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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I think the reincarnate heavy decks could potentially trip over themselves with overload mechanics. I've noticed it can be quite difficult to even combo out alakir because of overload, let alone getting 2-3 combo cards in place without your opponent developing a board past your capabilities to clear fast enough. And shamans don't have the high efficiency recovery options in the form of heals available to other control decks.

You have to constantly clear board while setting up for a combo otherwise you'll probably just get run down. At least that is how I am predicting these sort of decks will lose, because I haven't run into shamans relying on reincarnate yet.


I feel like the game felt bad that I had my second 0-3 arena run (after 2 of 6+ wins) and gave me a rather good pack
im pretty sure that is my first legendary card.


I think there's a lot of excitement around Dark Cultist because it's actually statted like a 3 drop should be. Most of the 3 drops in the game are like 2 drops with better text. Like, 3 drops are barely better than 2 drops, but 4 drops are so much better than 3 drops. It's crazy. Now you have a 3 drop that can trade favorably with 2 drops and people are freaking out.

It probably should have been a rare, like Kirin Tor Mage. That is an amazing 3-drop that you are not that likely to get in a draft, because it has a blue gem. Dark Cultist being a common will improve Priest's arena win rates all by itself.


From my experience on playing against them, it seems rather unreliable. Only one actually managed to get a board with Rivendare, Cairne and Eggs and I was paladin so it was rather easy to deal with. The rest just ended up playing their deathrattle cards one at a time meaning the combo didn't happen. Course I'm only around rank 6 at the moment and haven't actually played that many shamans, so it may not be the best representation.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It probably should have been a rare, like Kirin Tor Mage. That is an amazing 3-drop that you are not that likely to get in a draft, because it has a blue gem. Dark Cultist being a common will improve Priest's arena win rates all by itself.

You say that like it's a bad thing. Priest is bottom tier in arena. If Mages can get a common as powerful as Water Elemental than I don't see why Priests can't get Dark Cultist.
Nice... I got win any 7 matches right before naxx release.

And holy crap, I played a couple matches with rogue right now and got:

hunter - demolished via tempo, he even got his highmane down on the field and get wrecked.

hunter - just a stupid player who deadly shot while a 3/1 and 1/1 was on field turn 5 and the deadlyshot hit the 1/1 so he conceded... he had a 1/1 on the field to mop up the 3/1 anyway!

zoolock voidterror variant - just wrecked with smart play

demonlock - I think taking out the voidcaller the turn played is very advantageous if you already have a 4+ attack minion on board. It summoned a voidterror which did nothing which made my ambusher 2-1. If you wait before killing it, you don't have the first chance to do something if it happens to be something strong like doomguard. And the lock has 2 card draws to draw into a strong demon if you let him survive a round without silence


A shaman ancestralled a sludge a couple times or some shit with a baron out to get a full board of them and then proceeded to emote me. Glad I could get my hyena up to 26 attack so I could emote him back :).


So basically a lot of 1/2 taunts ready for your UTH + wolf combo.

Yeah, I don't really think he thought it through.

edit: I think he was going to use the combo on the Cairne he played the round or two before but I killed that off quick so I didn't have to deal with a board full of those things.
Excited for the Construct Quarter, should be a lot of fun. Really curious to see how the boss mechanics transfer over.

Also want to test a lot of things out with the Wailing Soul.


Haha that patchwork fight is hilarious. I love how much they managed to make all of the pve fights mirror the actual raid bosses.

We did it again broooooos

Now time to sleep. I'm pretty sure rank 5 to legend was done in about 30-35 games this time around lol.

Much much faster than last time.

Using this deck

Wow the warrior challenge was really brutal. Freaking Grobbulus and his freaking echoing ooze and +4/+4 buff and taunt. There's almost no way to clear those things efficiently and then he does it AGAIN. They should have at least given us a brawl or something.


Warrior challenge seemed extremely dependent on the draw and the AI's draw. Some games I died in 3 turns.
Once I actually had a frothing to play on turn 4 after a rampage on a zerker, was cake though.

Wow the warrior challenge was really brutal. Freaking Grobbulus and his freaking echoing ooze and +4/+4 buff and taunt. There's almost no way to clear those things efficiently and then he does it AGAIN. They should have at least given us a brawl or something.

