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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I finally did S4 legendary. Probably the hardest season yet, a lot of wild shit between ranks 10-5 and a lot of Zoo, Hunter Burn, Control Warrior and Handlock between 5-1.

This deck is good against three of them but kind of a wash against Zoo. Control warrior is the only deck that's good against Zoo that's widely played right now and its probably too slow to grind the ladder on..

...I can make this deck. Well, maybe 300 dust short (don't think I have Secretkeepers and I know I'm missing a Highmane) but that's nothing. Might have to give it a go.


I feel like I need to start record my games and have someone that actually know what they're doing point out my massive mistakes, because there's bound to be some.

I've mentioned it before but I'm always down for trying to help people with Arena (or Constructed).

...I can make this deck. Well, maybe 300 dust short (don't think I have Secretkeepers and I know I'm missing a Highmane) but that's nothing. Might have to give it a go.

Do note that some of those are meta game calls. Like, Secretkeeper is mainly there for the vs Hunter match-up (though even without that it still tends to get to 3/4 I imagine). I'd say the 2x Ooze is a little excessive unless Doomhammer Shaman, Control Warrior, and Hunter are like 80% of your games, though not sure what cutting 1 would really achieve short of randomly adding a Sylvanas or something.


3 hounds, 2 snakes and the fucking misdirection sends my Gruul into my alarm-o-botted Ragnaros. Fuck this game. This bullshit happens way too often to be RNG, the code clearly favors this shit.


Since switching from Arena to just buying packs 2 weeks ago, finally got another legendary....The Beast :(

This card sucks right? It'll get me 400 dust, should I just wipe that or is there any value to this card?

***Also, I have Rag, Onyxia and Gheddon as my legendaries right now, what's the next one I should craft?

yep the beast sucks, dust that shit.

i'm not playing any of my legendaries right now. I'm running a basic deck, just trying to improve my skills. Having a lot of success, too.


yep the beast sucks, dust that shit.

i'm not playing any of my legendaries right now. I'm running a basic deck, just trying to improve my skills. Having a lot of success, too.

Yeah Rag's the only Leg that I keep in all my decks, ended up dusting Beast and making Faceless Manipulator which I've wanted for a while. Seems like Ysera is only other Leg worth making but I'm gonna work on filling in my missing non-leg cards first.


Oh the sweet lamentations of the newly initiated. Currently running a 7-1 warrior arena, my one loss due to 2 perfect mind control techs stealing my best minion. I honestly didn't get mad because I've done the same thing myself. But not twice in the same game lol, it was still close, I think this may be my first 12 win run fingers crossed.

Card Boy

Argent Commander or SI-7 Agent? Sap is my only bad draw so far.



You gradually learn from your mistakes and you get better. Keep at it.

I just hope this isn't a grind countless hours and pray to gods of randomness to alchemy a ton of cards that will make this game mildy enjoyable, type of thing.. It initially seemed much more accessible than that....but I'm having my doubts.


I live for the Arena. The ranked and Casual games are fine but they're just for getting gold to play Arena. Something about the randomness of making a deck really appeals to me.

Of course I absolutely suck at it. A 2-3 run is awesome for me. 0-3 sweeps are usual.

I've watched some videos of guys breaking down drafting and why they choose certain cards, etc. It really gave me an insight into the thinking behind a lot of the cards and how good they are. It also gave me an insight into how little I delve into the strategy behind how the cards work. That could be part of my downfall.

In any case, I now take more time to think out my drafts and my plays, which has led to another side effect of not being able to play more than a game at a time. I get too stressed out trying to play my best and win. Odd situation to be in with a card game.

I'm really enjoying the game and enjoying reading this thread to try and dip my head into the strategy.


On today's editition of "god dammit Hearthstone what are you doing":

I click end turn. The game hangs for maybe thirty seconds. The "oops you got disconnected" message pops up. Behind it, I see the enemy druid cast a Swipe, attack with one of his dudes, and then concede. Congratulations, you win! I then got kicked to the main menu with a "couldn't reconnect, sorry" message, but when I reentered the arena, it counted the win anyway.

Oh, Hearthstone. I'll forgive you this time.


Sailor Stevenson
i was sorta thinking it (and did just now). ArenaValue puts Agent at 100 points and Argent at 93. AntiGravitys Tier list has both at Top in the Rare catagory.

I mean look at it this way

For 3 mana you get 2 damage and a 3/3. (provided you play a card first)

For 6 mana you get 4 damage on a creature and a 4/2 (or 4 damage on a face and a shielded 4/2).

Great value on both, but I'm not sure the Argent is worth twice as much mana, especially since you have a high percentage of bigger drops so far. Then again, to get the most out of SI, he's a second card played, so outside of a backstab or coin, he's not a 3-turn drop either.


New player question: I beat all normal AI with Mage, then started on expert AI. Is it recommended to stick to Mage, or try some new ones out? And how do you know on expert when you've beaten them all (on regular it unlocked a class when you beat it). Or should I just try out the basic decks of a few classes and see what I like, since I have gotten used to Mage.

Did venture out into casual play because of som easy quests, I think I'm 6-1 or 6-2 with my level 12 Mage. Probably be awhile before I dip into arena.


