I guess I could spend the gold and save him for later, or do they have sales fairly often?
Sales are a weekly thing.
I don't really think the difficulty ratings are all that accurate really.
I guess I could spend the gold and save him for later, or do they have sales fairly often?
I guess I could spend the gold and save him for later, or do they have sales fairly often?
I don't really think the difficulty ratings are all that accurate really.
Apparently they're still trying to get the PTR up tonight.
Source? Any clue why it didn't go up earlier?
It's still Monday here in California.
I don't have an ETA to share right now, but we'll let you know if something comes up and we're unable to release PTR today.
That's usually the case, which is likely why they want it up ASAP.Isn't tomorrow maintenance anyway? Wonder if PTR will be up while the other servers are down
Ah yes I remember your Aba video when BoE came out. I'll check out all your videos tonight. I feel as if Aba can really make a difference in a game so I want to try and learn![]()
Finally figured out how to improve my usual Abathur routine. Finished a game last night 5 levels ahead of the other team. Hope I can be consistent.
Finally get to try Abathur! First match was really fun. I may end up buying him after the free week ends.
Err Alur Illidan was on sale last week just in time for the Illidan centric wow expansion announcement
So was shado skin (again)
Err Alur Illidan was on sale last week just in time for the Illidan centric wow expansion announcement
Abathur is my main hero. I've got a handful of videos on my YouTube channel with him. Basically, you push with Abathur by using any down-time between team fights as an opportunity to throw a hat on a minion wave and shielding, stabbing, and spike bursting as much as you can. Keep Abathur's body far enough up that his locusts can get in on the action too.
Got a patch to download on my launcher now.
Blizzard said:Game Server Selection
Players may now select which game server they’d like to play on by selecting it from the Preferred Game Server dropdown on the Language and Region options menu.
This setting will default to Best Match, but players may wish to change this if they notice connection issues when playing on a specific server.
Please note: As we continue to improve and expand our game sites, Best Match will provide the best play experience for most players. If you are not experiencing issues, it is highly recommend that you leave this set to Best Match.
If players in a party have conflicting server preferences, the server that is most commonly selected among the party’s members will be used.
Hitting Zera without dumpstering him will be tricky.Brightwings prices have been reduced to 7,000 Gold and $8.49 USD.
Zeratul not nerfed? Lol, wut?
Saves me some goldDiablo III and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls players who log in to Heroes during the three weeks following the release of the upcoming patch will permanently receive Diablo in Heroes of the Storm.
Brightwing got a 15-20% healing increase. Me like.
Awesome! I hope she's good again. My favorite support.
Is it 15-20% just on her passive? What about blink heal?
Hivemind getting a buff. One of the coolest talents in the game.
Oh dang, nice. Thank you.
Brightwing got a 15-20% healing increase. Me like.
The secondary Symbiote target’s Stab and Spike Burst deal half their normal damage, and Carapace grants half its normal Shield amount.
Such buffs!
Gathering Power was simply too good and was considered, by many, a mandatory pick on certain characters, which often lead to snowballing. We liked the ‘quest’ aspect of this talent, but it was far too easy to reach the cap and the quest didn’t feel meaningful to complete. Now, choosing this talent should no longer be mandatory, and the quest is much longer. Player’s will keep half of their stacks upon dying, which will help act as a ‘check point’.
They're down on generics in general now.they really dont like seasoned marksman
And Tass got nerfed. That FA change is amazing for Zera. Insta-2nd ban every game now.Zeratul gets buffed, Zag stays the same, Jaina/Kael/Leoric get the nerf bat.
Tychus, Master Tychus Skin, and all Skin Variations
Poor Zag, I wonder if they'll ever fix the banelings never being able to hit chest when you need to gather coins. Always zig around the chest.
Imposing Presence
Developer Comments: Statistically, it was almost never wrong to choose Imposing Presence. With this nerf, it’s still a great counter in the right situation, and as a result, we’re hoping we’ll see more play from our Basic Attack assassins.
- Attack Speed slow reduced from 50% to 40%
- The Attack Speed slow will now be removed when attacking a target that has not learned the Imposing Presence Talent
take my moneyNew Tyrael: