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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt

There is Renolock.

Is Renolock a good deck to start building towards? Right now I'm just slowly putting cards into the budget LVL 10 deck guides I've been using since I don't want to spend all this time making a deck for it to be kaput in Standard.

I guess if it's a solid deck and it gets neutered by Standard I can just play Wild.


Is Renolock a good deck to start building towards? Right now I'm just slowly putting cards into the budget LVL 10 deck guides I've been using since I don't want to spend all this time making a deck for it to be kaput in Standard.

I guess if it's a solid deck and it gets neutered by Standard I can just play Wild.

The idea of Renolock is to withstand the opponent's initial surge with control cards, clear the board with Twisted Nether/Shadowflame, heal up and then dominate the late game. It's not one of the strongest archetypes even now, but the idea is sound and if there are a lot of strong new late game minions, that could make a deck like this much stronger.
I still hate Reno. I can have my opponent to less than 5 health by turn 5, and turn 6 he somehow always has Reno in his hand. Just once I want him to not have the drop.

Damn all jaraxxus deck that I see run double molten and montain giant, I don't even have one :(
Handlock and Renolock take a good collection to work with. Personally, I wouldn't run either until I had the ideal set.
On the note of the new set, Cultists are lame and underwhelming so far. I think they'd be great if they had a Recruit mechanic that gives you another Cultist at mana cost -2. This would help thin the deck for C'thun, and give the Cultists a unique flavor.

Maybe it's just me but Justicar Trueheart seems too powerful.
Stupidly good, really. Easily in my top 5 most hated cards in the game. If it's played at the right time, it's an auto-win card against a lot of decks.

I would be fine with the card if it increased your Hero Power to take 4 mana, or something.


Can someone with Liadrin try to log in on other Hearthstone servers to see if she unlocks on all of them if you just get the achievement on one region in WoW.

For heroes card back for example, if you did it on NA in heroes, you got the card back on all servers in HS. I hope it works like that here too.
Stupidly good, really. Easily in my top 5 most hated cards in the game. If it's played at the right time, it's an auto-win card against a lot of decks.

I would be fine with the card if it increased your Hero Power to take 4 mana, or something.

I agree with this. As it is now if I'm playing a priest or warrior that plays it I pretty much know I'm done.


Justicar enable high level control play tho, its very good for game design.

I simply can't hate that, I can't win against those right now but I inspiring to can play like that.


What decks are you using that are actually running into problems with Justicar Truehart?

The loss of tempo by actually playing that card with often lose you the game itself unless we're talking about a face deck or a player who overextended into something like a Brawl or Lightbomb.
Yeah it locks out a lot of decks once it's played.

Is Justicar good, or is it just bad in other classes? That is the question.
It's definitely a bad card for Hunters. Only gives +1 damage, so you can't even keep up if you mirror the strategy.

Justicar enable high level control play tho, its very good for game design.

I simply can't hate that, I can't win against those right now but I inspiring to can play like that.
What high level control play does it enable? It just creates an impassable wall for the deck. It effectively ends the game for some matchups.

What decks are you using that are actually running into problems with Justicar Truehart?

The loss of tempo by actually playing that card with often lose you the game itself.
Zoolock and Hybrid Hunter, my only two decks.

The problem is that the +4 armor/heal every turn is just too much to keep up with. The sustained benefit is pretty maddening, and while the card's tempo isn't great, Control Warrior and Control Priest aren't really about tempo, and by the time Justicar gets played, my decks have already burned through most of their resources. One thing I have learned from Hybrid Hunter is that Hunters must have the worst class draw options in the game.

The big problem is that, each turn, I'm popping Steady Shot to do 2 damage to counteract Armor Up! That's a fine position, because it means that my hand, and my opponent's hand, determine the outcome of the game. But once Justicar drops, I am now dealing 2 damage vs. 4 armor each turn, so my hand needs to outplay the board AND overrun the +2 armor each turn. At this point, we're talking at least turn 8, so most of my Hunter's hand has been spent. I am now down to top decking in search of a way to deal more than 4 damage every turn to have any hope of winning, and it just isn't possible without a lot of luck.


It's definitely a bad card for Hunters. Only gives +1 damage, so you can't even keep up if you mirror the strategy.

