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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I have a deathrattle paladin that I am so far satisfied with. Does so so vs zoolock and isn't really designed to beat it hard due to reliance on divine favor for card draw. It is really designed to play control vs most match ups but take advantage of low curve deathrattle minions such that if my opponent falls behind on board I can play it rather aggressively as well.

A priest I played against dropped northshire cleric turn 1... of course. I let him draw 2-3 cards off it before using divine favor, plus I had a dancing swords on the field so already had board and card advantage before he knew what hit him.

Also, thinking about the current heavy zoolock meta, we still do have a rather strong control card coming that doesn't fit into zoolock which would be echoing ooze.

I also think shade of naxxramas has some potential. Lots of control decks aren't exactly concerned about getting immediate value out of a 3 drop.


needs to show more effort.
I Don't know about you guys, but I'm currently happy with how things have changed. I'm still at rank 15, so take this with a shaker of salt, but I haven't faced constant Zoolocks at all. They are still there but there are more classes and decks mixed in now. My biggest gripe has been fixed.

Of course now this is where someone quotes me and says there is nothing but Zoo under rank ten, but I can dream Damn it!
At rank 5 it's mostly zoo and token druid. Or at least was for me last night :(
And it's going to get worse when the new 1 drops come out.

Honestly the fix to zoo isn't in the cards. The fix to zoo is changing the stupid monthly ranking system. I think most people playing zoo don't actually enjoy playing it over and over again. I'm sure some do, but most do it because its a fast consistent way to rank up.

This is obvious from the fact that once people reach legend, the amount of zoo you encounter drops off of a cliff. People play zoo to reach legend and then once their grind is done, they set it aside to play more fun decks.

The monthly rank reset is a terrible influence on the game


Zoo and Warrior are the fairest classes. I'm glad that Zoo exists. It's actually the only decktype that I can reliably taunt up against with my Titan deck. Every other deck tries to cheat through. What you see is what you get. Unlike Frost Icelance, UTH mark kill command, Equality, Earth shock.

It's unfair that Shaman has no Guardian of Kings. While I won plenty against magical face damage decks, it's just so stupid how much face damage you can eat even with 3x 8/8 taunts on the board. There should be a card that gives me 2 hp for every friendly minion or something.

Titan has been my closest attempt at a true control Shaman, but even then any of my midrange Shaman decks have way more consistent wins. Without ways to counter spell damage and hero power to the face, you're always gonna lose the control game.
Zoo and Warrior are the fairest classes. I'm glad that Zoo exists. It's actually the only decktype that I can reliably taunt up against with my Titan deck. Every other deck tries to cheat through. What you see is what you get. Unlike Frost Icelance, UTH mark kill command, Equality, Earth shock.

It's unfair that Shaman has no Guardian of Kings. While I won plenty against magical face damage decks, it's just so stupid how much face damage you can eat even with 3x 8/8 taunts on the board. There should be a card that gives me 2 hp for every friendly minion or something.

Titan has been my closest attempt at a true control Shaman, but even then any of my midrange Shaman decks have way more consistent wins. Without ways to counter spell damage and hero power to the face, you're always gonna lose the control game.

The new thing is to power overwhelming then void terror, so I wouldn't exactly call that what you see is what you get when they basically get a 1 mana blessing of kings that turns into a huge void terror. Plus when used on nerubian egg.... things can swing pretty fast now.


needs to show more effort.
I'm certainly not opposed to zoo existing as a deck. It's a fine deck. But I lose my will to keep playing when I'm only getting matched up against 2 classes (warlock and druid). And then of those, most of the druid I meet feels like a bot.

My problem with zoo has nothing to do with the deck itself and entirely with the % of the playerbase at my rank playing it. And that problem could be significantly lessened by removing the monthly rank reset.

The monthly grind heavily encourages playing fast decks with a wide margin of user error allowed. And zoo and token druid facilitate that.


