I actually like the new Brightwing talents. Being able to phase shift more often means better presence in large maps, and more frequent (buffed) shields and clairvoyance. And Pixie Dust is better now, being bounceable AND being able to grant ability DR or a good speed boost).Brightwing just seems so lackluster healing wise these days.Sad times.
Nah you don't lose all stacks when you go for abattoir (which you do in every build anyways). The 35% attack speed buff is ridiculously op with the brand too. It's a skill they probably nerf at some point.
I actually like the new Brightwing talents. Being able to phase shift more often means better presence in large maps, and more frequent (buffed) shields and clairvoyance. And Pixie Dust is better now, being bounceable AND being able to grant ability DR or a good speed boost).
The changes grant good support to the team in different ways, just less so in raw healing.
Nah it doesn't need to be nerfed, it's not even the best talent at that tier. 35% atk speed is good, but it's not as good as 40% atk speed and 75% reduced disables, which synergizes much better with butcher's brand anyway.
I don't like picking Abattoir over Final Assault. While it's tempting to increase your meat stack from 25 to 35 and retain some of it when you die, you lose out on that massive cast range for your charge.
The teams that quick match is building me the last few days are soul destroying. Every time I have went the butcher I end up against 4 ranged and get smashed because I can't even get close due to our team never having a tank, unless im supposed to be the tank.
I can't play qm anymore at all it's just insane and full RNG.
But it's massive from the get go... I've never felt the need to increase the range it's already guaranteed if you see the enemy. Abattoir is just godlike.
You think it is, that the initial charge radius is large but you're living a lie.
Perfect timing on the Abathur skin, I just got him with gold and I'm enjoying him a lot.
just join /neogaf channel and play with your gafs.
Out of morbid curiosity I just checked out hotdogs and saw that I am a gold player, no longer a bronze league all-star! Valla is also one of my most played and highly successful heroes at 78% which makes me kind of sad in a Drow Ranger/Sniper kind of way. And I play Kael'thas almost to my detriment.
You think it is, that the initial charge radius is large but you're living a lie.
You're in luck, Kael'thas positioning guide from Tempo Storm! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSFeyGQuW9MOut of morbid curiosity I just checked out hotdogs and saw that I am a gold player, no longer a bronze league all-star! Valla is also one of my most played and highly successful heroes at 78% which makes me kind of sad in a Drow Ranger/Sniper kind of way. And I play Kael'thas almost to my detriment.
I finally decided to upload my replays onto Hotslogs. Wow, my MMR sucks. Bronze League... Gotta do less solo QM I guess.
Always funny to read gaffers complain about randoms. What are you guys doing? Logging on, ignore /neogaf channel, queue for QM, get destroyed, and then run into the forums to complain?
just join /neogaf channel and play with your gafs.
[edit] not relevant to posts above btw. Noticed some posts back a page or so
I'm surprised this hasn't been posted: www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/3byv00/maphacking_in_hots_proof/
I'm surprised this hasn't been posted: www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/3byv00/maphacking_in_hots_proof/
You're in luck, Kael'thas positioning guide from Tempo Storm! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSFeyGQuW9M
That said, anyone caught hacking will get banned, they will lose all progress and have to start over again. I would imagine the more you play, the less likely you'll encounter a cheater. You won't encounter it in Hero League and will be more likely to encounter it in the lower levels of Quick Match MMR...where you probably don't even need a maphack to pubstomp as a smurf Nova..
Titan Arena IV - final day.
C9 Maelstrom vs compLexity going on right now. Tempo Storm plays 2ARC next with the two winners meeting in the finals.
MLG.tv link.
no butcher?
I would assume there's a grace period of new heroes being auto banned for the first weeks of release.
I would assume there's a grace period of new heroes being auto banned for the first weeks of release.
There's a 1 week auto-ban on new heroes.
for the folks who frequent McIntyre's stream, I'm pretty sure his esports caster voice is just a schamtoo impression
somebody teach me Zeratul... he's the only hero that I really suck at. like a lot. I die faster than Murky with him... I feel you need a decent team to be any good with him and that rarely happens in qm. :\ Nova has so much more escape and other bs, Zeratul not much. either you finish in 2-3 hits or you die. Team fights are very tricky to me...
somebody teach me Zeratul... he's the only hero that I really suck at. like a lot. I die faster than Murky with him... I feel you need a decent team to be any good with him and that rarely happens in qm. :\ Nova has so much more escape and other bs, Zeratul not much. either you finish in 2-3 hits or you die. Team fights are very tricky to me...
Does butcher fall off late game? seems like it?
if you never die, then noDoes butcher fall off late game? seems like it?
Just treat Zeratul like you would a Nova. The only real difference between the two is the proximity to your target. You have to be able to burst a hero down quickly and get out.
Zeratul is amazing for trolling Abathur because his blink doesn't break cloak, so you can get behind enemy forts easily and scout around.
At 16 he should spike.