What decklist did you use for Standard? I've been looking for the most broken, impossible to fail with Druid deck for a while that doesn't require crafting 2+ legendaries. I only have Fandral and 2 Ultimate Infestation I think.
I've played against every single quest in ranked before so I wouldn't say so right now. It'll have to show once lists and the meta refines.
We're barely into week 2 of the set.
Thanks. I think that's pretty close to whatever my latest Jade Druid deck was. I forgot to mention I finally crafted Aya so that's good.do you have the DK? it's pretty key to the deck. Although you might win several games without it.
this is my list:
### Jade Druid
# Class: Druid
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 1x (1) Earthen Scales
# 2x (1) Jade Idol
# 1x (2) Druid of the Swarm
# 2x (2) Wild Growth
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (3) Jade Blossom
# 1x (4) Fandral Staghelm
# 2x (4) Jade Spirit
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 1x (5) Big Game Hunter
# 2x (5) Nourish
# 2x (5) Spreading Plague
# 1x (6) Aya Blackpaw
# 2x (6) Jade Behemoth
# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent
# 2x (8) Primordial Drake
# 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
It doesn't have Kun, but this deck is... yeah... I just need to say it's pretty powerful
yup, that is true, still early, I don't expect shaman and hunter to be running their DK cards by the end of the meta.
I'm also seeing Paladin a little bit lacking in use, but may be because paladin already has an insane amount of tools already.
You should at least get enough to get your first legendary. I don't know if you've taken a break or have stopped paying attention to the game until recently, but now you're guaranteed to get a legendary within your first 10 packs of every expansion you've never opened one for before.when buying packs should you always buy newest? never bought any Un'Goro packs, just wondering if I should get some or not?
when buying packs should you always buy newest? never bought any Un'Goro packs, just wondering if I should get some or not?
when buying packs should you always buy newest? never bought any Un'Goro packs, just wondering if I should get some or not?
You should at least get enough to get your first legendary. I don't know if you've taken a break or have stopped paying attention to the game until recently, but now you're guaranteed to get a legendary within your first 10 packs of every expansion you've never opened one for before.
Plus, Un'Goro added a lot of new staple cards for various classes, so depending on your favorite classes, you'll likely want at least some.
If you are new I would focus on Classic packs first. There is lots of helpful cards in there that will belong in every deck in the game going forward.
You should at least get enough to get your first legendary. I don't know if you've taken a break or have stopped paying attention to the game until recently, but now you're guaranteed to get a legendary within your first 10 packs of every expansion you've never opened one for before.
Plus, Un'Goro added a lot of new staple cards for various classes, so depending on your class, you'll likely want at least some.
Thanks. I think that's pretty close to whatever my latest Jade Druid deck was. I forgot to mention I finally crafted Aya so that's good.
I suppose I'll need to craft the Druid death knight. I wanted to craft the Paladin one but I'm in no rush since I doubt Paladin is getting nerfed.
Is Big Game Hunter key? I don't think I have that.
Sorry should have been clearer, I have a bunch of classic cards and all the SP expansions, I fell off the game before Un'Goro but Im back after preordering the KFT.
Its pay day so was going to buy around 40-50 packs but not sure if i should get more Frozen Throne, Un Goro or a mixture of both.
aya is just essential to the jade decks, good you crafted that one. If I could suggest one DK to craft from those 2, I would chose druid DK in a heartbeat, it is just too good.
BGH is not key, it's very used for the recent meta, but try running a spellbreaker like I did until yesterday, it works well.
go ungoro, the decks are running a lot of cards and if you buy 50 packs, you are guaranteed at least 2 legendaries
when buying packs should you always buy newest? never bought any Un'Goro packs, just wondering if I should get some or not?
Then I'm not sure what you're even trying to say. Like, sure, people will always complain. They'll complain even more when given something genuinely worth complaining about. And lets face it, HS has never had a shortage of that.I never said that Druid shouldn't get nerfed. In fact I said the opposite. Pointing out that complaining isn't going to stop even when Druid gets nerfed was a mistake on my part. I don't think I'm wrong, but it's irrelevant to what I was trying to stay.
This is good advice.You got some good cards, but to be honest, Hunter is by far the cheapest class to build a competitive deck for a new player. Sadly, there is no real place for some of your opened cards in a good Hunter deck
This is one of the cheapest decks you could build, and with practice you will go up the ranks.
Then I'm not sure what you're even trying to say. Like, sure, people will always complain. They'll complain even more when given something genuinely worth complaining about. And lets face it, HS has never had a shortage of that.
It was a fine deck as long as it was under the radar. People were always gonna start complaining once it became more prevalent in use.I don't rage often in this game. Somehow, I didn't even mind the prevalence of Pirate Warrior or Quest Rogue THAT much. But Exodia decks? That shit INFURIATES me. Whatever those other decks are, Exodia feels even less 'interactive' than those. One turn kills are annoying as fuck.
It was a fine deck as long as it was under the radar. People were always gonna start complaining once it became more prevalent in use.
I like it personally because it's a fun combo that's only ever gonna be good in a degenerate meta.
I mean...I guess it's golden. Hurray?
hey at least it isn't a golden prince. that card might be viable if discardlock somehow get a good support on next expansions
Fair enough. I suppose we WANT to get the shitty legendaries as goldens. You don't feel as bad about dusting them to get another legendary for free. I actually had to craft the Mage Quest card earlier, so I feel like I just got it for free, I guess!
I've got like 6 golden legendaries I don't really ever use, now, so that's a cushy dust pile.
Which deck/strategy do you recommend against the last boss in Karazhan?
Thx, I'll give it a go.Use a control shaman deck and don't kill the Orc lady until you can get Ancestral Spirit on a Kel'Thuzad on the board, you'll start phase 2 with 2 KTs.
Druid right now
is being able to play from a stance where you're running a deficit
into a position of power
perfectly balanced
A lot of decks play this way.
Hydra gets taken down by Deadly Shot. Deadly Shot must be the problem!
But Druid does it so good
edit: Warlock uses Skulking Priest
Little does he know I only have 1 Jade Idol. Kill him with Jade Golems anyway.
I know it isn't top tier, but there is something damn fun about Zombeast Hunter. Making an 8 mana 7/6 silence owl crossed with stealth tiger. Just puts a smile on my face.
Lets print a 3 mana 30/30 minion because you can deadly shot it.
what is design in a vacuum
in a vacuum innervate is the most brokenest card ever
but really it's fine.
Thx, I'll give it a go.
What kind of fucking bullshit is the Lich Druid's hero power!?!?!?