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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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I have 700g right now, should I start buying wings of Naxx?
You'll want Naxx for sure, although if you're not fundamentally opposed to spending some real money it's much preferable doing it on the adventures as their pricing massively favors $ over gold compared to buying packs. Getting an adventure purely with gold takes quite a while, you'll be looking at 1-2 months during which you won't be getting any packs unless you're able go true infinite in arena.


Random musing of the day: shouldn't Gahz'rilla be considered a Dragon instead of a Beast? Surely, Hydras are a type of Dragon.


You'll want Naxx for sure, although if you're not fundamentally opposed to spending some real money it's much preferable doing it on the adventures as their pricing massively favors $ over gold compared to buying packs. Getting an adventure purely with gold takes quite a while, you'll be looking at 1-2 months during which you won't be getting any packs unless you're able go true infinite in arena.
Fair enough, it does seem like Blizz wants us to buy Naxx adventures for sure. So with the 700g I should arena run or buy BRM wings?


Random musing of the day: shouldn't Gahz'rilla be considered a Dragon instead of a Beast? Surely, Hydras are a type of Dragon.

The most sites refer to the hydra as snake or serpent though. And snakes are beasts in hearthstone, so thats correct.

On the other hand, one could argue that 'beast' is a very general word that fits dragons too, and both snakes and dragons are kind of reptiles.
So maybe Snakes and Ghazrilla should be part of both tribes.


( ≖‿≖)
Beat Kripp while he was streaming arena today. Awaiting VOD so I can watch him
call me bad but lucky.


Fair enough, it does seem like Blizz wants us to buy Naxx adventures for sure. So with the 700g I should arena run or buy BRM wings?
It's the same deal for BRM but unlike Naxx it features fewer useful all-purpose cards and its tribe, dragons, is rather underwhelming so far - so except for maybe the first wing with Emperor you don't really need BRM right away. If you're buying Naxx with $ your gold is best spent on packs for the time being, aim for a roughly 2:1 ratio of classic:GvG packs. Arena is fair too but I recommend reading up on the basics and watching some good arena streamers first, otherwise you'll sink a bunch of gold which really hurts in the beginning.


I had someone unleash a 6 card grim patron combo that did 28 damage yesterday.

In Arena.

In the same shitty run I also got killled in 4 turns by a shaman, without being able to play a single card.


Beat Kripp while he was streaming arena today. Awaiting VOD so I can watch him
call me bad but lucky.
Are you sure it was Kripp and not one of the dozens of players using his name?

If it really was him, make sure to link to the VOD, I'd like to see one of GAF's own go up against him. :D

Gahz'rilla is a beast in WoW. You can even tame him.
Well, that makes sense then that they'd keep the categorisation the same for Hearthstone.


The dream is real.

Warlock! You play with magic beyond your understanding!



If i don't go beyond 6 with this draft i will take a break from Hearthstone.
Solid minion quality across the board but only one source of card draw, no universal + efficient removal and no ways to cheat the curve. This is exactly the kind of draft that can get utterly rekt, you get out-tempo'd early and there's no way to seize back the board unless your opponent whiffs on multiple midgame drops. The broken Druid lategame minions won't help you when you're matched against zerglords.

What I'm saying is don't expect 6+ wins with a draft that isn't either full of removal or guaranteed to get ahead in tempo, otherwise you might be in for a rude awakening
I have Dr Boom, what legendary (or epic) should I look at crafting?

I like to play Control. Work the board and use Face damage as a last result. I like Paladin, Mage, Druid, Shaman. In that order.


Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I have Dr Boom, what legendary (or epic) should I look at crafting?

I like to play Control. Work the board and use Face damage as a last result. I like Paladin, Mage, Druid, Shaman. In that order.


Sylvanas is pretty good, she's is neutral so you can put them in all of your decks.


I have Dr Boom, what legendary (or epic) should I look at crafting?

I like to play Control. Work the board and use Face damage as a last result. I like Paladin, Mage, Druid, Shaman. In that order.

Do you have Sylvanas? Otherwise you'll definitely want Tirion for Paladin and the two neutral tech legendaries, Harrison and Black Knight, are always nice to have as well
I have Dr Boom, what legendary (or epic) should I look at crafting?

I like to play Control. Work the board and use Face damage as a last result. I like Paladin, Mage, Druid, Shaman. In that order.


Sylvanas. She's pretty ubiquitous in control decks and appears in lots of midrange decks. Sylvanas and Dr. Boom are pretty much the standard first legendaries that everyone should craft if they don't already have them.


I want to punch every asshole at blizzard who thought Paladin was going to be helped by Brm. Top class to trash class in one expansion.


