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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Gold Member
If you don't like constructed that much, I wouldn't worry about it. Chances are people are over estimating the rewards. It's a gold card and some dust. If I remember correctly at rank 10 it's two cards and at rank 5 it's three. Probably not worth the stress.

At rank 5 it's a golden epic which is the same as getting 10 free packs (if you have bad luck and get 40 dust per pack). Plus a few other things on top of that.


There is an argument to be made for bad cards with RNG (in the mechanics themselves, not the classic luck of the draw present in every card game) being so prevalent in Hearthstone, I can see the value of bad cards existing in order to balance out cards that use these random mechanics. Magma Rager helps balance Unstable Portal, Majordomo does the same for Sneed's Old Shredder etc.

I do think strict power creep for cards you are encouraged to buy compared to the basic cards everyone earns at the start is bad.
This is a bad way of thinking about it and you are again missing the point.

I did not miss your point. I addressed one thing you said. I think it is silly to think this is anywhere near impactful for new players.

I see you've chosen to regurgitate the rest of the post, so I'll address a bit more this time.

It's not even about if Ice Rager or Evil Heckler are good enough to be played in Constructed as is... it's that it sets a terrible precedence.

Soon we will be seeing 5 mana King of the Arena, 2 mana Stoneskin Gargoyle, 2 mana Dalaran Mage etc. Eventually some card will get "buffed" that MIGHT ACTUALLY see constructed play and it would be a bad look for Blizzard.

Why would it be bad if ice rager found a place in constructed play? That is kind of the point of putting new cards in the game. Maybe 5/2 is good enough for a specific deck. Maybe not. Who cares if it looks bad for blizzard. I don't even see how it looks bad for them to release a card that actually is worth playing.

It also shits on their previous statements about "well some cards are bad now but could be good later so we don't change cards".

I'm almost absolutely certain they've said they would release new stronger cards before buffing old cards. So this doesn't shit on their old statements at all.

Well by introducing the Evil Heckler you are pretty much admitting that Booty Bay is in fact a horrendous card (at least they think Magma Rager is a joke and a cornerstone of the HS community so we can give one card a pass).

I'm pretty sure they are okay with booty bay being a bad card, the same way brode admitted war golem is a bad card.

Why didn't Blizzard make Booty Bay into a 4 mana 5/4 instead? Because they don't want to look like fools when they made a video talking about how they don't want to buff old cards because it confuses returning old players and it takes too long too test cards.

You just gave a potential reason. They don't want old players coming back and being confused at least fits this narrative. Seeing ice rager they will understand it is a new card with stats to be learned whereas if they see magma rager at 5/2 they might be confused.

Well many streamers are calling out Blizzard on their bull shit now. And rightfully so.

Eh? Many streamers? I'm seeing conversations about patron warrior, not silly concerns over power creep because two of the worst cards in the game are outclassed by other cards (always have been, always will be).

I think worrying about how Blizzard looks because they released cards that might actually see play is just silly.
At rank 5 it's a golden epic which is the same as getting 10 free packs (if you have bad luck and get 40 dust per pack). Plus a few other things on top of that.
Yeah, I thought it was multiple cards instead of increased rarity, which works out better. If you are hitting high ranks every month it'll help get you cards you do want.

Overall though, I was just talking stress. A golden epic might not be worth breaking your keyboard.


Power creep is stupid but probably inevitable in card games, because it's the easiest way to make people buy new product.

Easy as that. The fact that blizzard has made such shameful upgrades of old cards this soon in the life of the game scream means that they're lazy fucks who can't think of functional new cards without simply improving old ones at best and cold cash-grabbers who are willing to print 5/5 yetis an year down the line to make people buy packs at worst.

Also, since it's digital with no rotating format, it'd be nice if they allowed basic cards to be represntative of the power level of the cards so that new players don't get trounced by newer ones which simply have their cards but better because p2win and all that shit.


Seeing ice rager they will understand it is a new card with stats to be learned whereas if they see magma rager at 5/2 they might be confused.

Ah yes, the old confused player base. Can only handle 9 deck slots and nerfing/buffing card makes them panic.

I do mostly agree with you mob-mob.
At rank 5 it's a golden epic which is the same as getting 10 free packs (if you have bad luck and get 40 dust per pack). Plus a few other things on top of that.

Has it been confirmed that you will be guaranteed golden epic @ rank 5?

If so, is there a chance for a golden legendary instead?