You should really get all classes to level 10 so that you unlock all the basic cards and also get extra quest gold (100). Beating all expert AI gets you another 100. Also want to get your daily quests rolling in asap. That should get you close to 100 total wins which is 300 more gold. It's really all about arena runs for those packs and just play ranked or casual for daily quests at first.


Sounds like the plan I will go with. Is there a way to look at the classes and know which ones you've already beaten (in Expert?)


I hate Friday night. Every deck is stacked to the gills with every removal spell in the entire spellbook. So I tried out my Lorewalker Mrgrggll! deck. Really throws people for a loop! Cho has actually turned out to be quite a nice turn 1-2 play.

- If he is removed with a spell, you get a copy of that spell. Even getting an Earth Shock, and forcing a Shaman to spend his, is a great leg up.

- If he can't be answered right away with a spell, you're pretty much free to flood the board with minions and then you're in the driver's seat.


Sounds like the plan I will go with. Is there a way to look at the classes and know which ones you've already beaten (in Expert?)

Nope. But you should only play against expert anyways in my opinion.

Well the 12 win dream did not fully manifest. =( 7-1 lose to a Druid who had a pint sized out and turn 3 innervated an Ogre. Probably wouldn't have been so bad but I had to mulligan all my high cast cards and got....high cast cards.

Then 11-2 went against a Mage and just got picked apart. It was sort of close but not really. Still got almost 500 gold, this was on Asian servers and it seems, at least to me initially, that the competition seems a bit easier than what I am used to. Also twice in that arena run I was paired against the same player twice.


Control Warrior, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, Warrior, Hunter, Hunter.

Just let me fucking miracle rogue.

P.s. If you are currently playing a Hunter, you are an awful person and you should feel awful.


Control Warrior, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, Warrior, Hunter, Hunter.

Just let me fucking miracle rogue.

P.s. If you are currently playing a Hunter, you are an awful person and you should feel awful.

I am currently playing my priest. I got frustrated with all my other cards.


Well, you're favored in the Warrior match-up! Take that 2/7!

I wish I had this kind of match-up luck :( I'd kill to face a bunch of Hunters (that aren't always Reckful) when I'm queuing up.


I feel like Blizzard just gave up on balancing classes in their games, just said fuck it, and came up with a FOTM schedule.

This month is Hunters. What metric will decide who gets buffed next month?

Edit: This Hunter's name is Skrillex. I hate all of the things.
Control Warrior, Hunter, Hunter, Hunter, Warrior, Hunter, Hunter.

Just let me fucking miracle rogue.

P.s. If you are currently playing a Hunter, you are an awful person and you should feel awful.

The funny thing about people complaining about hunter is there's a cheap counter to it - aggro warrior. If you aren't playing that deck it isn't the games problem, especially if you are playing a deck as degenerate as miracle rogue!


I feel like Blizzard just gave up on balancing classes in their games, just said fuck it, and came up with a FOTM schedule.

This month is Hunters. What metric will decide who gets buffed next month?

Edit: This Hunter's name is Skrillex. I hate all of the things.

and yes I did drop 4 ranks today while doing quests(I refuse to not take wins for the golden heros, so it's a cost I'm willing to accept)


Ultimately, a lot of Hearthstone comes down to how the meta itself cycles. Right now, at least in NA Legend, we have a lot of Shaman Doomhammer variants (thanks Tides) so Harrison rose up in popularity / aggro came back in Legend. Which means we're about to see a lot more Control Warrior popping up which will most likely lead right back to the Shaman rise again. With various Druid sprinkled in yolo Innervating stuff out and Warlock just always being around.

you can always teach me how to play lol


The funny thing about people complaining about hunter is there's a cheap counter to it - aggro warrior. If you aren't playing that deck it isn't the games problem, especially if you are playing a deck as degenerate as miracle rogue!

Control Warrior is pretty well against most flavors of rush Hunter too. Edit: Oh, cheap. Yeah, nothing cheap here :x

And, yeah, if you're playing a lot of X match-up that you're bad against, it's probably just time to switch decks until the meta rotates / different people are on.
I know that now; I was just explaining why I thought BGH would destroy the stealthed creature - I was used to Magic terminology and how everything is described, nothing is really left for interpretation (in regards to game descriptors for mechanics). Also, other people I spoke to seemed to have no clue if it would destroy it or not (I didn't say if it did or not just to get an idea of what they thought).

I do agree that Hearthstone is nowhere near as clean and precise in templating and rules interactions as Magic. That said, have you ever used an aura spell in Magic? Doesn't say "target", but it targets :)


The funny thing about people complaining about hunter is there's a cheap counter to it - aggro warrior. If you aren't playing that deck it isn't the games problem, especially if you are playing a deck as degenerate as miracle rogue!

Yes, the the funny thing about that is that there is one deck that can counter it well. Hilarious. You are so right about it being my problem and not the game's that I don't happen to want to play that one deck.

I feel like the only real way to make something work in a more balanced way would be to find more of a middle ground between constructed and arena deck creation. Something that allows you to pool from a selection of cards of your own choosing from the outset that then is drafted ala arena.

