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Hearthstone |OT9| Our raid wiped in Icecrown Citadel

It's not even remotely close to being the best one. o_O It just comes out early from ramp so it impacts the game a lot.

Yeah, technically not the best one, if they were all in druid and they all cost the same to achieve. Probably the best one because of mana ramp/innervate, it's cost, the minions it also summons, etc.. This isn't surprising, something I predicted pre-launch that the 7 mana hero card in druid is potentially just straight up strong due to the reasons I listed. I wasn't even aware of the taunt synergy it has though.

Justicar in warrior made the best hero power in the game, and this is better than that. Now of course in a vacuum, warlock's hero power is pretty much straight up better and rogue's gives it a run for it's money. They're actually all pretty strong I'd say.


I don't rage often in this game. Somehow, I didn't even mind the prevalence of Pirate Warrior or Quest Rogue THAT much. But Exodia decks? That shit INFURIATES me. Whatever those other decks are, Exodia feels even less 'interactive' than those. One turn kills are annoying as fuck.

I'm with you, Exodia decks are utterly infuriating. They're completely non-interactive. The brain-dead mage (and it is absolutely a brain-dead deck) just stalls you out until they get their combo in hand then they kill you. Nothing you did during the game matters, none of your minions on the board matter, you're dead and there's nothing you can do about it. It is absolutely awful and every single dirty mother fucker who plays it should feel awful.

I know it was technically a deck during Un'Goro, and I know my last several posts in this thread have been about that fucking stupid deck, but it feels so prevelent now, and it needs to fucking die.


Yeah, technically not the best one, if they were all in druid and they all cost the same to achieve. Probably the best one because of mana ramp/innervate, it's cost, the minions it also summons, etc.. This isn't surprising, something I predicted pre-launch that the 7 mana hero card in druid is potentially just straight up strong due to the reasons I listed. I wasn't even aware of the taunt synergy it has though.

Justicar in warrior made the best hero power in the game, and this is better than that. Now of course in a vacuum, warlock's hero power is pretty much straight up better and rogue's gives it a run for it's money. They're actually all pretty strong I'd say.

I just played a match against a druid. Had him on the ropes, one turn away from lethal damage My health at 7.

Suddenly they play a card (can't remember which card, still new) that lets them refresh their hero power with each spell they cast, only had one hero on the board, but hand is comprised of a bunch of low cost spells...



Try to plày that mage deck before call it braindead.. most people not even get good winrate with it and they just interested trying it

Its pretty obvious I see many people that just playig the deck and has crap gamplan managing their hand.


I was playing Exodia today and a druid with 30 health and 10 armor had me down to 4 cards with my molten reflections on the bottom. I popped a cabalist tome that had 2 molten reflections in it for the win. I nearly blacked out from positive rng.


Big priest is pretty insane, just played 5 games of it where I didn't draw Barnes at all and still won every game.

If you can dodge aggro and get your DK early, Deathstalker Hunter feels pretty strong too. Thats a pretty tall order though.


Try to plày that mage deck before call it braindead.. most people not even get good winrate with it and they just interested trying it

Its pretty obvious I see many people that just playig the deck and has crap gamplan managing their hand.
My complaint isn't that the deck has a good winrate. My complaint is that it's a really poor gameplay paradigm.

It's a deck that actively prevents you from being able to do anything (e.g. face freeze, minion freeze) while rendering everything done during the game practically meaningless if they can collect the right set of cards for guaranteed unblockable face lethal (aside from really rare cases like mage secrets or the Loatheb-style cards).

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man

Changed up the Tempo Warrior list. It was really annoying to see my curve go 1-2-3-4...8-8-8. Right now my solution to that is one Gurabashi, one Bone Drake and two Bonemares. There's probably better solutions out there

Blood Razor is a fun weapon to play with. In this picture I just played the Death Knight on curve and attacked into the Spreading Plague and the Blood Razor breaking was enough to get through it. Smacked him in the noggin with a 13 attack Berserker ��
Quest mage doesn't bother me. Here is why. It's uninteractive, yes, but it is not easy to pull that combo off. On the other hand, mage has so many strong tools in the deck, sometimes they just pull it off and it looks like they made no major decisions. From your perspective, all they did was freeze your board several turns and let ice block absorb for several turns. Sometimes they get multiple ice blocks, again making it look like a deck built for stupid people. The deck has a singular gameplan, which is just freeze the board over and over til they draw enough cards to win.

