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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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Not at all! Honestly, I think you might even fall in love with the iPad after using it for a while and ditch your other tablet... =x

It isn't like I haven't used an ipad before :p

I have little interest in tablets over even my phone atm.

If they weren't so overpriced I'd be over one, just to play hearthstone.

But... it is apple so they feel justified in overpricing even their old models. I'm not into buying second hand either. Oh well, I'll just wait longer.


Welcome to our inn!

Keep in mind, some of the most powerful cards aren't special in any way. It's all about using a card at the most appropriate time.

and I think you have to give us the full BattleTag to add you as a friend, i.e. the four numbers following your name.

Thanks mang. "conezays#1327"



Look at it from a matchup point of view:

Mage vs Control: Flamestrike is more or less useless and the only thing they have to handle big creatures is Polymorph
Mage vs Combo: Combo doesn't really care if you wipe their board, because they usually have some kind of draw engine to fill it back up
Mage vs Aggro: Draw Flamestrike, win. Don't draw Flamestrike, lose. Unless you're playing against Zoolock, in which case they can just play more creatures.

You're arguing for the nerf of Flamestrike because it is a sweep in that one specific matchup.

This as well, though the other big thing is just that it doesn't improve the board on their side of things. So it's best when going from turn 6 -> 7 still has them with a decent board and the Flamestrike removes everything on the other side, which is typically a fairly rare situation these days.

Edit: Also worth noting, though, is that Flamestrike IS one of those cards you do have to play around. You kind of always have to expect it. Likewise, this applies to things like Swipe or FoN/Savage Roar combos. Or Leeroy shenanigans. Or Alexstraza. Or Grom. Or many other things. It's one of those effects you plan for.


Anyone ever come in here after a win and half-expect to read someone complaining about something you just did? That'll be a good day.


Unconfirmed Member
You might not be saying this explicitly but you're heavily implying it, because your argument for a Flamestrike nerf amounts to "if you play a lot of sub 4 toughness creatures against a Mage, then it's a huge tempo swing when they play Flamestrike". Well, yeah, duh, that's the entire point.
No, I'm not 'implying' it. I said multiple times now that this is not a matter of me wanting my deck to work against anything, neither have I said that I think an aggro deck shouldn't be stopped dead in it's track by Flamestrike, nor have I said it's damage (and thus it's effectiveness against aggro decks) should be reduced.

And since everyone is piling onto me and I don't see the use in quoting everyone of you since nobody is going to agree with me here, I'll just keep it short; I think that at this point in time, at this moment, it is slightly too powerful. Sure, play a big minion and it's 'useless' (unless that biggie has already gotten his health down to 4 by attacking enemy minions or opponent action), but still considerably powerful as you just got all enemies minions health down by four.

Again; I'm not arguing for a massive nerf (OMFG mak it do 4 dmage to everytin and discard hand), I'm not arguing that the deck I'm running now or any other aggro deck shouldn't be completely destroyed by it, I'm not arguing that it's positive effect should be reduced in anyway; I'm simply arguing that adding a small drawback to this card or increasing it's cost by even one single mana point would make this card seem much more fair and in line with the other board clearance spells (Consecration = 4 mana 2 damage / Swipe = 4 mana 4 damage to one 1 damage to rest / Hellfire = 4 mana 3 damage but hits friendlies / Arcane Explosion = 2 mana 1 damage). 8 mana 4 damage would fit in that list (following the mana cost = 2x damage from Consecration and Arcane Explosion), for example.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
1) Cards are not and should not be balanced in a vacuum. A nerf to Flamestrike would be a nerf to Mages, the one class that really needs a buff at the moment. You can't look at a single card and say "this seems unfair", unless you can substantiate its supposed "unfairness" by showing how it's warping the metagame. Is it warping the metagame? In Arena maybe, but in Constructed it's a lackluster card.

2) As cards increase in cost, they become more and more efficient, that's the tradeoff for being a lategame card rather than an early game one. Example:

Fire Elemental
6 Mana
3 Damage

Ironforge Rifleman
3 Mana
1 Damage

Or within a class:

Perdition Blade
3 Mana
2/2 Weapon
1 or 2 Damage
Maximum: 6 damage

Assassin's Blade
5 mana
3/4 Weapon
Maximum: 12 damage


The reason everyone is "piling" onto you is because we've gone through this Flamestrike discussion multiple times in the past. It's a strong effect but it's held back by the fact it comes so late. It does very little, in the grand scheme of things, for how much mana is put into it. Especially given how important spending that much mana in a single turn is.

