Maybe me being at 1300 HL has something to do with it lmao
Maybe? Idk. You've definitely gotten better since we first played with you. I'm sure at that MMR you're able to carry a bit harder. You're definitely above 1300 for sure.
Maybe me being at 1300 HL has something to do with it lmao
Maybe? Idk. You've definitely gotten better since we first played with you. I'm sure at that MMR you're able to carry a bit harder. You're definitely above 1300 for sure.
It does. You can single-carry games up until you hit the "new player MMR midrange" where it all goes to hell.Maybe me being at 1300 HL has something to do with it lmao
I appreciate all your guys' compliments! It helps to learn when I play with high tier players like yourself. Maybe a MMR reset would be good for someone like me. Especially cause the system seems to be screwed if your team has a wide range of MMR.
BTW, after watching you play Kerri I def have a better grasp on where to place that W. The 43-0 game I only missed 2 combos. Hopefully I can still do it with people that are expecting it to come haha
2/3 warrior + monk strike ult could be cool but ive never encountered it
I guess my 1-6, or 2-5 record so far is an indicator of me being a shitter.
IAlmost 3200 QM, 2500 HL what gives?
Monk paired with a long range specialist is a nightmate to dael against, I though his healing Ult is pretty OP since it cant be interrupted and make invulnerable the healing object
Monk paired with a long range specialist is a nightmate to dael against, I though his healing Ult is pretty OP since it cant be interrupted and make invulnerable the healing object
Gotta remember it's two completely different buckets
Maybe it just means more people play HL then QM. Or you can pull out wins others normally don't in the face of the QM bullshit randomness. Or you've just played a lot more QM then HL and it'll even out eventually
I don't think it's OP at all. It's very avoidable and most players will let it wear out. On the flip side, if you apply it too early and don't dive back in to proc it, you just wasted it as well. Unlike Ancestral, you literally have to apply it at the last second possible to get the most value.
Early in the last game I played, I jumped a laning monk as Kerrigan, landed my combo, and envenomed him, and he nearly killed me. (I don't normally pick envenom)
So, as I'm sitting at the fountain, I watch Diablo come and try the same thing, and he kills the Diablo. Just stands there, auto attacking and healing.
Even if his winrate isn't great, it's pretty silly that his healing spec can murder an assassin and a warrior, back to back. I suspect his single target DPS, as a healer, could be cooled off a bit.
I'd assume he'll be overtuned and stupid like Leoric to make up for what looks like a hyper-underwhelming kit.Hmm. Not sure how I feel about him. May be the first I wait until the price drop.
inb4 Alur makes some snarky comment
I'd assume he'll be overtuned and stupid like Leoric to make up for what looks like a hyper-underwhelming kit.
So the spotlight didn't explain what happens if Misha dies. Does the other team get XP? Does she respawn instantly or on a timer?
So the spotlight didn't explain what happens if Misha dies. Does the other team get XP? Does she respawn instantly or on a timer?
Misha is .25 of a hero kill. The dev wasn't certain, but said that her respawn was either 10 second base, increase by 2 second per lvl, or 15 base, 1 second per lvl.
Rexar looks hot. But I'm not coming back until I beat metal gear. I need to know what's in that game/story. I NEED it.
Looks kinda underwhelming like a sustain DPS
Lookskinda underwhelming like a sustain DPSlike he's the best hero in the game.
Only gods play Uther and people with Stockholm syndrome play Li Li. Kharazim's winrate probably sucks because he can do too many different things and people don't know how to manage it, like Tassadar, but when a person know what's up his heals are basically like old Brightwing.
He's a ranged Warrior, hence all the stuns and disables and self sustain.
Oh, a warrior? I thought Rexxar was gonna be a Assassin that explains the CC and camp management.
But there are so many warriors in a row now, Jo, Leo and now Rexxar.
I'm guessing after Artanis, there won't be any more for a while, given there will be more warriors than any other character type:
I don't know how they can top Leoric for variety/fun factor, but I suppose if it was gonna be done on a warrior this'd be the chance. I don't see it in the kit/preview, but my hope is the juggling will make it a lot more satisfying.
He will be a warrior too? oh god.
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I don't get the hate some of you got for him.
When is Rexxar out? Feeling slightly burned on Diablo and starting to miss Heroes