Spent about 10 games on PTR earlier swapping out Monk and trying out new heroes (and avoid Quick Match w/ Abathur week).
Still super snowbally, but we did come back two or three times finally. We did have one game go 18 minutes and another like 21 minutes. We also had this:
7:30 game.
Sylvanas and Sgt. Hammer seem pretty strong on this map. Sylvanas due to the small area of the shrines + the spread of W + compact for silence, and Hammer has a lot of good spots to hide and pew pew.
Monks healing is hard to gauge due to how quick the games go. I'm starting to lean towards it being more on the Brightwing side of things (lots of numbers built up over time) with a more reliable ult to save when you can time it right. He seems to have pretty good sustain but there's no real burst to speak of.
Very fun though.
IMO new map mechanic is the coolest yet. Way overtuned, but the creatures attacking players and structures makes way more sense than creatures attacking only structures.
I'm gonna be the bad guy here and say, where do you want people to learn heroes (for example Abathur) if not in QM? Bot matches are completely useless to learn anything. If you are so fussed about losing or having bad games go to hero league which is where you should be anyway for real games. QM is meaningless
It's not a bad guy thing. You're right. QM is where people go to learn heroes.
By that same token, you've posted lamenting losing streaks or Nova week or whatever and the like you've encountered just like the rest of us have. It's only natural. It's a PVP/competitive game and sometimes it's painfully obvious that one specific person just couldn't cut the mustard and that is frustrating.
My argument against this is that from my experience personally and observing those I've played with often/watched play often, if you don't have a natural aptitude for that heroes' play style or pick up the gist within the first few games it's probably not gonna jive with you, much like certain roles/classes in MMOs are unplayable for most players because it doesn't fit their mindset/playstyle. It's up to the player whether they continue to beat their head on the glass ceiling to bust through with an Abathur or a Murky or whoever they struggle with, but in the online world to vastly underperform as some of these Nova's/Abathur's/whoever and drag 4 other people down with you then you're probably gonna catch some flack. Plenty of folks catch BM for playing their hero the right way, after all. Definitely gonna catch it for doing it wrong.
I've never bought into "it's just QM it's pointless" either. If it was pointless we'd all play bots and online PVP in shooters, mobas, mmos, etc wouldn't be such a big thing. You want to test your skill against another team in a fair setting, not in a 4v5 which is where the frustration comes from. It's not hero league, sure, but that doesn't mean I try less hard or want to win any less. I'm rarely gonna roll Murky out in HL even though he's my favorite, for example, but when I octo a squishy in QM I still expect people to follow it up just the same.