Did you somewhere factor in the gold payouts from the played matches?
Did you somewhere factor in the gold payouts from the played matches?
Is Abathur a nice character to play? I just got my first 10k of gold, and I'm not sure where to spend it!
The game has finally been released and you know what that means!)
I own Abathur and I love playing him, but unless your team is very good and coordinated Abathur can be a detriment, especially in random QM's. I only play him in co-op games versus AI, that way I don't feel so guilty in gimping my team so much.
If you want to buy a hero you can play in every mode and win with, I wouldn't buy Abathur honestly. He needs some tweaks in order to be competitive again IMHO, even though he is fun to play.
The game has finally been released and you know what that means!)
Never buy a character you haven't a least levelled to 5 during a free week. Gold gain goes down significantly once you levelled all heroes t 5 and your account to 40, so if you buy something expensive you end up not liking you'll regret it.
I go out for one hour. ONE HOUR, to fix my passport.
And that one fucking hour, I get a ticket, 120 dollars, for apparently having parked my car for 20 minutes in a load area for trucks. I've been parking my car there for 6+ years and they decided to add a new sign to that spot just now.
I am fucked. I am literally fucked right now. I just bought a bunch of shit for this game and I was barely going to survive the rest of the month. Now this happens.
I guess that's that.
G fucking G.
Dispute the ticket. If anything you can drag out the time until a guilty plea, should be well over a month at that point and probably even longer before the fine is actually due.
I dunno where you live, but the generally the process where I live involves going to court the day listed on the ticket, then enter a plea of not guilty, then they give you a court date which is much later, then you show up and - if you're lucky - just by showing up they may let you off the hook.
Otherwise, you go make your case to the judge, if the cop doesn't show up you get another shot at getting off the hook. If the cop does show up, you'll probably have to pay the ticket, in which case then you can tell the court you can't pay it right now and ask for a period of time to be able to produce the full payment.
So what tier is Johanna?
Kinda hard to judge after a day.
It's like Street Fighter where you have to work toward unlocking special moves before you can use them in matches, and they keep releasing new ones and the meta shifts. I remember when I tried it (early on). Things seemed okay until I started coming up against these hunters, then I saw this hunter thing was strong in the meta at the time and the way people were dealing with it was to... build an anti-hunter deck, which of course was not well-rounded and had plenty of troubles vs other decks. It seemed like a really shitty unbalanced Pokemon. I dropped out there and from everything I have read, things just followed this pattern, and Blizzard would "fix" issues by making something else broken, until it's all these counter-broken shits playing each other.
Okay I'll stop ranting about Hearthstone in the HotS thread now. I'm just rather vocal about the only Blizzard thing to truly thoroughly disappoint me. I had a go at MtG for a while once and it seemed waaaay better.
Yeah, that caught me off guard ._.What the hell kind of Street Fighter have you been playing?
waifu tier
edit: wtf
You know that tier means animal in german. Shes a waifu animal. Rrrrrrrrrrrr.
I'm having trouble figuring out when I need to push for objectives with my team and when I should split push lanes, especially while playing Illidan. Is there a certain point where this is more/less beneficial? Is it my fault for not joining the team if say the enemy team is 5 manning bot and I'm split pushing top?
I've generally been erring on the side of just split pushing, but I have a feeling I might be doing the wrong thing. I can especially see this as an issue in Solo queue, where even if it is the right thing, it still might be the wrong thing if my team engages and gets wiped. I'm more asking for when I'm playing with a group of 4 friends or something though, where we are all in skype and can communicate easier.
Hey, yo,
I'm all about dat 16 wins in a row
I don't care about dat versus AI or loss
Here I am folks, the best in the world across
I'm not afraid of no rebound nor MMR to bring me down
Yo I'm fucking shit up, now where's my crown
I wouldnt split push w/ gaz and zag, they are slo as fuk and easy to kill, you ideally want heroes that can tele like bw or heroes w/ good waveclear and escape
Split pushing is largely about drawing pressure, you want them to come up for the wave they are about to lose while you rotate somewhere else. If you're in it for the buildings you def want the buildings to be pretty low already; in general sitting in a lane in this game is bad, you want to soak the exp and move on if someone is in your lane (and come back when the wave is back), or bring some enemy up if you're alone to come soak what they are about to miss, relieving pressure on other parts of the map and freeing you up to apply pressure
There is no comma after "Street Fighter" so I was speaking of an imaginary version of it where you would have to unlock the moves. I suppose I could have put "a" before "Street Fighter" to further clarify this. Anyway, the point is that being so unfriendly to newcomers in a competitive game is dumb. In HotS you still have to learn, but the tools for winning are all right there in your hands. That's how it should be.What the hell kind of Street Fighter have you been playing?
That's the first thing I noticed in that video a couple weeks back, especially since I played Valla/Murky so much. I was like woooow. So wow Johanna attacks slow. Pretty cool design.
That's the first thing I noticed in that video a couple weeks back, especially since I played Valla/Murky so much. I was like woooow. So slow.
Gazillion skins might go on sale during the anniversary.
If he dies he can just spam heals without worry. He has you there. Plus, the respawn timers aren't that high in the beginning, so he's back into the fight with full life and mana pretty quickly. He's got you with the double now.
I hope when he plays as Tyrael that he yells at his teammates for healing him.
it says 100 wins in the play mode, which means either casual or ranked
So what tier is Johanna?