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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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I agree. Shaman is my favourite class, but I avoid the overload cards because they just get you killed.

This one will do exactly the same thing unless Mage is removed from the meta...which already seems completely unlikely. Even if Shaman gets an inspire minion that unlocks the crystals, you are still playing catch up to where the other classes are, because cards like imp gang boss are simply better and carry no penalty. Playing a card for the same value one turn early sounds good, but it just means you play a worse card on the next turn. Since things get stronger the longer the game goes, this is fundamentally broken.

There will need to be some strong totems revealed for the class to work.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Shaman has become one of my favourites after I gave him a chance. Overloads really mess with me too though, I can't help but feel all those cards would be better if the damage or whatever it were was reduced to either the minimum on the card or a mid point and cost the same or 1 mana more or something. I figure they just wanted another class specific card feature but I'm not sure the benefits outweigh the negatievs.


Image of new Priest card:



If TGT follows the same card distribution format as GvG---132 cards versus 124 cards, 8 class cards per class---then Shaman has already had 4/8 of its cards revealed. And, going by GvG, that means 3 class spells cards (2 spells, 1 weapon) is the defacto setup. Last time, Shaman got a new weapon, but not as many (potentially good) spell cards. While Totem synergy is fantastic, what [in my opinion] Shaman has to get lucky with are great spell cards. Specifically, cards that aren't hampered by Overload, cards that offer more than removal/damage, and that have great value. Which, is entirely possible. The Mage and Hunter spells just released--Effigy and Lock & Load--totally offer that. But with half their cards already revealed, there isn't much wiggle room left to envision all the necessary cards to bring the class back up to par.

Speaking in general, so far my favorite card revealed is Frost Giant. I like that it incentivizes you to play your Hero Power as often as possible. But even greater than that, I appreciate that it doesn't rely on a board state/hand state to activate. The closest comparison is Molten Giant, which goes off your life total, meaning it can show up really at any time to provide a nice big block of stats with minimal thinking. Being selfish, I really want more of these Hero Power usage cards in the expansion, as they do not have to be triggered right away to earn their value like more Inspire tagged cards. And then, depending on the class, create more cards that affect your investment of the Hero Power beneficially, like Quartermaster, Shield Slam, or Lightwarden.

Fake edit: Speak of the devil.


That's a fine four drop. Will have to see the other Priest cards to see if they're trying to phase out Auchenai from control Priest.


I think rogue could have used a weapon like that more. Maybe replace one fiery win axe with that.

edit: on second thought this doesn't work well with Dread Corsair actually, not all that useful.

Some Patron Warriors run unstable ghoul but would you spend 5 mana on this combo?

fiery win axe still is better.


That weapon seems awkward as hell. 3 damage means you need to play it on curve to get any value out of it before stronger minions hit the board. Like, what taunts are supposed to have been played on 1/2 AND still live on 3? Annoyotrons? And even then the durability isn't actually an advantage most of the time as you'll have to bust out DB on 4 anyway to challenge Flamewakers, Misha/Leokk, Voidcallers, Nerubians etc. and set up the whirlwind effect. Looks like trash with what we've seen so far.


Battlecry kills the idea. If at the end of your turn gains one durability then I could see a place for it behind a belcher.

Right now Fiery War Axe + Dread Corsair for 3 mana destroys whatever this epic card can do.

We have to see the new taunts though before saying more.


Warlock stays winning.


Wilfred Fizzlebang was in the trailer actually, so I'm guessing other legs are real too. Seems like there is another Windrunner card then, probably hunter legendary.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Playing against a roper in Arena.

It's my lunch break, buddy, I've got all the time in the world for your shit.


New Warlock legendary:

Wilfred Fizzlebang(?), The cards from your hero power cost (0) mana.

Master Summoner!

I know it has low life, requires you to use your hero power, can't even combo till turn 8, but... any time you get 0 cost cards, there's really no drawback.


What makes or breaks that card is if there's a way to at least double tap right after, then it's probably worth for the swing potential. But playing a 4/4 and only a single free card on 8 is very inconsistent, especially since until then the card is completely dead in your hand.


It's basically a 8 mana 4/4 that draw a card and add on average 4 mana, plus taunt.

I don't think it's taht bad, has the potential to be essentially free in the right deck, plus if not removed it's basically autowin.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Edit 2: Overload is a completely horrible mechanic, and not cost correctly for the mana loss. Really anything with overload should be more value than playing the card at the same mana cost. Like that totem that's a 3/4 for 2(+1) mana is the same as a Spider tank for 3 mana. That's not good enough now, it needs to be better than a 3-drop if it's going to cost you your next turn's mana. Should be closer to a 4-drop imo, like 3/5 taunt or even 4/5 to carry the overload properly.

A 3/5 taunt for 2(+1) mana or a Yeti would get people running Shaman again. Do this for all the overload cards and you have yourself a class. Mage's get like a 5/3 minion for 1 mana, I don't see why a Shaman can't have a 3/5 one for 3. lol

That would be fucking BUSTED are you kidding me? Druid needs to spend a whole card with innervate to get that kind of tempo. And you think losing one mana on your next turn is THAT bad?

Overload is not the huge drawback people think it is. You are basically just swapping turns to get an early advantage. So with totem Golem, you go Turn 1 Turn 3 Turn 2. You aren't actually losing ANYTHING.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
this is the likely hunter legendary 1 mana


I'm going to call it now, your hero power cost (0)

You should look again at past trailers. Those cards shown at the beginning are not necessarily representative of what their actual cost or stats will be.


Thaurissan into Fizzlebang might work. Turn 7: summon a 4/4, draw a card and play it for free. If you hit and get a Belcher or Boom or something, that is huge. Of course, if you whiff and get a situational spell, that kinda sucks.