If this was Arena, I don't think it'd be as one-sided of a conversation. Constructed is just a different thing entirely.
Flamestrike is not even remotely close to needing a nerf in Constructed.

I'm simply arguing that adding a small drawback to this card or increasing it's cost by even one single mana point would make this card seem much more fair and in line with the other board clearance spells (Consecration = 4 mana 2 damage / Swipe = 4 mana 4 damage to one 1 damage to rest / Hellfire = 4 mana 3 damage but hits friendlies / Arcane Explosion = 2 mana 1 damage). 8 mana 4 damage would fit in that list (following the mana cost = 2x damage from Consecration and Arcane Explosion), for example.

This is not a good way of balancing cards.
I think flamestrike is fine as well. It doesn't need a mana cost adjustment (which is a huge nerf, not a small one).

Even making it 8 would be pretty big. A lot of mage AOEs already have been nerfed anyway (pretty much each of them except flamestrike and arcane explosion).


I think if your playstyle against a class has to consist of "I have to play around that single card X, or I'll lose", that single card X deserves to be looked at.

Mind Control used to be such a card, that's why it was nerfed. Pyroblast as well.

Not sure I'd consider Flamestrike in that category, as it is an important Mage card, but not the be-all-end-all.

Contrast this with a Hunter, where playing around Unleash the Hounds has to be your MO or you'll just lose to the burst damage (though it's not a single card per se, it has to be part of a combo with other Hunter beasts to be devastating).


I don't mind playing against Flamestrike because it's so predictable. I play mainly shaman really, so I'm happy to control the Mage's board and load up on minions on my end.

Best case - no Flamestrike, bloodlust
Worst case - Flamestrike, clear board with me to play.

I'm never really in a position where a Flamestrike will fuck me up because I account for the fact it will be played.
Dropped $50 today. Didn't get anything extraordinary. I fleshed out two of my decks with Azure Drakes and Gadgetzan Auctioneers, crafted a Rag and a Murlock deck. It's that last deck that makes me feel like a dirtbag.

Coin, Knife Juggler, Tidecaller, Warleader, his Shattered Sun Cleric dead to daggers>Concedes
Need help downloading the app!!!

Just got my Ipad an hour ago..

Got to the point of scrolling to the bottom of the Itunes page and I don't see the "bubble" with the flags.

Do I need to change the region of my Ipad by clicking on my ID, or am I missing something? Am I creating a brand new account? Please help..I want to play this soon..lol

P.S...I can see the US flag bubble on my PC but not on my Ipad...

PSS....Did it..got the app..the reddit explaination worked perfectly (using BC, with accompanying postal code)...Lost my first game, but got the Ipack, and got an epic card for a mage, which I don't play as..but still..pretty good for a free pack..
Every time I go to bnet forums there are like 5 new threads about UTH. I actually think the card is fine as is, currently. The card can be played around even if not perfectly since they could always have 2 wolves or 2 UTH. But generally speaking, I don't fear UTH til usually around turn 6 or 7 (gotta assume leeroy into the calculations) but many times they're missing a key card anyway.


Every time I go to bnet forums there are like 5 new threads about UTH. I actually think the card is fine as is, currently. The card can be played around even if not perfectly since they could always have 2 wolves or 2 UTH. But generally speaking, I don't fear UTH til usually around turn 6 or 7 (gotta assume leeroy into the calculations) but many times they're missing a key card anyway.
The card is as bad as the old UTH, just in a different way. It makes limited miserable instead of constructed.

Card Boy

I can't wait till the US gets the iPad version of HS. I'm going to get so many wins via people disconnecting. (especially iPad 2 users)


after doing some research and looking at card lists (haven't looked that much into specific used decks purposely)... think i might gravitate to doing control style decks around paladins or clerics.

I know balances can change on the tip of the hat, but are those heroes viable in today's game?

