M Matlock Banned May 21, 2005 #1 http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/05/18/vibrating_knickers/ :lol Wow...just wow.
A Archaix Drunky McMurder May 21, 2005 #3 http://forums.gaming-age.com/showthread.php?t=48552 Archaix said: There are about four thousand topic titles that you could have chosen which would not only better explain the subject, but also draw more people to read and open the door for endless "witty" jokes. For shame. Click to expand... For example, this one. edit: Not a "YOU'RE STUPID! IT'S POSTED!" reply, just pointing out the superiority of your thread title to "Woman faints at supermarket."
http://forums.gaming-age.com/showthread.php?t=48552 Archaix said: There are about four thousand topic titles that you could have chosen which would not only better explain the subject, but also draw more people to read and open the door for endless "witty" jokes. For shame. Click to expand... For example, this one. edit: Not a "YOU'RE STUPID! IT'S POSTED!" reply, just pointing out the superiority of your thread title to "Woman faints at supermarket."