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Hearthstone |OT6| C'THUN for President! Why pick the lesser evil?


The only thing Firebat said was "Cho'Gall works great with Siphon Soul", which is kind of a "well duh" moment on its own. But that's not enough to make the card top tier. You have to consider that you have to have Siphon Soul in your hand, and whether or not that synergy with Siphon Soul alone is enough. Like I said, I could maybe see it in a deck that runs both Siphon Soul and Shadowflame and can afford to double up on at least one of those. That completely excludes Renolock and doesn't even include a bunch of Handlock decks.

That is the thing. The effect is very powerful, but, besides Syphon Soul and Shadow Flame, there are few spells that can be abused. Maybe Sense Demons and Bane of Doom as well. Rafaam could be a possibility. Either way, casting spells for 0 cost is insane, lets see how it turns out later.


Hafu has been trying to test out if on top of current standings in an arena run if there is a hidden MMR to it as well.

She claims that shes getting much much easier opponents on a starter account when doing arenas, even in the higher standings, things she does not get when playing on her main account. Shes trying to figure out if it's just confirmation bias or if its actually true. She seems quite adamant that there is a hidden mmr to arenas as well


Hafu has been trying to test out if on top of current standings in an arena run if there is a hidden MMR to it as well.

She claims that shes getting much much easier opponents on a starter account when doing arenas, even in the higher standings, things she does not get when playing on her main account. Shes trying to figure out if it's just confirmation bias or if its actually true. She seems quite adamant that there is a hidden mmr to arenas as well

Didn't Reynard have a huge conspiracy rant about BIAS and how Blizzard "Intentionally* matches you up with people that have a Deck that fair better against yours on ladder if your winning alot.


Didn't Reynard have a huge conspiracy rant about BIAS and how Blizzard "Intentionally* matches you up with people that have a Deck that fair better against yours on ladder if your winning alot.

If he actually meant it as being blizzard doing it intentionally then hes as nutters as those youtube conspiracy theorist.

On ladder I believe blizzard has stated there is hidden MMR but they never gave a straight answer if arena did according to Hafu.According to her even people that she knows personally that work at blizzard when asked they won't give her a straight answer. It's always that it's matched based on current score, but she keeps seeing really bad players on her new accounts even when they have good scores , which is where this esting for her is coming from


Ah I misread thought it was until end of turn. So not a OTK but still great value IMO. Still more cards to be revealed and who knows what future expansions will bring.

I guess it would benefit from Brann too? The point is warlock is about trading life for extra value. Doesn't matter if you are at one health or 30, as long as you win.
It wouldn't enable OTK anyway if it was end of turn, all of Warlock's direct damage is cheap as hell anyway so you'd basically be trading health for a 7/7 which wouldn't be of any use if your goal is OTK.
If you have stayed this strong with 8k gold and 3000+ dust then I would wait a bit longer.

After Old Gods comes out I would spend half gold on Classic and half on OG. That way you can fill out your classic collection and hopefully get some nerfed cards that you can DE for higher value. Then use the dust to make some cards.

Though crafting Rag right now is fine. Rag has always been very usable and I expect it to be even better in the expansion.
Yeah i was thinking about if I wanted to buy classics as well. I know half would probably be good, but I'm gonna be so tempted to spend it on new shit. Then again there's still a lot of classic cards that I don't have.


Unconfirmed Member
Cho'gall is a pretty good legendary, but he seems far from the next Dr. Boom. I dunno who called him that, but that seems QUITE extreme. Class card vs Neutral, Requires more than 1 card vs stand alone, 7/7 stats vs 9/9 stats. Like the two aren't that close.

Cho'gall is totally playable in some decks I think, but he isn't Tirion level or Antonidas level even. Just a fun card that is good in a few decks (Control warlock it seems).


Chogall seems like a card that could be broken if the right spell existed. I like the Rafam idea, it's the closest thing to an explosive Chogall turn I can see. Otherwise it seems like the best use is as high tempo removal with Siphon/Shadowflame/Bane of Doom.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
ZealousD it's time to put Firebat on the list of pros we are going to be putting on blast when they get stuff wrong.