If quest mage is ever as strong as freeze mage was at it's height, then it'll be really bothersome. It still sucks to play against, like freeze mage, but at least for the time being it's not a powerful deck. I think it's mostly the way they play out their strategy of freezing the board + ice blocks, that bothers me. Not that there is some powerful 20 mana, 2 turn 1HKO combo.
Shaman had 24 health, I had 9

I had 2 arcane giants, and an undercity huckster on the board

He had 1 dopplegangster as I had sapped the other 2 the turn before

He fills the board with the dopples I just sapped, and attacks my huckster with the one I didn't

Of all the cards in the game of Hearthstone, I get a Windfury

It's a miracle (rogue)!
I actually just played a Quest Mage match to finish the "Play 30 Mage Cards" quest in one game. Good times.

Quest mage doesn't bother me. Here is why. It's uninteractive, yes, but it is not easy to pull that combo off. On the other hand, mage has so many strong tools in the deck, sometimes they just pull it off and it looks like they made no major decisions. From your perspective, all they did was freeze your board several turns and let ice block absorb for several turns. Sometimes they get multiple ice blocks, again making it look like a deck built for stupid people. The deck has a singular gameplan, which is just freeze the board over and over til they draw enough cards to win.

If quest mage is ever as strong as freeze mage was at it's height, then it'll be really bothersome. It still sucks to play against, like freeze mage, but at least for the time being it's not a powerful deck. I think it's mostly the way they play out their strategy of freezing the board + ice blocks, that bothers me. Not that there is some powerful 20 mana, 2 turn 1HKO combo.
I can't see the deck ever becoming top tier, though. Having to play 6 cards from RNG effects means you often get awkward combinations that take multiple "free" turns to play out, and you can't always get those free turns. I got that new 8-mana secret spell yesterday, for example.

Also, I fought an Exodia Mage player who didn't use the quest. I was super confused about his game plan until he OTK'd me.

My complaint isn't that the deck has a good winrate. My complaint is that it's a really poor gameplay paradigm.

It's a deck that actively prevents you from being able to do anything (e.g. face freeze, minion freeze) while rendering everything done during the game practically meaningless if they can collect the right set of cards for guaranteed unblockable face lethal (aside from really rare cases like mage secrets or the Loatheb-style cards).
But it feels amazing to shut the deck down by playing Snipe before the turn they try to OTK you. ;-)
The 6 RNG cards part is easy. The harder part is gathering 5 combo pieces from your own deck. Deck building is a balance between the two.

I find that if they run novice/coldlight oracle, they're quest even if they don't play it on turn 1. Can also keep an eye on the left most card. I don't see freeze these days.
I just played a match against a druid. Had him on the ropes, one turn away from lethal damage My health at 7.

Suddenly they play a card (can't remember which card, still new) that lets them refresh their hero power with each spell they cast, only had one hero on the board, but hand is comprised of a bunch of low cost spells...


that got me once too, went from 1 to 30 health over the course of the game, curses.


Quest Mage is a clock that you have to beat pure and simple.

Luckily there are additional ways to counter it right now which means it won't be dominant. The fact that people are still playing it means that the deck fills an important niche in the game which is good to have. Some people really do enjoy this solitaire OTK playstyle. Hell people who played YGO loved to play the actual Exodia decks and other people hated playing against it. And of course Konami kept nerfing Exodia to shit.


I don't mind quest mage although I preferred playing against the (now nonviable) Arcane Giants version to the current Antonidas version. The Giants version felt like it relied less on endless freeze and more on midgame board control to clinch that win.

Nowadays, you have to play the fireball one, because Druid taunts will get in the way of any giant based damage strategy.


I finished the level 2 adventure tonight. I think the Lich King is my favorite adventure character yet.

"It's a good thing you can't lose stars at your rank..."
Sadly, most Jade Druids seem smart enough not to quit instantly anymore when that card is played. The class is still more that strong enough to win a game without going infinate of jades.

No doubt and I was still on the ropes with this one. I just love taking away the infinite aspect as it's what led to my win as they had drawn their deck and not put me away yet. I hate jades.
I thought Archbishop Benedictus will never see play,but in the latest Trolden i saw people on legend were actually using it. What is it being used for? it seems utterly useless to me,unless you are gonna mill your oponnent.
I thought Archbishop Benedictus will never see play,but in the latest Trolden i saw people on legend were actually using it. What is it being used for? it seems utterly useless to me,unless you are gonna mill your oponnent.

Remember that people use normal high tier decks to reach Legend, then play around with crap once they get there as they have no intent on climbing higher. They are just having some fun, and if they are streaming, trying to generate some subs.