What high level control play does it enable? It just creates an impassable wall for the deck. It effectively ends the game for some matchups.

Zoolock and Hybrid Hunter, my only two decks.

The problem is that the +4 armor/heal every turn is just too much to keep up with. The sustained benefit is pretty maddening, and while the card's tempo isn't great, Control Warrior and Control Priest aren't really about tempo, and by the time Justicar gets played, my decks have already burned through most of their resources. One thing I have learned from Hybrid Hunter is that Hunters must have the worst class draw options in the game.

The big problem is that, each turn, I'm popping Steady Shot to do 2 damage to counteract Armor Up! That's a fine position, because it means that my hand, and my opponent's hand, determine the outcome of the game. But once Justicar drops, I am now dealing 2 damage vs. 4 armor each turn, so my hand needs to outplay the board AND overrun the +2 armor each turn. At this point, we're talking at least turn 8, so most of my Hunter's hand has been spent. I am now down to top decking in search of a way to deal more than 4 damage every turn to have any hope of winning, and it just isn't possible without a lot of luck.
You're just complaining about another deck's win condition. That's the whole point of Justicar in Warrior, to outlast aggro/tempo decks like yours so they win in the long game. It's as ridiculous as complaining that (insert low mana minion) is OP because people can play it on turn 1/2/3.


Hybrid Hunter is generally a deck about taking a few bad match-ups that are nigh auto-losses in favor of getting through a large number of matches quickly.

Both Justicar and Reno are built to punish that style of play since it used to be the #1 dominant deck on the ladder.

For Zoo, Control Warrior is not actually a terrible match-up, but I'm not sure what cards you're using currently. Your ability to continually dig into your deck for more and more creatures can often overwhelm the Warrior as they run out of removal options, assuming you're not letting them wipe huge boards while you don't have cards in hand. You want to be playing Deathrattle cards as you're getting into the turns where they'll be playing cards like Brawl, and using taunts that force them to make suboptimal weapon trades.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
You have to jam the hero power button like 3 times for justicar to achieve value.

If Justicar is shutting you down its because you're playing a deck that can run out of gas and you were playing against your natural enemy anyways. Let Control/Reno Warrior and Priest be the aggro counters. God knows they aren't great at much else.


There's no match up that Justicar ends the game as soon as it is played except against Freeze Mage and Warrior doesn't even need to play Justicar to win that match up.

You lose tempo playing Justicar on turn 6, basically played a 4 mana body that dies to a 2 drop. After that you need three turns of hero power expenditure for Justicar to be even comparable to Shield Maiden and 4 turns to compare to Healbot.

The best time to play Justicar is right after you have stabilized the game state. You have controlled their board, established your own and have developed some card advantage and the only way you lose is through top deck lethal. Justicar keeps the Warrior out of range of a potential burst lethal. The extra heal doesn't mean jack smack if the Warrior is being pelted by Highmanes every turn.


There's no match up that Justicar ends the game as soon as it is played except against Freeze Mage and Warrior doesn't even need to play Justicar to win that match up.

I could actually see Hybrid Hunter struggling a lot more than either Face Hunter or Midrange Hunter against Control Warrior since it doesn't have the staying power to compete into the late game or the sheer aggression to take them down before they can get value out of the Justicar.

It was a deck built to abuse a very different meta where both Midrange Hunter and Face Hunter were at the top for somewhat different reasons and thus blending them was an optimal idea.


I could actually see Hybrid Hunter struggling a lot more than either Face Hunter or Midrange Hunter against Control Warrior since it doesn't have the staying power to compete into the late game or the sheer aggression to take them down before they can get value out of the Justicar.

It was a deck built to abuse a very different meta where both Midrange Hunter and Face Hunter were at the top for somewhat different reasons and thus blending them was an optimal idea.
Hybrid Hunter does a lot better against Warrior than Face Hunter because it has Freeze Traps, Shredders and Highmanes. Face Hunter has a bunch of 1 HP minions that die to random WWs and Armorsmiths/Acolytes/Taskmasters.