I wanna keep the list down to four. It actually takes me quite a lot of time to go through both the pro evaluations and our own, like a couple hours a day for a week, if you can believe that.

I think Kibler deserves a spot for being our reigning champ from LOE, and I feel like his card evaluations are genuinely insightful sometimes.

Trump is an auto-include both because it's fun to put him on blast and because he has the most popular evaluations.

Amaz has made some odd evaluations this time around and I think it'll be fun to put him on blast again.

So the fourth slot is a question mark. Currently I'm kind of torn between Kripp, Firebat, and Thijs.

Peléo;200733594 said:
That is the thing. The effect is very powerful, but, besides Syphon Soul and Shadow Flame, there are few spells that can be abused. Maybe Sense Demons and Bane of Doom as well. Rafaam could be a possibility. Either way, casting spells for 0 cost is insane, lets see how it turns out later.

Oof. I think as a Warlock I'd rather pay 10 mana than Pyroblast myself in the face.
I don't know that I am happy with Cho'Gall in a deck that runs just one Shadowflame and just one Siphon. Is there any other Warlock spell that people would be happy to combo with Cho'Gall or a deck that would double up on either Shadowflame or Siphon?
DOOM! (Lol)


Kripp got some pretty lousy predictions in last time and it's obvious that he is woefully out of touch with Constructive play for quite some time. I would replace him with Firebat.

Unless you want a person in there to evaluate cards from an Arena perspective then he works. I don't bother trying to guess Arena value of a card because ADWCTA does it better than anyone else.


Unconfirmed Member
Kripp got some pretty lousy predictions in last time and it's obvious that he is woefully out of touch with Constructive play for quite some time. I way replace him with Firebat.

Kripp generally admits he doesn't play constructed and isn't knowledgeable about it. Thijs or Firebat seem like better targets. Or just throw in another popular streamer who does play more constructed.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Kripp got some pretty lousy predictions in last time and it's obvious that he is woefully out of touch with Constructive play for quite some time. I would replace him with Firebat.

Unless you want a person in there to evaluate cards from an Arena perspective then he works. I don't bother trying to guess Arena value of a card because ADWCTA does it better than anyone else.

Yeah Kripp has had two shots at this and he's not quite as fun to put on blast.

I think I will go with Firebat. He's getting more views than Thijs for his predictions. Technically Kolento and Strifecro have gotten even more views but their preidictions have been kinda boring imo. Although Kolento did make a surprising amount of blunders last time (Rafaam > Ysera ayy lmao)


Oof. I think as a Warlock I'd rather pay 10 mana than Pyroblast myself in the face.

Chogall + Arcane Golem + Give a minion 10/10 spell is 14 damage. Still shitty (you are dealing 14 damage to the opponent and 10 to yourself) but might eventually win you some games in Renolock.


I know that they are resetting things with Standard mode. I understand the cards are weaker as a result....however, I am lacking enthusiasm for some reason.

I usually start each expansion with $100 for cards, but this is the first time I'm not feeling the excitement.
That's exactly what we do. We do both.

We even put ourselves on blast.

In TGT I was put on blast for Polymorph Boar and Bash.


Since you're not familiar, Dahbomb and I have been doing streams since TGT where we do our own predictions, then we circle around back about 2 months after the expansion where we re-evaluate our own predictions AND see how the pros did.
Ah, thank you for clarifying.

I know that they are resetting things with Standard mode. I understand the cards are weaker as a result....however, I am lacking enthusiasm for some reason.

I usually start each expansion with $100 for cards, but this is the first time I'm not feeling the excitement.
I liked the GvG power levels, personally.


I hope that once all the cards are shown, we all pick 1 card that we think well be like the strongest/most used card and then we check back a bit after when you guys do your re-review


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Why you ever think Bash is bad?

