Change the settings to let it go unlimited like normal patches.need reports on raynor sonya and KT pls. still downloading... thought it was downloading in the background while I played wow but NO fucking game.
So anyone tried full damage Kharazim or seen one on stream in a decent game yet? I've not seen much damage output, but healing seems nice.
Do tell
Blood Elf Tyrande changes in imgur album form: clicky.
Nothing to tell, I've finally filled the major gap in my play which is properly and consistently advancing into line of sight of the minion wave when safe and not getting team fight tunnel vision. Standard play for Abathur, but something I've not been consistent with. I sometimes end up sitting in one spot for too long, or moving too far ahead, or even shamefully sitting by a tower for 5 minutes. I've been wondering why even though I advance through lanes and pop all over the map my exp isn't as high as it should be. I didn't fully realize just how tight the distance needed to soak if you're not actually fighting the wave and how dependent on line of sight it is. I admit it's a rookie mistake, but I've got enough experience now to know how to take advantage of it.
His rez ult is pretty crazy and may make for some unusually aggressive compositions involving him.
Monk's damage is pretty mediocre, but his healing potential is surprisingly much higher than anticipated
Glad they removed Ignite.
KT post 16 was a joke to play and extremely overpowered. I solo Q'd HL and carried my teams with him if we reached the late game.
They need to buff Stitches and Diablo. I see mostly Johanna/Muradin/Leoric picks, some Anubs here and there.
the new map is so damn hard to come back on. and the fucking golem is insane! like how are you supposed to defend against it if it leaps on you from auto attack range?
whoa straight up giving hammer 10% dmg
i love the description for the chen change
there's the bd prevention on leoric too
also uh....sanctification...what have they done lol
Siege Mode (E)
Cooldown decreased from 5 to 2 seconds
Can I have some free gold since I bought diablo plz blizzard?
You can just like I can get 25% off Novazon skin right now.Can I have some free gold since I bought diablo plz blizzard?
IKR. The hammer buffs are tempting me to get her since I have over 7k gold and I'm getting Diablo for free, but that also means I'm close to having 10k for Leoric.SHEEEIIIT
Jaina is still a top pick, but it will be extremely interesting this patch to see if auto attack heroes are actually viable. I'm glad they told imposing presence to go fuck itself
The wording on Kerrigan's BFB implies that she gets healed 10% and then gets an additional 20% as shields. If that's how it actually works, that's pretty big. Cleanse nerf will already help Kerrigan immensely but with the talent changes and overall buffs she's definitely going to be played a lot more this patch
Also, no, Kerrigan doesn't get 10% life. The wording is the same as they use for BFB; just because you "steal" health doesn't mean you "gain" health. Kerrigan changes actually disappoint me a little; I thought they'd do more with her shield talents, but perhaps I just need to play around with them to see how I like them.
You call it a rookie mistake, maybe rightfully so.
But one week ago this text would have been really helpful to me. I am sure somebody else will stumble over it and find it helpful.
Installing the PTR now. I'm excited to test out the new Abathur stuff. Hivemind got nerfed in coordinated premade teams but buffed for solo queue, which is great for me. Abathur winrate about to go bananas. Mines got a small buff to their timer which is nice... you can now stack even more mines in one concentrated location before they despawn. Should set-up for some very nice traps.
I hope Blizzard actually compensates the people who already bought Diablo for real life money.Add Diablo to Your Hero Collection
Diablo III and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls players who log in to Heroes during the three weeks following the release of the upcoming patch will permanently receive Diablo in Heroes of the Storm.
I'll be going 1-70 in D3 s4 as soon as the new season starts. Feel free to join!Malthael's Phantom mount
Starting with Season 4, Diablo III players who reach level 70 with a Seasonal character will receive Malthaels Phantom in Heroes of the Storm.
Well then, that's essentially 50+ games played! I guess since this comes out the same day as the monk gets released, I'll try and get this day one!Kill 50 Treasure Goblins!
A new Special Event Quest has been added: Kill 50 Treasure Goblins
Any player who manages to rid the Nexus of 50 pesky Treasure Goblins during the Eternal Conflict event will receive a special portrait reward for their heroism! Progress for this Quest will start from zero in the live version of Heroes once the patch is officially released.
Wow, level 10 portrait rewards! Is Blizzard telling me that leveling characters to 10 finally gives more benefit than seeing your portrait border in gold?!Many new portrait rewards have been added! Unlock them by reaching Hero Level 10 with the following Heroes:
Diablo Villain Collection Diablo, Leoric, The Butcher
Diablo Heroes Collection Series 1 Nazeebo, Sonya, Valla
Diablo Heroes Collection Series 2 Johanna, Kharazim
StarCraft Rebels Collection Kerrigan, Raynor, Tychus
Swarm Evolution Collection Abathur, Zagara
Night Elf Betrayer Collection Illidan, Malfurion, Tyrande
Reign of Chaos Collection Arthas, Jaina, Thrall, Uther
Stormstout Collection Chen, Li Li
Undercity Collection Stitches, Sylvanas
Finally a way to spend the gold I've been saving up (for some oddly reason)!New Mounts
The Treasure Goblin Mount has been added for a limited time, and is exclusively available for purchase using Gold.
they really dont like seasoned marksman
also this:
makes me think they have no idea what they're doing... not because they nerf the talent, because the words they are using in this description are just... ridiculously out of place? The quest didn't feel meaningful to complete? What game are you playing?
Monk's damage is pretty mediocre, but his healing potential is surprisingly much higher than anticipated
So, the new map is just broken. The objective is *far* stronger than any other map objective, and it seems like whoever wins the first one generally wins the game from the snowball effect.
GOOD.Increased the damage and Health scaling of Webweavers and their minions by 50% past the 15 minute mark.
love those azmodan buffs, can't wait to play him again, he was my first love and I only found a few more others I liked. almost thorugh the roster now.
Anyone know if the free stuff for playing D3 will work on console versions?