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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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Unconfirmed Member
The priest quest reward probably isn't good enough.
It doesn't really help you against jades. Sure, you live longer, but these 8/8 jades are still coming for you.
Against pirats, the card is most likely too slow.

Taunt warrior has a good win condition: stall until the quest is finished, then spam your hero power until you win.
Pirats shouldn't be a big problem and you should be able to out value most control decks, but the deck has no good way of dealing with jades.

Come to think of it, Jade deck are the ones that profit the most from the new defensive tools.

Yeah, value isn't my worry. My worry is every single deck needing to be as fast or faster than Jade decks. I don't know if taunt warrior can be that. Maybe could take Reno Mage's spot as the most anti-aggro deck that isn't killed too badly by jade.
So what do you think about this deck:

Deathrattle on the rogue quest is interesting, but seems like anti-synergy with Shadowstep and Ferryman.


So what do you think about this deck:

Quest Rogue

0 Backstab x2
0 Shadowstep x2
1 Firefly x2
1 Patches x1
1 Swashburglar x2
1 The caverns below x1
2 Thalnos x1
2 Eviscerate x2
2 Gadgetzan ferryman x1
2 Undercity huckster x2
3 Eggnapper (DR: summon 2 1/1 raptors) x2
3 Fan of knives x2
3 Ingneous elemental x2
3 mimic pod x2
3 Tar creeper x2
4 spiritsinger umbra x1
4 Xaril x1
5 shadowcaster x1
5 vilespine Slayer x1

I didn't look at all cards yet but my guess this deck will get ran over

I'm gonna run umbra in my control shaman where I will have some heals and white eyes

Oh nice you have that creeper card tho. Idk...


Unconfirmed Member
I didn't look at all cards yet but my guess this deck will get ran over

I'm gonna run umbra in my control shaman where I will have some heals and white eyes

Can't forget Ancestral Spirit.

I don't know how good Ancestral Spirit will be with that, but I always love getting new ways to use my favorite card.


ehhh, esportal was more ridiculous, getting some minions out for 3 less is insane so you can really high roll with esportal
-2 on a spell is less proactive swing, if you think about hunting for an aoe you are basically paying the full cost anyway so it's improved flexibility at the cost of rng

Edit: The real question for ridiculously broken interactions with mage quest is the coin for going second. "here have a free spell that helps you out"
Idk 5 mana flame strike or 8 mana pyroblast for a later turn is bonkers


Deathrattle on the rogue quest is interesting, but seems like anti-synergy with Shadowstep and Ferryman.

I didn't look at all cards yet but my guess this deck will get ran over

I'm gonna run umbra in my control shaman where I will have some heals and white eyes

Oh nice you have that creeper card tho. Idk...

Yeah is a bit on the slow side even if is low costed, I´ll need to speed it up a lot. maybe take out the ferryman for another shadowcaster? at least that way it will have more synergy with the deathrattles? Mmm I need to think a lot more, Rogue is my fav class after Shaman but that quest is on the easy side so I want Rogue´s to be viable.


So does the spanish one tbh :p

"Battlecry: Steal a secret from your hand"

as a person who knows spanish as the native language, this is such a bad translation I really wonder who they hired for this.

Seriously the effect is completely off in that text
There's a 3 mana 1/5 Tar Elemental that is basically a Rager.

This card is a pack filler:


My pick for an easy 1/5 card in the set.

not that it isn't bad but, with innerfire, that's a one turn KO if it lives in any way. hozen healer > divine spirit > inner fire. i promise i will make it happen once lol. stack a wild priest with lightbombs and shit to protect and clear the board for him.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
This expansion seems pretty good, i feel it's definitely one of the more creative expansions. My predictions is that CW is gonna be back, hunter is gonna be a top tier class and paladin will remain trash i mean it will probably stay as a low tier class. Also the meta is gonna slow down a bit until people figure out what are the best decks. It's too bad this expansion is probably gonna way to expensive for f2p players myself included, i have like 1700 gold saved up and is definitely not gonna be enough, oh well.


This expansion seems pretty good, i feel it's definitely one of the more creative expansions. My predictions is that CW is gonna be back, hunter is gonna be a top tier class and paladin will remain trash i mean it will probably stay as a low tier class. Also the meta is gonna slow down a bit until people figure out what are the best decks. It's too bad this expansion is probably gonna way to expensive for f2p players myself included, i have like 1700 gold saved up and is definitely not gonna be enough, oh well.
I feel naked playing CW without justicar.