Bash was probably one of the most underestimated TGT cards period. It even took people several weeks after TGT came out before they started playing it in Control Warrior in earnest. People saw it as competing with Fiery War Axe and that the extra armor wasn't worth the 1 extra mana.

Even I didn't think it would see much play unless Mech Mage stuck around.


Unconfirmed Member
Thus far I'm still waiting for the thing that stops face decks from dominating the meta, particularly aggro shaman.

New meta looks like midrange shaman beats aggro shaman beats C'thun beats midrange shaman.

Upon seeing these Yogg-Saron simulators, I'm starting to think that's the closest we have to a new dr boom in standard, though it does have a chance to backfire. It's a little hard to tell without playing with it. Otherwise there really is no new Dr. Boom or piloted shredder.

For wild, we seem to be looking at a TGT scenario where things barely change at all, outside of a few marginal card swaps in already popular decks.


Poor damage for the mana cost.
Delay effect that doesn't help the board.
Poor tempo.

I'm down with that, but Control Warrior has been a thing since alpha and it doesn't care about tempo at all. It wants to lengthen the game so that it can drop all the shinies and win.


Why you ever think Bash is bad?
I felt it was a redundant tool when Warrior has 3 damage through War Axe and removals through Execute/Shield Slam. I thought that it might see play in a very aggresive meta (or if Mech Mage becomes more dominant because it could take out Snow Chugger) but in a slower meta it wouldn't see play.

Turns out that TGT failed to slow down the meta and Bash was extremely good because it allowed you to not only avoid taking damage from charging minions like Arcane Golem but also gave some clutch armor to use with Shield Slam. I ate crow on that.
I'm down with that, but Control Warrior has been a thing since alpha and it doesn't care about tempo at all. It wants to lengthen the game so that it can drop all the shinies and win.
Just taking a guess. :)

Personally, I hate playing for tempo. Incredibly boring.


Man you gotta take time and savor those moments when you can punish a BM'ing jackass. Control warrior harrison'd my Doomhammer. Yeah it kinda hurt, but no need to emote "sorry" for my entire turn. Unfortunately for him, I'm not aggro and I settle in for a long, grindy battle to fatigue. Only my minions have Mistcaller buff and I can outvalue everything he puts out.

When he's hitting 7 damage from fatigue and I've still got 2 cards in my deck? That moment was like smelling a cup a fresh coffee on a weekend morning.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Personally, I hate playing for tempo. Incredibly boring.

You can make some pretty heavy strategic choices by playing for tempo sometimes. A mistake a lot of new players make is that they want to maximize the value of every card they play. They'll hold onto a card with a strong battlecry until they get maximum value regardless of their current circumstances. Like they will refuse to play Reno until they get down to 12 or less health, or they'll hold onto BGH regardless of matchup, etc.


I remember in TGT, when Justicar Trueheart was revelead everyone kept saying how good the Druid heropower would become. Turn out Justicar is barely played outside control Priest and Warrior.

I would build an inspire druid deck with Justicar, Savage Combatant, Bite, Savagery, Garrisom Commander if I had all the cards required.


Tempo in Rogue is the one where playing for tempo is actually strategic due to all the situational 0 drop spells.

Also most people correctly predicted that Justicar would be used in Warrior, Paladin and Priest as they got most value from hero power. Druid was a distant 4th on the list. Even then if you play Fatigue Druid then Justicar is staple in that deck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Peléo;200741916 said:
I remember in TGT, when Justicar Trueheart was revelead everyone kept saying how good the Druid heropower would become. Turn out Justicar is barely played outside control Priest and Warrior.

I think Druid was floated as a possible 4th option but I don't think people really thought it would see much play outside of Warrior, Priest, and Paladin. At the very least none of the people in our review really said it would be that great in Druid. Just a casual mention by Reynad.


You and I both know I play the first two decks because they're cheap to make.