Less copy and paste zombies and more creativity.

Also, if Blizzard could balance anything at all ever without making something actually imba in the process, that would be a better way to go.

Gotta flop dem metrics tho. Where were Hunter's a few patches ago?

The Adder

So if anyone would like to give their thoughts on my deck, I'd love to hear them

Basically it's supposed to be something of a beat down deck. Funnel damage away from my main offensive line with a ton of cheap taunters and get in with charge and demons. Break their defensive taunt line with my spells and my bulkier defenders.


So if anyone would like to give their thoughts on my deck, I'd love to hear them

Basically it's supposed to be something of a beat down deck. Funnel damage away from my main offensive line with a ton of cheap taunters and get in with charge and demons. Break their defensive taunt line with my spells and my bulkier defenders.

Since you have mostly basic cards I'd assume your fairly new to the game, so I won't recommend super-expensive stuff.

  • 2x Soulfires (I'd trade out some of the other spells, especially at least one of the Hellfires since you mostly have low-cost minions with 3 or less health that can't survive it)
  • Craft some Defenders of Argus (or Sunfury Protectors) when you have dust and trade out the higher cost taunts.
  • Trade out taunts in general and get minions with more stats/buffs on them. Shattered Sun Clerics and Dire Wolfs would be really nice fits for example.


Yes, the the funny thing about that is that there is one deck that can counter it well. Hilarious. You are so right about it being my problem and not the game's that I don't happen to want to play that one deck.

Not to be rude but, yeah, it kind of is. Like, that's how meta games work. You have bad match-ups. Part of playing the game is knowing how those match-ups work and adjusting to compensate for them. With the lack of sideboarding, we can't really do the MtG route and having back-up plans to bring in for those match-ups so it's more a case of needing to know at least one other deck that is favorable in situations where your other deck is not.

Edit: As for Hunter OP, eh...well, they're the best aggro deck class at the moment. But, they're also a combo aggro deck so a lot of their ability to win is determined on how you play. Beating a good Hunter comes down to knowing their game plan in and out.


Not to be rude but, yeah, it kind of is. Like, that's how meta games work. You have bad match-ups. Part of playing the game is knowing how those match-ups work and adjusting to compensate for them. With the lack of sideboarding, we can't really do the MtG route and having back-up plans to bring in for those match-ups so it's more a case of needing to know at least one other deck that is favorable in situations where your other deck is not.

Edit: As for Hunter OP, eh...well, they're the best aggro deck class at the moment. But, they're also a combo aggro deck so a lot of their ability to win is determined on how you play. Beating a good Hunter comes down to knowing their game plan in and out.

So, we honestly feel that, the onus of getting through an imbalanced deck is on us playing that one deck that has been proven viable, rather than on the developers to actually make a class viable without making them imba?

As for your edit, I myself play more Hunters and that one face rush build than I do any other class, with Warriors being second and Control Paladin being the third. Purely anecdotal, unless there are released metrics out there.

I say it's IMBA when everyone feels like they should be playing that one specific deck rather than creating something that is fun and still competitive.


Every time I'm on stream, my opponent is mad salty :lol

Gaining ~5 Ranks per win and losing 20 just sucks, incidentally.

So, we honestly feel that, the onus of getting through an imbalanced deck is on us playing that one deck that has been proven viable, rather than on the developers to actually make a class viable without making them imba?

Here's the thing, I don't really think Hunter is imbalanced or OP. I think they're the best aggro deck and that earns them their spot in the meta where they serve as the way to keep other decks from disrespecting the early game too much. They're a cheap and efficient deck that is high on the priority list (or, rather, every deck needs a "What do you do vs Hunter?" clause). That's really not all that unfair, though. I think the same applies to Handlock, Zoo, Control Warrior, and Shaman. You need to know what you're doing against any of those.


Every time I'm on stream, my opponent is mad salty :lol

Gaining ~5 Ranks per win and losing 20 just sucks, incidentally.

Here's the thing, I don't really think Hunter is imbalanced or OP. I think they're the best aggro deck and that earns them their spot in the meta where they serve as the way to keep other decks from disrespecting the early game too much. They're a cheap and efficient deck that is high on the priority list (or, rather, every deck needs a "What do you do vs Hunter?" clause). That's really not all that unfair, though. I think the same applies to Handlock, Zoo, Control Warrior, and Shaman. You need to know what you're doing against any of those.

And the options available are extremely limited unless you are a Warrior. That is imbalanced.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Without decks like Hunter and Warlock aggro running around, we'd be back to the All Druids All Legendaries meta of 2-3 months ago.

The fact that each class is well positioned to beat some other classes, but not all of them, is the only thing keeping this game from staleness. I would sooner see Mage rebuffed than Hunter's nerfed into oblivion again.
fun and still competitive.

This game, and probably most card games, are not for you if you feel that way.

If you care about playing the deck you want to play, then play it. If you want to win and nothing else, play the deck that's best positioned against the current meta. That's just how competitive games work.

And I think it's important for Hearthstone to have a cheap and accessible deck that is still competitive or else new players would get totally marginalized by the players who have the full suite of Legendaries.
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