The trick is knowing which heroes you can buff with him (Johanna, Illidan, Butcher, even Valla/Falstad) and which are useless (Jaina/Kael.) You really want to be abusing that auto-attack buff.
Of course, but you don't have a choice in QM, sadly.
The trick is knowing which heroes you can buff with him (Johanna, Illidan, Butcher, even Valla/Falstad) and which are useless (Jaina/Kael.) You really want to be abusing that auto-attack buff.
Do you play Sylvanas a lot? She's completely broken on that map...
Shocked this hasn't been posted for all the Kerrigan lovers.
Shocked this hasn't been posted for all the Kerrigan lovers.
Zeratul is fucking insane. Such a great and fun character. I went like 46 and 3 the first game I used him, our team was dominating though haha. Won 3 games in a row with a high kill count and man he is just so satisfying. Top three characters: Johanna, Butcher and now Zeratul.
playing Stiches, you can't use Gorge on Johanna but works just fine on about every other tank I think. Who else it doesn't work on?
He is quite fun. Nothing like hanging back a bit and picking off stragglers as they try to run back and heal up. So good!
Sorry if I've asked this before, but how was Envenom changed? Was it changed for everyone?
She probably had unstoppable? It's her trait on a 20s cd. Gives her that and a shield.
I don't think that was it, Gorge text says it does not work on "massive heroes", I have no idea who counts as massive. It never worked on Johanna, the cursor just turns to disabled all the time :\
I don't think that was it, Gorge text says it does not work on "massive heroes", I have no idea who counts as massive. It never worked on Johanna, the cursor just turns to disabled all the time :\
I don't think that was it, Gorge text says it does not work on "massive heroes", I have no idea who counts as massive. It never worked on Johanna, the cursor just turns to disabled all the time :\
3400 Abathur![]()
Well another problem I find with Abathur is he's fantastic in some compositions, but awful in others.
I doubt that Abathur is underrated. What I find is that there is no in-between. Abathur can be instrumental in winning a game or heavily responsible for losing the match...and the losing Abathurs are much more frequent.
That's why people groan when he gets picked, in my experience. Not because they think he sucks as a character, but rather because the chances of getting a player with excellent map awareness at the helm are exponentially lower than getting a baddie and that spells disaster.
The other part of the problem seems to be that on roughly half the maps you simply need bodies regardless of what the hero is actually doing. Securing a temple or dragon knight requires physical presence, for example, that Abathur can't or won't provide.
The trick is knowing which heroes you can buff with him (Johanna, Illidan, Butcher, even Valla/Falstad) and which are useless (Jaina/Kael.) You really want to be abusing that auto-attack buff.
Yeah, 3400 in solo QM with Abby is nuts. I don't play him as much anymore because I'm usually queued with RL friends, but my MMR has remained near 2100 for almost a year. I don't use Hotslogs but people I play with do and my only chars with win rates near 60 are Jaina, Kerrigan,and Rehgar.
I just made an Abathur video on the new battleground(video) a few days ago that has my build in the description. I am on my phone now but when I get home I'll give a more thorough write-up. I'll say this though, Abathur is underrated and has been underrated for a very long time, at least as far as solo queue QM goes. I can't speak about him in regards to high-level competitive play though.
Wait, you are at rank 9 and are getting Raynors Raynoring still? What in the hell. (Do you use hotslogs? I'm curious if your rank and MMR are out of whack and you're being essentially brought down to earth because the MMR is much lower than your Blizz rank.)Starting to hate Hero League and believing in a "elo hell." Another game I almost top DPS on my team, on a non assassin character. Picked all defense talents. I consistently seem to do amazing in games, but all my team mates suck. Literally lost 9/10 games today. Constant raynors who ult buildings and never leave lane, and team comps where people only go all Assassin. I can only support or tank! Cant do both! Like what the fuck.
Went from rank 9-16 in one day. Game just refuses to let me rank up. (Note I have played a lot, I own all the heroes and none are below level 8. So it's rather annoying getting matched with horrible bad people)
Wait, you are at rank 9 and are getting Raynors Raynoring still? What in the hell. (Do you use hotslogs? I'm curious if your rank and MMR are out of whack and you're being essentially brought down to earth because the MMR is much lower than your Blizz rank.)
Honestly if you're sitting there citing K/D ratios and healing numbers as evidence for good or bad individual play you probably are ranked appropriately.
Hint: They mean absolutely nothing.
You may have had 2 deaths as Jaina, but maybe, as an example, you didn't Iceblock at the right time in a fight at level 22, got killed, and that led to your team losing the game. It's just one death, but it matters far more than any other.
