Reddit thread with an update on what the bans were for- it appears this first wave did not hit the maphacks. But it did appear to be aimed at automated key entries- suggesting that mundane types of automated key entries may have been what the system is picking up.
Dat avatar thoI don't really think disabling allied chat is a good solution. Sometimes people do have something good to say. Probably better to just mute the offenders.
So since the patch yesterday I've had a minor problem with Zeratul. Apparently if I don't actively attack something in a certain amount of time (not sure what it is) the game thinks I'm afk and I get a big red text block of death on my screen saying basically "do something in the next 45 seconds or we'll ban you." Now I would get that if I'm straight up afk, but I'm running around and shit come on. Hopefully they fix this soon.
Dat avatar tho
Woah they removed the AI XP cap
Woah they removed the AI XP cap
So since the patch yesterday I've had a minor problem with Zeratul. Apparently if I don't actively attack something in a certain amount of time (not sure what it is) the game thinks I'm afk and I get a big red text block of death on my screen saying basically "do something in the next 45 seconds or we'll ban you." Now I would get that if I'm straight up afk, but I'm running around and shit come on. Hopefully they fix this soon.
Woah they removed the AI XP cap
Versus A.I. is set to jar of mayonnaise.
In the late game on something like Tomb you could easily have that happen if you're acting as a scout. But that really should only come up in 5v5.There's pretty much no excuse to be that passive which is why the timer exists in the first place.
Malf. Pick BW only for pick comps.So, Malfurion or BW, in terms of Healing
So, Malfurion or BW, in terms of Healing
When the patch hit everyone pretty much said BW was going to be okay. Even on Dreadnaught's new patch support analysis he said he thought she would be fine, but definitely a different playstyle. Once patch hit people were thinking it was Rehgar > Malf >>> BW > Uther.
Flash forward and she's pretty much considered the worst of the actual healers universally now. Dreadnaught and co even picked Lili over her in the last tournament finals, for example. Now it's more like Rehgar >> Malfurion > Uther >>> Lili/BW.
As kirblar said, she's still useful in a gank comp or if you went two support...but honestly if you go two support you're better off with Tassadar or Tyrande + one of the other healers IMO. She just can't provide enough sustain as your solo queue healer anymore IMO. Her numbers have gotten so low she can be regularly outhealed by Tyrande with the Overflowing Light talent at this point unless you make it to 20 and take the Soothing Mists talent at that level.
I main support with our group and we just don't pick her anymore. I'll take the new insane burst from late game Rehgar, Malf's sustain, or Uther's big targeted heals + Divine Shield + stun and even Lili's blinds any day over what she has to provide right now.
I generally main support if I do HL, and Rehgar has become my primary healer now pretty much. Used to be Brightwing unless the composition we had was more of a dive comp.
As you say, her healing just seems too little now making her closer to Tass and Tyrande in that she probably couldn't solo support.
BRB buying Rehgar
And I've still had good success mitigating damage in team fights as Bw via polymorph and (ability damage reducing bouncing to a 2nd hero) pixie dust, as well as shielding via phase shift (on a reduced cooldown). It's just a more proactive rather than reactive support role now, kind of like Tassa-chan.
There's pretty much no excuse to be that passive which is why the timer exists in the first place.
Really? Isn't it there so that you get punished for being afk? It doesn't make sense to put that same punishment on people in the game, regardless of what they are doing.
Also I think something is different regardless, I've been playing Zeratul for months and only yesterday did this message start coming up. I doubt my gameplay has changed enough that all of a sudden I'm super passive (which I'm not) and not doing shit in matches.
No surprise, good to have confirmation.Day To End ‏@daytoend86 9h9 hours ago
@DustinBrowder (1/2) in last 15 years of online gaming i have never seen so many people claiming innocence over bans.
0 retweets 0 favorites
Dustin Browder
@daytoend86 Investigation is underway.
Blizz has had multiple massive f-ups before in their automated waves.Reminds me of Halo Reach ban wave.
Even something as simple as attacking a minion resets the timer.
I bought Abby since I like support.
It's like playing a completely different game as him. Almost like playing an RTS.
I actually enjoy playing as Brightwing more now that she doesn't have a metric fuck-ton of generic talents. She's kinda helpless in the face of high burst damage line ups but pretty good at sustain and I like the talents they've added for her global tp. Healing Mist decreasing the CD and revealing all units on tp in can both be pretty handy.
Damm Rehgar is like unkillable and can be agressive at the same time
I bought Abby since I like support.
It's like playing a completely different game as him. Almost like playing an RTS.
I've played about 25 hours in total so far, and I've only spent $15. I bought the $4.99 Starter Pack and Sylvanas for $9.99. I own more than a dozen heroes now, and used gold to buy the rest.
I feel like every time I see you now you have a new avatar! I had to double take a few posts back before I realized it was you lol
I've played about that long and have only bought the $5 pack and Johanna for 10k gold. I have no problems with the pricing structure, and having 7 free dudes a week to pick from is plenty. Half the time there's one or two I don't even have a chance to try.
While me at the other hand of the spectrum I've plunked around 115$ in this game after doing a quick tally ... at least it's not as much as Hearthstone ... yet. Halp !
At least now that I have only 7-8 heroes left to have, there's not much left that I want really to have at all times.
I've spent $347.37 since 2/23/15.
I refuse to participate in this ungodly discussion going on right now
The heck is up with Alurs avatar?
For those on the East Coast who were in the lurch during primetime and the like with lag, tonight our group got put on a new server named US10.
My ping instantly went from 125-infinity from 7 PM to 10 PM to 40-50ms like it was in Alpha and Closed Beta. davemo and I were even at 22ms in one Haunted Mines and my ping never rose above 30ms that game.
There are threads on the forum and on reddit about Verizon FIOS people getting rekt by this new server due to some issue (and it was disabled sometime tonight to fix that issue), but if you are on TWC/Cox/etc. this is a godsend.