They added a lot of "Created by" labels I don't remember seeing before this patch. "Created by Ysera" for Dream Cards, "Created by Wild Growth" for that thing you get from Wild Growth at 10 mana, etc. Any more?
They added a lot of "Created by" labels I don't remember seeing before this patch. "Created by Ysera" for Dream Cards, "Created by Wild Growth" for that thing you get from Wild Growth at 10 mana, etc. Any more?

Mind Vision, Thoughsteal, Farsight, Nefarian etc all had them before, think they just added the rest in.


I'm assuming it's 'epic or better' just like how a pack guarantees you 1 rare or better.

I don't think so. My guess is simply:

Rank 15: 1 golden common, some dust, cardback
Rank 10: 1 golden rare, some more dust, cardback
Rank 5: 1 golden epic, even more dust, cardback

And then the amount of dust scaling in between.

Edit: Nevermind.


I don't think so. My guess is simply:

Rank 15: 1 golden common, some dust, cardback
Rank 10: 1 golden rare, some more dust, cardback
Rank 5: 1 golden epic, even more dust, cardback

And then the amount of dust scaling in between.

That makes sense, too. Would be nice if there was still a small (<5%) chance to get one, but I see how they don't wanna hand out legendaries to thousands of players every month. That's 1600 dust.


Guys, it's probably 3 random golden cards ( with the regular rarity drop rates ) and a few dust. I don't see blizzard giving away 500+ dust every month, there is no way that thing is a guaranteed golden epic.
If there is a clarification from the devs available feel free to correct me.
Guys, it's probably 3 random golden cards ( with the regular rarity drop rates ) and a few dust. I don't see blizzard giving away 500+ dust every month, there is no way that thing is a guaranteed golden epic.
If there is a clarification from the devs available feel free to correct me.

I would hazard a guess that you are close to the mark. 500 dust just for hitting rank 5 being common seems pretty far fetched. I'm sure we'll be seeing more than a couple legend/rank 1s with legends though, cause people love to post those big reward packs.
But overall it'll probably be just as rare as getting a legend from a normal pack... maybe even more so.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Rank 15, 1 random gold card, some dust
Rank 10, 2 random gold cards, some dust
Rank 5, 3 random gold cards, some dust

Would be surprised if you had guaranteed gold epics. That stuff is rarer than legendaries in packs.

First month, I'm sure people are going to get to Rank 5 and then complain vocally in this thread that they only got 3 gold commons.
Magma rager is still better than ice rager. When you play it, it generates card advantage by making the remainder of your deck stronger.

Meanwhile fuck getting to rank 5 before TGT comes out. Cycling between zoo, ebola and face hunter is fun for nobody.

Say what you want about power creep, it makes no difference when the community just plays the lamest shit anyway.

What do these people even want dust for? To craft another fucking haunted creeper to run in the deck they downloaded?


First month, I'm sure people are going to get to Rank 5 and then complain vocally in this thread that they only got 3 gold commons.
If I don't get my gold Epic then you are damn right there will be complaints by me!

Almost as much as my complaints about the Evil Heckler/Rager non sense.

You just gave a potential reason. They don't want old players coming back and being confused at least fits this narrative. Seeing ice rager they will understand it is a new card with stats to be learned whereas if they see magma rager at 5/2 they might be confused.
I wasn't going to respond to the post because I am pretty much done complaining about this whole issue but I would just say that I put out the whole "confusing returning players" thing as a pure bait with sarcasm.

The same way I think that Blizzard stating that adding more deck slots is confusing to players is utter non sense. It should be noted that especially after this Evil Heckler/Rager non sense... I find 90% of what Blizzard said about buffing old cards to be total non sense and anyone bringing up some of those excuses would be instantly ignored by me.


Finalow: are you willing to spend any money on the game at all? Some general advice:

1) The best bang for your buck (as in real dollars) are the adventures. If you're ever going to spend any money at all, it should be on this.

2) The original or "classic" set has the highest number of high value cards and should be your "baseline" for buying packs for the forseeable future.

If you're unsure if you'll ever spend any money on this game, then just buy 9 "classic" packs and keep playing.
You get ranked rewards that are increasingly better from 20, 15, 10, 5. At legend you get a cardback, that's it.
Buy Naxx wings.

Making it to rank 17 on a budget deck is pretty good. Rank 18 is pretty brutal imo.
I can try to hit 15, miracle if I actually get there with this deck.

and thanks for the suggestions, I read that the best value you could get out of your $$ was to get adventures but I didn't plan to spend money on this. I suppose I could save for some wings in Naxx, then get some classic packs and do occasional arena runs.


