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Heist [Mafia] |OT| Snakes on a Train


Alright, the loss streak is broken, it's time to keep up the wins here, with all around danger and activity and opinions and what not.

I am reading squidy as town, but I am struggling to currently remove my vote on him for two reasons:

1. I don't have a particularly strong inkling for anyone else.
2. Wanting me dead so early and for such a bizarre reason makes me feel like he deserves my vote.

Obviously, option two is selfish, because it's essentially only taking into account my personal allegiance and feelings, which is bullshit. It's a team game, and that shit would only come from the scum who are trying to steal our payload. If I flip on squidy's dire reasoning, then there's info that can be learned from both my flip and the people involved in my downfall.


Flux is interesting to me right now, he seems like the guy who takes on board advice, so I can imagine he read what was said about him and his plays in the woof dead thread to heart, as long with all experience in the 1.27 games he played to try and change up into a more perfect form of player in this game. I still don't particularly read scum on him, but it does still feel like he's being restrained. He's contributing though, and for day one and onward I can't ask for much more than that yet.

Ouro has started his read dissertation, and happily it seems pretty well detailed.Detailed more so than a standard read list, some stuff like each individuals top town and top scum summed up neatly could be useful for scum to have, which doesn't completely excuse him from posting it as a scum, but I think it's a good thing, and it's currently letting me see who the hell is reading me wrong, which can be good to know since I am certain of my own allegiance.

Droplet came in and has mostly been a positive force, though more in a facilitator type role than a particularly aggressive one, I get general good vibes from her.

The people I'm weary of are Crimson for reasons I have discussed previously (failed read last game, there seems to be a lack of oomph to his points it's all a bit 'post but don't get rile anyone up') Burb because he has me as suspicious yet again, claiming I've been defensive, which I think was harsh up until the squidy sequence, because that's the only time I've really been a bit taken aback by a comment made. It's day one so theres not much information to process, which I for now will attribute to his slightly lower activity from Woof 2, where he came in as a PR and with relatively decent information available. I will acknowledge that his activity level is different this game so far, but I'm not quite sure if that's some kind of scumtell. Just something to note. I do feel Splinter has been a lot less forthright this game than in woof, where he actively asked different people a bunch of game related questions.

People who others see as suspicious, where I lean differently: Mazre (lean town), redhood (leaning town). I gave my reasons for both, though again their both not great.

People that are not pinging anything for me right now, and that is worrying my little brain: Ty, Karu, Kawl

Out of this three I'd say Kawl is probably the most positive, though he also brought up me as a blind spot due to Top Bants™ which I kind of worry some could use as a reason to vote someone out without much else.

Karu responded to my point today but I didn't understand his answer. I'm going to re-read it to see. I guess with that I'll put the vote on him since I'm uncertain and he has't really helped me clear that suspicion

Ty just has been around but I don't remember much. That's not good, I'll go back through his posts and see I can give myself a better read on him.

VOTE: Karu

I'd like to ask some questions to the forum

What should squidy do if he always sees me as scum?
What should I do in response to that?
Who are you suspicious of? Updated from your last post if it was a while back

Can we just all change 'blind spot' that to 'unreliable reads'? I just feel blind spot is far too definite, knowing people as friends shouldn't change your gut too much, it should still stink if they are scum and acting differently to your own allegiance/team


Ouro has started his read dissertation, and happily it seems pretty well detailed.Detailed more so than a standard read list, some stuff like each individuals top town and top scum summed up neatly could be useful for scum to have, which doesn't completely excuse him from posting it as a scum, but I think it's a good thing, and it's currently letting me see who the hell is reading me wrong, which can be good to know since I am certain of my own allegiance.

I...somewhat agree? I mentioned my reasoning in my summary of CornBurrito though.

He had an interesting exchange with Ty4on regarding reads lists - on one hand I agree with the thought that scum can use the reads lists to their advantage, pretty much any kill at night is going to put us in WIFOM territory, where we're left wondering if the person was killed because they were right, or if it's a distraction, or may scum is smart enough to know we'd eventually talk about it and go after this guy, etc. etc. I personally think reads lists can be useful - since we don't have PRs we'll primarily have to use logic and reasoning to sniff out scum.

Scum knows who is who already, so we're left with the whole WIFOM discussion when each day starts. I think it's useful in the sense that we need as much information as possible since it's all we've frickin' got.