If you really want to improve and start winning more, go watch professional games and videos from pro players. Tempo Storm generates a lot of content if you need somewhere to start. Watch twitch streams of pro players. What you'll learn from doing this isn't how to get higher healing numbers as malf, but how to better play the game; i.e. how to position yourself, play the map objectives, and work with your team better.
Yeah, but I guess that first part is what I mean. Most people assume someone playing Abathur will suck, so overall, expectations are low for Abathur. But when a competent Abathur player appears, well, things go a lot better than anticipated. Most maps require a physical presence (Dragonshire, the Mines, Temple, Tomb, etc.) - that's an inherent weakness of Abathur, but he can hopefully make up for it elsewhere.
Solo Q Abathur is the best Abathur. The opposing team expects you to suck so they play sloppy and your team expects you to suck so they play harder. Then, when you're actually a good Abathur, that pushes things over the edge.
Abathur is all about psychology! Oh, and I upload to HotsLogs sometimes, but it was well after I started playing that I realized lots of replays of my matches had already been uploaded by someone else. So, that was convenient.
Team "Stronk Tenk" is ready for the NA open this weekend, good luck to anyone else planning on fielding a roster
I feel like Stitches cooldowns are way too long.
Team "Stronk Tenk" is ready for the NA open this weekend, good luck to anyone else planning on fielding a roster
Raynors Raynoring
I will love to a Heroe dedicated to use the minions to push lanes, Abathur can do it in some extend but didnt increase the minion health or attack like azmodan.
There is already a Broodmother, maybe a Cerebrate from Starcraft, a Lich or Ysera mind controlling the minions.
Wait, you are at rank 9 and are getting Raynors Raynoring still?
I never miss a creep / Inspire speeds my feet /
your pings I just won't see / mmm mmm / your pings I will not see / mmm mmm
Because my rounds are gonna Penetrate-ate-ate
and i'll show up to the team fights late-late-late
and Hyperion is gonna strafe-afe-afe-afe
Take a loss, take a loss, ooh-oh-oh
I never miss a creep / Inspire speeds my feet /
your pings I just won't see / mmm mmm / your pings I will not see / mmm mmm
Because my rounds are gonna Penetrate-ate-ate
and i'll show up to the team fights late-late-late
and Hyperion is gonna strafe-afe-afe-afe
Take a loss, take a loss, ooh-oh-oh
Yeah, I generally play Abby solo queue also, mostly because it almost feels rude to pick him in a group with people because it pretty much feels like you're forcing them to play certain characters. I've got like 500-something games with him at this point and my win rate has never gotten much past 50% (I'm sure the 50-60 games I played after that one patch that nerfed him into the ground didn't help), but I just find the way he plays so much more interesting than any other character in the game and can't stop picking him.
I will say it's fun how things have changed recently. It used to be that people would bitch constantly about him whenever a team fight goes south, but now lots of people stand up for him because of his exp soak and attack buffs.
I also enjoy it when people notice the wacky ass places I'm parked across the map and start laughing. I think the danger of being found in your little shadow adds a lot to the enjoyment of the character also, especially when you get a feel for when someone is hunting you and you get out in the knick of time.
I enjoyed your video (forgive me, my sound is busted right now, but I followed it all the same), Teamfight with Monstrosity is my standard build but I keep trying to make UE work on that map, which may be what my problem is considering I feel siege pressure is really important. I hadn't bothered trying locust brood for defense and I hadn't thought about the Monstrosity's siege bonuses working on the Immortal, will have to try this later.
So I finally broke down with all the aby talk and bought the guy with gold along pajamathur. Tried him in an AI match and left it with a headache. Once I understand him better he'll make me a better player I'm sure but for now the mini map seem so small instead of hilariously big.
Thanks for the video Soka, it's rare to see first hand abathur gameplay.
One thing i'd like to see is more heroes who "break" with the usual MOBA narrative. It's one of the things that makes an Abathur or a Lost Vikings so interesting.
Pajamathur bought, I feel dirty but he my main
I will love to a Heroe dedicated to use the minions to push lanes, Abathur can do it in some extend but didnt increase the minion health or attack like azmodan.
There is already a Broodmother, maybe a Cerebrate from Starcraft, a Lich or Ysera mind controlling the minions.
I never miss a creep / Inspire speeds my feet /
your pings I just won't see / mmm mmm / your pings I will not see / mmm mmm
Because my rounds are gonna Penetrate-ate-ate
and i'll show up to the team fights late-late-late
and Hyperion is gonna strafe-afe-afe-afe
Take a loss, take a loss, ooh-oh-oh