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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Err why we not talk bout this card more


looks like staple in every aggro deck

i can perhaps see aggro warriors using this card since they have access to armor but perhaps it is too slow for them. I dunno this card seems like a potential huge risk but it is way better than reaver, time will tell if gets used.

jade shaman is favored tho

You got feral spirits, a heal, early game minions, and plenty of cheap aoe.

When playing against them I suggest taking your time and choosing the most optimal play every turn.

i'm not running feral spirits but you are probably right i should have played more thoughtfully.


i can perhaps see aggro warriors using this card since they have access to armor but perhaps it is too slow for them. I dunno this card seems like a potential huge risk but it is way better than reaver, time will tell if gets used.

Is it really way better than Fel Reaver though? Unless you actually fatigued your whole deck with Fel Reaver than it literally had no downside since your discarded cards were random.


I thought rotations were going to happen today.

I suppose they are going to happen until Un'goro release.

Btw, I still haven't received my packs from Fr0zen, are there people still waiting?? I'm amazed at how slow they have been delivering these


I thought rotations were going to happen today.

I suppose they are going to happen until Un'goro release.

Btw, I still haven't received my packs from Fr0zen, are there people still waiting?? I'm amazed at how slow they have been delivering these

Still waiting.


Is it really way better than Fel Reaver though? Unless you actually fatigued your whole deck with Fel Reaver than it literally had no downside since your discarded cards were random.
It's way worse. Running out of cards was rarely an issue, but running out of health is.
Aggressive decks can punish you like crazy for playing this card.
Suddenly these crappy 1/1 tokens can hit you for 3. That can and often will kill you.


Finally rewarded for picking Dirty Rat in arena.

Arena??? Wow, that is a very peculiar moment, the chances of pulling the reno and the chances you have the dirty rat for that moment are incredibly low

And that isn't even counting the drafting and matchmaking chances
I can't wrap my head around the new Priest Legendary (5 mana, 3/5, Put a random Priest spell in your hand every time you cast a spell)... I mean, I just don't see this being worth it. It should have been 4 mana, IMO, to put it similar to Fandral.

It's like a bad Antonidas meets a bad Saraad, or something. I'm honestly having a hard time seeing a Priest archetype right now with the loss of Dragon Priest. Maybe Deathrattle Priest due to the quest? But even then, that feels so slow being that Deathrattles are slow and the quest reward doesn't do much to help you win, just slows down the game.

I am REALLY excited for Deathrattle Priest in Wild, however.
yeah priest is god again in wild, lightbomb will be sooooo necessary with all the stealth adapt shenanigans going around. shit entomb might even have to make a comeback depending how fast the meta is.


I know it's gonna be hard to accurately answer this question, but I'm kind of basing my decision to pre-order ungoro and attempt to get back into the game on the answer.

How likely do you think the meta will slow down with this expansion? Is it just gonna be like 2 weeks of an interesting meta followed by everyone netdeck the fastest most curvestone aggro shit again for months on end?

I really liked WotG for that brief period where everyone was trying new shit and figuring stuff out, but then it just became zoo and aggro and i really lost interest.

So, what do you guys think? Should I preorder with hopes of mid range and control being viable? or is it just wishful thinking? is aggro meta inevitable?


Super Sleuth
There will be a dichotomy of pirate warrior and greedy experimental decks at the beginning and will settle down into a meta that is faster than most people prefer just like always.

yeah priest is god again in wild, lightbomb will be sooooo necessary with all the stealth adapt shenanigans going around. shit entomb might even have to make a comeback depending how fast the meta is.

Reno or normal you think? Kazakus is a powerful card to give up.
There will be a dichotomy of pirate warrior and greedy experimental decks at the beginning and will settle down into a meta that is faster than most people prefer just like always.

I think ppl are gonna be playing several of the new taunts, especially in elemental decks. I think elemental shaman could be popular early on, but perhaps not the first day.

I can't wrap my head around the new Priest Legendary (5 mana, 3/5, Put a random Priest spell in your hand every time you cast a spell)... I mean, I just don't see this being worth it. It should have been 4 mana, IMO, to put it similar to Fandral.

It's like a bad Antonidas meets a bad Saraad, or something. I'm honestly having a hard time seeing a Priest archetype right now with the loss of Dragon Priest. Maybe Deathrattle Priest due to the quest? But even then, that feels so slow being that Deathrattles are slow and the quest reward doesn't do much to help you win, just slows down the game.

I am REALLY excited for Deathrattle Priest in Wild, however.

It gives you a spell that you can cast and get another spell and cast and another spell and cast and another spell.

I dunno why you bring up fandral. Fandral doesn't generate cards. It's more like auctioneer but instead of drawing card you generate random priest spells. If you manage to get one of the elemental sorc apprentices to stick around, you can get a ton of value off it. It might not work in every priest deck, but I am sure someone will try to make it work in at least one, perhaps a combo deck.
There will be a dichotomy of pirate warrior and greedy experimental decks at the beginning and will settle down into a meta that is faster than most people prefer just like always.