Tank up pass is the most satisfying turn for me.


Storm watcher isn't that bad, since at least his stats are alright.

Anyway, this card is pretty damn good:
Might replace wolfs in every slower shaman deck.

I don't shaman are going anywhere. Between murlocs, jades and elementasl, I'm sure they will find a way to stay in the meta.

Hunter gets some really cool stuff, but I'm not sure if it's good enough for them to make a comeback.
There just isn't much space between pirats and jades. I also have the feeling that Earthen Scales is going to make jade druid much stronger, since now they have access to some potentially crazy armor gain.

New decks to look out for are time wrap mage (since they might be able to pull some crazy OTK combos with the quest) and elemantals (strong defensive tools, cost reduction and lots of direct damage).
Time mage is a bit clunky, since you need to play spell that aren't in your deck.
However, if they can pull of the quest with some conitency, the deck is pretty scary.
Good lord, this Dragon Priest just could not deal with my Paletress. Ended up getting Grommash, Antonidas, Soggoth, Tirion and The Beast off of it lol.

Probably the nastiest Paletress I've ever had. A fitting farewell.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The thing with a time warp mage is you can build it as a win con while the rest of the deck is controly/stall/casino mix.

The warp itself being 5 mana is the hard part I think, makes the only easy thing I can think of be double arcane giant into that with alex the next turn. Mage probably has the card pool to make that work out somehow.

Druid one is interesting too, we lose Aviana but it won't really matter stuff costs 0. Malygos or Cthun could work, the good thing is it's a battlecry, not an active effect, so you don't necessarily need to hold it until you pull a combo off which frees mana if necessary. Haven't thought much about the actual quest text with 5 attack minions though. But if ANYTHING costs 0 then draw minions all cycle themselves and lets you be pretty open about whatever bullshit you're trying to setup.

I like that the warrior one puts a timer on the opponent, lets you play a defensive oriented game but still have inevitability. Also Sideshow Spelleater is rotating so RIP the dream.

Rogue quest still seems like the worst by a longshot. While their demo game is never a great thing to go off it still shows the issues that would go into the more standard build of that deck, the duplicating spells there hit prep and shadowstep and the actual act of playing the 5 mana spell is shitty.


Good lord, this Dragon Priest just could not deal with my Paletress. Ended up getting Grommash, Antonidas, Soggoth, Tirion and The Beast off of it lol.

Probably the nastiest Paletress I've ever had. A fitting farewell.


oh thats right tonight the last night of ladder for the season.


Priest quest doesn't win/end the game, it does nothing in a lot of match ups even. Fatigue isn't a thing anymore, you gotta deal 30 damage or more so good luck with that priest.

Warrior can stall much better than priest too. Warrior's quest can actually beat control warlocks now, how long Jaraxxus can live against Ragnaros.
To be fair, Warriors always had that Grommash combo to deal with Jaraxxus.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
i was 3 stars away from rank 5 until i encountered some fucking pirate warriors, fuck that deck damn, it is just so consistent with the draws it is pretty hard to beat as a jade shaman.
Is free from amber good? It seems fun. Light synergy with the priest apprentice.

You would get battlecries right?

You won't get bc since it summons to field not hand.

i was 3 stars away from rank 5 until i encountered some fucking pirate warriors, fuck that deck damn, it is just so consistent with the draws it is pretty hard to beat as a jade shaman.

jade shaman is favored tho

You got feral spirits, a heal, early game minions, and plenty of cheap aoe.

When playing against them I suggest taking your time and choosing the most optimal play every turn.


Super Sleuth
You know that card is good because no minion that has an effect like that but positive is any good. Because it never goes off enough. And it will cause your opponents to make ridiculous moves like with fel reaver.


Corporate Apologist
the hell its condition far less punishing than Fel Reaver

its only bad against stuff like arcane missile or.. Volcano lol

Hell no, in an Aggro deck, you never lose because you draw all your cards,you lose because your HP hit 0. Removing 15 cards from your deck didn't mean shit, losing 6+ HP does matter.