I'm with you here Ouro, with regards to in this game of no power roles, having as much information out in the open is more useful to us than trying to hide aspects in a weak attempt to pull the wool over scum eyes.

They have the advantage, it's up to town to work against the advantage and the best way for town as a team is to work together and show exactly their motives, thinking and actions clearly and concisely.

What does a good townie do? push, prod, be as open as possible and as contributively as possible.

If you're not scum, you're a townie, so all preconceptions of protecting yourself and trying to law low (traits you'd consider with a PR) can go out the window.

I will not go as easy as a well structured read list, I won't make it too easy for scum, but I won't hold back on my thoughts and feelings.


That's how I intend to play, I'm not a guy that does gambits or clever plays. I will play as transparently and straightforwardly as possible, the complex mind games can be done by others if they so choose. I plan to try and get as much evidence cobbled together as possible and try to find contradictions or bad logic.

let's do this


To change the vote early on several times. Not Voting early on in general. There's a difference ;-)

and @ kawl:
Should answer your question.

OK so now your argument is back on this whole voting constantly messes up the voting trail, which is only really relevant if someone just votes all the time without any reason.

Any person who goes through voting patterns should check up on the vote post and see if a reason comes with it. It would be easy to track and say on someones flip you can maybe try and form a narrative that supports the truth of the flip.

When you track votes, you shouldn't just look at the vote list, it should have some analysis of the vote posts and reasons given or not given for said votes.

For this reason, I don't think switching votes often will really affect any true vote tracking analysis.
That's how I intend to play, I'm not a guy that does gambits or clever plays. I will play as transparently and straightforwardly as possible, the complex mind games can be done by others if they so choose. I plan to try and get as much evidence cobbled together as possible and try to find contradictions or bad logic.

let's do this

Huh I town read you until this post.


I'd like to ask some questions to the forum

What should squidy do if he always sees me as scum?
What should I do in response to that?
Who are you suspicious of? Updated from your last post if it was a while back

If squidy thinks you're scum he should pursue you as such, that said if he's the only one, he should move on and pick his battles for later.

You should probably ignore him. If he's deadset you're not gonna change his mind and engaging with him will only waste your time.

Right now, Flux and Ty4on are highest in suspicion (though honestly nobody is breaking 60% at the moment.) Splinter and Ouro were included on my previous list so I had 4 names as squidy requested, that was a fishing expedition that really didn't go anywhere.


Fuck it. I'll post a read list.

Droplet - null
1) redhood56 - WILL REVEAL LATER
Ourobolus - dude hasn't posted but seems to have RL reasons.
2) *Splinter - hate this guy. town.
Burbeting - useful is town. null read.
Mazre - null
squidyj - unsure
cabot - town
Karu - null
Royal_Flush - unsure, lean scumish
Ty4on - null. will keep eye on.
CrimsonFist - dangerous because many seem unable to read him.
Kawl_USC - unsure. lean townish
FluxWaveZ - pinging my scumdar slightly but not nearly enough to justify a vote. will say null for now.

1. I hate you. Stop building things up.
2. Did something change? did you think Splinter not arousing you was a scumtell or just lazy ass town? Or have I missed you changing read


people don't lie enough as town.

btw I'm the cop, guys. red check on cabot, also green check on ouro.


what do you mean it's day 1?


So..... I've made no secret that I find burbeting to be suspicious, not least of which because he seems to have instantly assumed he was the person I said I was watching, and part of that is based on something he said earlier in the thread. Burbeting said that we can't trust anyone 100% in this game.
This is a true statement. It's also a statement that can be seen as trying to help mafia. One of the things we NEED to do as town is reach out to and find other town members, we need to build town circles not just mafia circles, it's true that we can't trust 100% the people in our town reads but if we only try to read the people we are suspicious of we will lose.

If you make a post about "there is someone I'm watching, he is most likely scum", and then post a list of your top 4 scum candidates, I think it's logican to assume that the one you think is most likely scum, and the top of your scumreads, is the same person, but if you think that's suspicious, eh, I heavily disagree.

And yes, obviously we need to trust people, but not from the start. My stance on not to trust anyone 100% is because Scums tend to use a tactic, where they try to get to the good books of people they know are town, so that said town might end up trusting them. In a game where we get absolutely zero information from PR's, there is a need to stay vigilant.