Yeah +4/+4/taunt on an ooze that copies itself is basically gg. I didn't really win until he didn't draw it lol. He can't do it till turn 6 though, and you can burst him down before that with a good draw. Frothings hitting for 15 is fun
If you have Baron Rivendare, Feugen and Stalagg on the board, and kill feugen and stalagg at the same time (by void terror, for example), you gain 4 thaddius.

That I understand, but I still don't understand what Procarbine means. Did he Faceless a Single Stalagg/Fuegen, then kill them both on something, and get two Thaddius? Meaning that once one dies, Thaddius will always be summoned regardless? Just curious about the exact conditions.


That I understand, but I still don't understand what Procarbine means. Did he Faceless a Single Stalagg/Fuegen, then kill them both on something, and get two Thaddius? Meaning that once one dies, Thaddius will always be summoned regardless? Just curious about the exact conditions.
That wouldn't work simply because the priority of the deathrattles would not allow it. Whoever was summoned last will have the deathrattle trigger Thaddius.
I just destroyed a rogue with priest. Fun times.

First he couldn't take out my deathlord. He was slowly whittling its way down til turn 9 when it was at 4 hp, I dropped velen and hero powered deathlord to full hp.

Then next turn he has a crazy auctioneer turn with preps, coldblood 2x, conceal, blade flurry, everything you could ever want as a miracle rogue basically. EXCEPT FOR SAP.

He used a sap earlier so I guess he didn't draw a second one. My velen was still on board. And holy nova already in hand... lmao. Holya nova, heal all my minions to full, reduce his 12/4 stealthed auctioneer into salty tears. Bring him down to 2 hp, and win.

I can't imagine how hard this deck hits for when the stars align. That is... Velen on board:

play zombie chow, zombie chow, auchenai soulpriest, hero power face, mind blast, circle of healing (8 mana, 7 mana set up on board)

4 from hero power
10 from mind blast
5 from zombie chow (doesn't appear to be buffed by velen based on velen's only affecting spells and hero power but auchenai is confirmed to cause it damage)
5 from second zombie chow

technically enough mana to hit another mind blast but I don't run 2 in this deck atm

24 damage before velen is added in, which brings it up to 31 damage.

That is the dream play though.


Forever Platinum
That I understand, but I still don't understand what Procarbine means. Did he Faceless a Single Stalagg/Fuegen, then kill them both on something, and get two Thaddius? Meaning that once one dies, Thaddius will always be summoned regardless? Just curious about the exact conditions.

I facelessed a single one, yes. Stalagg had already died, then I got a Thaddius for each Fuegen.
Wow, the new warrior weapon is just absolutely gross. What was blizzard thinking? They already have fiery war axe. Now they have a super truesilver champion that takes out 5 drops, and activates all their minions.


Wow, the new warrior weapon is just absolutely gross. What was blizzard thinking? They already have fiery war axe. Now they have a super truesilver champion that takes out 5 drops, and activates all their minions.

Warrior is already in a pinch against aggressive tactics so that balances it out. You lose life with weapons and there's no 4 lifegain like there is with Truesilver.

(also warrior needs this wep, other decks have gained so much momentum with Naxx so far)

It probably should have been a rare, like Kirin Tor Mage. That is an amazing 3-drop that you are not that likely to get in a draft, because it has a blue gem. Dark Cultist being a common will improve Priest's arena win rates all by itself.

And it should. Have you seen Priest arena stats :b
Warrior is already in a pinch against aggressive tactics so that balances it out. You lose life with weapons and there's no 4 lifegain like there is with Truesilver.

(also warrior needs this wep, other decks have gained so much momentum with Naxx so far)

And it should. Have you seen Priest arena stats :b

It is just sick how much synergy the card has and they don't need the life gain since they have armor up, armorsmith, and shield block. I just wish I finished up hitting legendary before today. Facing all the control warriors is going to be quite painful. They have so much removal already, now it is quite crazy they just got yet another crazy early + effective removal so they are even less reliant on armor counts early on.

I guess I can just go back to hunter...


I'm actually struggling how to incorporate Death's Bite. In my Control I'm running 2 Fiery War Axes and a Gorehowl, more weapons seems excessive but a smaller chance of having a 3/2 early against aggro doesn't make sense.

In my tempo Warrior I run 2 FWA and 2 Arcanites, considering dropping on of the latter for DB.

How do you guys do it?