The new thing is to power overwhelming then void terror, so I wouldn't exactly call that what you see is what you get when they basically get a 1 mana blessing of kings that turns into a huge void terror. Plus when used on nerubian egg.... things can swing pretty fast now.
It still doesn't come out of nowhere though. It's a 6 mana setup with 3 cards, which is about the same as Argent Squire, Bloodknight, ancestral spirit. Or Spellbreaker Lightning Bolt. But if I have a silence, I usually use it on an egg preventing any setup, just like you will get rid of divine shields when you have the chance. And Earth Elemental still eats them both :) (though that's an pretty OP card by itself hehe)

The fair part is that it's still a minion battle, not something unstoppable. Direct spell damage cannot be prevented. Loatheb helps a lot, but I wish there was more kind of ways to deal with that kind of play.


People complained about it pre-release too. 1 month is too short for a season.

If we had new content every month or so, it would maybe be fine. Maybe.

Honestly, you could just reset Legendary every month to Rank 5 and be fine with it. The rest of the ladder doesn't matter as much.


needs to show more effort.
Honestly, you could just reset Legendary every month to Rank 5 and be fine with it. The rest of the ladder doesn't matter as much.
I would rather see legend get reset independently and not to rank 5. I don't really see any value in a previous legend player grinding through rank 5->legend again. Just reset legend players to legend ??? and after you play, I don't know, 20 games you get a legend rank based on the normal system.

Most of my grief comes from the mentality of "I have to keep efficient and play zoo/druid over and over again until I hit legend and then I can relax and actually play what I want."

I feel like resetting legend back to rank 5 wouldn't alleviate that at all.

But I'll admit a lot of my complaints come from my specific situation. I got legend once (ended the season at legend 300 I think) for the card back and to prove to myself I was that caliber of player. And my time playing games at that level was a lot of fun. But I will probably never do it again because the grind to get there isn't worth the enjoyment of being there.

And I wish after getting legend once it had just left me at legend because when I was there I was playing decks I found fun against top players playing decks they found fun. But once the ladder was reset I was sent back into the zoo/druid forest without the willpower to wade through it again.


y dunt u luv me sci

I hate people, duh.

I say they don't "matter" but I don't really mean that offensively. Just more of a ... well, the games are a lot of time filler so most of the games are played with decks to speed up the grind. Beyond that, I don't think it matters too much for someone at Rank 10-15 needing to grind back to Rank 10-15 every month. Those players don't need to reset constantly and it really sucks for them.

I would rather see legend get reset independently and not to rank 5. I don't really see any value in a previous legend player grinding through rank 5->legend again. Just reset legend players to legend ??? and after you play, I don't know, 20 games you get a legend rank based on the normal system.

Possibly. The only reason I say Rank 5 is some kind of enforced "having to play" aspect so yours works for the same goal. Realistically, I'd say my best case for the ladder would be Legendary with decay to foster having to actually play in the ladder. With that, you don't really need a constant reset of any kind.

But I'll admit a lot of my complaints come from my specific situation. I got legend once (ended the season at legend 300 I think) for the card back and to prove to myself I was that caliber of player. And my time playing games at that level was a lot of fun. But I will probably never do it again because the grind to get there isn't worth the enjoyment of being there.

I Legend'd the beta / pre-release seasons and just keep finding other distractions instead of coming back to dedicate myself completely to the grind. I don't find the grind too problematic itself but more I'd rather play other things I guess. Then again, I keep playing grinding games anyway (whee, FFXIV now) so ... yeah. I guess I just like grinding.

But, yeah, it'd certainly be very convenient to keep Legend status :x It's a really fun place to play at and certain decks work a lot better there than other spots in the ladder.