I haven't done legend since GvG so I'm not sure about high level CW play in the current meta, but here are some general mistakes I've seen mediocre players of the deck make over the months:

  • being ineffecient with removal in control matchups: you often don't need to remove that Priest or Warrior's turn 5 Belcher immediately when your only options are Shield Slam or Execute. Against slow decks it comes down to having answers to all of their big threats in time, this means you need to know what to expect from the current lists and maximize the value of every card you play, so avoid blowing your premium removal on weak midgame drops or fucking Armorsmith. Seriously, if I got a dollar for every time a trashlord CW shield slammed one of my Armorsmiths I'd have enough dust for 5 golden sets by now
  • the reverse generally holds true against aggro: if you don't have a clean answer you may have to execute thag Juggler instead of hoping for a yolo Brawl as a) aggro/midrange likes to fill their board with cancerous deathrattles and b) you won't be able to recover from 10-15 health when they hit their Doomguards/Blastmages/Highmanes
  • not playing around Priest combos/power cards like Shrink+Cabal, Shrink+Shadow Madness and Mind Control: their value often determines the outcome of the entire game
  • not focusing on drawing by cycling inappropriate cards like Shield Block, Whirlwind or Taskmaster early when your hand is insufficient to deal with your opponent's expected early- to midgame: that Block won't do anything for you when you don't have the Shield Slam to go along with it so do everything in your power to draw into your weapons, otherwise you'll get overrun even by slower midrange decks


Mage hates me in arena or something, zero fireballs, zero polymorphs, zero flamestrikes and zero frostbolts. At least this deck has a nice mech synergy but it's pretty meh. The funny thing is that I've already reach the 3 victories record with Mage again. Why? This is supposed to be the overpowered class.


I thought it was just me, I hardly ever get those mage cards either.

Today I went 5-3 with a face hunter deck, it felt so dirty playing a deck I usually hate yet also kind of exciting as it was useless when I met any resistance.
Solid minion quality across the board but only one source of card draw, no universal + efficient removal and no ways to cheat the curve. This is exactly the kind of draft that can get utterly rekt, you get out-tempo'd early and there's no way to seize back the board unless your opponent whiffs on multiple midgame drops. The broken Druid lategame minions won't help you when you're matched against zerglords.

What I'm saying is don't expect 6+ wins with a draft that isn't either full of removal or guaranteed to get ahead in tempo, otherwise you might be in for a rude awakening

5-1 so far but like you said came into a mirror match with a Druid who managed to do some curve shenanigans and lost, it was still close though.


Mage hates me in arena or something, zero fireballs, zero polymorphs, zero flamestrikes and zero frostbolts. At least this deck has a nice mech synergy but it's pretty meh. The funny thing is that I've already reach the 3 victories record with Mage again. Why? This is supposed to be the overpowered class.

I'm not convinced that Mage is the best Arena class anymore. I think Paladin is much more consistent and Warlock has higher potential.

Paladin cards are just really strong. Paladins can have trouble with late-game minions, but Mages who don't draft Polymorph have the same issue, and Paladins have an incredible early and mid game that gives them board control to deal with late threats.

Warlocks have Imp Gang Boss and some huge tempo cards like Power Overwhelming and Voidcaller. Demonwrath gives them another (admittedly rare) AOE, and Darkbomb is Frostbolt-tier removal. Antique Healbot negates the class' main disadvantage, and as Arena has slowed down from what it was right after GvG their hero power becomes more and more valuable (especially since dilution by new cards means that the other classes except Paladin have a harder time drafting card draw).

I seem to be doing best with those two lately, at least, whereas I have about the same success with Mage that I do with Shaman and Priest.
9-1 so far so already surpassed what i wanted pretty much destroying my opponents so far except for a Facehuntard that came really close to defeating me but then i Dark whispered my Ancient of War and he had to trade in his entire board to deal with it.


I'm not convinced that Mage is the best Arena class anymore. I think Paladin is much more consistent and Warlock has higher potential.

Paladin cards are just really strong. Paladins can have trouble with late-game minions, but Mages who don't draft Polymorph have the same issue, and Paladins have an incredible early and mid game that gives them board control to deal with late threats.

Warlocks have Imp Gang Boss and some huge tempo cards like Power Overwhelming and Voidcaller. Demonwrath gives them another (admittedly rare) AOE, and Darkbomb is Frostbolt-tier removal. Antique Healbot negates the class' main disadvantage, and as Arena has slowed down from what it was right after GvG their hero power becomes more and more valuable (especially since dilution by new cards means that the other classes except Paladin have a harder time drafting card draw).

I seem to be doing best with those two lately, at least, whereas I have about the same success with Mage that I do with Shaman and Priest.

I loved Warlock the two times I drafted it. The only problem was that the HP was low a lot of the time and didn't have healing but the hero power is really good even if I couldn't use it as much as I wanted in topdeck wars. Also, I was lucky enough to get two Imp Gang Bosses and Void Caller + Demonfire in the first two turns was a really strong opening.

I'm using this deck currently, about to hit rank 6 and start making the grind. I subbed out Mal'Ganis for Loatheb as I'm facing a lot of mages.

How do you like Bane of Doom in this deck? I run a different Zoo but don't use that card. I have an owl and a couple of those dudes who suck the stats from both sides (can't remember the name) to pop my Nerubian Eggs + Voidcaller, etc.
Yes! The dream is real!

Went 12-2. Last opponent was a Skillstrike Mage that i obliterated with double Ancient of War and Ironbark then i bghed his Venture co and it was GG.


Working with a basic beast hunter deck. I've had some good success with it. The hardest part is often taking hits waiting for Turn 7-8 so I can lay down the buzzard and call of hounds. Too many games see me at 1-3 health at the end.


Working with a basic beast hunter deck. I've had some good success with it. The hardest part is often taking hits waiting for Turn 7-8 so I can lay down the buzzard and call of hounds. Too many games see me at 1-3 health at the end.

This is why no one runs Buzzard any more. It used to cost only 2 mana so a turn 5 Buzzard/Unleash combo was very, very common. Now the card just costs way too much.

What is your deck list? If you post it here, people can offer some suggestions for improvement.
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