My point is that decks like Face Hunter or Face Shaman aren't going to lose against Warrior due to Justicar, they will lose due to cards like Bash, Shield Maiden, Armorsmith, Shield Block etc. If the game got to a point where the Warrior used Justicar on turn 6 and then survive three more turns to use hero power then A) you were losing already and B) Shield Maiden/Healbot would've resulted in a heavier loss instead.

Aggressive deck and or new players get so easily demoralized by cards like Reno Jackson and Justicar. I can at least understand the frustration against Reno but when you do the math with Justicar you will realize it's not winning the game by itself.


Blizzard does an awful job to attract new players with the awful early game that wow has.

I'm doing the human quest with paladin and I lose 30 minutes looting gold dust from a mines, since everybody is doing it and the spawn times of kobolds are bad, plus the relatively bad drop of gold dust, I only got 6 of them

And I barely on level 6


Hybrid Hunter does a lot better against Warrior than Face Hunter because it has Freeze Traps, Shredders and Highmanes. Face Hunter has a bunch of 1 HP minions that die to random WWs and Armorsmiths/Acolytes/Taskmasters.

My point is that decks like Face Hunter or Face Shaman aren't going to lose against Warrior due to Justicar, they will lose due to cards like Bash, Shield Maiden, Armorsmith, Shield Block etc. If the game got to a point where the Warrior used Justicar on turn 6 and then survive three more turns to use hero power then A) you were losing already and B) Shield Maiden/Healbot would've resulted in a heavier loss instead.

Aggressive deck and or new players get so easily demoralized by cards like Reno Jackson and Justicar. I can at least understand the frustration against Reno but when you do the math with Justicar you will realize it's not winning the game by itself.
I think I was misremembering what Hybrid Hunter actually ran, but yes, I totally agree with your sentiment.


I stay out of the meta / loop, is Ramp Druid still viable?

If not what's the best current Druid set? I have all the cards needed to make anything viable.


Unconfirmed Member
I stay out of the meta / loop, is Ramp Druid still viable?

If not what's the best current Druid set? I have all the cards needed to make anything viable.

Ramp druid as it used to be isn't really played anymore, but a lot of the core of that deck is still used. Druid is pretty much the classic "Combo" (Force of Nature + Savage Roar). Pretty much every druid deck runs 2x of both of those. Then focus on either Mid Range (topping out with Ancients of Lore/War/Boom) or Aggro (run lots of cheap minions and push for damage to get them into combo range).

Both decks are good at various points on the ladder depending on what you are facing against. Doesn't make the Combo less annoying to play against though.


Ramp druid as it used to be isn't really played anymore, but a lot of the core of that deck is still used. Druid is pretty much the classic "Combo" (Force of Nature + Savage Roar). Pretty much every druid deck runs 2x of both of those. Then focus on either Mid Range (topping out with Ancients of Lore/War/Boom) or Aggro (run lots of cheap minions and push for damage to get them into combo range).

Both decks are good at various points on the ladder depending on what you are facing against. Doesn't make the Combo less annoying to play against though.

Got it, thanks, have one combo in my Ramp deck, I will have a go at this tonight.

I want to get to 500 Druid wins / Legend.
I'm working on 500 druid wins by playing Astral No Combo druid. It'll take longer , but I enjoy it.
What's your list? I messed around with astral sit a while and i don't think combo can ever work with astral. I can post my list tomorrow, I can't get it on my phone cause the app is broken


New card.


Source :
You're just complaining about another deck's win condition. That's the whole point of Justicar in Warrior, to outlast aggro/tempo decks like yours so they win in the long game. It's as ridiculous as complaining that (insert low mana minion) is OP because people can play it on turn 1/2/3.
I'm fine with a win condition. I'm fine with a deck winning. I'm not fine with a card making the game impossible to win, but not actually ending the game. I think that's poor design. As long as the game is moving forward, it should be a competition.

Hybrid Hunter is generally a deck about taking a few bad match-ups that are nigh auto-losses in favor of getting through a large number of matches quickly.

Both Justicar and Reno are built to punish that style of play since it used to be the #1 dominant deck on the ladder.

