Haven't played in quite awhile so just wondering if Priests are still crazy annoying to go up against, or have the tables turned?
Well it's kind of an obvious counter. If you play the deck card for card (shame on you), then there's no silence and the deck is designed for board control. Every time I face someone who plays the deck and can't handle my threats, I suddenly see them change from board control to straight-to-the-face. In my mind I'm like "That's not how you're supposed to play that deck" and those are the best times to play my taunts or taunt givers.everyone playing blood knights now, ugh, I might just remove the stupid argent squires / scarlet crusaders from reynad's zoo deck. Or maybe I should just run my own.
"Pandaria Participating in Ranked Season 1"
I only have the default card backs, why?
Well it's kind of an obvious counter. If you play the deck card for card (shame on you), then there's no silence and the deck is designed for board control. Every time I face someone who plays the deck and can't handle my threats, I suddenly see them change from board control to straight-to-the-face. In my mind I'm like "That's not how you're supposed to play that deck" and those are the best times to play my taunts or taunt givers.
Wild Pyromancer and Bloodknight are the two strongest counters against that deck I think. Deals with a lot of the meat of the deal (Argent Squire, Harvest Golem, Scarlet Crusader).
You are one lucky motherfucker.All this talk about Tink and Pagle and this is what I just got.
I wish arena wins would count towards the 500 for gold since I hit Legend rank so quick. (lol jk about that second part)
They don't? Makes no sense. Arena is a million times better format too.
For a general deck, that's good through and through, you need to have a good balance in the mana curve (it appears when you point the Hero's portrait of the deck you're making). A good mana curve means you usually top at two or three, depending on class. This means most of your cards cost two or three mana, which means you probably will have something to use in each turn.Installed it today and finished the forced tutorial.
Overall I like it!
...but man making a deck looks hard, I can only have 30 cards?
...and man I unlocked A LOT of cards XD.
May I request some tips on how to make a balanced deck please?
My username for Hearthstone is Tizoc feel free to add me but I may not be online all the time ^^;
No. The mana curve needs to top at two or three. Think this way, if most cards you have in hand are 4+ mana, you need to wait for turn 8 to use two of them at once. This is why you want most cards being 2-3 (not 1).Thank you, so 20 creatures balanced at being 1-3 mana. I'll try it out later.
Hunter: Bluegill, Leper Gnome, Leper Gnome.
My mage: Water Elemental.
I play Mad Bomber.
Does 2 dmg on my Water Elemental and 1 on my face.
How am I supposed to get my daily this way?
is anyone even playing Cenarius anymore? He was always one of the least threatening end-game legendaries. Has some synergy with roar he still not really worth the 9 mana imo
Sunk Pagle and got me a Cairne. Gonna be a while until I get my hands on a Rag now, sadly.
Played around 20 matches yesterday and the only bug I encoutnered was the minion floating by the opponent's hand bug. Slightly annoying, but easily dealth with (and fixes itself after the opponent uses the minion to attack).
Nothing game breaking at least (dancing minions was game breaking, having lost several matches to it)
Also got rid of my pagle, got a Tirion in his place... I normally hate getting class specific legendaries, but I love my pally deck so much lately (control).
To celebrate the official release of Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, weve lined up a full day of Hearthstone-related activities happening this Friday, March 14. In true gaming spirit, you can either kick back and watch the fun from the sidelines, or jump in and take part! Your social media submissions may even make an appearance on our dedicated Hearthstone Day page (coming soon).
Heres a run-down of Fridays events (all times below displayed in CET):
Look out for content created especially for this occasion by well-known Hearthstone community members. Well be adding updates to our upcoming Hearthstone Day page throughout the day.
When: Throughout the day
In honor of the beloved, noble creature known as the murloc, were looking out for talented murloc wannabes. Ever wondered what a murloc sounds like when he gets up in the morning? So do we! Submit your waking murloc impressions on Vine with the hashtag #HearthstoneDay.
When: 10.30 - 12.30
Did you just open the best booster pack ever? Take a selfie of your happy face in front of this epic booster and post it on Instagram with the hashtag #HearthstoneDay.
When: 14:00 - 16:00
Our Hearthstone developers will be answering questions about the beta from the community! Tune in to the Google+ Hangout to watch the Q&A and submit your questions. A member of the Community team will be hosting the event.
When: 19:00 - 19:30
Any idea when they are reigning the beta down? Remembering reading it was coming down soon in anticipation of retail release.
Tirion is a great card, imo.