Anyway, will re-read the past few pages, and post more.


Note: I started writing this as of post #345, so if stuff has changed since then, bear with me.

09. cabot - Targeted early. A little on the defensive side, much like I was D1 in AC for Mazre's random vote, although squidy is certainly a bit more aggressive about it.

  • Squidy's first target
    Wants to hear more from the inactives.
    Wary of the self-voters
    Town: Can't tell
    Scum: redhood, Flush, squidy, CrimsonFist
Cabot's hard to read, at least for me. I'm not sure what scum cabot looks like, and a lot of his posts have been reacting to other people talking about him. I understand the feeling, considering there has been quite a bit lobbed his way, but it's still concerning. GUT: Could go either way here

10. Karu - One I've never played with before, and I honestly didn't keep up with Night Vale as much as I could have. I'll have to keep my eye on him.

  • Is still relatively new to GAFia
    Apart from some mild posts about have a reads list that he didn't want to post yet, hasn't said much
    Town: Can't tell
    Scum: Corn, Kawl, Burb
Karu's posted quite a bit, but nothing of any real substance. Mostly floundering back and forth about how useful D1 votes are going to be. And while there's a bit of truth to that, discussion is still all we have. He needs to step it up. I could very well be wrong, considering his "newness," but for now, GUT: Lean Scum.

11. Royal_Flush - The only time I've played with Flush was in GAFia, and he was scum, but a scum that was separate and couldn't communicate with his team.

  • Relatively active poster, seems to be contributive
    Town: Cabot
    Scum: redhood, Ouro, Flux, CrimsonFist, Mazre
He did have that weird comment about going to bed and dealing with stuff later, but to be honest I don't know what timezone Flush is in, so it could have been legit. I am a little wary of those that jumped on the comment though. His posts have actually seemed to have some substance to them, so for now I'm inclined to think Town. GUT: Town

12. Ty4on - Another one I haven't played with, though he had some time in MGS which I hosted.

  • Self-voted, though I assume jokingly...
    Most of his early game posts were fluff
    Town: Burb, Corn
    Scum: Splinter, Flush, Ouro, Mazre, Flux, Karu?
Ty4on, for me, seems to be coasting. Apart from one post on the last page, he's mostly been commenting on random things that have already been said. While it's not a clear sign or anything, I'd like him to be a bit more engaged with dicussion. For now, my early read is GUT: Scum

13. CrimsonFist - I only have experiencing his play in the Werewolf game, where he actually did a pretty good job with his scum role. I think he was found out only because of his role as the Sheriff rather than through any fault of his playstyle. Definitely one to watch out for if he is scum.

  • Not a fan of D1 read lists (but not against future ones)
    Town: Can't tell
    Scum: redhood, Flush, Kawl (maybe Ouro and Mazre)
For some reason as I started this post I thought Crimson was a lot more active than he actually was. That's not to say he hasn't been active (certainly more than others), but it's just an odd thought I had. His posts, apart from maybe one, seem pretty safe, commenting on the same things others are discussing. He's at least prodding some people for now, so for that, GUT: Lean Town

14. Kawl_USC - Another one I haven't played with, and I didn't follow HP all that closely.

  • Has the advantage/disadvantage(?) of not playing with a whole lot of people in this game previously
    Prefers top scum lists over top town lists
    Town: Can't tell
    Scum: Squidy? Corn? Flux? Splinter? Ouro?
As I was going through the thread, Kawl stuck out to me as not really posting anything of value, but he's stepped up as of this page. I can see his reasoning behind top town vs. top scum, and while I don't necessarily agree with it, I get it. For now, I think GUT: Lean Town

15. FluxWaveZ - Other than watching him in Woof 2, where he was a dopple turned scum, I don't have much experience with Flux. He did pretty well in that game, all things considered.

  • Self-voted early on, claiming he was hoping for a bandwagon on him for info
    The Crew?
    Town: Can't tell
    Scum: redhood, Kawl
Flux is another one that I thought was posting a lot more than he actually was. Going back through, there's not a whole lot of substance to his posts other than jumping on the redhood bandwagon. The self-vote irks me, too. I'd like him to contribute more. GUT: Lean Scum

Damn, that took a lot longer than I expected. There are a few players that are bothering me, but right now, I think my top scum is Splinter.