Reno or normal you think? Kazakus is a powerful card to give up.

i'm thinking questing reno nzoth could be pretty beastly vs any control meta. but doubling on stuff like lightbomb might be pretty necessary if boards get swarmy, not totally sure a ton of healing will be enough to win games if you can't keep the board clear enough with singles. emperor thaus > mirage caller and prophet velen and mind blast is 20 damage out of hand. 40 if you got two mind blasts. dammmmnnn

whichever one comes out better is def gonna be strong af tho


Thijs's prediction about classes power level in Ungoro meta (standard)


Sounds about right tbh, what priest win condition in standard?

Drakonid OP and dragon curve is much better win condition than the quest or even N'zoth
i think mirage caller is my fave card of the set, so sexy in wild priest, can't decide if it's a no brainer 2 of though with barnes existing
what if dinomancy worked with justicar in wild? 4/4 to a beast would be pretty fair with how wonky your deck would have to be to pull that off


what if dinomancy worked with justicar in wild? 4/4 to a beast would be pretty fair with how wonky your deck would have to be to pull that off

Justicar only work with standard hero power

About Warrior quest on wild.. isn't normal rag is pretty weak on wild, but I guess 2 mana rag shot is different
does the 6/9 direhorn also cost 5 mana?

does the 6/9 direhorn also cost 5 mana?

yup, like the hunter 1 drop 2/1 shuffle 4/3


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know about standard, but in wild there seems to be enough Spell generating cards to do the quest with a Highlander deck, and Kazakus should count toward the quest. I think these are all the cards that can conditionally help with the quest:


I think Mukla might be good enough to run in standard, either with Paladin or Mage. 1 card counting for 2 towards the quest seems pretty strong.


I think old gods Mukla is the hidden MVP of this set. Both in buff paladin and time warp mage he's pretty good. I wish I had the card.


Thijs's prediction about classes power level in Ungoro meta (standard)


Sounds about right tbh, what priest win condition in standard?

Drakonid OP and dragon curve is much better win condition than the quest or even N'zoth[/QUOTE]

He said Priest was tier 4 because he had no clue how it would look after the rotation.


I don't think Priest is going to be bottom tier, a lot of the decks they are weak to are rotating out or getting weaker. Miracle Rogue is dead without Azure Drake, Conceal and Tomb Pillager. Freeze Mage is dead without Ice Lance. Renolock is dead without Reno.

They also have a win condition if you want which is the Priest Quest combined with Nzoth, though I suspect that Deathrattle deck won't actually be the meta priest deck but rather a control deck similar to classic Priest which runs Auchenai + Circle and Cabal Shadowpriest. I bet you can build an anti-aggro/anti-minion Priest deck in Standard that only loses to something like Jade Druid.
Thijs's prediction about classes power level in Ungoro meta (standard)


Sounds about right tbh, what priest win condition in standard?

Drakonid OP and dragon curve is much better win condition than the quest or even N'zoth

That's probably pretty accurate. I think quest warrior has potential to be tier 1 though. Aggressive decks and jade decks will still make up a good chunk of the meta, quest warrior could be a hard counter to both of those with the taunts/armor and quest reward.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't know if I believe in hunter tier 1. The quest still sucks, but maybe traditional Beast hunter is getting enough of a buff?

Meta predicting is the hardest thing you can try to predict prerelease, but my general guess is:

Tier 1:
Pirate Warrior
Murloc Shaman

Tier 2:
Jade Druid
Midjade shaman
Quest Mage
Discard Warlock
Elemental Shaman

Tier 3:
Beast Hunter
Taunt Warrior
Aggro Druid
Quest Druid

Tier 4:
Buff Paladin
Deathrattle Priest
Quest Hunter

Tier somewhere between 2 and 5:

I ended up going the thistle tea route over additional bounces because thistle tea route has some great hits. Hitting a shadowstep alone is enough to finish the quest for you since you have 3 bounces. It also lets you hit for 20 damage off chargers once the quest is completed.

Might end up cutting xaril though. Definitely some cards to figure in or out. I'm not really sure how lists like this will end up once I see the meta in action.

Vanish resets the board for which you play cheap 5/5s on to, or if required helps you finish the quest. Violet teacher spawns 5/5s. Chargers hit for 5 and bounced back for more hits.

Envenom and vilespine make up for the lack of spell power removal.

