my meta prediction~
I talk about the classes not the specific decks instead.
they have 3 decks that are potentially good making them the most versatile class they've always been for another year...
Pirate Warrior-> I don't think this will be nearly as good as it is now but any fast deck that can win 5 turns and punish bad draws will still be played on ladder no matter how many hate cards and taunts they print.
Tempo/Midrange Warrior-> Pirates aren't just good for going face, they're crazy tempo cards that combined with other high quality midrange cards warrior has now, who knows even maybe Malkorok returning after rotation it gets a LOT better, midrange warrior could come back to beat the shamans with sheer board presence and tempo.
Control Warrior-> if people play face/board based zoo decks, this is just free win against all of those while with the quest you have a hope to beat others giving control warrior the overall even winrates it used to have and be more viable.
Shaman got good cards but it seems really unlikely that aggro shaman can be a thing with no early game, weapons and burn won't close games. So this leaves us with.
Jade Mid Shaman
Elemental Shaman
Both are very similar mid/tempo decks that would destroy druids, face warrior and hunters and maybe rogue while they could struggle against heavy control decks with board wipes but still very winnable. Overall positive win rate against everything should be very good choice.
honorable mentions..
Murloc Shaman as an aggro deck could be the new face shaman but I don't think it will be the popular choice when you can play more consistent decks in the other shaman decks.
Tier 2
Midrange Hunter-> using the new hero power and high value sticky cards you should be able to beat druids and slower decks most of the time, with new cards midrange hunter can be back even with cards like call of the wild. You even have a 1 mana draw bunch of cards now allowing hunter to win any control warrior or similar every time.
Face/Hybrid hunter-> With the many new cheap minions hunter can go back and play more aggressively too, it will share many cards with the midrange one like always and you might not be able to tell which is. With loss of quick shot there is less direct damage though.
With no new heals I don't know how you play control and zoo/midrange warlock got a lot of support and it's always been good. It could potentially beat the hunter very well as they get no board and face hunter not have as much burn damage anymore. Druid always free win, you can 50/50 any class really. Without PO it's not as clear cut and as fast before but they got good cards.
Water/aggro rogue Rogue got good cards but I don't think they got good decks, losing that many cards too I think best rogue deck is just the current water rogue deck using some of their new cards and changing a bit. It can outrace other face decks while having enough value to beat slower decks.
I think that's it for rogue decks. The quest while finish able it's not exactly game winning with how slow it is. Might as well play something trying to win in 6-7 turns instead. Malygos/petals are unplayable with these cards, maybe next time.
I don't think druid got much help at all but it's still druid and can beat anything.
Jades- You want to beat slow decks? well here it is. You curve out you beat most midrange decks even. Doing Druid things will always be good no matter when with what. Shaman will still beat you harder than before with elementals.
Aggressive or token based druids- they got a bunch of cards but I don't know if tokens will be very good in this kind of meta.
Ramp/+5 attack druid? - See Jades. Beat warriors potentially including face warrior in a more defensive build with some of the new cards/taunts.
Overall Druid/10.
Mage is another evenly matched class that can beat anything.
A time warp mage with freeze mage shell can beat all the zoo/midrange decks and slow decks while losing to direct damage face decks.
Tier 3
You can build a heavy anti board/aggro priest deck that beat the shit out of shamans, face warrior and hunter but loses hard to other hence tier 3 because of less even match ups but still could be a good ladder deck for obvious reasons.
Priest got sorcerer's apprentice, I think that card will be great for priest, allowing you absurd wild pyro turns.
Tier 4
Paladin, they got nothing, feels bad man.
Overall seems like it could be a healthy diverse meta with different type of decks in play.