VOTE: *Splinter


people don't lie enough as town.

btw I'm the cop, guys. red check on cabot, also green check on ouro.


what do you mean it's day 1?



Note: I started writing this as of post #345, so if stuff has changed since then, bear with me.

09. cabot - Targeted early. A little on the defensive side, much like I was D1 in AC for Mazre's random vote, although squidy is certainly a bit more aggressive about it.

  • Squidy's first target
    Wants to hear more from the inactives.
    Wary of the self-voters
    Town: Mazre, redhood, squidy,
    Scum: CrimsonFist, Karu, Ty

Well A for effort.


Did I miss something?

A lot of my names were inferred, so like I said I could be wrong on them

squidy, ty and karu came about mostly from this page, i'll let you off with those.

I've been leaning town on Mazre and redhood for longer.

Also Flux was in the leaning town mix as well. I am less certain now.
13. CrimsonFist - I only have experiencing his play in the Werewolf game, where he actually did a pretty good job with his scum role. I think he was found out only because of his role as the Sheriff rather than through any fault of his playstyle. Definitely one to watch out for if he is scum.

  • Not a fan of D1 read lists (but not against future ones)
    Town: Can't tell
    Scum: redhood, Flush, Kawl (maybe Ouro and Mazre)
For some reason as I started this post I thought Crimson was a lot more active than he actually was. That's not to say he hasn't been active (certainly more than others), but it's just an odd thought I had. His posts, apart from maybe one, seem pretty safe, commenting on the same things others are discussing. He's at least prodding some people for now, so for that, GUT: Lean Town

Less day 1, more first 5 minutes. At the time I posted that people were giving top 4 lists with either no reasoning, joke reasoning, or reasoning based entirely on previous games, which just seemed useless.
1. I hate you. Stop building things up.
2. Did something change? did you think Splinter not arousing you was a scumtell or just lazy ass town? Or have I missed you changing read

Nothing changed. I never once explicitly said I found Splinter to be scum. My vote on him was for two reasons.

1. Kickstart his posting. Seriously, I think he tries significantly harder to seem useful when he is scum. He reverts to being lame and boring when he is town. It is frustrating.

2. To see if anyone would follow. Which is also why I spaced out my posts.


Nothing changed. I never once explicitly said I found Splinter to be scum. My vote on him was for two reasons.

1. Kickstart his posting. Seriously, I think he tries significantly harder to seem useful when he is scum. He reverts to being lame and boring when he is town. It is frustrating.

I mean he just came from Woof 2 in which I would not say he was lame and boring, he was ordinary there.
I mean he just came from Woof 2 in which I would not say he was lame and boring, he was ordinary there.

I found Splinter in woof 2 to be lame and boring as well. Perhaps I'm remembering Dangan differently since it was my first game, but he seemed to do a lot more in that game.
I kind of forgot that *Splinter was in Woof 2 when making my list of people I've played with before.

More just an oversight no my part, but he didn't make as much of an impact as other players there at the very least.


Less day 1, more first 5 minutes. At the time I posted that people were giving top 4 lists with either no reasoning, joke reasoning, or reasoning based entirely on previous games, which just seemed useless.

That makes sense. I probably could have worded that better. Others like myself were wary about very early read lists as well.


I kind of forgot that *Splinter was in Woof 2 when making my list of people I've played with before.

More just an oversight no my part, but he didn't make as much of an impact as other players there at the very least.

Probably due to being brutally murdered on N2, and had no PR to peddle.

I still say he was more useful, considering the last game as Town I played with him was MGS


Sorry, I have been feeling a bit burned out for a moment, so I haven’t been really posting since the game start, going to change that now, though.

I'm going to read you as scum whether you're scum or not, you were saved in Archer by Ouro but I would have read you as scum there. It's happened in other places whethere I was following along or playing. so. It's a big headache that's going to throw off my other reads based on interaction with you so I just wanted to push to get you gone early on and then you reacted in a sort of scummy way to the things I and other people are doing which strengthened my resolve to carry forward on my plan.

Sorry, this is just… not good reasoning at all. You want to lynch Cabot because… you will always want to lynch Cabot? That’s just bad and unfair play, even if Cabot is scum (he is not my top town at the moment, at least).