Hell no, in an Aggro deck, you never lose because you draw all your cards,you lose because your HP hit 0. Discarding 15 cards didn't mean shit, losing 6+ HP does matter.

Losing HP doesn't matter at all if you the one that keeping momentum on board, this is why zoolock keep existing until they can't maintain board against pirate

in other card game, even there is aggro deck that keep playing overstat minion while costing them HP, its dominant in that game

losing HP doesn't matter too much


Corporate Apologist
And I am saying that Fel Reaver is still a better card than Bittertide Hydra. You can say losing HP doesn't matter much for aggro decks, but losing cards matters even less, especially in a game like hearthstone where you have minimal ways to scurry your deck.

Since Fel Reaver is a better card than Bittertide Hydra, and Fel Reaver saw minimal play, I believe that Bittertide Hydra will not see much play. The biggest thing Hydra has going for it is that Big Game Hunter isn't in the meta anymore, and I don't see it being enough, since the Meta has adapted to deal with turn 4 Flamewreathed Faceless.


So if you complete the Druid quest and have C'thun and Brewmaster in your hand, it's insta-win, right? Or is it only minions in your deck that cost 0?

EDIT: Wait, that still wouldn't work since you could only play C'thun twice in that scenario. BUT you can do this:

Knife Juggler + two 0-cost Pandas = Infinite Damage


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Some Shaman decks for your consideration.

Elementals Shaman
I'm not so sure about the Elemental deck here. It felt like I was trying to put everything in and it was pretty hard to try and decide what to cut. The 2-drop slot feels like a slight weakness but maybe the 3-drop taunts and the decent healing from Jinyu Waterspeaker can help the deck catch up.

I actually find the questing murloc package to be a bit more interesting. It's possible that the curator package is redundant when I can fill my hands with murlocs, but my gut instinct was telling me that I didn't want to throw every single murloc I could into the deck and that I should be running Gentle Megasaur. That pushed me into a Menagerie lineup that includes Faerie Dragon, Zoobot, and maybe even Bittertide Hydra as a possible finisher. There's a lot of places this deck can go.


I have no idea what kinda​ deck I wanted to play after the reveal. I put my faith on 50+ packs.

But I'll still use Kazakus in priest.
Paladin actually got some decent support, too bad the quest is still dumb. But it's possible to pull it off.

Time Warp Is just a weak card but you don't really have to jump through hoops to get it.

Amara NZoth Kazakus sounds fun enough I might have to jump to priest.


Super Sleuth
What number of deathrattles do you think you need to semi consistently complete the priest quest?

7 is a lot of minions to summon.

This is a first draft of wild Nzoth Reno Quest Priest deck.

Stuff like Barnes, Boom, and Mirage Caller help a little with summoning deathrattles.

Maybe making it a highlander deck is unnecessary. But Reno will still be great in aggro matchups where I can't complete my quest before I am dead.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Jungle Giants Druid (Basically Ramp)

I'm a fan of classic Ramp Druid. I'm not sure if this deck is amazing but it's kind of a thing. I surprised myself with the Lotus Agents pick. I needed both draw and something in the 5-slot and I figured Lotus Agents might work better with the deck than Nourish considering it has better synergy with the quest.


Unconfirmed Member
What number of deathrattles do you think you need to semi consistently complete the priest quest?

7 is a lot of minions to summon.

This is a first draft of wild Nzoth Reno Quest Priest deck.

Stuff like Barnes, Boom, and Mirage Caller help a little with summoning deathrattles.

Maybe making it a highlander deck is unnecessary. But Reno will still be great in aggro matchups where I can't complete my quest before I am dead.

It's "play", not "summon" which is part of the reason that quest seems so difficult.

And i'd guess you want over half of your cards to be deathrattles that cost less than 4 mana if you want the quest completed by turn 8ish. You want 7 deathrattles out of the 12-16 cards drawn by that point.


Super Sleuth
It's "play", not "summon" which is part of the reason that quest seems so difficult.

And i'd guess you want over half of your cards to be deathrattles that cost less than 4 mana if you want the quest completed by turn 8ish. You want 7 deathrattles out of the 12-16 cards drawn by that point.

It's summon.



I guess I'll be playing priest and shaman next meta.

edit: what's my win condition tho, if I play Amara? N'zoth and cheap deathrattles?


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
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