So yeah, might be too clunky to see serious play.


I like the new Warrior card sort of and the new priest card is pretty terrible it seems. Unless you are in arena then it is god like.


I sort of like Fizzlebang. Play Lady of the Lake the previous turn in an expensive deck and all of a sudden you're drawing a 0 cost Malganis or whatever for 1 on turn 7.

Also I'm pretty sure we're going to see a lot more cards that work with hero power. Though I am skeptical if that's going to be fast enough. Having to combo 2-3+ expensive cards doesn't seem to work very well in Hearthstone so far.

Hope we get a release date soon. I'm thinking around 20 august? What was Naxx's release date last year?

Also wish they didn't do the pre-order incentive around $50, but rather $15-20. I'd probably have bought it then, but I'll skip it now.


That weapon is the kind of anti aggro card that tells me blizzard has no idea what it's doing. If you already have a taunt up by then, your probably already have board control and are winning. It's a win more card like bloodlust zzz


That weapon is the kind of anti aggro card that tells me blizzard has no idea what it's doing. If you already have a taunt up by then, your probably already have board control and are winning. It's a win more card like bloodlust zzz

It would have been more valuable if it kept getting charges for each defender you played as opposed to a battle cry. As it stands it is something you play after you get 1 or 2 pirates out and hope it doesn't get destroyed.


Gold Member
That would be fucking BUSTED are you kidding me? Druid needs to spend a whole card with innervate to get that kind of tempo. And you think losing one mana on your next turn is THAT bad?

Overload is not the huge drawback people think it is. You are basically just swapping turns to get an early advantage. So with totem Golem, you go Turn 1 Turn 3 Turn 2. You aren't actually losing ANYTHING.

And yet Shaman is the worst class of the game basically... overload in theory works like that, but having a golden shaman, and it being one of my favorite classes, I can tell you there's a reason it never gets played, and that's mainly because half the class is RNG, and the other half is overload, both which suck.

Your example is great and all, but say you draw the Totem turn 3, and it's your only playable card with a 4 drop ready for next turn. Not so simple like you wrote before now...


How would it interact with Chromaggus? Like you draw a card, it's reduced to 0 then it is copied, or copy won't be 0. I think it won't work.


edit: that priest card can be really good. I can see situations where players buff it like a Frothing Berserker, but no where as high, can buff +8 or something if it lives a turn. Seems doable. A bigger threat than Auchenai Soulpriest.


How would it interact with Chromaggus? Like you draw a card, it's reduced to 0 then it is copied, or copy won't be 0. I think it won't work.

Chromaggus does not copy the reduction from Far Sight. Chromaggus is weird though, so who knows. A copied Iron Juggernaut mine explodes, but not at the right time, and I don't think there's an explanation for why.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
And yet Shaman is the worst class of the game basically... overload in theory works like that, but having a golden shaman, and it being one of my favorite classes, I can tell you there's a reason it never gets played, and that's mainly because half the class is RNG, and the other half is overload, both which suck.

Your example is great and all, but say you draw the Totem turn 3, and it's your only playable card with a 4 drop ready for next turn. Not so simple like you wrote before now...

It really wasn't that long ago that Shaman was viable and strong. And now you're suggesting that 14 cards should all be buffed to essentially gain a whole extra mana worth of benefit for free? Lightning Bolt, 4 damage. Crackle, 4-7 damage. Lightning Storm, always does 3 damage. Feral Spirit, makes two 2/4's instead. Lava Burst, 6 damage. Fireguard Destroyer, 4 mana 3/8.

This is nuts. It's like suddenly every Shaman card now has innervate built into it and the only price you pay is 1 (or maybe 2) mana on your next turn. You wouldn't lose any cards. Overload really doesn't suck. You just have to think about your turns differently than you do for other classes.


Chromaggus does not copy the reduction from Far Sight. Chromaggus is weird though, so who knows. A copied Iron Juggernaut mine explodes, but not at the right time, and I don't think there's an explanation for why.
That has nothing to do with Chromaggus,but with the mine.It tends to do weird things if add it to your hand without drawing it.


This is nuts. Overload really doesn't suck. You just have to think about your turns differently than you do for other classes.

Overload does suck in HS where mana acceleration is sparse. Missing a drop because of overload is so huge in this game. There's a reason why nobody plays shaman.
It really wasn't that long ago that Shaman was viable and strong. And now you're suggesting that 14 cards should all be buffed to essentially gain a whole extra mana worth of benefit for free? Lightning Bolt, 4 damage. Crackle, 4-7 damage. Lightning Storm, always does 3 damage. Feral Spirit, makes two 2/4's instead. Lava Burst, 6 damage. Fireguard Destroyer, 4 mana 3/8.

This is nuts. Overload really doesn't suck. You just have to think about your turns differently than you do for other classes.

No overload sucks. Think about what it really lets you do.

You play a 4 mana card on turn 3. Awesome right? Well the problem is those cards are not as good as the cards released since the start of the game. So you are really playing a 3.2 mana card on turn 3. Meh.

Worse, on turn 4 you can only again play a 3 mana card, which is a big ptoblem, because your opponent is playing an even more valuable version of a card that is better than yours to start with.

Not to mention you just died anyway because of all the aggro decks.

The value from overload simply isn't there. The cards carrying it are outdated and crap.


Yes, that weapon is sub-par anti agro. Most anti-agro for warriors at the moment are not actually taunts -- things like fiery war axes (obviously), armorsmiths and cruel taskmasters are all critical to warrior early game anti-aggro strategies. The first taunt control warriors tend to play is a sludge belcher.
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