Grim Patron Warrior, especially the way I play it, isn't tempo-oriented.
I don't know how you play it specifically but your list is definitely tempo oriented if it's running stuff like Dread Corsairs. Dread Corsair is a pure tempo card as you can play a weapon then that card for maximum tempo.
I don't know how you play it specifically but your list is definitely tempo oriented if it's running stuff like Dread Corsairs. Dread Corsair is a pure tempo card as you can play a weapon then that card for maximum tempo.
I built the deck the way I did to delay against Face decks as much as possible until I can get the Patron combo going. Dread Corsair + weapon provides a lot of defense, which is why I use it.


So I've been playing this game for a week or so

really into it

sometimes I play better, sometimes I get outplayed

and then I just run into somebody that has legendary cards all through their deck and there's just nothing I can do because they just have better cards

maybe CCGs aren't my thing
I personally find Dread Corsair to be tremendously overrated.
I run it because there is an abundance of Face decks out there, and playing weapon + Dread Corsair can establish some serious board dominance to get out an Armorsmith, etc., to begin bulking up to ensure I can take my time to pull a good Grim Patron combo off. They can be a real savior if I get a bad hand, but have Death's Bite + 2x Dread Corsair. Armoring up until turn 4 is a valid strategy when you can drop so much at that point, so they cover quite a few angles.

I wouldn't play them in any other kind of deck, though. To me, they're mostly useful for defense and combos (0 mana to draw another card through Battle Rage, etc.)

So I've been playing this game for a week or so

really into it

sometimes I play better, sometimes I get outplayed

and then I just run into somebody that has legendary cards all through their deck and there's just nothing I can do because they just have better cards

maybe CCGs aren't my thing
There are decks you can succeed with at a >50% rate that involve zero legendaries. My Hybrid Hunter still has none; I tried one and took it out.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I've been playing this game for a week or so

really into it

sometimes I play better, sometimes I get outplayed

and then I just run into somebody that has legendary cards all through their deck and there's just nothing I can do because they just have better cards

maybe CCGs aren't my thing

There are decks that are very competitive and effective that don't run any legendaries at all. I have a hunter deck that literally only runs 5 rares and 1 epic, and I went on the longest win streak I've ever had with it, just this season. "Legendary" doesn't necessarily correlate with card quality. In fact some of the worst cards in the game are legendaries.
There are decks that are very competitive and effective that don't run any legendaries at all. I have a hunter deck that literally only runs 5 rares and 1 epic, and I went on the longest win streak I've ever had with it, just this season. "Legendary" doesn't necessarily correlate with card quality. In fact some of the worst cards in the game are legendaries.
Really, longest ever? What deck is this?

My longest win streak is from my hybrid hunter deck - I think it was 10 wins in a row on ladder.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Really, longest ever? What deck is this?

My longest win streak is from my hybrid hunter deck - I think it was 10 wins in a row on ladder.

Yeah, mine is also Hybrid Hunter. It was similar, somewhere between 10-15 wins. I went from Rank 17 to Rank 8 in like two days. I don't even know if you could call this deck "optimized", I kind of threw it together this season and just went on a crazy streak with it.

I think my longest win streak was 16 wins or something with Egg Druid. I was surprised as hell, and it was cheap to make.

Granted, I haven't gone on a streak like that again with the deck. It's usually 3 or 4 at most, but it's nice to play instead of always playing Tempo Mage, which I'm starting to get bored with.
I think part of your MMR is how often you have used a hero or deck archetype, I'm not sure which. I go on amazing streaks whenever I make a new REAL deck for the first time for a class, and then it never happens again.

Yeah, mine is also Hybrid Hunter. It was similar, somewhere between 10-15 wins. I went from Rank 17 to Rank 8 in like two days. I don't even know if you could call this deck "optimized", I kind of threw it together this season and just went on a crazy streak with it.

That's pretty much my deck. I use Freezing Trap instead of Explosive Trap, and Bear Trap instead of Snake Trap, though, and I use Web Spinner these days instead of Abusive Sergeant for extra steam against defensive decks; too many matches where I'm stuck top decking without options, and the Web Spinner is still a good Glaivezooka target while having a secondary benefit later on.
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