Dear NeoGAF. Today was a good day.
(if I get any card name wrong, it's because I play the portuguese version)
Ever since I downloaded this accursed game, I am trying to play Priest. Lacking a lot of key cards (lightbomb, cabal shadow prisestess, for example); this wasn't the most pleasant of journeys.
After buying BRM, I tried to do a dragon deck since my 2 of my few legendaries are Alexz and Oxyia (no Ysera, for example). My plan was a full control deck that would later dump the big bad dragons on the board and win. It failed. A lot. Days of tweaking with the deck, it was losing to everything. It didn't matter how good it was a clearing the board, every deck more than had the capability of rebuilding board control. And then all of those dragons costing 8 and 9 on my hand were just expensive crap. I gave up.
Playing with a makeshit zoolock, at rank 15, I saw another Priest try a dragon deck. The match didn't last long (and I think I won), but I saw an emphasis on the middle range dragons. It had priest staples like auchenai (which I don't like) and then some dragons sprinkled. The plan seemed to be taking advantage of the early 2/3 whelp and then buffing the dragon sorcerer thingie that gets +1/+1 when target with a spell. I liked the idea, but not the deck. So went back.
First I decided I needed a good, solid Priest base that didn't relied on comboing cards. So 2 shadow words: pain; 1 shadow word: death; 2 clerics; 2 holy smithe; 2 power word: shield, 2 thoughtsetals, 2 azure drakes and 2 sludge belchers. Now, instead of trying to fit the priest on the dragons, I'd look for dragons for the priest:
Whelp is a no-brainer. With enough dragons on deck, it is a zombie chow without giving your oponent health, so there it went, 2 of them.
Next the blackwing technician and corruptors, at first to keep the deck honest in relation to my plan torwards dragons, but really, they're the heart of the deck.
Then the dragon themselves. Dragonkin Sorcerer and Hungry Dragon both sound clunky, depending on favorable situations to work properly, so I discarded both.
Dragonfaerie at first it's a bad choice because it can be healed, but it actually is a solid 3/2 card that helps a lot against mage, druids, shamans and warlock. At worst, it trades with almost anything turn 2 can provide and that's already a lot.
Volcanic drake came next (at first because he was the only one left) and then for the last slot it was Chromaggus, because I needed something I saw as a solid finisher.
I went from ranking 15 to 11 with this deck without losing a single match.
So I am happy, all right, but now at rank 11, my win rate went from 100% to 50% and I going up and down in stars without making any progress.
So I figured I was losing to facehunters despite the sludge belcher. Hunter would always win by little, using his last cards, but he would always win nonetheless. So I decided to change Chromaggus for Alexzastra so I can rebuild back to 15. It worked. One card change and my win rate against face hunter went from almost never to the regular 50%. Good enough.
But then a particular deck was making me lose every single time: demonlock. Mine is a slow deck, so once Jaxxus hit (and it does every single time because every match both players almost deck out), it's over. So I made the last changes: out with holy smites because my early creature game is very strong already and in with 2 dethlords.
Dethlords, of course, roflstomp hunters (I almost never lose to them now, need to be very unlucky to lose) and they have a chance to bring Jaraxxus on the field where it is a lonely 3/15 creature and not an instalose. Still, this is my worst matchup by far, but I feel I could improve it by trading the holy novas by lightbomb. Only I have none of those.
And so I went with my neat little homebrew deck and I just hit the ranking 10. On top of that, that very same match marked 500 wins as priest.
tl:dr: homebrewed dragon priest deck is making me like this game again.
Power Word: Shield × 2
Northshire Cleric × 2
Twilight Whelp × 2
Shadow Word: Pain × 2
Faerie Dragon × 2
Shadow Word: Death × 1
Thoughtsteal × 2
Blackwing Technician × 2
Deathlord × 2
Holy Nova × 2
Azure Drake × 2
Blackwing Corruptor × 2
Sludge Belcher × 2
Volcanic Drake × 2
Rend Blackhand × 1
Alexstrasza × 1
Mind Control × 1
This is the list. What I would change if I had the cards: Possibly take out mind control for Ysera to give me one more win condition (instad of waiting for the opponent to fabricate one for me on those long control matches) and take out Rend Blackhand for Sylvannas.