Neo Member
So I recently got an older relative into Hearthstone on his ipad. I've opened probably 30+ card packs and Harrison Jones is the only legendary I've gotten, this guy opens 6 and already has a Deathwing and Leeroy.


needs to show more effort.
Possibly. The only reason I say Rank 5 is some kind of enforced "having to play" aspect so yours works for the same goal. Realistically, I'd say my best case for the ladder would be Legendary with decay to foster having to actually play in the ladder. With that, you don't really need a constant reset of any kind.
I guess resets were to prevent people camping legend top 10? But decay would solve that as well. So I would definitely be in favor of having decay instead of hard resets.


I take back zoo being the easiest class to play, that's firmly in the hands of frost mage. My god, that deck is retarded. Give me a frost mage deck and I'll hit legendary by the end of the weekend.


I take back zoo being the easiest class to play, that's firmly in the hands of frost mage. My god, that deck is retarded. Give me a frost mage deck and I'll hit legendary by the end of the weekend.
Go ahead and watch as you start deranking rapidly in the current priest/zoo/hunter/warrior meta. Freeze mage is terrible against so many of the current decks.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Blizzard wanted to give us a few more weeks of fun before the Kolentopalymageddon.


does it work well? I should really start tracking stuff. going to their site on my phone and it looks like they have arena and constructed stats switched...

I was going to try it out tonight. Was just wondering if anyone else uses it or if there is something else out there that is better.


needs to show more effort.
I tried hearthstats for a bit but found the automated tracker really buggy. Either it would fail to track games after a while, it would record incorrect things, or just... I don't know.

I was trying a shaman deck and while I didn't do great I had maybe 40% winrate based on the fact that I lost 2 stars over a period of games and when I looked up my stats it said that deck had an 8% win rate which is absurd.

So I'd also be interested in hearing about one that actually works.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
One day I'll be dust-rich enough to afford Warrior.


I used hearthstone tracker for a bit and it was alright, only had a few occurrences of it incorrectly grabbing results.


man the arena hates me lol
26 commons
4 rares
0 epic
0 legendary

I kind of wish it was a little less random and always gave something like
24 commons
3 rares
2 epic
1 legendary

I haven't had a legendary pull in my last 4 arena runs :/


The dream



Do Better

man the arena hates me lol
26 commons
4 rares
0 epic
0 legendary

I kind of wish it was a little less random and always gave something like
24 commons
3 rares
2 epic
1 legendary

I haven't had a legendary pull in my last 4 arena runs :/

I only want a balanced deck. My drafted decks almost always have a glaring weakness somewhere that my opponents end up taking advantage of.


Cherry on the shit-cake of a bad string of arena luck:

I'm facing a paladin who is rapidly gaining a huge card advantage due to a bunch of hammer of wraths, so I start going aggressive after his face, hoping to end the game before he can utilize it. I get him down to three, but he's flooded the board and I have no cards left.

His turn stalls out, so I check my internet and sure enough I've DC'd (Thanks, brand new Comcast wireless router!). Reconnect asap, and get in the game just in time to see him equipping a truesilver and killing me. I'd missed my entire turn. The card I had drawn for that turn? Exact lethal. Arena run over, a miserable 3-3.

Really want to strangle something right now.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Okay, I made a poverty Warrior deck.

Let's see how this goes.

EDIT: Not so great.


anyone have any good Secrets Mage build?

I've been trying to put one together, using mostly tempo secrets like Vaporize, Mirror Entity, and Counterspell. I'm not sure whether to go full-on aggro with it or not. Mad Scientists seem pretty great, when you get them early, but often you end up with a secret in-hand, which is annoying. You want Kirin Tor mages to deal with that, and that leads to big card draw problems. But Arcane Intellect feels pretty slow, so I lean towards Loot Hoarders and maybe Acolytes of Pain. I'm not sure whether to include Duplicate; if you get it out free with a Kirin Tor or Mad Scientist it's good card draw, but you still have to pay to summon whatever-it-is.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I heard heroic thadd was hard


Wish I could've reached 30 health and 30 armor but I'm no warrior :(



One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
$50 per legendary. To craft Warrior, I need to spend about $250.
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