Also, shadowcaster can be quite insane I think. Shadowcaster on shadowcaster infinite value of 5/5s and/or completing quest lol
blah i pulled another cho gall from the free pack today lol. even with the new expansion looks like he's still instant dust. i must say this new expansion has very few instant dust legendaries like cho gall is, doesn't seem like in ungoro there's nearly as many rage inducing instant dusters like him as there usually are


my meta prediction~

I talk about the classes not the specific decks instead.



they have 3 decks that are potentially good making them the most versatile class they've always been for another year...

Pirate Warrior-> I don't think this will be nearly as good as it is now but any fast deck that can win 5 turns and punish bad draws will still be played on ladder no matter how many hate cards and taunts they print.

Tempo/Midrange Warrior-> Pirates aren't just good for going face, they're crazy tempo cards that combined with other high quality midrange cards warrior has now, who knows even maybe Malkorok returning after rotation it gets a LOT better, midrange warrior could come back to beat the shamans with sheer board presence and tempo.

Control Warrior-> if people play face/board based zoo decks, this is just free win against all of those while with the quest you have a hope to beat others giving control warrior the overall even winrates it used to have and be more viable.


Shaman got good cards but it seems really unlikely that aggro shaman can be a thing with no early game, weapons and burn won't close games. So this leaves us with.

Jade Mid Shaman
Elemental Shaman

Both are very similar mid/tempo decks that would destroy druids, face warrior and hunters and maybe rogue while they could struggle against heavy control decks with board wipes but still very winnable. Overall positive win rate against everything should be very good choice.

honorable mentions..

Murloc Shaman as an aggro deck could be the new face shaman but I don't think it will be the popular choice when you can play more consistent decks in the other shaman decks.

Tier 2


Midrange Hunter-> using the new hero power and high value sticky cards you should be able to beat druids and slower decks most of the time, with new cards midrange hunter can be back even with cards like call of the wild. You even have a 1 mana draw bunch of cards now allowing hunter to win any control warrior or similar every time.

Face/Hybrid hunter-> With the many new cheap minions hunter can go back and play more aggressively too, it will share many cards with the midrange one like always and you might not be able to tell which is. With loss of quick shot there is less direct damage though.


With no new heals I don't know how you play control and zoo/midrange warlock got a lot of support and it's always been good. It could potentially beat the hunter very well as they get no board and face hunter not have as much burn damage anymore. Druid always free win, you can 50/50 any class really. Without PO it's not as clear cut and as fast before but they got good cards.


Water/aggro rogue Rogue got good cards but I don't think they got good decks, losing that many cards too I think best rogue deck is just the current water rogue deck using some of their new cards and changing a bit. It can outrace other face decks while having enough value to beat slower decks.

I think that's it for rogue decks. The quest while finish able it's not exactly game winning with how slow it is. Might as well play something trying to win in 6-7 turns instead. Malygos/petals are unplayable with these cards, maybe next time.


I don't think druid got much help at all but it's still druid and can beat anything.

Jades- You want to beat slow decks? well here it is. You curve out you beat most midrange decks even. Doing Druid things will always be good no matter when with what. Shaman will still beat you harder than before with elementals.

Aggressive or token based druids- they got a bunch of cards but I don't know if tokens will be very good in this kind of meta.

Ramp/+5 attack druid? - See Jades. Beat warriors potentially including face warrior in a more defensive build with some of the new cards/taunts.

Overall Druid/10.


Mage is another evenly matched class that can beat anything.

A time warp mage with freeze mage shell can beat all the zoo/midrange decks and slow decks while losing to direct damage face decks.
Tier 3


You can build a heavy anti board/aggro priest deck that beat the shit out of shamans, face warrior and hunter but loses hard to other hence tier 3 because of less even match ups but still could be a good ladder deck for obvious reasons.

Priest got sorcerer's apprentice, I think that card will be great for priest, allowing you absurd wild pyro turns.
Tier 4

Paladin, they got nothing, feels bad man.

Overall seems like it could be a healthy diverse meta with different type of decks in play.


I'm really intrigued to try out multiple decks on launch.

Death rattle Priest
Elemental Shaman
Mage quest OTK
Warrior taunt quest

Love it all! On paper this seems to be the best expansion yet.

Cat Party

I'm really intrigued to try out multiple decks on launch.

Death rattle Priest
Elemental Shaman
Mage quest OTK
Warrior taunt quest

Love it all! On paper this seems to be the best expansion yet.

Yeah, those all seem fun to try out. Need so many legendaries though...
I am interested in a lot of decks as well.

quest warrior
quest rogue
tempo rogue feat. burgle cards
tempo rogue
combo rogue
midrange hunter
quest druid feat. malygos, kun (if malygos isn't made 0, hopefully kun is made zero)
quest priest
maybe elemental priest

likely some kind of paladin deck, not sure which.

elemental mage, probably some form of tempo
elemental shaman, although this deck will probably be very popular

There are a lot of things that might interest me. Usually interest wanes after I find a few decks I like and I narrow in on those. I think it's good to keep an open mind.
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