drops (Yeti maybe) or Unbound Elementals. I agree with swapping the Engineers for Loot Hoarders.

Loot Hoarders and Unbound Elementals it is.

The deck was missing a lot of draw really so Mana-Tides were possibly a good idea but I've just played 2-3 games using them and they just got killed off as soon as I played them sadly.
yeah I think unbounds are essential for any shaman deck. they either get out of control and win you the game or they bait out bad trades. they're basically super mana wyrms.


Thanks, I've just noticed that a lot of people don't use Doomhammer at all, when I absolutely love it.

It's great vs Control Warrior but pretty miserable in the aggro match-ups. Plus the current rise of Harrison Jones (at least in Legendary, why you do this gwalls) makes it awkward.

My current "main" deck. It used to be my Anti-mage deck back when mages were still a thing (hence the name). After numerous tweaks, it's now an amazing control deck in general and a passable anti-rush deck (assuming I regain control by mid-game, the heals essentially end an aggressive deck). Sitting about half way through rank 10 right now... by far my most "expensive" deck in terms of raw dust, but I have quite a few "cheap" decks that have gotten me as far or farther (sub 1400 dust total cost).

Ysera isn't a necessary card, more of just a "I have it, so it's in". Hogger's role could honestly be played by a Chillwind Yeti or silverhand knight, but sometimes that 2/2 taunt is the difference between loss and win (plus hogger has a soft taunt on him). Greenskin for all the hate he gets, is actually AMAZING in this deck. Turn 4 truesilver champion into turn 5 greenskin catches my opponent's off guard a LOT of time. I can see the thought process "Saw the truesilver coming, I'll just play chillwind yeti and.... F***!" Love the play.
Always DOTC. Always.

Mark is sub par, and it isn't like you really need 3 SSC either. Ever since I drafted five Fire Elementals, I have never looked back from overloading on great cards. Curve be damned.

This. Innervate if you find any as well when you have this many. One of my best runs was a druid with 5 DotC... they're just way too good.
I finally did S4 legendary. Probably the hardest season yet, a lot of wild shit between ranks 10-5 and a lot of Zoo, Hunter Burn, Control Warrior and Handlock between 5-1.

This deck is good against three of them but kind of a wash against Zoo. Control warrior is the only deck that's good against Zoo that's widely played right now and its probably too slow to grind the ladder on..



Control warrior is the only deck that's good against Zoo that's widely played right now and its probably too slow to grind the ladder on..

Personally, I think the speed of it is fine once you get to 3+ or so.

The grind to Rank 1 Legendary sucks.

Edit: Incidentally, from a Control Warrior standpoint, I hate that deck. Some of the value is from the hands I keep being made pointless but also just due to not having good ways to deal with Highmane and Stealthers. It's like Cairne + Miracle Rogue hassle combined in my own personal hell.


I finally did S4 legendary. Probably the hardest season yet, a lot of wild shit between ranks 10-5 and a lot of Zoo, Hunter Burn, Control Warrior and Handlock between 5-1.

This deck is good against three of them but kind of a wash against Zoo. Control warrior is the only deck that's good against Zoo that's widely played right now and its probably too slow to grind the ladder on..

Is this meant to be played a midrange hunter deck?
Personally, I think the speed of it is fine once you get to 3+ or so.

The grind to Rank 1 Legendary sucks.

Edit: Incidentally, from a Control Warrior standpoint, I hate that deck. Some of the value is from the hands I keep being made pointless but also just due to not having good ways to deal with Highmane and Stealthers. It's like Cairne + Miracle Rogue hassle combined in my own personal hell.

Yeah the deck is designed to be good against Control Warrior, which is a <20 matchup for the burn style hunter deck. The 4 beast bombs at the end of the curve are all ridiculously strong against warrior since they don't play taunters. The tinkmaster nerf made it even better since there's really no way to kill the highmanes now.
Is this meant to be played a midrange hunter deck?

Its similar to watcher druid in that you grind your opponents down with the threat of a combo (Leeroy and Unleash). It has weapon and secret hate which is important in the current metagame (Secretkeeper triggers off your opponents secrets as well, also better than leper gnome in this deck imo which is what it replaced). You have 5 bombs at the end to try to finish the game.