I thought Archbishop Benedictus will never see play,but in the latest Trolden i saw people on legend were actually using it. What is it being used for? it seems utterly useless to me,unless you are gonna mill your oponnent.

People at upper tiers of legend just kind of screw around with decks since they can't level out of legend status.

No one seems to care in this game any more. A Rogue just played a 12/12 Edwin at me along with a few other cards to trigger it. I had about 7 health and nothing on board. They emoted, as they thought they had won. I played a Spellbreaker to make Eddie 2/2. They hit me with Eddie in the face anyway for only 2 damage. Then they seemed confused the game was not over, as I could see them highlighting the Eddie and my face back and forth. Then they conceded.

I think the mass influx of Druid has taken everyone's soul at this point

Zoolook seems higher than Tier 4. I know nothing matters with Druid the way it is, but Zoolock with Cobalt Scalebane, Bonemare, and other on board buffs is very strong.

Have they finally given up on actually trying to compete with VS and just going for comedy now?

I forget who posted it, maybe orange? He posted a list you can hit top 10 legend with.

2x innervate
2x Ultimate infestation


Poignant from the jade druid deck analysis
So here we are, déjà vu in the new expansion of Hearthstone. We don't ask for a complete balanced card game, but at least, do some simple math! You can never give a 10-mana (not even legendary) card more than 17 mana's worth of effects. This shouldn't even be attributed to a design flaw, rather the floppy and cursory attitude on balancing. Hopefully Blizzard will act faster this time to end this insanity.
I am not going to lie, it feels really good demolishing any of kind Ramp Druid with Pirate Warrior. You just need to remember to keep a small board to not get blocked by a wide Spreading Plague, and keep a tiny bit of burst in hand. If you just slightly hold back from all out face damage, it really hurts them a few turns later

I would still much rather be playing a more fun deck though.
I am not going to lie, it feels really good demolishing any of kind Ramp Druid with Pirate Warrior. You just need to remember to keep a small board to not get blocked by a wide Spreading Plague, and keep a tiny bit of burst in hand. If you just slightly hold back from all out face damage, it really hurts them a few turns later

I would still much rather be playing a more fun deck though.

I am hoping my maly rogue deck is some kind of special magic that beats most druid lists.

I even played a token druid list last night and vanished after he played living mana. It wasn't a win because he had other crap on board so not all of his mana was exhausted, but the stuff he did play got eaten up by evolved kobold (or thalnos) + fan of knives. I also had another fan of knives if things went even worse. I doubt the deck will win often, but it's good to know the worst match up is at least winnable.
One thing that's still annoying the fuck out of me is card generating cards that give out card generating cards. Having to deal with a random meteor out of no where from a class that should have no access to the card is bad enough. Swashburglar giving a kabal courier which lead to a babbling book leading to a flamestrike is some epic bullshit. Come the fuck on it's one card that turns into 4 cards, 3 layers of bullshit RNG. I would love it if all card generating cards are unable to generate more of the same.


Then they seemed confused the game was not over, as I could see them highlighting the Eddie and my face back and forth. Then they conceded.
I've had that happen often when playing in casual. The opponent drops minions, I drop a taunt, then I can see he's confused that he can't hit face and is forced to trade with my taunt.

It must be because I normally do my play x cards for 50g in casual, and concede most of the time even if I have secured a win.
I've played token druid 3 times with maly rogue. I won twice. The loss was pretty bad though. But both wins were against stronger odds. I think it shows that druid doesn't need to draw well, but when I do draw better than poorly, I can win. Just based off 3 games of course.

This win was from turn 9 valeera. Turn 10 prep, vanish, van cleef, van cleef for 18 attack on board. That was GG.

Funny thing is he living mana'd on curve, but I didn't have vanish at the time. Could be GG in that situation. I don't think I keep vanish in mullligan for that reason though.


As soon as I put vanish in my deck it ends up in my hand in the early turns and I get screwed. Like 17 cards in my deck are minions, I draw nothing. My rogue draws in this expansion have been horrid for some reason. Like I have 2x burgly bully, I rarely ever have them on 5, cmon.

In those hundred games of jade druid, I don't think I was ever stumped by my draws a single time. I really hope they replace gadget with something decent, I'm tired of this.


Unconfirmed Member
What do you guys think could replace Bolvar on the TS list?


You could probably just run another Blessing of Kings. The deck is looking for pure midrange power and trying to stuff another big minion in isn't going to help. It's got all the good low cost minions, so another Kings should be ok. You could try a Spikeridge Steed too, but that feels slower than you'd like. But the effect is still good.
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