Paladin is still really good. Strong match-up against Warlock Zoo because of the devastating Equality > Consecration or Wild Pyromancer > Equality combos, and the Divine Shield mechanic really screws with Hunters because in the absence of silence cards, it's like getting 2 minions for one.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I have enough dust to craft the Leeroy I want to make the various cool decks (miracle rogue, hunter cycle, burst shaman, etc) but I can't shake the feeling that I'll unpack him after I craft him.

I also don't have the various rares you need like Eaglehorn Bow so I guess I'll just wait for the packs to be kind to me. I did finally unpack a Defender of Argus and Azure Drake so things are looking up!


I haven't really read anything about this game besides doing the tutorial/going through lots of matches and utilizing trial & error...does anyone find any wikis/sites *necessary* to enjoying/improving at this game?

Permanently A

Junior Member
I haven't really read anything about this game besides doing the tutorial/going through lots of matches and utilizing trial & error...does anyone find any wikis/sites *necessary* to enjoying/improving at this game?

This is a good read to learn the basics the game does not teach you:


You should also know how to trade cards properly to gain card advantage. 2 ways:

1. Trading a card up in mana. For example, Worgen Infiltrator (1 mana stealthed 2/1) often trades up into a 2 mana 3/2 creature. You just saved 1 mana crystal. It may not seem like much but many efficient trades snowball into huge board control and tempo.

2. Trading a card for 2 cards. The reason Chillwind Yeti, despite its lack of effects, is so powerful. At turn 4 there is no good 1 card answer to deal 5 damage to a yeti. So the yeti will almost always trade for 2 smaller minions, thus trading 1 of your cards for 2 of theirs.

Once you have the basics down, the rest is just practicing enough to anticipate and read your opponents. You should know not to flood the board before a mage's turn 7 as a flamestrike could be in their hand. You should know to not play your big threats against a Shaman without having first baited out their Hex with a moderate threat. This is stuff you'll pick up as you continue to play.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
When creating handlock, if I can only make one of jaraxxus or Alex which would I pick? My gut says Alex because it I is a general legendary

Actually I need Leroy too

Can I make handlock with 1 of these three and the rest sorted?


When creating handlock, if I can only make one of jaraxxus or Alex which would I pick? My gut says Alex because it I is a general legendary

Actually I need Leroy too

Can I make handlock with 1 of these three and the rest sorted?

Alexstraza is basically a requirement. For the most part, Jaraxxus is too slow for current Handlock. And I'd say you need Leeroy for the Leeroy + Power Overwhelming + Faceless finish.
I am disheartened by the fact that I have never once successfully reconnected to a game after a disconnect. Playful sprites forever toying with my emotions.


Mana Wyrm alone doing 15 damage because of all the mage removals.

Then winning the game 30-0 because Paladin healz. I spammed the threaten emote cause he deserved it for drawing so good in the first 5 turns and then still die like that.

It was pretty impressive considering almost every minion I have in this Paladin deck is the type that summons another.

Hogger value in that game was amazing though.


Nice, I just had my first 12 win arena run. Definitely stressful since games 3 and 4 were both losses and I've had about 10-15 disconnects in the last 3 days (luckily I only disconnected between matches today).

Nothing special about the deck though; just a better curve than usual. I guess you can't underestimate the value of consistently having something halfway decent to play every turn, rather than hoping to survive until you can play all the top tier cards you drafted.


Or just maybe the opponent still has minions on his side and thus the board isn't empty, and you have to play new minions (which take a turn to get ready) that the opponent can kill next turn with his spells/minions since it is late game and he will have 7 mana to use at the least.

So clear his board on turn 6. If you can't keep board control through whatever your opponent can play, you never really had it in the first place.

As a Warrior, one of my favorite tricks is to play Spiteful Smith when I'm expecting a board clear.

Card Boy

Is the chicken dinner achievement broken? I got 92 ranked wins + 8 arena wins (not to mention my undocumented casual and practice wins) and I didn't get my 300 gold.


I crafted sylvanis today over onixiya. Good move or bad move?

When Sylvanas was 5 mana, she was in every high-end deck. Now at 6 she's rarely, if ever, included.. because there are other, ridiculously strong 6 drops she's competing with, namely Cairne, Argent Commander, Boulderfist Ogre, and no really amazing 5 drops besides Azure Drake. Some decks use Goblin Auctioneer and Spiteful Smith, but they're not useful for every deck like Sylvanas used to be.
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