Sylvanas is still Sylvanas.
Good, I plan to play this game again eventually.
Sylvanas is still Sylvanas.
KT is still really fucking good.
Anyone else having trouble getting into a game?
Matchmaking is borked for my group right now. =(
adequate on a good day maybefits right in with the rest of the team
Butcher is the best hero on a good team and the worst hero on a bad team. Seems to be in a good spot IMO.
Illidan definitely not as strong but has seemed okay still from what I saw.
Sylvanas is still Sylvanas.
What did they chance about Illi?
What are your guys thoughts on the Brightwing changes? It is basically not the same character. I haven't had a chance to test it but it sounds pretty bad.
edit: I feel the game runs better now, it seems to run smoother.
It really does. I get perfect 60fps now without any stuttering!
lol nvm all the settings were nuked and my res was low.
Yeah, I love me some Butcher. Seems to have several viable builds as well, which is always a good thing.
I pretty much only buff fresh meat talents and take the attack speed bonus and often pick block and spell shield/movement speed upgrade. What other builds are viable?
Blizz really needs to start cracking down on all the kids going afk.
After the bonus XP weeks, my level 10 booster, and the booster that came with the start pack, I'm finally back down to the base XP level
I, uh, can see why people go afk
XP gain is so, so slow.
After the bonus XP weeks, my level 10 booster, and the booster that came with the start pack, I'm finally back down to the base XP level
I, uh, can see why people go afk
XP gain is so, so slow.
Man, I having so much fun with Butcher right now that I stop playing FF14.
Fucking shit just rekt people in QM.
Butcher + Anub is so, so good. Stuns and initiation for days.Man, I'm having so much fun with Butcher right now that I stop playing FF14.
Fucking shit just rekt people in QM.
I like blood furnace better since you can use it and charge in and do 1k to everyone who tries to help out their teammate, and if you have the 20 talent and people still chasing or too tunneled.
Man, I'm having so much fun with Butcher right now that I stop playing FF14.
Fucking shit just rekt people in QM.
I like blood furnace better since you can use it and charge in and do 1k to everyone who tries to help out their teammate, and if you have the 20 talent and people still chasing or too tunneled.
I tried out several things so far and I like to go all in on the damage, except for Victuals to sustain my health.
I usually go with:
1 - Victuals - Collecting Fresh Meats heals you
4 - Cheap Shot - Hamstring does bonus damage to movement-impaired targets. I like the burst Cheap Shot provides against squishy targets. Against a beefier comp I go with Envenom.
7 - Abattoir - Increases maximum Fresh Meat and less lost on death. Lessens the blow when you die and provides more damage.
10 - Still not sure which is better. I like both as they have situational uses. Usually go with Lamb to the Slaughter.
13 - Savage Charge - Ruthless Onslaught deals extra damage. This is where it gets crazy, You can open with RO and follow up with a bonus damage Hamstring if you took Cheap Shot and you'll scare the ever living crap out of anything squishy.
16 - Blood Frenzy - Fresh Meat grants attack speed. Synergizes well with Abattoir.
20 - Situational. Bolt being the safest, but Slaughterhouse can be fun with aoe heavy teams and Nexus Blades works very well with the 7 and 16 talents.
I also tried a Hamstring build, where you take all the Hamstring talents like shorter cooldown, longer duration and no longer fades for team utility and a Ruthless Onslaught build. These need to be tweaked a little, but I can see a use for them depending on map and team compositions.
This is all obviously still in heavy testing, but I like the results so far.
In about 2 weeks you'll have a good idea, since it'll spotlight the last week.So when someone changes (Illidan, Anub, etc), how quick does those skill % "popularity" thingies change on Hotslogs?
We know Posession for Sylvanas is like 0,5% usage, but if it gets heavily buffed, does is slowly increase in % or what?
Perfekt! Thanks!In about 2 weeks you'll have a good idea, since it'll spotlight the last week.
I'm not feeling the new map. Seems to encourage everyone to cluster into a huge ball of death and meet in the middle. I would have preferred something more like Dragonshire.
We have opposite taste in maps.I'm not feeling the new map. Seems to encourage everyone to cluster into a huge ball of death and meet in the middle. I would have preferred something more like Dragonshire.
Removal how so?
I'm not feeling the new map. Seems to encourage everyone to cluster into a huge ball of death and meet in the middle. I would have preferred something more like Dragonshire.
Stealth buff to Murky, that may be a bug. It's not documented in the patch notes.
After Octograbbing someone, right click anywhere else. Murky is free to slime, auto attack, rewind, etcetera, while the opponent is still trapped and being whacked at.
Yeah, I posted about it yesterday. I managed to pull it off a few times in a QM. Hilarious!
1v1s just got a whole lot better for Murky lol. Not that they were even bad before.
Has Blizzard commented on it yet and confirmed it's a bug? Not all updates get documented in patch notes, so it COULD be intentional?
What are the best split push heroes? I find I win a lot more games in QM when I'm just ratting the shit out of the enemy team. Already have Zagara, Murky, Abathur, and some others.