How am I supposed to elaborate on "Has only fluff posts"? Can you point me to any useful Ouro post so far? The only one is where he announces his future yet to be seen if really useful post.

This is… interesting reaction from Royal_Flush when he received a vote from CrimsonFist. Instead of responding to a (imo very valid) point, he instead tries to instantly shift attention from himself to Ourobolus, which is very odd behavior, to the say the least. Why the evasiveness, Royal?

I agree with Droplet, that Crimson has just been… kinda there, flying under the radar. He makes some posts, they seem somewhat agreeable, and then just… fades away a little. Feels bit like how he was posting in the last game he was in, when he was a scum.


Vote: Burbeting

Okay, hit me. I'm trying my best to understand why you are suspicious of me, but you are either giving overly vague reasons, or reasons that I don't really understand (me saying that we can't trust anyone 100%, or that I thought you meant me as the "most likely scum", because you had then put me as your scum number one.)

Tell me.


I don't like that you're so far behind the curve and just 'catching up' right now by responding to old posts devoid of the current context of the game. You're responding to old stuff but you're not acting like you're aware of the new stuff.


I don't like that you're so far behind the curve and just 'catching up' right now by responding to old posts devoid of the current context of the game. You're responding to old stuff but you're not acting like you're aware of the new stuff.

That is just my way of play. I read through the posts chronologically, and make comments to the posts that I see. Sometimes it means they are devoid of information from the later posts, but I have done this in literally every game I have played in gaf.


That is just my way of play. I read through the posts chronologically, and make comments to the posts that I see. Sometimes it means they are devoid of information from the later posts, but I have done this in literally every game I have played in gaf.

it's a very easy way to add nothing to the conversation because the conversation has already moved past you.
Criticising people for going back through old posts is just hurting contributions from anyone in an odd timezone or who can't be around 24/7.


It could also be a good way to get insight on, or revisit things that other people might have overlooked.

It's still worse than reading the whole thread before responding to certain posts in that regard.
Point is we don't know what has and hasn't been read and only have Burbeting's word on that.


Criticising people for going back through old posts is just hurting contributions from anyone in an odd timezone or who can't be around 24/7.

people should absolutely go back and read old posts I fully intend to reread the entire thread. Posting before you're caught up though is likely just repeating thoughts other people have already had which is kind of useless as town and a disingenuous play to garner trust as scum.


people should absolutely go back and read old posts I fully intend to reread the entire thread. Posting before you're caught up though is likely just repeating thoughts other people have already had which is kind of useless as town and a disingenuous play to garner trust as scum.
I agree with you in this, rereading old posts without context to new posts isn't very helpful. Also hello everyone!
Hello, it seems like everyone is dead.

Question then Redhood: What do you think of Kawl_USC? Seeing as he's been defending you the most.


Hello, it seems like everyone is dead.

Question then Redhood: What do you think of Kawl_USC? Seeing as he's been defending you the most.
Even though he is right with me being town, I find it a little suspicious. I totally fucked my start up, and it makes sense to find me suspicious. The mafia want to keep me alive because I'm an attention magnet( and I haven't even done any bold predictions yet!)


Isn't this prime time in the US? Why is this thread so dead?

Conversation topics
-Corn vs Splinter:
These two have a bit of history both competing and being scum mates. What do you think of their confrontations? There's lots of show, but little substance. Really the weird part is when they misunderstood me reading *Splinter possibly being a scum who slipped both went hard on me. I haven't really followed any closely in a recent game**, but in Woof *Splinter was much more active in prodding people about current events, but here he's on the other side being prodded by Corn.

-Burbeting vs squidyj:
There's much more on the first pages BTW. I have zero experience with Burb, but while I know I town read him initially he is saying a lot of stuff that is easy to agree with and my read was colored heavily by him voting for the same person I was thinking about voting for. Squidy scares me because his playstyle isn't terribly different from in Night Vale where he was scum. There's something more townie about him though; he is less arrogant and his opinions seem to evolve as the game progresses.

-Cabot vs squidyj:
I just posted this because I looked through squidyj's posts and it really stands out. I immediately scumread him in MGS for his doctor claim, but he was town. Thankfully scum killed him for me. I've made no attempt at reading him, but nothing big stands out one way or the other.