For Zoo, Control Warrior is not actually a terrible match-up, but I'm not sure what cards you're using currently. Your ability to continually dig into your deck for more and more creatures can often overwhelm the Warrior as they run out of removal options, assuming you're not letting them wipe huge boards while you don't have cards in hand. You want to be playing Deathrattle cards as you're getting into the turns where they'll be playing cards like Brawl, and using taunts that force them to make suboptimal weapon trades.
I think a proper Demonlock Zoo does fine, but I don't have the big beefies like Mal'Ganis, Void Terror, and Dr. Boom. It doesn't have enough late staying power to take over Control Warrior, but I don't doubt you're right on that.

I think I beat Control Warriors about 40% of the time with Hybrid Hunter. Aside from Reno, there is no deck I lose to consistently with Hybrid Hunter. Hunter's Mark has improved my win ratio against Priests significantly.

You have to jam the hero power button like 3 times for justicar to achieve value.

If Justicar is shutting you down its because you're playing a deck that can run out of gas and you were playing against your natural enemy anyways. Let Control/Reno Warrior and Priest be the aggro counters. God knows they aren't great at much else.
I find it distasteful that people will accept the idea of "natural enemies" when it's not a necessity.

I could actually see Hybrid Hunter struggling a lot more than either Face Hunter or Midrange Hunter against Control Warrior since it doesn't have the staying power to compete into the late game or the sheer aggression to take them down before they can get value out of the Justicar.

It was a deck built to abuse a very different meta where both Midrange Hunter and Face Hunter were at the top for somewhat different reasons and thus blending them was an optimal idea.
Hybrid Hunter has way more staying power than Face Hunter, and in my experience, does better.

I actually want to shift to Midrange Hunter, but I don't have the cards for it. I blew the last of my dust on Savannah Highmanes to make the Midrange deck.

I actually like the idea of using a combination of:
Snake Trap
Scavenging Hyena
Starving Buzzard
Knife Juggler

I wonder if all of these cards together could make magic happen...not sure where to go with the deck after there, either.
Interesting card. A 4/10 is pretty insane for the cost but at the same time you're never going to be playing it on turn 4. Though I guess it has Yeti stats so even if you want to play on turn 4 you aren't losing THAT much.

At least we now know for certain that there will be C'thun class cards.
So is Maly Rogue worth going for if I'm missing Thalnos? I can get 1600 dust for Malygos if I disenchant the King Mukla I just got. I was also thinking of trying Dragon Priest and getting Ysera instead. I would obviously have to get BRM then.

I know the popular (and smart) sentiment is to save for the expansion but I just want a solid deck to play with for the 6 week wait. I don't have Naxx or basically any GvG cards. I've been doing ok with my Ramp-ish Druid but lately I get flattened most of the time.


What decks are you using that are actually running into problems with Justicar Truehart?

The loss of tempo by actually playing that card with often lose you the game itself unless we're talking about a face deck or a player who overextended into something like a Brawl or Lightbomb.

Indeed. In no way is it (or any card) an auto-win.


So is Maly Rogue worth going for if I'm missing Thalnos? I can get 1600 dust for Malygos if I disenchant the King Mukla I just got. I was also thinking of trying Dragon Priest and getting Ysera instead. I would obviously have to get BRM then.

I know the popular (and smart) sentiment is to save for the expansion but I just want a solid deck to play with for the 6 week wait. I don't have Naxx or basically any GvG cards. I've been doing ok with my Ramp-ish Druid but lately I get flattened most of the time.

If you have Adventures left to buy, don't wait for the expansion. Pre or post expansion, an Adventure wing is going to outvalue any 7 packs, IMO.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Interesting card. A 4/10 is pretty insane for the cost but at the same time you're never going to be playing it on turn 4. Though I guess it has Yeti stats so even if you want to play on turn 4 you aren't losing THAT much.

At least we now know for certain that there will be C'thun class cards.

All you have to do is play 2 Beckoners. Coin Beckoner into Beckoner. Or even play a Beckoner on Turn 3.

And a 4/10 is scary as hell, even in the late game. Very good card.
All you have to do is play 2 Beckoners. Coin Beckoner into Beckoner. Or even play a Beckoner on Turn 3.

And a 4/10 is scary as hell, even in the late game. Very good card.

Very true. Certainly seems like a viable card at first glance.

Wonder if it will still proc if your C'thun has been killed.
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