It is just sick how much synergy the card has and they don't need the life gain since they have armor up, armorsmith, and shield block. I just wish I finished up hitting legendary before today. Facing all the control warriors is going to be quite painful. They have so much removal already, now it is quite crazy they just got yet another crazy early + effective removal so they are even less reliant on armor counts early on.

I guess I can just go back to hunter...

Warrior is very much in trouble against aggro tactics like I just said. Korkron is just a sad 4 drop so now that hole is finally fixed. Deathrattle zoo and shaman are a nightmare for control warrior so I hope the new weapon evens that up. Fuck those creepers :)

I'm actually struggling how to incorporate Death's Bite. In my Control I'm running 2 Fiery War Axes and a Gorehowl, more weapons seems excessive but a smaller chance of having a 3/2 early against aggro doesn't make sense.

In my tempo Warrior I run 2 FWA and 2 Arcanites, considering dropping on of the latter for DB.

How do you guys do it?

I think I might remove Gnomish Inventors and/or Gorehowl or some 5-6 drop. If you run Unstable Ghouls you might want to try replacing those.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It is just sick how much synergy the card has and they don't need the life gain since they have armor up, armorsmith, and shield block. I just wish I finished up hitting legendary before today. Facing all the control warriors is going to be quite painful. They have so much removal already, now it is quite crazy they just got yet another crazy early + effective removal so they are even less reliant on armor counts early on.

I guess I can just go back to hunter...
Is this real life?


So just say you disagree... I don't mind if you disagree. I think it is a great card, well above average.

It's a card that is needed for warriors to be able to deal with the deathrattle meta. Without godly armorsmith plays, warrior is just fucked against zoo. This weapon should help to balance the issue somewhat.


I cleard construct quarter heroic.
For Patchwork I used Ice mage.Coldlight oracle is very good here,because he has no deck.

Gluth is easy,just use many cards with high dmg and low health.
Booty Bay bodygaurd is the best taunt for this fight.

Ironically the best way to beat Thaddius is with Thaddius.
He starts with Stalagg and Feugen,however his ones have no effect,but the still counts for the effects when you summon either of them.

It took me forever to defeat Grobbulus.
I played as a priest and tryed the usual divine spirit + innerfire combo.
Eventually it worked,but there has to be a better way.


And it should. Have you seen Priest arena stats :b

Seems weird priests are bad in arena but so good on ladder. Right now they seem incredibly strong on ladder to the point I see more of them on streams than every other class combined outside Druid and Hunter.
Seems weird priests are bad in arena but so good on ladder. Right now they seem incredibly strong on ladder to the point I see more of them on streams than every other class combined outside Druid and Hunter.

The cards they need are rares and epics. Those are hard to come by in arena draft.
If you think it's a great card I'm living in your dream.

Then why have several pros like trump, reynad, tides, all say deathbiter is a strong card? I guess they don't know what they are talking about either... I haven't heard one person say it isn't a great card til you...

Truesilver champion is one of the stronger cards paladin has, and now warrior has a stronger version of it.
I lost to Gluth several times.

Then he won me the game by attacking my 8-1 Ragnaros directly while he only had 7 healthy.

He had 2 other minions of the field that could have attacked as well.


Really, this is so good. People on YouTube comments claiming it was staged or whatever, but I doubt Tides would want to give up a loss at rank 38.

It definitely wasn't staged. I was watching Amaz's stream when he got matched up with Tides and then loaded up Tides stream and watched the game from both sides. It was pretty cool.

BTW, the rematch is going on right now. Amaz and Tides have been matched up again in ladder today. Tides isn't streaming but Amaz is. http://www.twitch.tv/amazhs
I Don't know about you guys, but I'm currently happy with how things have changed. I'm still at rank 15, so take this with a shaker of salt, but I haven't faced constant Zoolocks at all. They are still there but there are more classes and decks mixed in now. My biggest gripe has been fixed.

Of course now this is where someone quotes me and says there is nothing but Zoo under rank ten, but I can dream Damn it!
I'm actually struggling how to incorporate Death's Bite. In my Control I'm running 2 Fiery War Axes and a Gorehowl, more weapons seems excessive but a smaller chance of having a 3/2 early against aggro doesn't make sense.

In my tempo Warrior I run 2 FWA and 2 Arcanites, considering dropping on of the latter for DB.

How do you guys do it?

I just removed gorehowl. 5 weapons is too many. especially when gorehowl lasts for like 5 turns.

i also stuck in a frothing to play around with. dunno if i'm gonna keep him, though.
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