**/*Splinter was town in MGS which I subbed in, but NK immune and played very differently (hence the comments on him playing scum looking town and vice versa), but I didn't see him this "meh" in Woof. I skimmed Woof so I didn't build much of an image of Corn. There are WAY less crazy ideas here than in DR, but he isn't playing super safe either. He is kinda avoiding deep prodding like *Splinter did in DR.
Legend: In DR Corn was town while *Splinter was scum. First game for both.
Even though he is right with me being town, I find it a little suspicious. I totally fucked my start up, and it makes sense to find me suspicious. The mafia want to keep me alive because I'm an attention magnet( and I haven't even done any bold predictions yet!)

Could also be a way to look like a good townie, defending the low hanging fruit, plus you get to throw suspicion on anyone actually going for them.


Vote: Karu

I want to see a reads list from you, Karu. I've gone back, and I realize that you've barely left a mark in any of your posts. There was some weirdness with you criticizing voting patterns even though you placed an essentially baseless vote on Kawl_USC, and then you stated that you were about to post a reads list, but you refrained because of Corn and Kawl. I'd like to see where your opinions lie.


Even though he is right with me being town, I find it a little suspicious. I totally fucked my start up, and it makes sense to find me suspicious. The mafia want to keep me alive because I'm an attention magnet( and I haven't even done any bold predictions yet!)

Never too late. If the game was ending in two hours, who would you lynch?
The Client peeks over the top of the dubiously questionable magazine and seems excited about this bold predictions business!

On that, we have less than 24 hours to Tunnel Time~


So my first draft of this post got eaten by the GAF database error (Remember kids: Always copy your post to the clipboard before hitting Submit), so here is the second draft:

First of, the list discussion: I'm always in favor of lists and honestly don't get the argument against them. So Scum doesn't know who Town as a whole trusts? That's something they should be able to figure out anyway. So they don't know who single individuals trust? I honestly don't see the scum benefit in this, but it is additional information for Town when that person flips, especially when it's the Town list of a Scum. So I'd say Townie lists are rather good than bad for Town.

I think the mafia are all high activity posters because they see the talk of targeting low activity posters and they get scared so they contribute more. While I think that is good because it could be used as reads later in the game if we don't get them right away, low activity posters aren't good for the town either.
It's never good to assume that all mafia are anything at all. Yes, there probably is a Scum or two in the high activity posters but don't rule out the low ones!

Kawl, Mazre, and Ouro. Those three seem to have avoided (not through their own efforts) being the topic of conversation. Talk about them Splinter. Or anyone.
I don't know if you still want an answer to this as it's a quite old post but as I said I didn't check in for a while. Anyway:

- Kawl isn't overly aggressive but provides answers most of the time when asked something and asks questions from time to time. I lean Town.

- Mazre: Lynch list without comments (he explains his top candidate later on). Asked for blindspots and names Burb (I won't count Droplet because with no posts and an excuse for it, putting her on any list at all doesn't make much sense). Points something out he finds odd, just to immediately downplay it. Answers some very simple questions (Well the third one actually has some merit). I think there is a reason why I always have him on my blind spot lists. He just fails to leave any impressions at all with me. Whenever I think about him (or Razmos, but that's a different story) I'm like "Oh yeah, that guy. I think he was doing okay-ish" until I actually go and search for all his posts. Doesn't look very good imo.

- Ouro: These two posts are very elaborate and really impressive. They don't get him on my Town list without further contribution, but at least they remove him from my scum shortlist.

I wish for you to review my behaviour in this game using my thinking here and tell me what I was doing.

First prize is a new car, second prize is a set of steak knives, third prize is you're fired.
You wanted to look who is non-confrontational about your nonsensical reasoning for the cabot vote? If yes, I want a Tesla Model S, please.

Can we just all change 'blind spot' that to 'unreliable reads'? I just feel blind spot is far too definite, knowing people as friends shouldn't change your gut too much, it should still stink if they are scum and acting differently to your own allegiance/team
Aren't these two fundamentally different things? I thought "blindspot" people are like Mazre is for me: Someone you remember in your game but no matther what he does, he just is a blurred bloke in your mind that you automatically associate with "Probably alright"?

