Which one of her skills acts like that outside her dragon bot thing.
her Cloud serpent is targeted! I mean..can you blame me that dragons are targeted >_>
Which one of her skills acts like that outside her dragon bot thing.
Free Hero Rotation - September 1-7
Illidan (level 12)
Azmodan (level 15)
Experience is a little faster in random QM if you win at least 50% of your games, but AI games are quick wins so it isn't all that much faster in the end. Gold is the same way: you get 20g per QM loss and 30g per QM win but you only get 10g per AI win. HOWEVER, a typical AI game lasts 9-15 minutes, while a typical QM match is 25-35 minutes, so in the end, again, the difference isn't all that much.
Now, if you play QM's in a competent 5 man, that can all skew in favor of QM's by a good deal.
Yeah, I'm not going to get Leoric up to level 5 before tomorrow's rotation change, but I've been having fun with him too, so I might just spend the 10K gold and buy him. Pretty decent hero and fun to play.
Alright, will consider that when I buy my first character, thanks!I would consider those assessments to be reasonable.
Free Hero Rotation - September 1-7
Illidan (level 12)
Azmodan (level 15)
12 more hours until I'm becoming a full time student again 😊... RIP in Peace Heroes of the Storm 24/7 the Dream!
Wait University starts in september for you? I still have a whole month left.
Most of my friends in the US start university in late August or early September. One month break in December, one week break in March, then the school year ends in early May.
9-1 in placement games hopefully I get a decent rank
and gazI really wish they would buff thrall already. FUCK.
30 games or so I would bet. My mmr is shit for HL so maybe that's why.Have you played many HL games before the patch?
9-1 in placement games hopefully I get a decent rank
44 minutes on cursed?
I'd get it on Spider Tomb since that map is so easy to defend even with no structures left but cursed is huge
I really wish they would buff thrall already. FUCK.
Is there any way to get the Malthael charger through the PS3 version of Diablo 3? I've bought D3 twice on PS3 (vanilla and the expansion), and it's a little silly that I can't get the mount that PC players can get.
Any tips for Nova? I am pretty awful at her, and seeing all sorts of different builds. I prefer a build that's full burst.
The effort is very appreciated.Dustin Browder
Doing nothing but solo queue HL so I can see what you guys see.
The effort is very appreciated.
IGN said:Developer quits gaming industry after playing his own game.
Well...not massive differences I guess. But I've been YouTubing, and I see some guys One in the Chamber over Anti-Armor Shells. I also see some take Advanced Cloaking over Lethal Decoy.There's 1 Nova build, where are you seeing all sorts of builds? Unless they changed her lately and I missed it
People will be wishing it even more tomorrow when that Earthbreaker Thrall skin drops. So good. Hammer skin coming too.
Also Doubloon Mount is tomorrow in case anyone forgot/was wondering.
Should be tomorrow/Wednesday. Whenever they update the store for the Doubloon Mount and new skins it should change IIRC.
EDIT: MGSV time! Trading in Jimmy Raynor for Snake.
This matchmaking is awful with compositions....I hope it gets better. Other team has a healer, 3 assassins, and 1 tank. We have no tank, 2 healers, no assassins. Getting destroyed.
I wish you could Seismic Slam during Whirlwind as Sonya![]()
Odds are, based on what you posted previously you were on a decent run and your MMR got a little higher than you were ready for. Early MMR gains in this game can put you pretty far up the MMR ladder starting out, which then usually coincides with a pretty rough patch. The downside to those huge gains is that there are also huge losses...9 losses in a row this early in your career will have you playing with the dregs quickly. If things go well, however, after a good bit of games you'll settle down closer to the 50/50 category where you really belong.
And if anyone is expecting you to be up front in a team fight with Rehgar, you can safely ignore or mute them. That seemed to be Blizzard's original intention with him, but he cannot function that way and instead functions as a super strong AOE healer pretty much exclusively now. The rare exception being when taking his Feral Lunge talent (which has fallen off in popularity in the last two patches). That talent is mainly used to finish kills though.
I wish you could Seismic Slam during Whirlwind as Sonya![]()
I've been feeling Illidan lately. My first 4 or 5 games with him were god damned debacles, but I've turned a corner with him and gotten a feel for the kind of help I need to take engagements so that I'm not just getting focused and feeding like a dipshit. Also have learned the most valuable lesson: when in 5v5 team fights, the enemy's assassins MUST die before yours do. Learning to focus on back line damage dealers like Jaina and the Invoker guy has been a valuable lesson. Those guys do so much damage and they die SO fast when they've got a demon ninja dude flipping all over them like a god damned Dragonball character.
Finally waded into QM with Kharazim (I hate playing new Heroes right away, when everyone else is playing them like mad), and wow, it went really well. I really love his focus on mobility and positioning.
Also, why do so many people still think Li Li is a free kill? I'm still constantly having Vallas, Kerrigans, and other assassins try and chase me around looking for an easy pick off, and it's just not going to happen one-on-one. Between the blinds (which they don't even seem to notice), heals, and her movement speed trait, Li Li becomes of the harder non-tank targets to kill from full health, and so many of my opponents don't seem to get that.
Finally waded into QM with Kharazim (I hate playing new Heroes right away, when everyone else is playing them like mad), and wow, it went really well. I really love his focus on mobility and positioning.
Weekly Sale Items for September 1 8, 2015 PDT
Sgt. Hammer -- Sale Price: $4.24 USD
War World Sgt. Hammer Skin -- Sale Price: $4.99 USD
Magic Carpet Mount -- Sale Price: $4.99 USD