nome and nigma were on /v/ the other day, is this what youre talking about?MrMister said:Heh, I ran into Nome on... well the pit of the internet, but in a good light.
Yeah, just got done talking to them in a HoN thread. Nome doesn't like to post often on GAF, because he thinks it'll be taken in an official light representing S2. I told him I don't personally care!bzm said:nome and nigma were on /v/ the other day, is this what youre talking about?
delirium said:
kagete said:hey HONGAF, can someone make a shirt design for us?
Meeru said:So the final roster for the ign prime noob bash has been made. I didn't realize that team members had to not only join the roster but they also had to join the tournament.
Sebulon3k said:Insta ban, just to avoid everyone that thinks they will pro it up with him day 1. Looks pretty fun though, kinda mana intensive.
Dreavus said:Also, vindicator would completely ruin his fun.
She's a range carry/ganker. Level up her Q and E first (getting Ult when available). After you get some items that give her damage, level up her W to help you farm faster.Heavy said:I really like Forsaken Archer. I like her model... riding on the skeleton dinosaur, I like the fact she's ranged, I like the skeleton minions, I like the boney sound she makes when moving around. What's the best way to build her? And any other tips, thanks
Heavy said:I really like Forsaken Archer. I like her model... riding on the skeleton dinosaur, I like the fact she's ranged, I like the skeleton minions, I like the boney sound she makes when moving around. What's the best way to build her? And any other tips, thanks
It was me!Chinese Electric Batman said:What was the proof that it was them?
I always want to post, "damn this game look like sheeeeit". But that would be a bad ideaMrMister said:Yeah, just got done talking to them in a HoN thread. Nome doesn't like to post often on GAF, because he thinks it'll be taken in an official light representing S2. I told him I don't personally care!
Nome don't worry! We know you're human like the rest of us!
GJ on MK, dude looks fun.Nome said:It was me!
We do IHs daily just no IHL because we always have like 9/10 people of a team online. There has been talks of removing people who have not played any games and adding new people who are online.Sebulon3k said:GJ on MK, dude looks fun.
We doing IHL tonight? Is IHL still around?
Yes ill be on from 2-5pm central as my wife will be in school. Ihl now!!!Sebulon3k said:GJ on MK, dude looks fun.
We doing IHL tonight? Is IHL still around?
Now that would be hilarious!Nome said:I always want to post, "damn this game look like sheeeeit". But that would be a bad idea![]()
What about her beginning items... what you first buy at the fountain and also the laning items. Just go with recommended?delirium said:She's a range carry/ganker. Level up her Q and E first (getting Ult when available). After you get some items that give her damage, level up her W to help you farm faster.
Item to get on her: Steamboots -> Frostburn -> (Shruken/Null if needed) -> Split Frostburn to make Frostwulf and Geo's.
I'll be on tomorrow if you wanna playMoobabe said:Are you on now? I'm coming on for a game or two of some nice relaxed, no stress HON if you want to play.
Standard AGI carry items.Heavy said:What about her beginning items... what you first buy at the fountain and also the laning items. Just go with recommended?
they posted on their twitters that it was them, and nigma was using a tripChinese Electric Batman said:What was the proof that it was them?
whoa awesome i am readydelirium said:Whoa whoa. HonCast just said that MSI and OK are having a show match (Thursday) and they're showing off a bunch of new features including 2 new heroes that are coming out this friday? WTF.
EDIT: New spectator interface also? Something like DOTA TV?
Moobabe said:White t-shirt. Black helvetica.
Front - "solo mid"
Back - "boots first"
Do it.
delirium said:Whoa whoa. HonCast just said that MSI and OK are having a show match (Thursday) and they're showing off a bunch of new features including 2 new heroes that are coming out this friday? WTF.
EDIT: New spectator interface also? Something like DOTA TV?
NukeDukem said:arial bold, but close enough to helvetica.
Procarbine said:"Meeru, if I invite you to this tmm, you have to promise not to leave"
"I promise"
31 minutes in: Meeru leaves.
Never again.
Neckbeard said:I'm convinced Freakingchair is one of my local NPR anchors.
Halycon said:Another writeup about tactics and decision making for those of you who learn better from words than from experience:
It's stuff every long time MOBA player picks up through trial and error but it might help those of you new to the genre.
Neckbeard said:
kagete said:I wish I was Ira Glass of NPR's This American Life.
shit sorry i didn't know it was against the rulesthestopsign said:I'm looking to buy HoN (I heard somewhere it is only $10 right now?). If I go through with this, would any of you kind gentlemen like a referral?
yo use my referral instead. +rep this post if it was helpfulspermatic cord said:Hey if you want to help me out use my referral link.
spermatic cord said:Hey if you want to help me out use my referral link.
Erm you get banned for posting referral links manspermatic cord said:Hey if you want to help me out use my referral link.
"Ban a hero !"
Drunken master !
"Ban a hero !"
Monkey king !
Interesting match.
Nome said:Inb4 Monkey King feeds. That hero is fucking hard to use, might release severely underpowered.