I imagine it'll be similar to how it is in SC2 so yeah, unless they've shown otherwise somewhereMedic is gonna have a heal beam TF2 style right? Maybe that will get me back in this again :/
Said the same about monk and Rexxar
Stupid diablo, get boring already!
Unless you're healing for TS.that super OP nonsense damage E D:
Just uninstalled the HotsLogs uploader. Decided that watching my MMR going up or down every single match was dictating which heroes I played. I didn't want to switch to new heroes to learn them and risk my MMR plummeting as a result. Too bad, almost made Diamond.
The purple and green tint on the Artanis alt reminds me of someone and i cant put my finger on who. I'm sure it's a "homage" just like the Samus tint but I can't remember what and it's driving me nuts.
EVA unit 01?
I'm still sad Mecha Tass doesn't have the 3 Deception Seekers as the color tints![]()
Rexxar is still sad you never even said hello.
Rexxar is still sad you never even said hello.
Yeah, pretty much.What is this garbage that I can't cleanse out of Butcher's chain ultimate? Is it like this for all ultimate disables?
What is this garbage that I can't cleanse out of Butcher's chain ultimate? Is it like this for all ultimate disables?
Yeah, pretty much.
Where's the Yoshi report on Murky? I haven't slept in weeks....
I thought it fucked you like Octograb.
No pre cleanse is so nice.... but then uher turns into a ghost. ><Eh? Octograb has always been cleansable unless I am misunderstanding what you're saying. That's pretty much why Murky has to target the healer unless the healer is an idiot or the team is split.
Really... I've been bumped out of holding it on someone but never had someone just escape. Shit tiers are shit. News at 11.
i dunno if cleanse works on lamb after the change
k1pro: I'm confident. We're the best for sure. We already smashed Europe.
Kaeyoh: I wanted to go to Mines.
Zuna: I wanted Mines too.
My only QQ about it would be, I agree with Zuna that beyond the fact that the three qualifiers is weird and you don't go to BlizzCon automatically from those but that you can compete in a tournament and go 4-3 and still not win is like....it is weird.
Are you going to report Leoric for feeding?
Everyone else already did.
Zuna did a lot of dying is that his play style or what was he on tilt?
I think tilt is Zuna's play style.
I hate playing perfectly myself only to lose late game because of idiot teammates. So damn frustrating.
Come one they played one team from europe.
Please don't get arrogant in general. Or do and let me enjoy you getting manhandled by asians. That way I could also finally root for TS again
Sometimes I think I'm too perfect. The game must give me shitty teammates on purpose just to make it fair for the other team
It was the "best" team in Europe, though, whom a lot of people expected to roll the competition. On the one hand I can see why they would they would beat their chests about it due to that hype and the amount of trash talk that went on among fans of both regions, particularly after several of the recent TL showings...
...on the other hand, the arrogance of Zoia is the main reason I hear people say they hate Tempo Storm and want C9 to win, and this pretty much echoes that but instead of the manager saying it and no players, it's like 3 of the players.
Yes the best team in europe but there's plenty good teams left they haven't played against nor probably paid much attention to.
The only other team from Europe attending even said they aren't among the best anymore.
It's also easy to say they would have fared better against MVP and that they aren't scared of asian teams when they haven't even faced them.
It's just the arrogance all around that puts me off, I get Zoia trash talking he's not only the manager he's somewhat their cheerleader. Not to mention that it's somewhat funny with him and doesn't come over as totally serious, or I'm just not taking him serious.
Team Liquid and Tempo Storm sit in the same position. Every loss is blown up and over-analyzed, the end is nigh, etc etc. It does look like Liquid currently are in a deeper hole than Tempo Storm so there's more glee there, but I do agree re: your next point.
Tempo and many others thought C9 would fare better against MVP Black than Tempo did. I'd tend to agree based on playstyle. However, to your point, that also stands to reason with other EU teams and their different playstyles compared to TL against C9 or Tempo might result in ____ EU team bodying them in return due to that different playstyle. Some teams just counter other teams naturally.
As for this, I think you are reading into it all as a lot more serious than it is. I pretty much only posted it to goad Milly79 cause he detests Zoia's trollingso it was funny to hear "the good guys" doing the same thing now that the tables turned.they are basically the same person
The two teams are constantly giving each other props, they hang out tons at events if their tweets/pics are to be believed and are always cracking jokes with each other on Twitter. It's just part of the show IMO.
Agree 100%. I think all the other pieces are as good or better, but Dread is the superior support and shotcaller IMO...though wasn't there some talk Fan was shotcalling? I may be wrong.