what if the pet is non targetable, it just hangs out with Rex?
like it would be used in 1 move and maybe 1 ult. Like Thrall's root wolf, but the "wolf" is always there visible. just for flavor
What's the point then? Just to stand there most of the time? While you're getting rekt by the enemy, Misha just chills or runs beside you? Much interactive, such realism, many wow.
LOL you really want this bear.
I can see them making it part of an ult or even tying all of the abilities to it, but if it's target-able it's gonna be a bad time IMO.
The only conceivable way with it being target-able is like kirblar suggested - make it like a two viking TLV - but even then for a hero that would presumably deal damage as opposed to just occasionally do so/only when it's safe (and mostly just soak and clear), a diving bear you had to macro in the middle of a team fight along with you on Rexxar being melee as well seems a bit much for HOTS. I don't think Rexxar will have Jump or a massive sprint.