has there been any actual official news on monk or the next balance patch? I guess we'll find out at gamescom?
has there been any actual official news on monk or the next balance patch? I guess we'll find out at gamescom?
The only thing better than Murky is your avatar. All other answers are invalid. It is known.
This was something that League of Legends was trying to deal with for years. No matter how long they made the cooldown or how short they made the range of Flash it was still picked by almost everybody. Now they just balance around it.
What I like though is that Bolt of the Storm isnt always the best option.
Alur how many master skins do you have on your 30567 level 10s?
So who is the current roster for bad blood? McIntyre, erho, Syracuse, neiro, and ?
a trailer leaked in korea and theres some pictures from that, thats about it. Gamescon indeed, wouldnt surprise me if he was on ptr next week after gamescon and live in 2 weeks or something
Is Nova's super slow / hard hitting auto attack not a talent anymore?
It is, I believe it's the 3rd talent she could pick out.
At level 1 I assume? They should just go ahead and make it baseline since its pretty much a auto pick anyway
At level 1 I assume? They should just go ahead and make it baseline since its pretty much a auto pick anyway
I Never Pick it. I think it Is awful.
It only move the damage. It doesnt actually increase it. Instead of doing Say 1000 damage per second for 3s youll do 3000 the first second then nothing after.
I mean it has its uses but i Much prefer playing with more sustaind damage with one in the chambre in That tier.
I Never Pick it. I think it Is awful.
It only move the damage. It doesnt actually increase it. Instead of doing Say 1000 damage per second for 3s youll do 3000 the first second then nothing after.
I mean it has its uses but i Much prefer playing with more sustaind damage with one in the chambre in That tier.
Also, fun topic of the day - who CAN'T Leoric successfully duel? Butcher and Thrall seem to be the main candidates. Zeratul for some reason seems to really suffer against him...
Sustain means nothing to nova. It's all about the burst. It's an excellent talent.
I was gonna say this. Isn't the whole point of Nova to burst and run?
I think that is a great thing ._.I hate how much it relies on team and how solo play does not shine like it does in dota.
I am playing on low spec and I cant usually see Nova or Zera T_T
Sustain means nothing to nova. It's all about the burst. It's an excellent talent.
I just don't see it. The other options are so bad, and AA shells is fantastic for burst. Maybe one in the chamber works after rewind...but you'll still burst for a lot less than AA shells. Covert ops is garbage. I can't imagine getting much value from explosive round. I guess you can clear the mines a little faster but that's really not what Nova's focus is.You can also make errors, miss shots, or make wrong judgements. The other options give you wiggle room.
And yes, you can use Nova for sustain, if the situation is right.
I only pick the that particular ability, if the enemy team is very squishy and has shown not so careful behaviour.
He beats butcher, because butcher had to hit to life steal and Leoric doesn't. just save your Q for when he uses butchers brand.
Lol leoric does not beat butcher 1v1 not in a million years.
Lately I've had so much more success solo queue with Jaina versus Kael'thas. The positioning of the two is generally the same, try and hang back behind your team in a fight, but Jaina just has so many more tools to deal with everything that's a threat to her. With Kael sometimes it feels like I'm hanging back and just waiting and waiting for 16. With Jaina sometimes you're kind of waiting on iceblock but I feel like more of a threat throughout.
I don't understand how to play Tyrael, but I think I hate him.
My Jaina winrate is like 20% lower than my Kael's.
I just had Remorseless bug out on Sylv and not give extra damage. Anyone else seen that?
edit: Weird, just checked- damage bonus was in there, but was only giving the Crit! indicator on BB, not BoE.