While true, I will just say "these rewards are ass and I am never playing Constructed again".

Maybe Blizzard actually surprises us.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
While true, I will just say "these rewards are ass and I am never playing Constructed again".

Maybe Blizzard actually surprises us.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
While true, I will just say "these rewards are ass and I am never playing Constructed again".

Maybe Blizzard actually surprises us.

Throw a dog a bone, the dog complains it ain't big enough. Just like people complaining how bad their 12 win rewards were.


the new board is awesome :D

The new board almost makes up for the fact that Blizzard has set a bad precedent with releasing Evil Heckler and Ice Rager. Where's the effort?

The game probably would have been better off if these two cards were never printed, especially when they could have released another pirate or beast or anything else to help push the things that they are introducing with this expansion. I really hope that they're not running out of ideas.


If golden epic is not guaranteed, it's just not worth the effort unless you're trying to get a full golden collection.


On my f2p account I got past rank 5 very easily with face paly a long time ago.
On my main account, I'm close with my tempo mage but damn the games are just too close. It's just luck that I'm winning still. Rank 7 it's all legend card backs and gold avatars on EU. lol These ranks used to be so easy before. I probably just make face paly here but it's going to cost me some dust I'd rather avoid, (for coghammer)
To be honest I don't mind having two redundant cards in the basic set. They were laughably bad and everyone knew it. If you saw a Magma Rager or Booty Bay Bodyguard in Arena you immediately knew your opponent was either a newbie or had been faced with a sad set of picks. I laughed when I saw their upgrades.

I'm much more sympathetic to arguments about Dr. Boom being too strong (and being a Legendary, essentially requiring new players to grind for him) or about Arena Warriors being intentionally left in a pathetically weak state.


I hope they give us some time between announcing the date and releasing TGT. I haven't preordered yet, figured I might make it til the salary comes in.



give or take

that's the rewards for rank 17 which should be same as rank <=20 from the data mined info we got. (3 star ranks)

Rank 15, is a 4 star rank all the way to 10 (11-15) these are getting another tier of rewards. I'd guess they're getting two cards instead. Doesn't look like they're giving gold, just dust and cards.

Now rank 10-6 that are 5 starts have another tier and rank 5 and lower that don't have win streak bonus the highest tier. I'd hope that 10-6 get a golden rare and 5 and better get a golden epic along with 2 golden commons that other ranks get.

That would be pretty good to me and lines up with their images.


Getting 3 Shaman quests in a row even after rerolling is the worst torture I've ever have endured. The best deck I can build is the shitty Sheng Naxx one and as much as I try to improve it, it's impossible to win a single match with it. I think I'll just straight up give up on getting any gold until I can reroll for better quests because this just isn't any fun.


Gold Member
If golden epic is not guaranteed, it's just not worth the effort unless you're trying to get a full golden collection.


On my f2p account I got past rank 5 very easily with face paly a long time ago.
On my main account, I'm close with my tempo mage but damn the games are just too close. It's just luck that I'm winning still. Rank 7 it's all legend card backs and gold avatars on EU. lol These ranks used to be so easy before. I probably just make face paly here but it's going to cost me some dust I'd rather avoid, (for coghammer)

I don't know how accurate it is, but there's a thread on reddit where someone claims people have extrapolated the rewards (using similar methods to how people have been able to open TGT packs - dunno if that is BS as well).

I wonder if the golden epics (and rares/commons) are from the entire pool of cards... I suppose so. Would be best that way anyway.


I don't know how accurate it is, but there's a thread on reddit where someone claims people have extrapolated the rewards (using similar methods to how people have been able to open TGT packs - dunno if that is BS as well).

I wonder if the golden epics (and rares/commons) are from the entire pool of cards... I suppose so. Would be best that way anyway.

That lines up with I assumed and it's pretty good to me. Definitely worthwhile to climb then. Looks like if you didn't play the game this month and just started climbing now you could get the best deal around :\
Being a long time WoW player, my thoughts on Ice Rager and Evil Heckler are that they are tests/expirmenents. What I mean is, Magma Rager and BBB are bad cards and no one uses them, so maybe the thought is, "We balanced these cards wrong. Lets test to see if we can improve them without making them too strong."

So now we have buffed versions of them. Sure they're new cards but that follows their idea of not wanting to change cards. Honestly I doubt these new guys will be used either.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Wow, concedes apparently happens immediately with the new patch!

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