Hunter is good at stalling out the game with traps and removal where you basically have 2 Cairnes and a Ragnaros. Your opponent can't play too many creatures or you can bury them in card advantage, if not just kill them. This version of the deck is a lot less popular so people play around the burn version and tend to make mistakes before they figure out what kind of deck it is. The same advantage handlock has.

The burn deck is better in every matchup except druid and warrior, and warrior is basically unwinnable. So you sacrifice every other matchup to beat those two decks with more consistency. I just alternated between the two but there was so much control warrior at the higher ranks the burn deck became unplayable. Hunter is ridiculously strong though, the burn deck is 80-20 against so many classes.
I'm in arena with a rogue who is clearly there not ending his turn nor is there a countdown timer. I assume if I exit I will get a loss. I recall this being a bug from before but I thought it had been fixed.


It's not really a bug, per se. You disconnected but it didn't boot you from the game. You can leave and come back to the game, though if it's been that long then it's probably already finished.
That does sound interesting! Ironforge board would be cool. When it started, was the art style more realistic or something?

Nah. It was really busy. They sort of started with each class having their own card style. Mages has these magic bottles. Shamans had totems. It would of made the boards way to busy. Same thing with the Ironforge board. It looked really cool but it would of taken away from the action.

Forgot to mention, about to see a design talk about the game as well. There has to be at least five talks about the game this year.


My current "main" deck. It used to be my Anti-mage deck back when mages were still a thing (hence the name). After numerous tweaks, it's now an amazing control deck in general and a passable anti-rush deck (assuming I regain control by mid-game, the heals essentially end an aggressive deck). Sitting about half way through rank 10 right now... by far my most "expensive" deck in terms of raw dust, but I have quite a few "cheap" decks that have gotten me as far or farther (sub 1400 dust total cost).

Ysera isn't a necessary card, more of just a "I have it, so it's in". Hogger's role could honestly be played by a Chillwind Yeti or silverhand knight, but sometimes that 2/2 taunt is the difference between loss and win (plus hogger has a soft taunt on him). Greenskin for all the hate he gets, is actually AMAZING in this deck. Turn 4 truesilver champion into turn 5 greenskin catches my opponent's off guard a LOT of time. I can see the thought process "Saw the truesilver coming, I'll just play chillwind yeti and.... F***!" Love the play.
I honestly do not fear Paladin's who don't run Avenging Wrath. 2 Lay on Hands seems a bit too much & greedy. Even against nuke decks, 1 Lay on Hands and 2 Guardian of Kings should provide sufficient healing. I think replacing at least 1 Lay on Hands with 1 Avenging Wrath would make the deck a lot more efficient.

Though it says Mage Buster, I think your deck is exactly the type of deck my Mage counters :p only 2 sheep worthy targets and the rest being in Flamestrike + Blizzard range :D


I'm so freaking bad at this game. I've been trying to get my last Priest-win for a mission in casual for the last 45 minutes, lost every single game.

Oh, and my last 3 Arena-runs have been 1-3, 0-3, and 3-3. 3-3 was the deck with 5 DOTC...

I feel like I need to start record my games and have someone that actually know what they're doing point out my massive mistakes, because there's bound to be some.
I feel like I need to start record my games and have someone that actually know what they're doing point out my massive mistakes, because there's bound to be some.

I only record my Arena games, but even just re-watching them on my own has been super helpful. I also upload to YouTube in case anyone on here is ever bored enough to watch my failure lol.


Since switching from Arena to just buying packs 2 weeks ago, finally got another legendary....The Beast :(

This card sucks right? It'll get me 400 dust, should I just wipe that or is there any value to this card?

***Also, I have Rag, Onyxia and Gheddon as my legendaries right now, what's the next one I should craft?


I'm so freaking bad at this game. I've been trying to get my last Priest-win for a mission in casual for the last 45 minutes, lost every single game.

Oh, and my last 3 Arena-runs have been 1-3, 0-3, and 3-3. 3-3 was the deck with 5 DOTC...

I feel like I need to start record my games and have someone that actually know what they're doing point out my massive mistakes, because there's bound to be some.

Don't play casual.. Play ranked, it should be easier. From what I know, people who really understand the game and have the cards use casual to try out different builds so they won't lose their rank.

I am pretty bad at the game as well. I hit rank 19 once then got knocked back to rank 20. To be fair, I mostly just sign in to do the daily quests then move on to something else.
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