And yes, obviously we need to trust people, but not from the start. My stance on not to trust anyone 100% is because Scums tend to use a tactic, where they try to get to the good books of people they know are town, so that said town might end up trusting them. In a game where we get absolutely zero information from PR's, there is a need to stay vigilant.
Putting someone on your Town list doesn't mean you fully trust them. In a game without PRs I actually don't see why you should trust anyone at all as everyone has exactly the same amount of information (well, except Scum) and can build their own opinions based on the same facts.

I found Splinter in woof 2 to be lame and boring as well. Perhaps I'm remembering Dangan differently since it was my first game, but he seemed to do a lot more in that game.
He was scum in DR... But he wasn't that exciting either. The only thing I remember are these huge spreadsheets he kept postponing and the Sawneeks incident.

This is… interesting reaction from Royal_Flush when he received a vote from CrimsonFist. Instead of responding to a (imo very valid) point, he instead tries to instantly shift attention from himself to Ourobolus, which is very odd behavior, to the say the least. Why the evasiveness, Royal?
I still don't see what there is to elaborate on "I have an eye on him because literally the only thing he made yet are promises". As he asked me, he had to think there was something more that could get my comment. If I was deflecting at all, I was deflecting back to him, not to Ouro.

This is s such a lazy read. I'm stuck with family for the time being, but I looked over the votes and one person stood out having received zero. Two of you discount my self vote.

VOTE: Burbeting
You vote for someone because he hasn't received any votes yet? That's just bullshit and additional noise in the already cluttered vote record.


The Client peeks over the top of the dubiously questionable magazine and seems excited about this bold predictions business!

On that, we have less than 24 hours to Tunnel Time~



Not really, but I've found some good tracks to listen to in the darkness as I (hopefully) crawl through the old posts.
Not really, but I've found some good tracks to listen to in the darkness as I (hopefully) crawl through the old posts.

GAF died for a bit, apparently o7

Oh. Here is a VOTE TALLY, because I am generous~

Karu (2)
Burbeting .64 .110
Ty4on .314 .314
cabot .351
FluxWaveZ .392

*Splinter (2)
Kawl_USC .88
cabot .92 .95
CornBurrito .254 .337
Ty4on .314 .314
Ourobolus .362

Burbeting (2)
Ty4on .348
squidyj .377

Kawl_USC (2)
Karu .74
CrimsonFist .312 .327
*Splinter .329

Droplet (1)
CrimsonFist .327

CrimsonFist (1)
Droplet .269

Royal_Flush (1)
CornBurrito .149 .254
redhood56 .156
cabot .220 .242
CrimsonFist .276 .312

FluxWaveZ (1)
Mazre .55
FluxWaveZ .56 .154
Ty4on .314 .314

CornBurrito (1)
Burbeting .110
Ty4on .115 .314

Ourobolus (0)
cabot .95 .220
Ty4on .314 .314

Ty4on (0)
Ty4on .61 .115

redhood56 (0)
CornBurrito .135 .149
FluxWaveZ .154 .349

cabot (0)
squidyj .60 .377
cabot .89 .92

squidyj (0)
cabot .242 .351

Mazre (0)
cabot .69 .89
Ty4on .314 .314

No active vote for Day 1:
CornBurrito (has previously voted)

Day 1 ends:

8 votes for majority


I was re-reading through Splinter's posts since I can't say I've found them to be memorable, other than his failed "gambit."

I was looking through Mazre's posts as he seems to have avoided much attention so far. This is really the only point he's made, but I actually think he could be onto something. I know it's possible for this to be nothing - as Cabot was quick to point out - but at the same time this is an easy mistake for Scum to make. I remember Swamped did the same thing at the start of Dangan.

So I'm actually mildly suspicious of Flux now.

What was the "mistake" again?


You vote for someone because he hasn't received any votes yet? That's just bullshit and additional noise in the already cluttered vote record.

Yes. I wanted to point it out because a scum playstyle often makes someone less visible. In DR CzarTim was the only person to not receive a vote D1 and in Night Vale, apart from squidyj's vote on Razmos, not a single scum received a vote D1.

Thank you for reminding me to read him more though. I honestly forgot about that even though I wrote about him in my big post.
The more I think about it the more I think I just should
Vote: Mazre

If he doesn't get into the pool of lynch candidates for today I'll most likely change to whoever I think is most scummy of those persons, but we have several hours until this point.
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