If MVP is legitimately challenged by both Team DK and Team Snake like reddit and others claim...wtf hope do we all have?
tempo just needs to pull their heads out of their asses.
they're way better then this.
If MVP is legitimately challenged by both Team DK and Team Snake like reddit and others claim...wtf hope do we all have?
That's the L20 upgrade.MVP showed as much against Liquid. It'd probably be too powerful if it had the 10 second interrupt other Ults have if they don't go off CD.
tempo just needs to pull their heads out of their asses.
they're way better then this.
That's the L20 upgrade.
I'm glad I'm not the only one in denial mode anymore
Really felt like their usual strat of winning through a team fight in the late game didn't work because, unlike C9 and other teams, MvP knew how to take advantage of a kill and pushed so very hard very early on. They never gave TS the opening other teams do.
Exactly. Typically it's TS who wins by playing conservatively and punishing mistakes. In That dk shrine game the shoe was on the other foot.
Just add QM Draft mode.
Quickmarch - QM MMR shared
Quickdraft- QM MMR shared
HL - Solo/Duo queue - individual HL MMR
TL - 5 Man queue, individual TL MMR
Does not work for me. Can you be more specific, please.Um...there's a duck hunt mini game on the splash screen of the game. How did I not notice this sooner. You just click the screen/(trees?). Gives you five shots.
Does not work for me. Can you be more specific, please.
I only know about the treasure goblin on the quest log, who can be rightclicked.
And during Butcher and Leoric you could right click on falling stars to trigger a treasure goblin
new mount looks cool. but doesn't really match anybody but arthas...
new mount looks cool. but doesn't really match anybody but arthas...
by game 3 TS already fell apart.
After game 1 they seemed shaken already, I mean when was the last time Tempo Storm tried the support cheese. Then picking Kharazim over Lili.
They even got desperate in game 2 with the bossfight.
Thanks, found it.
It even has the white box for the Nintendo Zapper
I am not very good at it though.
Anyone has found a score, that triggers something?
The boss fight was the right call btw - I don't disagree with their strategy at all there. Sky Temple is a *very* snowbally map without mule, and after a certain point if you are behind you need to shake it up. They killed the boss before MVP got there, the problem was their utterly inexplicable failure to cap it.
Firstly, Johanna stood off the capture point to attack brightwing - god knows why. Nazeebo placed a zombie wall perfectly to stop Arthas getting onto the capture point - but because johanna moved, instead it blocked johanna from getting back to the point and let arthas steal it in the middle of their entire team. It was a complete clusterfuck in terms of execution - but the call to do boss was the right one I think.
I also think this tournament has shown absolutely that Kharazim is not a solo healer at the top level of play. Dreadnought is an amazing player, but I think he has called that one wrong - if the enemy team can play around Divine Palm, Lili is absolutely a better call. They probably need to look at Kharazim again tbh - as it stands right now it doesn't feel like you get enough of a benefit from going with him, and divine Palm is just a bad version of ancestral that heals for less and may do nothing at all,
Looking to have a go at this after seeing the giant bomb quick look. Having never played a dota style game before, do you have to be a 7th dan black belt in order to start playing multiplayer on here like I've heard is the case with dota 2, or can you just jump in and learn as you go?
I have the cyber wolf but I saw there exists another one? Will this be available in the future?
I have the cyber wolf but I saw there exists another one? Will this be available in the future?
I have the cyber wolf but I saw there exists another one? Will this be available in the future?
After watching the DK vs Snake finals it seemed pretty clear that asia is one level ahead in pretty much everything, especially in team fights cordination and individual skills, dem bodyblocks and last second saves!, tempo is almost up there with their map control but lack in those team fights.. Team Liquid kind is kind of there, but is way too inconsistent and depending on "the mood"...
The two/three warrior meta makes a lot of sense when the individual skill gets to a certain level since it makes the fights last longer, and the longer the fights last the more likely the assasins/healers are to drop as you can push further to the opponents lines, and warriors are perfect for prolonged fights and pushing in deep...
LANs, big money matches and big hype matches are just a different beast. so I think Asia has the advantage when it comes to playing comfortably in a setting like that. but the online matches between c9 and TS is the highest level of play I've seen in hots.
C9 vs TS games were frustrating to watch, 1 team dominating but throwing away all their chances, the other team just scraping by till late game where they simply outclass their opponent.
TS didn't bring their A game I can agree on that, they weren't that good against C9 already, and they tilted immediately after game 1 against MVP.
Is there a difference to the experience you receive playing QM or vs AI? I lost a QM and got 30k experience and won an AI game and got 75k experience, so it almost seems to me like it's faster to just play AI games if my goal is to gain XP and gold and level up since you hardly ever lose?
Stroke their own wieners
Hahahahhaha jackpot
I think youre vastly underestimating cloud 9 for some reason. I don't think Tempo was bad in that match, cloud 9 is an elite team and played really well until about level 16. there's jsut some strange mental dynamic between those two teams because they've played each other so many times. haha
Cloud 9 went and made Liquid look like Kappa Wolves. But then MVP Black made TS look like Kappa Wolves when they had to play against someone that wasn't c9. Such strange performances
Experience gain is based on time played so no. You do get a bonus if you win in QM, but you can't guarantee a win so if you're going for simply time = EXP on a grind AI will work well. And it has shorter/instant queues. It's just kind of mindless.
Wait, #BlizGC #HotS @DustinBrowder, though I loved the stream, it promised information about Artenis;-) (Medic was worth it!)
Artanis news soon!@GuyShalev yeah. Sorry. Live show. Just messed it up and forgot to get to him.